Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson as he was shot to death

I challenge all to prove Michael Brown put up his hands and tried to surrender, it IS A LIE. BROWN provoked the incident and didn't successfully GRAB Wilson's firearm. He tried, he panicked, ran, turned and was then shot. No hands up don't shoot, that was an urban myth lie created by black liars trying to perpetrate a big lie...It makes me so disgusted with blacks now.
Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Yes. A man of Micheal Brown's size can cover 49 yards quicker than you think. I watch football a lot. I see 300 lb men running 49 yards in less then 15 seconds.

Anyway, you keep ignoring the fact that Brown tried to take Officer Wilson's gun, and at one point tried to kill him with it. Brown's life was forfeit the moment he attempted to kill the police officer.

Also, consider the marksmanship ability of the officer. Do you think he could shoot someone accurately at that distance?

Sigh, and you take this from a bunch of anti-cop, anti-Wilson activists who would otherwise not give two flying fucks about it if this were a white man.
Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Yes. A man of Micheal Brown's size can cover 49 yards quicker than you think. I watch football a lot. I see 300 lb men running 49 yards in less then 15 seconds.

Anyway, you keep ignoring the fact that Brown tried to take Officer Wilson's gun, and at one point tried to kill him with it. Brown's life was forfeit the moment he attempted to kill the police officer.

Also, consider the marksmanship ability of the officer. Do you think he could shoot someone accurately at that distance?

Sigh, and you take this from a bunch of anti-cop, anti-Wilson activists who would otherwise not give two flying fucks about it if this were a white man.

There's a reason Stat ran from this thread the moment his lie about 148' was exposed.
Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Yes. A man of Micheal Brown's size can cover 49 yards quicker than you think. I watch football a lot. I see 300 lb men running 49 yards in less then 15 seconds.

Anyway, you keep ignoring the fact that Brown tried to take Officer Wilson's gun, and at one point tried to kill him with it. Brown's life was forfeit the moment he attempted to kill the police officer.

Also, consider the marksmanship ability of the officer. Do you think he could shoot someone accurately at that distance?

Sigh, and you take this from a bunch of anti-cop, anti-Wilson activists who would otherwise not give two flying fucks about it if this were a white man.

There's a reason Stat ran from this thread the moment his lie about 148' was exposed.

Why is that?

Oh that's right, no proof.

Silly me
It's funny about how people nitpick these details, but the fact Brown NEVER PUT UP his hands to surrender, AND he tried to take a policeman's firearm, AND THAT is a freeking bloody REAL FACT. NO PROBLEM with that stuff, let's pick over the other petty meaningless crap instead.
Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.
I would suspect anyone claiming to be a shooting expert that thinks leg shots are the priority may be just too fucking stupid to also not know unarmed doesn't equal passive.

What the fuck was Wilson supposed to do here? Dance around with this fucking idiot taking leg shots? Really? How goddam retarded do you have to be to come to that conclusion?

Fuck you fuck Brown. Wilson did his job and got home afterward. Your other bullshit stupidity isn't even relevant.
In this video sympathizing with Micheal Brown, and in attempt to smear the Officer Wilson, inadvertently catches a man and a neighbor who saw the altercation as it took place talking about the actual chain of events:

#1 How’d he get from there to there?

#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck


#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him


#2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus - the police had his gun drawn already on him –

There is dispute whether person #2 said "doubled back" or "coming back." The conversation continues:

#1. Oh, the police got his gun

#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him


#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing

#1 The Police?

#2 The Police shot him

#1 Police?

#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)

And coincidentally this conversation corroborates a friend of Wilson's description of the incident:

Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”

It's up to the readers here to determine the veracity and the reliability of the witness, but it is not a coincidence that that account and Wilson's friend line up with one another.
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You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
No you're not if you think a fucking leg shot is your best option in a life threatening situation. What fucking self defense classes and training have you ever had that tell you to shoot legs not center mass? Because whatever training you got from those people is the dumbest fucking thing you ever wasted your money and time on .
Yeah well he was unarmed. But I guess unarmed teens give you a hard on.

He was 6'5" 300 lbs. AND had already kicked the shit out of Wilson once, you know the "unarmed" comment is ridiculous.
Armed "and" was unable to win the fight over the gun, and ran when it went off, and was shot in the arm, and his pants were falling off, and .....
Fuck that's pure stupid.
Frankly, if 6 bullets didn't "talk the guy down" nothing was going to .
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
The why is obvious.. the kid had robbed someone, cursed at him, punched him fought over his gun, and was now fleeing. I don't blame him for shooting at the kid. But just as the lady asked the question.. why does that kid keep coming doesn't he know he's gonna get killed... One also has to ask the question ... why does the cop need to put the last two in the brain, this after putting two in the guys chest. Heat of the moment? The kid was unarmed and shot six times before the two to the head. I suppose that's the part I just don't get. The last two to the head.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?

Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer..simple as that.
LMAO At nearly 150 feet away from the officer? Interesting.
The Officer did not stay at his vehicle so how far Brown was from said vehicle is irrelevant.
So, let's recap

The video does not show Michael Brown appearing to pay for the smokes

Officer Wilson did not frisk Michael Brown so he could not tell if he was armed or not.

There is no proof Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson when he fired

The physical evidence does not show Michael Brown was shot while fleeing

Michael Brown is Dead

Officer Wilson is innocent

Did I miss anything?
One to the leg would've slowed him down a lot more than the arm & graze shots did. It sounds like the last 4 were two to the chest and two to the head. This from some of the witnesses that said he didn't move after the last four shots that came at the very end.
You watch too many fucking movies. Have you ever even shot a fucking gun? You're pissing me off now with this stupid shit.
Yes. As stated, I'm quite proficient with most weapons.
Stealing cigars shouldn't be a death sentence. And cops are trained to not pull their guns unless they use them, so I would have tried to stop him from using it.

He wasn't shot for stealing cigars..
Oh, so Wilson lied?

Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer..simple as that.
LMAO At nearly 150 feet away from the officer? Interesting.
The Officer did not stay at his vehicle so how far Brown was from said vehicle is irrelevant.

Absolutely correct, and they know that. They are dishonestly trying to claim that Wilson fired from his vehicle towards Brown when Brown was 148' from the vehicle, but forensic evidence PROVES that isn't possible , UNLESS someone policed Wilson's brass and then placed it on the ground 120' from where it was actually ejected from the fiream

And of course eyewitnesses also UNANIMOUSLY stated that Wilson gave chase away from the SUV.
Anyone read/hear any of the grand jury evidence supporting that Brown put his hands up and tried to surrender? Valid substantiated facts that would support this "hands up, don't shoot" malarkey? Because, I have seen how black witness lie to coo berate fictional racial crimes. Michael brown died for your sins, as far as I am concerned.
Does a suspected perpetrator who is 148 feet away from an officer represent a danger to that officer's life?

Yes. A man of Micheal Brown's size can cover 49 yards quicker than you think. I watch football a lot. I see 300 lb men running 49 yards in less then 15 seconds.

Anyway, you keep ignoring the fact that Brown tried to take Officer Wilson's gun, and at one point tried to kill him with it. Brown's life was forfeit the moment he attempted to kill the police officer.

Also, consider the marksmanship ability of the officer. Do you think he could shoot someone accurately at that distance?

Sigh, and you take this from a bunch of anti-cop, anti-Wilson activists who would otherwise not give two flying fucks about it if this were a white man.

There's a reason Stat ran from this thread the moment his lie about 148' was exposed.

Well yeah, but I thought I'd be a thorn in his side.
Anyone read/hear any of the grand jury evidence supporting that Brown put his hands up and tried to surrender? Valid substantiated facts that would support this "hands up, don't shoot" malarkey? Because, I have seen how black witness lie to coo berate fictional racial crimes. Michael brown died for your sins, as far as I am concerned.

No , in fact as I pointed out earlier, the ME who performed the autopsy stated flat out that the round which hit Brown in the arm proved conclusively that Brown did not have his hands up when shot. It is physically impossible that he was shot in the way he was with his palms facing Wilson.

I provided a link, as usual.
Yes, but even more to the point. Is the guy who just got his ass beat, really the right guy to get out and safely arrest the guy? Letting the guy get within 10' of him? Why not just follow at a safer distance? Don't they have portable radios? Shots fired and the cops were not on the way? WTH are they doing in Ferguson?

Wilson WAS just following Brown, about 100 feet behind him, when Brown TURNED and charged Wilson..

And Wilson thought he HAD radioed for backup, turns out he hadn't , but he thought he had back up coming.
I find you can move faster if you run forwards.

Are you saying Wilson should have turned and ran when Brown charged him?
I'm saying if he was not able to arrest him, he should have placed a vehicle between him and brown. And talked the situation down. If that takes running a few feet to save the guys life then yes.

Man you are really awesome at hindsight, and second guessing someone's split second decisions from the safety and comfort of your cell phone or computer.
It's a good seat too.
So, let's recap

The video does not show Michael Brown appearing to pay for the smokes

Officer Wilson did not frisk Michael Brown so he could not tell if he was armed or not.

There is no proof Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson when he fired

The physical evidence does not show Michael Brown was shot while fleeing

Michael Brown is Dead

Officer Wilson is innocent

Did I miss anything?
You left out the part about millions of white people showing just how obtuse they can be.
So, let's recap

The video does not show Michael Brown appearing to pay for the smokes

Officer Wilson did not frisk Michael Brown so he could not tell if he was armed or not.

There is no proof Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson when he fired

The physical evidence does not show Michael Brown was shot while fleeing

Michael Brown is Dead

Officer Wilson is innocent

Did I miss anything?
You left out the part about millions of white people showing just how obtuse they can be.

No reason to point yourself out

So, let's recap

The video does not show Michael Brown appearing to pay for the smokes

Officer Wilson did not frisk Michael Brown so he could not tell if he was armed or not.

There is no proof Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson when he fired

The physical evidence does not show Michael Brown was shot while fleeing

Michael Brown is Dead

Officer Wilson is innocent

Did I miss anything?
You left out the part about millions of white people showing just how obtuse they can be.

No reason to point yourself out

So, let's recap

The video does not show Michael Brown appearing to pay for the smokes

Officer Wilson did not frisk Michael Brown so he could not tell if he was armed or not.

There is no proof Michael Brown was 148 feet from Wilson when he fired

The physical evidence does not show Michael Brown was shot while fleeing

Michael Brown is Dead

Officer Wilson is innocent

Did I miss anything?
You left out the part about millions of white people showing just how obtuse they can be.

No reason to point yourself out


LOL you walked into that one my man, better me than someone you don't like..

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