Michael Beschloss on 'Morning Joe'


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
MSNBC's Michael Beschloss on 'Morning Joe' today called former President Donald Trump a "monster" who wants to destroy our democracy and likened him to the threat of the Confederacy, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the 9/11 attacks.

Michael Beschloss is an unhinged left-wing crackpot and that is why he is guest on MSNBC.
MSNBC is a platform for the crazy Democrat bigots and racists to spew their fear and hate.
MSNBC panders to the dumb Democrat voters.
Trump was a moderate mainstream president.
He had a productive and successful presidency.
The real threat to our "democracy" is the corrupt Democrat Party.
Their version of "democracy" looks like a neo-marxist totalitarian one-party police state where opponents can be censored and arrested.
The Dems using the FISA court for false warrants is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat Russian Collusion conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat insurrection conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat censorship scandal is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Trump is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Journalists is a threat to our "democracy."
Garland lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Mayorkas lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Adam Schill's psychopathic lying is a threat to our "democracy."
Joe Biden selling-out our country is a threat to our "democracy."
Jack Smith's fabricated indictments is a threat to our "democracy."
Counting ballots behind locked doors is a threat to our "democracy."
Stuffing ballots in ballot drop boxes is a threat to our "democracy."
Exactly how is Trump going to destroy our democracy? With public demonstrations?
MSNBC's Michael Beschloss on 'Morning Joe' today called former President Donald Trump a "monster" who wants to destroy our democracy and likened him to the threat of the Confederacy, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the 9/11 attacks.

Michael Beschloss is an unhinged left-wing crackpot and that is why he is guest on MSNBC.
MSNBC is a platform for the crazy Democrat bigots and racists to spew their fear and hate.
MSNBC panders to the dumb Democrat voters.
Trump was a moderate mainstream president.
He had a productive and successful presidency.
The real threat to our "democracy" is the corrupt Democrat Party.
Their version of "democracy" looks like a neo-marxist totalitarian one-party police state where opponents can be censored and arrested.
The Dems using the FISA court for false warrants is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat Russian Collusion conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat insurrection conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat censorship scandal is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Trump is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Journalists is a threat to our "democracy."
Garland lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Mayorkas lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Adam Schill's psychopathic lying is a threat to our "democracy."
Joe Biden selling-out our country is a threat to our "democracy."
Jack Smith's fabricated indictments is a threat to our "democracy."
Counting ballots behind locked doors is a threat to our "democracy."
Stuffing ballots in ballot drop boxes is a threat to our "democracy."
Bitchloss is a far left wing “historian” which may be redundant. This explains the absurd rankings of American Presidents.
"Trump cult losers find something new to cry about. Film at 11."
Exactly how is Trump going to destroy our democracy? With public demonstrations?
By destroying the faith in our electoral system. I am sure you don't realize that the Civil War was initiated as a protest against the election of Abraham Lincoln. Hell, he wasn't even on the ballot in North Carolina, along with other Southern states.

I mean you people don't get it, you are absolutely clueless. You bury your head in the sand like a dumbfawk ostrich. I don't know how many times I have to say it. Trump not only knew he lost, he knew he was going to lose. He hatched this plan, contest the election, before the first vote was ever cast. I mean hell, don't believe me, go here.

You see the damn date of that article, July of 2020. Which happens to coincide with poll results that were coming in showing Biden had a clear advantage.

Look, if you are like me, you figure Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. But there is one thing that he has always been good at, reading poll results. I mean during his presidency he was often proclaimed as the best politician ever when it comes to reading polls. I mean he might ignore the PDB every day, his staff might have had to dumb down things for him, he might have been obsessed with FOX news, from FOX and friends in the morning to Tucker and Hannity in the evening. But the polls, he knew all about the polls.

He started screeching about voter fraud months before the election. And then he did something else. He discouraged his supporters from voting absentee or by mail. Well except in North Carolina where he told voters to vote twice, LMAO. But that is the other thing, Trump was told by his advisors about the so-called "Blue Wave", or "Red Wave", however you want to call it. But history had shown that the initial results coming in were always slanted toward Republicans. In person votes are tabulated first, absentee, early voting, they come later in the evening. And the last several elections have shown that those absentee and early voting results leaned Democrat.

If Trump thought he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning he would have encouraged his supporters to vote absentee or early. But he did the exact opposite. I mean why in the hell would anyone discourage their supporters from voting by any means possible? He did it to exasperate that Democrat/Republican differential in order to support his false claim of voter fraud. I mean a thinking person could have seen this train wreck coming from a mile away.

Look, Trump don't give two shits about you. He don't even give two shits about this country or our Constitution. I mean you talk about democracy, have you even looked at Trump's plan if he does become president again? You Republicans often cry about weaponizing of the Attorney General's office, or the IRS. Well Trump plans to weaponize every single branch of government. Quite honestly, instead of swearing an oath to the Constitution, Trump wants Civil Service workers to swear an oath to him. It is all out there, he is making no bones about it.

Trump actually believes that he is the smartest human on the planet. He knows everything, which is why he didn't have to bother with those PDB's. He believes he should be a dictator, actually lamenting that he didn't have the respect that Kim Jong-un has in North Korea. Congress, the Courts, law enforcement, they are just obstacles in his way. So yeah, while I would say that Trump is the biggest threat to our Democracy that we have ever faced, I would be fooling myself. The biggest threat to democracy this nation has ever faced is dumbasses like you. And that is the real story.,
Exactly how is Trump going to destroy our democracy?
Pence rejects certified Biden Electors that were submit by swing states that Biden won. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico.

With those states off of the electoral count map, Trump has more electoral votes than Biden.

Pence declares himself and Trump the winner of the 2020 election.

The only way parents could reject us notes according to the plan was because Republicans not states certified fake slates of electors Trump.

Fake electors are attempt to defraud the United States government and they were in the plan to be used to obstruct the official proceeding on January 6 .

if the plot were to materialize if Pence cooperated it would create chaos in Congress instead of the peaceful transition of power resulting violence the streets if Trump refused to leave the White House after his VP declared him the winner.
Pence rejects certified Biden Electors that were submit by swing states that Biden won. Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico.

With those states off of the electoral count map, Trump has more electoral votes than Biden.

Pence declares himself and Trump the winner of the 2020 election.

The only way parents could reject us notes according to the plan was because Republicans not states certified fake slates of electors Trump.

Fake electors are attempt to defraud the United States government and they were in the plan to be used to obstruct the official proceeding on January 6 .

if the plot were to materialize if Pence cooperated it would create chaos in Congress instead of the peaceful transition of power resulting violence the streets if Trump refused to leave the White House after his VP declared him the winner.
Democrats are liars and cheaters.
They stuff ballot boxes.
They count ballots behind locked doors.
They block Voter ID laws.
Of course, the Crazy Democrat Cultists will never accept the reality of the rotten Democrat Party.
Exactly how is Trump going to destroy our democracy? With public demonstrations?

Time to Cross the Ruby-Red Rubicon

This is a republic, which is always an oligarchic tyranny, including the "Democratic" Party's version of it. You can't destroy what never was, outside the world of ruling-class propaganda.

Julius Caesar destroyed the inevitably corrupt Roman patrician version of it, so there is a precedent for Trump destroying this obsolete political construction. Caesar also wanted more power to the Roman plebeians, who were a lot like the disempowered White people who built America.
By destroying the faith in our electoral system. I am sure you don't realize that the Civil War was initiated as a protest against the election of Abraham Lincoln. Hell, he wasn't even on the ballot in North Carolina, along with other Southern states.

I mean you people don't get it, you are absolutely clueless. You bury your head in the sand like a dumbfawk ostrich. I don't know how many times I have to say it. Trump not only knew he lost, he knew he was going to lose. He hatched this plan, contest the election, before the first vote was ever cast. I mean hell, don't believe me, go here.

You see the damn date of that article, July of 2020. Which happens to coincide with poll results that were coming in showing Biden had a clear advantage.

Look, if you are like me, you figure Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. But there is one thing that he has always been good at, reading poll results. I mean during his presidency he was often proclaimed as the best politician ever when it comes to reading polls. I mean he might ignore the PDB every day, his staff might have had to dumb down things for him, he might have been obsessed with FOX news, from FOX and friends in the morning to Tucker and Hannity in the evening. But the polls, he knew all about the polls.

He started screeching about voter fraud months before the election. And then he did something else. He discouraged his supporters from voting absentee or by mail. Well except in North Carolina where he told voters to vote twice, LMAO. But that is the other thing, Trump was told by his advisors about the so-called "Blue Wave", or "Red Wave", however you want to call it. But history had shown that the initial results coming in were always slanted toward Republicans. In person votes are tabulated first, absentee, early voting, they come later in the evening. And the last several elections have shown that those absentee and early voting results leaned Democrat.

If Trump thought he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning he would have encouraged his supporters to vote absentee or early. But he did the exact opposite. I mean why in the hell would anyone discourage their supporters from voting by any means possible? He did it to exasperate that Democrat/Republican differential in order to support his false claim of voter fraud. I mean a thinking person could have seen this train wreck coming from a mile away.

Look, Trump don't give two shits about you. He don't even give two shits about this country or our Constitution. I mean you talk about democracy, have you even looked at Trump's plan if he does become president again? You Republicans often cry about weaponizing of the Attorney General's office, or the IRS. Well Trump plans to weaponize every single branch of government. Quite honestly, instead of swearing an oath to the Constitution, Trump wants Civil Service workers to swear an oath to him. It is all out there, he is making no bones about it.

Trump actually believes that he is the smartest human on the planet. He knows everything, which is why he didn't have to bother with those PDB's. He believes he should be a dictator, actually lamenting that he didn't have the respect that Kim Jong-un has in North Korea. Congress, the Courts, law enforcement, they are just obstacles in his way. So yeah, while I would say that Trump is the biggest threat to our Democracy that we have ever faced, I would be fooling myself. The biggest threat to democracy this nation has ever faced is dumbasses like you. And that is the real story.,

Algore, the dems and his team of over fifty lawyers destroyed our faith in the electoral system in the 2000 election. Do you really believe hanging, pregnant and dimpled chads are actually real?
That attempt at stealing an election haves us our electronic voting machines. Guess which party fought to have no paper verification.
Algore, the dems and his team of over fifty lawyers destroyed our faith in the electoral system in the 2000 election. Do you really believe hanging, pregnant and dimpled chads are actually real?

Actually, Al Gore had his day in court, lost and then conceded in time for Florida to meet the “safe harbor” deadline. So the state of Florida went to Bush they won by 500 votes or something.

I repeat. Al Gore conceded the election by mid December, which gave the planning for the peaceful transfer of power, all the time and all the room and all the pleasantries to get it done.

500 votes the other way, and there would have never been an invasion of Iraq to find wmd based on Dubya’s big lie.
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MSNBC's Michael Beschloss on 'Morning Joe' today called former President Donald Trump a "monster" who wants to destroy our democracy and likened him to the threat of the Confederacy, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the 9/11 attacks.

Michael Beschloss is an unhinged left-wing crackpot and that is why he is guest on MSNBC.
MSNBC is a platform for the crazy Democrat bigots and racists to spew their fear and hate.
MSNBC panders to the dumb Democrat voters.
Trump was a moderate mainstream president.
He had a productive and successful presidency.
The real threat to our "democracy" is the corrupt Democrat Party.
Their version of "democracy" looks like a neo-marxist totalitarian one-party police state where opponents can be censored and arrested.
The Dems using the FISA court for false warrants is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat Russian Collusion conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat insurrection conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat censorship scandal is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Trump is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Journalists is a threat to our "democracy."
Garland lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Mayorkas lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Adam Schill's psychopathic lying is a threat to our "democracy."
Joe Biden selling-out our country is a threat to our "democracy."
Jack Smith's fabricated indictments is a threat to our "democracy."
Counting ballots behind locked doors is a threat to our "democracy."
Stuffing ballots in ballot drop boxes is a threat to our "democracy."
Mika is the only talent on that shit show of beta eunuchs.
Actually, Al Gore had his day in court, lost and then conceded in time for Florida to meet the “safe harbor” deadline. So the state of Florida went to Bush they won by 500 votes or something.

I repeat. Al Gore conceded the election by mid December, which gave the planning for the peaceful transfer of power, all the time and all the room and all the pleasantries to get it done.

500 votes the other way, and there would have never been an invasion of Iraq to find wmd based on Dubya’s big lie.

Algore conceded only after he had no further nonsense to pursue. So you believe pregnant, hanging and dimpled chads were actually real?
Algore, the dems and his team of over fifty lawyers destroyed our faith in the electoral system in the 2000 election. Do you really believe hanging, pregnant and dimpled chads are actually real?
That attempt at stealing an election haves us our electronic voting machines. Guess which party fought to have no paper verify
Damn but the stupid is thick here. Should every vote count? Fair question, right. Should every vote count? And don't state legislatures get to arbitrate an election, make the rules, you know, the shit you Trump nuts have been singing for the last three years.

Thing is, that wasn't the case in 2000. Those machines you talk about, well they failed to count 61,000 votes statewide. Florida's Supreme Court ruled they should be counted, on December 8, and the state legislature agreed to meet to review the results before the deadline of December 12.

All hell broke loose. I am old enough to remember. The Bush team immediately asked for a stay for the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court, at the same time, they sent goons in, many from out-of-state, to protest at the counting sites, kind of a mini January 6 if you will. Not like Trump ever came up with an original idea any damn way. On December 9 the five conservative justices, led by Scalia, granted that stay. Honestly, it was all a ploy just to run out the clock, get to that December 12th deadline, and eliminate the votes of 61,000 Floridians.

So now who was it that eliminated the paper ballots and instituted electronic voting machines. THE FAWKING REPUBLICANS YOU ASS WIPE. What party, to this VERY DAY, doesn't want every vote to count, REPUBLICANS. "We must eliminate voting on college campuses because those college students vote overwhelmingly democrat", I mean that is paraphrasing one Republican official, don't make me look up the quote. I mean for the love of God, live in a majority black district in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama and you probably have to drive ten miles to a polling place and wait half the day in line. Me, in one of the reddest districts in the country, hell, I can walk to the polling place and I won't have to wait fifteen minutes. And I live in the flippin boonies. That is the system you crooked ass Republicans have set up and it takes someone with their head shoved up their ass not to be able to see it.

And now, two decades of work have came to fruition. We are on the cusp of the absolutely destruction of the American Republic. Trump wins, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
Damn but the stupid is thick here. Should every vote count? Fair question, right. Should every vote count? And don't state legislatures get to arbitrate an election, make the rules, you know, the shit you Trump nuts have been singing for the last three years.

Thing is, that wasn't the case in 2000. Those machines you talk about, well they failed to count 61,000 votes statewide. Florida's Supreme Court ruled they should be counted, on December 8, and the state legislature agreed to meet to review the results before the deadline of December 12.

All hell broke loose. I am old enough to remember. The Bush team immediately asked for a stay for the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court, at the same time, they sent goons in, many from out-of-state, to protest at the counting sites, kind of a mini January 6 if you will. Not like Trump ever came up with an original idea any damn way. On December 9 the five conservative justices, led by Scalia, granted that stay. Honestly, it was all a ploy just to run out the clock, get to that December 12th deadline, and eliminate the votes of 61,000 Floridians.

So now who was it that eliminated the paper ballots and instituted electronic voting machines. THE FAWKING REPUBLICANS YOU ASS WIPE. What party, to this VERY DAY, doesn't want every vote to count, REPUBLICANS. "We must eliminate voting on college campuses because those college students vote overwhelmingly democrat", I mean that is paraphrasing one Republican official, don't make me look up the quote. I mean for the love of God, live in a majority black district in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama and you probably have to drive ten miles to a polling place and wait half the day in line. Me, in one of the reddest districts in the country, hell, I can walk to the polling place and I won't have to wait fifteen minutes. And I live in the flippin boonies. That is the system you crooked ass Republicans have set up and it takes someone with their head shoved up their ass not to be able to see it.

And now, two decades of work have came to fruition. We are on the cusp of the absolutely destruction of the American Republic. Trump wins, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

One drop box of 100s' of 1000s' stuffed nationwide day after day after day with Mules on a route making $10s of thousands of tax free cash from DNC operatives. pound sand.

Damn but the stupid is thick here. Should every vote count? Fair question, right. Should every vote count? And don't state legislatures get to arbitrate an election, make the rules, you know, the shit you Trump nuts have been singing for the last three years.

Thing is, that wasn't the case in 2000. Those machines you talk about, well they failed to count 61,000 votes statewide. Florida's Supreme Court ruled they should be counted, on December 8, and the state legislature agreed to meet to review the results before the deadline of December 12.

All hell broke loose. I am old enough to remember. The Bush team immediately asked for a stay for the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court, at the same time, they sent goons in, many from out-of-state, to protest at the counting sites, kind of a mini January 6 if you will. Not like Trump ever came up with an original idea any damn way. On December 9 the five conservative justices, led by Scalia, granted that stay. Honestly, it was all a ploy just to run out the clock, get to that December 12th deadline, and eliminate the votes of 61,000 Floridians.

So now who was it that eliminated the paper ballots and instituted electronic voting machines. THE FAWKING REPUBLICANS YOU ASS WIPE. What party, to this VERY DAY, doesn't want every vote to count, REPUBLICANS. "We must eliminate voting on college campuses because those college students vote overwhelmingly democrat", I mean that is paraphrasing one Republican official, don't make me look up the quote. I mean for the love of God, live in a majority black district in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama and you probably have to drive ten miles to a polling place and wait half the day in line. Me, in one of the reddest districts in the country, hell, I can walk to the polling place and I won't have to wait fifteen minutes. And I live in the flippin boonies. That is the system you crooked ass Republicans have set up and it takes someone with their head shoved up their ass not to be able to see it.

And now, two decades of work have came to fruition. We are on the cusp of the absolutely destruction of the American Republic. Trump wins, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

How many recounts did Algore win?
Damn but the stupid is thick here. Should every vote count? Fair question, right. Should every vote count? And don't state legislatures get to arbitrate an election, make the rules, you know, the shit you Trump nuts have been singing for the last three years.

Thing is, that wasn't the case in 2000. Those machines you talk about, well they failed to count 61,000 votes statewide. Florida's Supreme Court ruled they should be counted, on December 8, and the state legislature agreed to meet to review the results before the deadline of December 12.

All hell broke loose. I am old enough to remember. The Bush team immediately asked for a stay for the ruling of the Florida Supreme Court, at the same time, they sent goons in, many from out-of-state, to protest at the counting sites, kind of a mini January 6 if you will. Not like Trump ever came up with an original idea any damn way. On December 9 the five conservative justices, led by Scalia, granted that stay. Honestly, it was all a ploy just to run out the clock, get to that December 12th deadline, and eliminate the votes of 61,000 Floridians.

So now who was it that eliminated the paper ballots and instituted electronic voting machines. THE FAWKING REPUBLICANS YOU ASS WIPE. What party, to this VERY DAY, doesn't want every vote to count, REPUBLICANS. "We must eliminate voting on college campuses because those college students vote overwhelmingly democrat", I mean that is paraphrasing one Republican official, don't make me look up the quote. I mean for the love of God, live in a majority black district in Florida, Georgia, or Alabama and you probably have to drive ten miles to a polling place and wait half the day in line. Me, in one of the reddest districts in the country, hell, I can walk to the polling place and I won't have to wait fifteen minutes. And I live in the flippin boonies. That is the system you crooked ass Republicans have set up and it takes someone with their head shoved up their ass not to be able to see it.

And now, two decades of work have came to fruition. We are on the cusp of the absolutely destruction of the American Republic. Trump wins, stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.

It’s abundantly clear you live by leftist kook sites.
Quick question. Are pregnant, dimpled and hanging chads real?
Beautifully Spoken! :stir:

Michael Beschloss is an unhinged left-wing crackpot and that is why he is guest on MSNBC.

MSNBC is a platform for the crazy Democrat bigots and racists to spew their fear and hate.
MSNBC panders to the dumb Democrat voters.
Trump was a moderate mainstream president.
He had a productive and successful presidency.
The real threat to our "democracy" is the corrupt Democrat Party.
Their version of "democracy" looks like a neo-marxist totalitarian one-party police state where opponents can be censored and arrested.
The Dems using the FISA court for false warrants is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat Russian Collusion conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat insurrection conspiracy is a threat to our "democracy."
The Democrat censorship scandal is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Trump is a threat to our "democracy."
Obama illegally spying on Journalists is a threat to our "democracy."
Garland lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Mayorkas lying to congress is a threat to our "democracy."
Adam Schill's psychopathic lying is a threat to our "democracy."
Joe Biden selling-out our country is a threat to our "democracy."
Jack Smith's fabricated indictments is a threat to our "democracy."
Counting ballots behind locked doors is a threat to our "democracy."
Stuffing ballots in ballot drop boxes is a threat to our "democracy."

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