Michael Cohen could and should be disbarred if he violates client privilege

Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I'd call his treatment entrapment.
He's being squezzed but not entrapped. It's no different than a guy arrested for narcotics who is told that he could still have a life if he's got someone bigger to give up. It's not creating any crime that wouldn't be there without the squeeze.

Scuze moi - but ginning up a crime that causes the subject to face bankrupting level legal fees is a typical Statist tactic. Then next step is go full Flynn treatment and to threaten Cohen's family.
Cohen was under scrutiny for his taxes and biz for years, and had Trump lost, that wouldn't have changed. His Trump connection just made him more shiny ball when Trump rose. It's true that Mueller would not be investigating Trump, and Cohen would not have anything to trade to maybe let his family keep some money, but the crime was not "gjnned up." Cohen was getting teed up sooner or later.

It was, as I said, procedurally indistinguishable when the feds turn a lower level drug offender against his boss, or what Mueller did with organized crime. (and yeah I know Mueller was in deep with Bulger). Cohen may actually get a better deal because of Trump and Russia than he would have gotten otherwise.

Flynn's a stranger case. Cohen's biz activity goes back years, but Flynn's rise to having something to sell to Turkey and possibly Russia only came about when he latched onto Trump as being some kind of natl security expert advisor. He caught the Trump gig literally because no one qualified would work for Trump on foreign policy, and we are seeing why. LOL

Flynn's certainly a more tragic case, imo. Anyone paying attention knew Cohen had all kinds of bad shit in his biz dealings. Flynn was known to be more a conspiracy theory sucker and political neophyte who trashed an distinguished military career. He was a sucker for Trump's siren call of ubernationalism but not a career slime bagman extortionist like Cohen. Don't lose sleep over that fuck, he's like something out of the Sopranos

It must give you a great deal of comfort to embrace both an active fantasy life as well as a certainty that the New Prog rules will never be applied to you.

Just be ready for the retaliation when you finally really Get Woke.
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
(and yeah I know Mueller was in deep with Bulger).
FYI.... that's not true, it was made up by right wingers.....

Mueller had nothing to do with the Bulger case.... not even a nano bit of it... Mueller was a US Attorney in Boston, which did not handle the Whitey Bulger case.... it was another law enforcement arm....

What involvement did Mueller have with Bulger?

None. Mueller served in the US attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, as chief of the criminal division, first assistant US attorney, and as acting US attorney for more than a year. During that time, Bulger ran a sprawling criminal enterprise and got away with murders because he was a longtime FBI informant who corrupted his handlers. The FBI and the New England Organized Crime Strike Force, a prosecutorial unit that worked independently of the US attorney’s office and reported directly to the Justice Department, used Bulger to build cases against the Mafia and gave him a pass on his own crimes. The FBI’s corrupt relationship with Bulger was exposed after he was indicted on federal racketeering charges in 1995 and became a fugitive. He was captured 16 years later .

How do Sean Hannity’s attempts to link Robert Mueller to ‘Whitey’ Bulger hold up? - The Boston Globe
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"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I think that is the least of his worries.

He'll never practice law again. Not sure he ever really did.
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I think that is the least of his worries.

He'll never practice law again. Not sure he ever really did.
He wont have to work again after he Sue's the FBI for 100 or so mill for ruining his career
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I'd call his treatment entrapment.
Nothing wrong with trapping a rat and his lawyer

You obviously worship Beria.
trump would call him a good man

Trump would most certainly not call Beria a good man.

He's a hero to you Prog-Comms, just like Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez.
He called the scum Pruitt a good man too Now the POS is out
Funny though, not one news outlet is reporting this including FOX...………………

Cohen can not even mention Trump without being disbarred.

I'd call his treatment entrapment.
Nothing wrong with trapping a rat and his lawyer

You obviously worship Beria.
trump would call him a good man

Trump would most certainly not call Beria a good man.

He's a hero to you Prog-Comms, just like Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez.
Wasn't he killed under Stalins reign?
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Explain how that crime-fraud exemption I cited isn't true?

I'll wait while you deflect
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Shit retard, you could claim that Trumps hair dye benefits his campaign......grow up
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Explain how that crime-fraud exemption I cited isn't true?

I'll wait while you deflect
What if the fraud was committed by the FBI
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Explain how that crime-fraud exemption I cited isn't true?

I'll wait while you deflect
You’ll have to find s post first where I disagreed with you.
"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Shit retard, you could claim that Trumps hair dye benefits his campaign......grow up
Hair dye is under the amount which is required to be reported. $130,000 to silence someone who could harm his campaign is slightly over that.
The Cohen Search Warrants – DOJ Procedures for Approval - Corruption, Crime & Compliance

"The attorney-client privilege protects most communications between clients and their lawyers. But, according to the crime-fraud exception to the privilege, a client's communication to his or her attorney isn't privileged if he or she made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud."

If there is no crime or fraud to cover up -- attorney-client privilege applies

If there is crime or fraud -- attorney-client privilege doesn't apply
Sounds logical, but they raided his home without knowledge of a crime. See there is no law against paying off a cum eater
There actually is a law if the payment was made to benefit a campaign and was not reported. So you’re wrong again.
Explain how that crime-fraud exemption I cited isn't true?

I'll wait while you deflect
Are you somehow asserting probable cause did not support the warrants?

The Cohen Search Warrants – DOJ Procedures for Approval - Corruption, Crime & Compliance
10 to 1, Rosy ain't no ''she''....

And that's important or relevant why?
It's not relevant, Faun just designated Rosy as a female in her post, and I was just correcting her, or giving her a heads up!
What if I identify as a jar of peanut butter, would you accept that
well, you certainly are 'nutty', so let me think about that one! :lol:
Lol so the warrior princess says whaaaaassssssss

warrior princess, bimbo dyke

I'm sorry for your deep seeded women issues.... did it begin when you were a child, in your teens, or as an adult?
Being disbarred is the least of what Cohen is facing.

I don't think John Dean ever practiced law again.

How in the fuck would a dipshit like you have the faintest idea of what Cohen is facing ? Repeating of bullshit that you know nothing about again??

Heck, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out he's looking at serious charges. Cohen played a key role in the partially unverified, partially corroborated but not at all debunked Steele Dossier.

That's Comey, not Cohen you stupid libtard!

Cohen had sued because the dossier contained info about him!

What are you talking about? Cohen was mentioned in the Steele Dossier, not Comey.

Cohen used that dossier as a way to go after Trump, even though he knew it was a tissue of lies.

End of story.

Oh look, it's the guy that likes to call other people idiots and morons...naming the wrong guy. Did you mean Comey?

Either way, you're incorrect on it being the reason for any investigations and you're wrong about it being lies. In fact, much of it has been verified, none of it debunked.

Analysis | Republicans' Steele dossier conspiracy theory was dealt a big blow this weekend
I'd call his treatment entrapment.
Nothing wrong with trapping a rat and his lawyer

You obviously worship Beria.
trump would call him a good man

Trump would most certainly not call Beria a good man.

He's a hero to you Prog-Comms, just like Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez.
He called the scum Pruitt a good man too Now the POS is out

RealityLand Version: The Progs hounded Pruitt out of public life. That's your tactic now. To harass and intimidate people so that they withdraw from participating in our government.

You're not going to like it when the New Rules are applied to you, you sad little tool.
I'd call his treatment entrapment.
Nothing wrong with trapping a rat and his lawyer

You obviously worship Beria.
trump would call him a good man

Trump would most certainly not call Beria a good man.

He's a hero to you Prog-Comms, just like Stalin, Mao, Castro and Chavez.
Wasn't he killed under Stalins reign?

^^^ Typical Ignorant Prog ^^^

You know nothing about the history which influences your sick worldview.

I'm not your interwebs research librarian. Try exercising the synapse between your two brain cells and look up Beria in a search engine. I will offer a wee clue: Beria outlived Stalin.

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