Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

Brown might not have been running away. We haven't gotten an autopsy yet to discern the number and trajectory of the bullets. Brown's friend isn't credible, either, and I don't particularly trust the other witness(s) either. We need the autopsy facts, and the witness accounts need to be thoroughly combed for holes and discrepancies.
Brown might not have been running away. We haven't gotten an autopsy yet to discern the number and trajectory of the bullets. Brown's friend isn't credible, either, and I don't particularly trust the other witness(s) either. We need the autopsy facts, and the witness accounts need to be thoroughly combed for holes and discrepancies.

Yes, along with the video the police released days later; his so called friend isn't credible, and Ferguson PD isn't either. The officer involved is said to be devestated, and there are no documents attesting to the fact. This may have been a tragic error, Michael Brown dead, the officer crushed.
Brown might not have been running away. We haven't gotten an autopsy yet to discern the number and trajectory of the bullets. Brown's friend isn't credible, either, and I don't particularly trust the other witness(s) either. We need the autopsy facts, and the witness accounts need to be thoroughly combed for holes and discrepancies.

Yes, along with the video the police released days later; his so called friend isn't credible, and Ferguson PD isn't either. The officer involved is said to be devestated, and there are no documents attesting to the fact. This may have been a tragic error, Michael Brown dead, the officer crushed.

It may. It may not. We simply don't know yet.

Fair-minded people should zone out those screaming Brown was murdered, and those screaming that the cop was justified.
What the hell is wrong with people who enjoy the idea of 17 year old kids dying?

No one enjoys it, but some see that some 17 year olds put themselves in a position where a cop has no choice.
Suppose the kid had gotten hold of the officer's weapon and shot him. We would all feel bad for the cop's family for about 10 seconds. Not a one of us would have devoted 2% of the time discussing it we have because the cop retained his weapon.
Brown might not have been running away. We haven't gotten an autopsy yet to discern the number and trajectory of the bullets. Brown's friend isn't credible, either, and I don't particularly trust the other witness(s) either. We need the autopsy facts, and the witness accounts need to be thoroughly combed for holes and discrepancies.

Yes, along with the video the police released days later; his so called friend isn't credible, and Ferguson PD isn't either. The officer involved is said to be devestated, and there are no documents attesting to the fact. This may have been a tragic error, Michael Brown dead, the officer crushed.

Doubt it's a tragic error. Brown assaulted a cop and died as a result. Very simple.
Doubt it's a tragic error. Brown assaulted a cop and died as a result. Very simple.

Do we know this for certain?

No, I know the KKK crowd is trying to invent crimes that never occurred, ascribing them to Michael Brown, while the anti LE crowd ignores the violence since the death of Michael Brown, excusing looting and riots as no big deal. Those interested know neither Michael Brown or the officer had a history of violence, and the officer is devestated. Still looks like a tragic accident.

The KKK linking Michael Brown to "ZOG":

“We are setting up a reward/fund for the police officer who shot this thug,” the Klan group said in an email. “He is a hero! We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place. Most cops are cowards and do nothing while 90% of interracial crime is black (and non-white) on white.”

?He is a hero?: Why the KKK is raising money for Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown - Salon.com

Some posters refer to Michael as a thug, the KKK is offering a reward, and refer to him likewise. The officer involved remains silent, and secluded.
No, the Ferguson police changed their story:

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was suspect in robbery | Fox News

Hundreds of sources. The PD altered the original "officer responding to a call" story(.)

No, they didn't. False media reporting half the story.

The full story.
Thomas Jackson, the police chief of Ferguson, Missouri, said later that the officer did not know Brown was a suspect in the robbery when he stopped Brown. Asked why Brown and a friend were stopped, the chief said: “Because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.” Jackson later said that "at some point" during the encounter, the officer saw the cigars in Brown's hands and thought he might be a suspect.

Ferguson Chief Names Darren Wilson as Cop Who Shot Michael Brown - NBC News
again you need an actual quote from the chief and then it is clear he is merely speculating about what he hopes happened.

Fair enough...watch the first two press conferences here and see what Chief Jackson actually said compared to what the media reported was said. Both videos combined are about 10 minutes.

Yeah? How many times?

Doesn't matter

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?
Actually it's for people who behave in a civilized manner, which does not include over-grown young punks who believe it's okay to bully their way through life.

I am no friend to excessively aggressive cops but the "witnesses'" version of this incident portrays the cop who shot Brown as utterly insane, not just aggressive -- and I don't believe a word of it. I believe Brown tried to strongarm the cop and the cop did what he is lawfully justified in doing.

And having seen what Michael Brown is I believe the world is better off without him in it.
I wonder why this guy was not gunned down?

Man accused in 7th Ward shooting rampage was misidentified, police say | NOLA.com

NOPD officers had begun to give chase, and the rampage soon came to an end with a dramatic police standoff. Police said the man stepped out from grassy area on Derbigny and pointed his gun the officers.

They ordered him to drop the weapon, but said he reportedly answered, "No, you drop your (expletive) gun!"

He tried again to flee but was soon arrested after police set up a perimeter in the area and ultimately captured the man near an alley at 1820 N. Derbigny, records show.

Oh....how silly of me.

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?

WOW how the fuck you can twist what Patriots stand for while defending a thug who stole from an immigrate small business owner goes beyond common expectation of comprehension.

This kid stole a box of cigars.

You "Patriots" helped the 1%ers steal the whole fucking middle class.

You talk smack all day about how you needs to have your guns so you can take on the "gummit" when they oppress you.

Shooting a kid in the middle of the street after he surrendered because he stole a $50.00 box of cigars. I can't imagine that being anything but "oppression".
It's not what he stole. It's the way he went about stealing it that offends the civilized mind. And whether or not you can understand that says a great deal about you.

What Michael Brown did was not only unlawful it was absolutely primitive, which is why I have no regret for what happened to him. He was an arrogant bully and the world is better off without him.
I wonder what the difference between shop lifting, burglary, theft and robbery are in Missouri?

Just wondering why people are saying this was a robbery at the convenient store? Each State has its own rules and laws on it...I suppose? some States have shop lifting of over $1000 then turns to a higher level crime than a misdemeanor...some States have it over $400....this kind of thing that changes...and sentencing also...each State would seem to have their own laws....?
All of this, and all of these types of protests is a direct result of media hype. Meaning, the media has their agenda, and we all know what they salivate over. It is that clear.

We are absolutely nowhere as a society. Nowhere. We see all of these situations as big business. All related to how the news BUSINESS get their ratings. We have been living in an era where the media (which includes the entertainment industry) where the minorities are portrayed as nothing but victims.

We celebrate and wave flags over the so called first black president. What is the celebration about? Is it an in your face whitey celebration? Well, it certainly has not shown blacks that they are not victims. Speaking of the president, he certainly does not help anything when he makes his comments, like...."He could have been one of my sons."

The liberals want to always cry about someone being innocent till proven guilty. Right. Unless it is situation where there is a white cop or a half white person (Zimmerman) who shoots and kills a black kid. There is no justification for them looting the stores in their own neighborhoods. None. Just like in LA in 1992. No justification. However, the media exasperates the situation, stokes the racial tensions, and the high up executives sit back in their black cushion chairs as they see their ratings go through the roof.

It is pathetic, and it is amazing how manipulated our minds are. You all see how Sharpton incited the father in the press conference?

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Booker T Washington 1911

The left ought to be offended by this type of shit. Instead they play right into the perpetuation of the false notion that it is still the 1950s, and there are KKK members everywhere.

I do love how the bunch that says we all need weapons to protect ourselves from the Government is now totally cool with the government shooting an unarmed kid over a misdemeanor.

Isn't this the kind of government oppression you say we all need to be arming ourselves against?

Or is that just for white people?

Brown committed 3 felonies in the 13 minutes before he was shot. By state law the officer's shooting him was legally justified. You are upset about moral judgement.

No, i'm upset that an unarmed man was shot in the middle of the street after multiple witnesses have testified he put up his hands and gave up.
Raising one's hands can be a gesture of submission -- or a subterfuge in deceptive preparation to attack. It really depends on distance. Raising your hands when in close proximity with an adversary could be inferred as cause to take defensive action.

If you don't believe me ask someone you know who has experience in such matters.
You whine about law abiding citizens owning guns but defend a thug who could have killed that immigrate small business owner. You would be pissed at brown if he had attacked an illegal wouldn't you?

If he had killed that immigrant business owner, I'd be all for throwing him in prison.

I complain about "law-abiding" gun owners because you keep shooting people with your carelessness.

"I need to have my gun to protect myself against the gummit!"

"Billy just shot Sally with your gun!"

Never going to happen

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