Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

Wilson tactical mistake #2

As soon as he realized Brown matched the description of a robbery suspect he should have had BOTH suspects in handcuffs until back up arrived.

The ENTIRE time the friend was loose and could have done whatever to Wilson as he was trying to deal with Brown.

You approach on foot and order both suspects to get on the ground with hands on top of their heads and ankles crossed, a MINIMUM of 10 feet apart of from each other.
Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?

Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer..simple as that.
LMAO At nearly 150 feet away from the officer? Interesting.

He was 150 feet from the SUV not from Wilson you stupid bitch.
People the Grand Jury saw the evidence heard the testimony of the witnesses and has made it's decision deal with it.
He was a criminal. Not that I believe your distances at all but he could have been 148 MILES away and he would still have deserved to die.

Maybe he deserved to be arrested and should have gotten a fair trial and a judgement. That's what the law says.

Do you not believe in the rule of law.

The rule of the law says that if you attack a policeman, he can shoot you.

So there's that.
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.

Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.
Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two tnoo the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

You can't hide a weapon in baggy pants, or you bought some of those x-Ray glasses out of a comic book?

Produce the link showing that Michael Brown was frisked.
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two tnoo the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Armed "and" was unable to win the fight over the gun, and ran when it went off, and was shot in the arm, and his pants were falling off, and .....
I so don't give a shit.

The grand jury didn't indict. Cry me a river, criminal, racist progressives. Nobody gives a shit.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Armed "and" was unable to win the fight over the gun, and ran when it went off, and was shot in the arm, and his pants were falling off, and .....

Would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

Where was Michael's daddy to tell him "son don't fight the cops?"
Holder Goes Full-Scale Hamas: Cops Are Occupying Force in Neighborhoods of Color

RUSH: This is really fascinating what's being attempted here in St. Louis and in Ferguson. It's not by any means the first time, but this is the most brazen that I can recall. We have an event that happened. We've had hours, days, weeks of evidence and testimony. It's been corroborated. The liars were discovered and thrown out. We know what happened. Yet that wasn't the desired result, and so that result doesn't count and it's being rebuilt into a new problem, and the problem in St. Louis is the cops.
The problem in Ferguson is the police. If you doubt me, listen to what Eric Holder said. This is more outrageous than what Obama said, 'cause Holder takes Obama's comments... Basically what Obama said is that Ferguson demonstrates racism is everywhere in America and now he, Obama, is on the case and he's finally gonna deal with this and he's gonna end it. But Eric Holder decided to add to or to build on Obama's claim that Ferguson demonstrates that racism is everywhere.
Here's what Holder said: "Problems we must confront are not only found in Ferguson; the issues raised in Missouri are not unique to that state or to that small city. We are dealing with concerns that are truly national in scope and that threaten the entire nation." What happened here? Again, they want to make it look like this happens every day, multiple times a day. They're painting a picture here that innocent young blacks are assassinated by cops who are hunting.
Multiple times.
"It happens frequently, and this is the last straw. We're not gonna put up with this any more," even though it's rare. It doesn't happen with anywhere near regularly, which is one of the reasons why this one made such news. But, anyway, the truth has been learned, and it's not what was desired. So Eric Holder says, "In the coming days, I will announce the updated justice department guidelines regarding profiling by federal law enforcement.
"This will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all," and here is the money quote: "Our police officers cannot be and cannot be seen as an occupying force, disconnected to the communities that they serve." So Eric Holder has now gone full-in Hamas. Cops are now an occupying force. Cops are not peacekeepers. Cops do not keep the order.
Cops do not protect the innocent and property.
The cops are an occupying force in neighborhoods of color all over the country. "Problems we must confront are not only found in Ferguson..." Isn't it interesting that that's the exact way this bunch talks about Israel, folks? They talk about Israel as an occupying force with Hamas and other terrorist organizations being the victims, and the Israelis are the mean-spirited, extremist, racist occupying force.
Now Eric Holder has gone all-in with the cops being the same thing, and he wasn't finished. Eric Holder said, "Problems exposed by Ferguson threaten the entire nation." He was speaking at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He said, "The nation needs to confront the broken relationship between group after group in this country." Now, let's see. What's happened here in the last six years?
Gays got gay marriage, Hispanics got amnesty for illegals, and African-Americans apparently are gonna be able to riot without anybody stopping them if they want to. Apparently they're gonna be able to engage in civil disobedience and the excuse is gonna be offered, "Well, it's just their feelings. The president said they don't feel right, they don't feel welcomed. They don't feel like they're part of the community."
We all got screwed with Obamacare, so everybody's getting something from this Regime. The problems of Ferguson Missouri are radical leftists in the government and the media distracting from the destruction of free market separation of powers. So, yes, problems exposed by Ferguson do threaten the entire nation, but not in the way Obama and Holder are discussing. Now, I have here, you might think, an unrelated story. I want you to listen very carefully. This is from the Wall Street Journal.
Let me read to you the headline. The story's from yesterday. "Spree of Newark Violence Spurs Action by Mayor, Police." Listen very carefully, folks. "Newark, New Jersey, officials on Monday vowed a crackdown on violence after a bloody Thanksgiving weekend that left three dead and multiple people injured in 11 shootings. Mayor Ras Baraka said in a news conference, 'Our mind-set is it's an emergency here in our city.
"'This is the first time we've had all these shootings to this extent: 11 shootings, three dead, multiple injuries.' The spate of violence illustrated a broader challenge for Newark, which has long been one of the state's most dangerous cities. But the long Thanksgiving weekend brought a level of gun violence Newark hadn't seen in some time, Mr. Baraka said. Officials said they were worried about losing gains made against crime earlier in the year now."
Now, you say, "Okay, what's the big deal, Rush?"
Well, hang on here. In the first place, no protests are being planned for the three dead over the Thanksgiving weekend. The president and Eric Holder haven't talked about this at all. We have three people dead, 11 shootings. There is no talk of problems in the community. There's no talk of needing to sit down and have a confab at the White House to figure out what went wrong and how to fix this. But if you read the rest of the story in the Wall Street Journal, do you know what the reaction from the leaders in the community is?
Do you know what their solution to the problem is? (pause) Take a guess. (pause) Everybody's calling for more cops. Everybody is calling for more police! The Obama administration in Ferguson and in St. Louis are trying to portray the police as the problem. The police did not burn down anybody's building. The police did not destroy anybody's business. The police did not rob a convenience store. The police didn't get in a fight with themselves and try to abscond a weapon and use it against each other.
None of that happened.
So the Regime in Ferguson is trying to blame everything that went wrong on the cops. In Newark, three people were dead on Thanksgiving Day, 11 shootings, and what everybody there is demanding is more police. They're gonna send in more police. Governor Christie is even gonna send in state highway patrol troopers. The police are gonna bunker into Newark to protect innocent bystanders from being gunned down in the streets.
Now, wait a minute. How does that jibe with what we're being told about what went on in Ferguson? How can you have three people dead, 11 multiple shootings, and the solution in Newark is the cops? The solution is more cops. The solution is more armed troops and uniformed cops to come in and keep the peace and protect things. In Ferguson, it seems to be just the exact opposite. The problem is the cops. The citizens don't feel right. The problem's the cops. The problem's the grand jury. The problem's everybody else.
I thought, if you listen to Eric Holder, the police are an occupying force, in every community. The problems we must confront are not found only in Ferguson. The issues raised there are not unique to that state or small city. Our police officers cannot be and cannot be seen as an occupying force disconnected to the communities that they serve. I would bet you that before this happened in Ferguson they were not seen that way. I bet they were not seen as an occupying force. I bet they're not seeing that way in too many places.
But in Newark, and you know it's a Democrat state, and it's a Democrat mayor, and it's a Democrat everything, they've got out-of-control gun rampage, and the call, the solution is for more cops. Pull quote from the story: "Bashir Akinyele, a teacher who works for the Newark Anti-Violence Coalition, said many of the problems stem from poverty and broken families. The unemployment rate is more than 10%, higher than in much of the country, even as the city’s downtown has teemed with new development." Actually mentioned the true source of the problem: broken families, unemployment.
Too bad we can't work on those to fix, isn't it? Why, they've actually even identified the problem in Newark: broken families, unemployment, the Obama economy. Too bad we're unable to talk about that. No, no. We can't even get to the root cause because we're in the process in Ferguson of obliterating the truth, and we're gonna use everything we can. We're gonna use Al Sharpton, we're gonna use the media, we're gonna use the St. Louis Rams, we're gonna use whatever we can to rewrite the truth using the power we have to do it. And we're gonna portray the cops everywhere as an occupying force, except Newark, where more of them are needed to stop rampaging murderers.

RUSH: Just a reminder to every police officer in this country, you are being watched, and I'm very serious about this. Rich Lowry had it right in his column today. You cops had better keep a sharp eye, because the powers that be are looking to find another cop they can accuse of racial assassination and railroad indict, and convict. They lost on this one.
Police officers in this country are in dangerous jobs at great risk right now because they have a target on them. They have a bull's-eye that is being painted, that's being drawn by the highest positions of power in this country. It's a very dangerous circumstance, very dangerous situation taking place here, folks. And the cops right now are in the crosshairs of the most powerful forces in this country.
They failed to get what they wanted in Ferguson. They're gonna find a way. They didn't really get what they wanted out of Florida and the "white Hispanic" George Zimmerman and all that. They didn't get what they wanted in the Duke lacrosse case. They really want a win. And the cops are the focus, the target for that next win.

Holder Goes Full-Scale Hamas Cops Are Occupying Force in Neighborhoods of Color - The Rush Limbaugh Show
I so don't give a shit.

The grand jury didn't indict. Cry me a river, criminal, racist progressives. Nobody gives a shit.

You don't understand dammit, Michael was a good boy. The only reason he got in a fight with that little store owner is b/c the guy kept trying to give him too much change after he bought those cigars.

And the marijuana in his system? Easily explained, he was over helping out at the senior center the day before and accidentally ate one of the pot brownies that was supposed to be for controlling their pain. He was chagrined when he found out he ate a pot brownie.

And he really didn't mean to fight with Wilson, he was approaching the SUV to see if he could be of assistance and slipped on a banana peel and landed on Wilson fist first , three times.

Why did Wilson have to shoot him when he was 1.93 miles away and retreating?
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Armed "and" was unable to win the fight over the gun, and ran when it went off, and was shot in the arm, and his pants were falling off, and .....

Would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

Where was Michael's daddy to tell him "son don't fight the cops?"
Which one, Mike Brown Sr or the Crazy Step father?
Holder Goes Full-Scale Hamas: Cops Are Occupying Force in Neighborhoods of Color

RUSH: This is really fascinating what's being attempted here in St. Louis and in Ferguson. It's not by any means the first time, but this is the most brazen that I can recall. We have an event that happened. We've had hours, days, weeks of evidence and testimony. It's been corroborated. The liars were discovered and thrown out. We know what happened. Yet that wasn't the desired result, and so that result doesn't count and it's being rebuilt into a new problem, and the problem in St. Louis is the cops.
The problem in Ferguson is the police. If you doubt me, listen to what Eric Holder said. This is more outrageous than what Obama said, 'cause Holder takes Obama's comments... Basically what Obama said is that Ferguson demonstrates racism is everywhere in America and now he, Obama, is on the case and he's finally gonna deal with this and he's gonna end it. But Eric Holder decided to add to or to build on Obama's claim that Ferguson demonstrates that racism is everywhere.
Here's what Holder said: "Problems we must confront are not only found in Ferguson; the issues raised in Missouri are not unique to that state or to that small city. We are dealing with concerns that are truly national in scope and that threaten the entire nation." What happened here? Again, they want to make it look like this happens every day, multiple times a day. They're painting a picture here that innocent young blacks are assassinated by cops who are hunting.
Multiple times.
"It happens frequently, and this is the last straw. We're not gonna put up with this any more," even though it's rare. It doesn't happen with anywhere near regularly, which is one of the reasons why this one made such news. But, anyway, the truth has been learned, and it's not what was desired. So Eric Holder says, "In the coming days, I will announce the updated justice department guidelines regarding profiling by federal law enforcement.
"This will institute rigorous new standards and robust safeguards to help end racial profiling once and for all," and here is the money quote: "Our police officers cannot be and cannot be seen as an occupying force, disconnected to the communities that they serve." So Eric Holder has now gone full-in Hamas. Cops are now an occupying force. Cops are not peacekeepers. Cops do not keep the order.
Cops do not protect the innocent and property.
The cops are an occupying force in neighborhoods of color all over the country. "Problems we must confront are not only found in Ferguson..." Isn't it interesting that that's the exact way this bunch talks about Israel, folks? They talk about Israel as an occupying force with Hamas and other terrorist organizations being the victims, and the Israelis are the mean-spirited, extremist, racist occupying force.
Now Eric Holder has gone all-in with the cops being the same thing, and he wasn't finished. Eric Holder said, "Problems exposed by Ferguson threaten the entire nation." He was speaking at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He said, "The nation needs to confront the broken relationship between group after group in this country." Now, let's see. What's happened here in the last six years?
Gays got gay marriage, Hispanics got amnesty for illegals, and African-Americans apparently are gonna be able to riot without anybody stopping them if they want to. Apparently they're gonna be able to engage in civil disobedience and the excuse is gonna be offered, "Well, it's just their feelings. The president said they don't feel right, they don't feel welcomed. They don't feel like they're part of the community."
We all got screwed with Obamacare, so everybody's getting something from this Regime. The problems of Ferguson Missouri are radical leftists in the government and the media distracting from the destruction of free market separation of powers. So, yes, problems exposed by Ferguson do threaten the entire nation, but not in the way Obama and Holder are discussing. Now, I have here, you might think, an unrelated story. I want you to listen very carefully. This is from the Wall Street Journal.
Let me read to you the headline. The story's from yesterday. "Spree of Newark Violence Spurs Action by Mayor, Police." Listen very carefully, folks. "Newark, New Jersey, officials on Monday vowed a crackdown on violence after a bloody Thanksgiving weekend that left three dead and multiple people injured in 11 shootings. Mayor Ras Baraka said in a news conference, 'Our mind-set is it's an emergency here in our city.
"'This is the first time we've had all these shootings to this extent: 11 shootings, three dead, multiple injuries.' The spate of violence illustrated a broader challenge for Newark, which has long been one of the state's most dangerous cities. But the long Thanksgiving weekend brought a level of gun violence Newark hadn't seen in some time, Mr. Baraka said. Officials said they were worried about losing gains made against crime earlier in the year now."
Now, you say, "Okay, what's the big deal, Rush?"
Well, hang on here. In the first place, no protests are being planned for the three dead over the Thanksgiving weekend. The president and Eric Holder haven't talked about this at all. We have three people dead, 11 shootings. There is no talk of problems in the community. There's no talk of needing to sit down and have a confab at the White House to figure out what went wrong and how to fix this. But if you read the rest of the story in the Wall Street Journal, do you know what the reaction from the leaders in the community is?
Do you know what their solution to the problem is? (pause) Take a guess. (pause) Everybody's calling for more cops. Everybody is calling for more police! The Obama administration in Ferguson and in St. Louis are trying to portray the police as the problem. The police did not burn down anybody's building. The police did not destroy anybody's business. The police did not rob a convenience store. The police didn't get in a fight with themselves and try to abscond a weapon and use it against each other.
None of that happened.
So the Regime in Ferguson is trying to blame everything that went wrong on the cops. In Newark, three people were dead on Thanksgiving Day, 11 shootings, and what everybody there is demanding is more police. They're gonna send in more police. Governor Christie is even gonna send in state highway patrol troopers. The police are gonna bunker into Newark to protect innocent bystanders from being gunned down in the streets.
Now, wait a minute. How does that jibe with what we're being told about what went on in Ferguson? How can you have three people dead, 11 multiple shootings, and the solution in Newark is the cops? The solution is more cops. The solution is more armed troops and uniformed cops to come in and keep the peace and protect things. In Ferguson, it seems to be just the exact opposite. The problem is the cops. The citizens don't feel right. The problem's the cops. The problem's the grand jury. The problem's everybody else.
I thought, if you listen to Eric Holder, the police are an occupying force, in every community. The problems we must confront are not found only in Ferguson. The issues raised there are not unique to that state or small city. Our police officers cannot be and cannot be seen as an occupying force disconnected to the communities that they serve. I would bet you that before this happened in Ferguson they were not seen that way. I bet they were not seen as an occupying force. I bet they're not seeing that way in too many places.
But in Newark, and you know it's a Democrat state, and it's a Democrat mayor, and it's a Democrat everything, they've got out-of-control gun rampage, and the call, the solution is for more cops. Pull quote from the story: "Bashir Akinyele, a teacher who works for the Newark Anti-Violence Coalition, said many of the problems stem from poverty and broken families. The unemployment rate is more than 10%, higher than in much of the country, even as the city’s downtown has teemed with new development." Actually mentioned the true source of the problem: broken families, unemployment.
Too bad we can't work on those to fix, isn't it? Why, they've actually even identified the problem in Newark: broken families, unemployment, the Obama economy. Too bad we're unable to talk about that. No, no. We can't even get to the root cause because we're in the process in Ferguson of obliterating the truth, and we're gonna use everything we can. We're gonna use Al Sharpton, we're gonna use the media, we're gonna use the St. Louis Rams, we're gonna use whatever we can to rewrite the truth using the power we have to do it. And we're gonna portray the cops everywhere as an occupying force, except Newark, where more of them are needed to stop rampaging murderers.

RUSH: Just a reminder to every police officer in this country, you are being watched, and I'm very serious about this. Rich Lowry had it right in his column today. You cops had better keep a sharp eye, because the powers that be are looking to find another cop they can accuse of racial assassination and railroad indict, and convict. They lost on this one.
Police officers in this country are in dangerous jobs at great risk right now because they have a target on them. They have a bull's-eye that is being painted, that's being drawn by the highest positions of power in this country. It's a very dangerous circumstance, very dangerous situation taking place here, folks. And the cops right now are in the crosshairs of the most powerful forces in this country.
They failed to get what they wanted in Ferguson. They're gonna find a way. They didn't really get what they wanted out of Florida and the "white Hispanic" George Zimmerman and all that. They didn't get what they wanted in the Duke lacrosse case. They really want a win. And the cops are the focus, the target for that next win.

Holder Goes Full-Scale Hamas Cops Are Occupying Force in Neighborhoods of Color - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You just COMPLETELY misrepresented everything Holder said.

Congratulatons dumb fuck.
Who said no threat. The point to the 150' thing was that the boy was trying to escape. It wasn't till the cop got out of the car and began chasing/shooting that Brown decided eff it if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die facing my killer. If he wanted to kill Wilson he would've done it while he was in the car not by "charging" him in some dumb as suicide by cop routine.

What a load of shit. He turned and charged the cop. Wilson's testimony says that. Credible eyewitness testimony says that, the EVIDENCE says that

He was TEN feet from Wilson when he died. TEN FEET , and had been hit MULTIPLE times. He was trying to escape alright, by killing the cop.
What part of he ran away before he turned and charged the cop that was chasing him is confusing you big guy? I'm reading from Wilson's testimony. Should I be reading from some other testimony?
Why was the cop shooting a fleeing suspect? It's not like the guy had killed anyone or was thought to be a danger to the community.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.
The tired ole line of getting shot for stealing cigars has played out. We both know it's a bull shit claim
I so don't give a shit.

The grand jury didn't indict. Cry me a river, criminal, racist progressives. Nobody gives a shit.

You don't understand dammit, Michael was a good boy. The only reason he got in a fight with that little store owner is b/c the guy kept trying to give him too much change after he bought those cigars.

And the marijuana in his system? Easily explained, he was over helping out at the senior center the day before and accidentally ate one of the pot brownies that was supposed to be for controlling their pain. He was chagrined when he found out he ate a pot brownie.

And he really didn't mean to fight with Wilson, he was approaching the SUV to see if he could be of assistance and slipped on a banana peel and landed on Wilson fist first , three times.

Why did Wilson have to shoot him when he was 1.93 miles away and retreating?

I so don't give a shit.

The grand jury didn't indict. Cry me a river, criminal, racist progressives. Nobody gives a shit.

You don't understand dammit, Michael was a good boy. The only reason he got in a fight with that little store owner is b/c the guy kept trying to give him too much change after he bought those cigars.

And the marijuana in his system? Easily explained, he was over helping out at the senior center the day before and accidentally ate one of the pot brownies that was supposed to be for controlling their pain. He was chagrined when he found out he ate a pot brownie.

And he really didn't mean to fight with Wilson, he was approaching the SUV to see if he could be of assistance and slipped on a banana peel and landed on Wilson fist first , three times.

Why did Wilson have to shoot him when he was 1.93 miles away and retreating?
I heard wilson did a drive by while brown was sitting in his home having bible study with a group of friends drinking lemon aid.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Armed "and" was unable to win the fight over the gun, and ran when it went off, and was shot in the arm, and his pants were falling off, and .....

Would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
Where was Michael's daddy to tell him "son don't fight the cops?"
Which one, Mike Brown Sr or the Crazy Step father?

Mike Brown Sr.

That "step father" was no such thing. As I said in another thread, he was simply some dude banging Mike's mom, and I predict he's had more to do with Mike since he was killed than he did when he was a live.
But you're forgetting one thing Mike, Wilson had already been beat down once by Brown, there's no doubt that he wasn't capable of taking him on in hand to hand combat. Your, or I. Another matter entirely, but Wilson obviously was in no condition to fight at that point.

And for a LEO, it isn't about being willing to fight anyway, it's about stopping a criminal as quickly and safely as possible.

I'm not arguing that shooting him was the safest, quickest way to end things, I'm merely saying that we don't ask our cops to "be willing to get in a fight" , especially with a person who has already kicked their ass once.

Life isn't Walker Texas Ranger. Not every cop walkin around has a black belt and only carries a gun as a fashion statement.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.

Man you are really awesome at hindsight, and second guessing someone's split second decisions from the safety and comfort of your cell phone or computer.

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