Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?

Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer..simple as that.
LMAO At nearly 150 feet away from the officer? Interesting.
The Officer did not stay at his vehicle so how far Brown was from said vehicle is irrelevant.
So he chased him down and killed him. Okay.
No, it is fishy.

As is the fact that Wilson's captain said Wilson didn't know about the robbery and then Wilson testified that he did.

Yes, more and more details are going to come out that will not line up with the facts, because the FPD lied at the onset. Really, physical distance from point A to point B is not hard to measure. It's one of the first things that criminal labs do in the case of shootings, to determine trajectory and a number of other factors. The only plausible reason the FPD would have had to lie and say only 17 feet (which would be only twice the distance from that police car to the fire-hydrant marked in the photo) would be to claim immediate danger to the life of officer Wilson. Also, at 148 feet, there is no way that an officer can claim that a perpetrator (and Michael Brown WAS a perpetrator, make no mistake about it, he was no angel) turned around to rush an officer.

The trial is over moron. You won't find anything that the PROFESSIONALS didn't.

There was no trial.

Something tells me that even if there WAS a trial, and the officer was found not guilty, the same people would be saying the same things, and demanding something more. Basically, some people will accept nothing less than the officer being imprisoned. I don't know what they're complaining about, his life is destroyed as it is.


That a guy who was in the middle of the street, had stolen cigars wound up dead is pretty shameful until you added in the assault of a police officer. Once that happens, all bets are off and deadly force is justified.

Does the police officer HAVE TO kill at that point...no. From the testimony given and having to shoot the guy 6 times, it certainly point to aggressive law enforcement.

That the decedent will not get a trial is a sad day for justice.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?

Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer..simple as that.
LMAO At nearly 150 feet away from the officer? Interesting.
The Officer did not stay at his vehicle so how far Brown was from said vehicle is irrelevant.
So he chased him down and killed him. Okay.

You left out the part about him assaulting the Officer while trying to take the officers gun, charging the police after being shot, and being shot again, then charging the officer again before being fatally shot again...Michael Brown had numerous opportunities to save his own life...he made some very poor choices...
No, it is fishy.

As is the fact that Wilson's captain said Wilson didn't know about the robbery and then Wilson testified that he did.

Yes, more and more details are going to come out that will not line up with the facts, because the FPD lied at the onset. Really, physical distance from point A to point B is not hard to measure. It's one of the first things that criminal labs do in the case of shootings, to determine trajectory and a number of other factors. The only plausible reason the FPD would have had to lie and say only 17 feet (which would be only twice the distance from that police car to the fire-hydrant marked in the photo) would be to claim immediate danger to the life of officer Wilson. Also, at 148 feet, there is no way that an officer can claim that a perpetrator (and Michael Brown WAS a perpetrator, make no mistake about it, he was no angel) turned around to rush an officer.

The trial is over moron. You won't find anything that the PROFESSIONALS didn't.

There was no trial.

Something tells me that even if there WAS a trial, and the officer was found not guilty, the same people would be saying the same things, and demanding something more. Basically, some people will accept nothing less than the officer being imprisoned. I don't know what they're complaining about, his life is destroyed as it is.


That a guy who was in the middle of the street, had stolen cigars wound up dead is pretty shameful until you added in the assault of a police officer. Once that happens, all bets are off and deadly force is justified.

Does the police officer HAVE TO kill at that point...no. From the testimony given and having to shoot the guy 6 times, it certainly point to aggressive law enforcement.

That the decedent will not get a trial is a sad day for justice.

You're right , I suppose. Wilson could have chose to let Brown charge him, possibly killing him. That would have made your day I imagine.
No, it is fishy.

As is the fact that Wilson's captain said Wilson didn't know about the robbery and then Wilson testified that he did.

Yes, more and more details are going to come out that will not line up with the facts, because the FPD lied at the onset. Really, physical distance from point A to point B is not hard to measure. It's one of the first things that criminal labs do in the case of shootings, to determine trajectory and a number of other factors. The only plausible reason the FPD would have had to lie and say only 17 feet (which would be only twice the distance from that police car to the fire-hydrant marked in the photo) would be to claim immediate danger to the life of officer Wilson. Also, at 148 feet, there is no way that an officer can claim that a perpetrator (and Michael Brown WAS a perpetrator, make no mistake about it, he was no angel) turned around to rush an officer.

The trial is over moron. You won't find anything that the PROFESSIONALS didn't.

There was no trial.

Something tells me that even if there WAS a trial, and the officer was found not guilty, the same people would be saying the same things, and demanding something more. Basically, some people will accept nothing less than the officer being imprisoned. I don't know what they're complaining about, his life is destroyed as it is.


That a guy who was in the middle of the street, had stolen cigars wound up dead is pretty shameful until you added in the assault of a police officer. Once that happens, all bets are off and deadly force is justified.

Does the police officer HAVE TO kill at that point...no. From the testimony given and having to shoot the guy 6 times, it certainly point to aggressive law enforcement.

That the decedent will not get a trial is a sad day for justice.

Hey Esmeralda, do you acknowledge that Brown was not 148' from Wilson when Wilson shot him?
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and call for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

Thank you for proving definitively that you haven't got a fucking clue about the facts in this case.

A) He was absolutely required to pursue Brown
B) He testified QUITE clearly that he radioed for back up (that call didn't go through, but Wilson didn't know that)
C) He also testified that he only planned on keeping him in sight for the 30 seconds or so that he thought it would take backup to arrive. BROWN chose to turn and rush him. What the fuck was he supposed to at that point, turn and run and go hide in his truck?

You fucking idiot, seriously, how stupid can you be?
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...

This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...

This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"

Not in my Neighborhood...

I would call it willful ignorance.
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It's obvious the officer chased him and killed him. He could have just let him go and called for backup if he believed it was a life threatening situation. The officer is in the wrong; he handled the situation very badly, and that is why there is so much controversy and why he has ruined his career.

A police officer doesn't let someone who has assaulted him go....someone that has proven himself to be aggressive, dangerous and has been wounded...that doesn't happen in the real world...

This incident has proven one thing to me , a great deal of people are too stupid to allow to breed.

I mean seriously "He should have just let him go?"
Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?
I love how all the liberals in this thread are supposedly law enforcement experts who know exactly what options were or were not appropriate for officer Wilson. It's as if they have watched enough Hollywood movies to make rational determination on what Wilson could have or should have done. Or maybe not even Hollywood but something from television, like Law and Order?

What we are witnessing here is yet another installment of "feeding frenzy" liberal mentality. A couple of drops of minority blood in the water and the liberal sharks simply go into frenzy mode, even though they know there is no case here. It becomes a left/right, conservative/liberal issue. Facts and evidence don't matter, only politics matter. To be a "good liberal" it becomes imperative you defend Michael Brown and/or attack and criticize Officer Wilson. If you dare defend Wilson you are a racist right-wing, Bush-supporting, Rush-loving NEOCON... obviously!

Let's say it was your 19 year old brother. Should he just let him go? Or should he chase after you brother then kill him in the street?

My brother was raised in a family where we were taught to respect law enforcement. He would have never ran, he certainly would have never assaulted an officer. He would have cooperated fully and would have been 100% compliant with the officer's requests.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine.

What a load of shit. He turned and charged the cop. Wilson's testimony says that. Credible eyewitness testimony says that, the EVIDENCE says that

He was TEN feet from Wilson when he died. TEN FEET , and had been hit MULTIPLE times. He was trying to escape alright, by killing the cop.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

Stealing cigars isn't a death sentence.

Trying to grab a gun away from an officer will probably not go well though. Failing to obey an officer after trying to steal his weapon from him will likely get you shot.

I guess you race baiters think cops should just allow a criminal who assaults an officer and tries to take his gun to get away without a chase.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?
No, you are lying.
What a load of shit. He turned and charged the cop. Wilson's testimony says that. Credible eyewitness testimony says that, the EVIDENCE says that

He was TEN feet from Wilson when he died. TEN FEET , and had been hit MULTIPLE times. He was trying to escape alright, by killing the cop.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

Stealing cigars isn't a death sentence.

Trying to grab a gun away from an officer will probably not go well though. Failing to obey an officer after trying to steal his weapon from him will likely get you shot.

I guess you race baiters think cops should just allow a criminal who assaults an officer and tries to take his gun to get away without a chase.
This is what happens when someone goes for a cops gun and is able to take it away
Johnson City police officer shot killed with service weapon suspect dies - Time Warner Cable News
I am glad that this thread is getting a lot of activity.

But there was a point under the surface that practically everyone has missed.

I am going to give it one more day to see who can figure it out.

Again, to recapitulate:

people went and measured the distance from the fire hydrant that was 17 feet away from an on about a 35 degree angle to the plain from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car from where officer Wilson claims to have shot. They measured from that point to the point where Michael Brown fell dead on the ground because of gunshot wounds. From that fire hydrant, with a walking machine that measures distance, they measured 131 feet. The distance from the fire hydrant to the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of the police car is 17 feet, but at an angle. 131 + 17 = 148, minus probably 6-7 feet to account for the angle, makes very likely, 141 feet, somewhat short of half a football field. You can also google in the two addresses and a distance will also be shown that is decisively larger than 35 feet.

The Ferguson Police Department, in it's first major press conference over the shooting, said TWICE within six minutes that the distance between the police officer and the perpetrator (and I also wrote on this thread the Michael Brown was indeed a perpetrator, he was no angel) was 35 feet. And yet, officer Wilson claimed that he shot from the PASSENGER SIDE DOOR of that police care. This is the critical point to remember.

35 and 148 or 141 are, of course, not the same number.

It is simple math, folks.

One member mentioned the exact type of gun used and many mentioned that it is practically impossible to get off one perfect shot to the head, let alone two, with this kind of semi-automatic pistol. Though it is theoretically possibly, I don't disagree with those members about their claims. I too would find it statistically very hard to get in a perfect shot at 141 feet with a short range pistol.

So, what is the point I have been trying to make the entire time that so many people have missed over and over and over again?

Let's see who figures it out.
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Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Yes. A man of Micheal Brown's size can cover 49 yards quicker than you think. I watch football a lot. I see 300 lb men running 49 yards in less then 15 seconds.

Anyway, you keep ignoring the fact that Brown tried to take Officer Wilson's gun, and at one point tried to kill him with it. Brown's life was forfeit the moment he attempted to kill the police officer.

Also, consider the marksmanship ability of the officer. Do you think he could shoot someone accurately at that distance?

Sigh, and you take this from a bunch of anti-cop, anti-Wilson activists who would otherwise not give two flying fucks about it if this were a white man.

and you too missed the point.

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