Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

"A" credit union?
Correct. Just as JP Morgan Chase is "a bank". Of course, as is true of many credit unions, we have to manage a large commercial, consumer, and real estate portfolio, without the benefit of predatory lending, fees, and fraudulent actions used to pay dividends to shareholders. So, I do need quite a bit of help. ;)

The wife is the brains of our operation.
She's been in the banking industry for over thirty years and has worked for the same guy for all of those years.
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...
Oh the ressesion the Demon-crats hope to cause ??
Fraudulent tax returns ? Not an accusation against Trump ?
I did not post only two words. I was attempting to help you understand that, even after the fact, a person can be charged with fraud. I tried to illustrate this to you by explaining that fraudulent tax returns are often accepted unknowingly at the time, only to be prosecuted later. the gist of this is that you cannot argue that trump is "in the clear" on any possible tax fraud due to his methods of devaluing his properties, just because the tax years at issue have come and gone.

Tell me how they do it.
Already did, the last time you asked me. Pay attention!

I'm starting to think you're more interested in getting attention, than in having an honest discussion.
They don't want to know. Trump loves the poorly educated. He knows they always look the other way like good little cultists.

Yeah....this poorly educated guy retired at 46 seven years ago.
My level of thinking is so far above yours it's like talking to a fifth grader.
The poorly educated haven't figured out yet that Trump has committed felony bank fraud, along with campaign finance violations;

We got him this time.....:auiqs.jpg:

Now the way it is done is that the individual does not assess his property for tax purposes! There is a tax assessor in that role!
The negotiations to devalue the property happen AFTER the assessor does his work. Dude, just be quiet and read for a while.
Correct, but if the devaluation or valuation is acceptable, and then it is allowed by the government, then who are we to judge it from afar. ??

Without us knowing the details of it all, then it is that we can be led astray in our thinking on the subject. Now when looking for anything under a rock because collusion didn't stick, then becareful at how the stories are inflated in order to create a narrative that gets Trump at any cost.
Who invented the part about "collusion"(conspiracy) didn't stick?

And the details of the inflation of the value went through a shady bank; Trump's alleged financial fraud creates an important new vulnerability
How is Trump expected to face double, triple or quadruple jepardy by the Democrats wanting vengence on this president for winning an election ?? No collusion should have been the end of the story, but here we are.
Yea, here we are, with proven criminal liability waiting for a thug.
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...

The Wife and I being DINKS? We're sitting pretty.
Have several million to burn through while we can still enjoy it then we can hit the 401k's when necessary. Then comes SS.
Finally we end up in an old folks home and I wont give a fuke one way or another.
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...

The Wife and I being DINKS? We're sitting pretty.
Have several million to burn through while we can still enjoy it then we can hit the 401k's when necessary. Then comes SS.
Finally we end up in an old folks home and I wont give a fuke one way or another.
I plan to stay in my own place with a caretaker, if I get old enough.
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...

The Wife and I being DINKS? We're sitting pretty.
Have several million to burn through while we can still enjoy it then we can hit the 401k's when necessary. Then comes SS.
Finally we end up in an old folks home and I wont give a fuke one way or another.
I plan to stay in my own place with a caretaker, if I get old enough.
Dont have a lot of confidence in the new owners so we'll probably cash out.
Well, as you start to get those gray hairs on your scrote, you should be taking on less risk anyway. Put most of your money in annuities, after your IRAs are maxed out. And CDs are always nice and safe, especially since it looks like another recession is just around the bend...

The Wife and I being DINKS? We're sitting pretty.
Have several million to burn through while we can still enjoy it then we can hit the 401k's when necessary. Then comes SS.
Finally we end up in an old folks home and I wont give a fuke one way or another.
I plan to stay in my own place with a caretaker, if I get old enough.

Thats all well and good.
I'm looking at worse case scenario.
As long as I'm still mobile and not shitting myself daily I'm good to go.
The time comes when I'm crapping my drawers and cant clean up my own mess is the day I check out.
The time comes when I'm crapping my drawers and cant clean up my own mess is the day I check out
Same... I'll skydive and take off my parachute right before I jump....

The Wife and I have already made a pact.
Since we have no kids when the time comes we're both checking out if nature doesn't beat us to it.
Fair enough... my wife passed away, and i don't see myself getting remarried. who knows what the future brings, though...
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:


So, why would Trump hire such a person?

Are you saying Trtump is so fucking stupid he did not know?
Or did he need a sleazy, lying lawyer to do Trump's dirty work.

Let me know which it is.
Trump hires people that will be usefully to him and keeps them only as long as they are loyal to him. He has no interest in their character. This is why a half dozen of his people are facing jail time and 4 of his cabinet members have had to resign over ethics issues. Trump seems to have drained the swamp into the White House.
Every employer hires ONLY people who will be useful to the business so that it can pay their salary, pay the bills of the business, and make a profit. If you hire people who have no respect for boundaries, they will steal merchandise, remove any money that passes their way that reduces a business to bankruptcy, lawsuits from creditors, etc. It's not that Trump doesn't care about his employees, sometimes an employer's firing the employ with a justifiable reason, that employee will benefit by learning a lesson from that business of having to return what he stole, face the unemployment office, and trying to get by at a different job. Loose lips sink ships, and employers don't tolerate loose lip big mouth singers. Bad employees can make an employer sick and disable him from doing his job of feeding the other mouths in the business who are doing their job, who are bring public favor to the business.

Nobody likes to fire people, Flopper, and least of all a President from a strong business background of dealing with thousands of employees over a lifetime. You have to get rid of not only the unproductive ones who do little to justify paying their salary, but you cannot keep someone who gives up valuable information about how somebody else can outsell, steal from, and capitalize from that employee's boss's hard work of organizing and maintaining a viable business. That is backstabbing madness and nobody has to put up with that. Nobody. It takes money out the door and puts it on someone else's doorstep.

How can you say that? Trump did what he could to satisfy an angry person he had already paid but demanded more. It's smarter to settle these kinds of complaints out of court. If the "offended" person is merely milking an already bad situation, you can bet your bottom dollar the employer will never do business with that rat's patoot again. You expect people who hire employees to run a profitable business NOT to expect them to make money for the business by doing the work that goes into doing just that?

Or if he was paying for a service with an agreed upon price, and later she comes back and threatens to blackmail him and he reaches an agreement to pay more, just to keep his life private everybody should take the blackmailer's side? It just doesn't work like that.

Oh, and by the way, employers are not allowed to give too many details about the person they fire other than the day that person went to work and the day that left. Most everything else is confidential. Most people don't know that, but political hacks do, and they can say anything they want to on account of a law that was passed saying that famous people have to take it. That's so wrong.

A lot of criminals have children. But the issue isn't about their beautiful kids. Findings in court are about getting a criminal's attention that he cannot do what he was doing any more, and the judge usually recommends the minimum amount of time he thinks it will take to get that behavior extinguished for good so that when the man or woman goes free, recidivism will not occur. Hopefully that young woman's other parent will be her guide while her father receives rehabilitation.
I'm really not interest in Trump's hiring and firing in his businesses which was not his responsibility. We're talking about his staff in the White House.

Trump would not stand for any of his mangers in his businesses to have the turnover rate he has in the white house. The average tenure of a Trump Chief of Staff is about 8 months. In the Obama administration it was 19 months and in the Bush's administration it was 4 years, and 2 years in the Clinton administration. Are you telling me Trump's chiefs of staff are out living their usefulness in 8 months. It would take longer that to just learn to the job. The reasonable explanation is Trump does not understand the White House, his job, or the job's of his staff.

His turnover rate is to be expected since he has no experience at all in managing a large staff of people. Over the last 30 years, his staff has consisted of 6 people, 2 being family members, a lawyer, a CFO, and a CEO. As president he has 53 people who directly report to him. His new Chief of Staff is a legislator who has practically no experience in management of people and was probably selected because the president felt he could trust him, just another case of the blind leading the blind in the White House.
So Michael Cohen is testifying before Congress, and leftists everywhere are wetting their frillies over it . . . and for the life of me, I can't figure out what he was expected to say or has said that I'm actually supposed to give much of a damn about, or why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he doesn't seem to have come up with any smoking guns about impeachable offenses or even particularly criminal ones, unless you have a serious hard-on for really nitpicky campaign finance stuff. Mostly, he seems to be spending a lot of time convincing us that Trump is a crappy person. First, that's not really news; and second, what's your point? Is anyone really expecting us to put the country through a torturous, expensive impeachment proceeding over "I've heard him say black people are stupid"?
Of course you don't see anything to be concerned about. You like it when people lie to you. You like it when laws are broken. You like an amoral, liar & cheat to run our country.
Of course you don't see anything to be concerned about.
Omg...of course there isn’t anything to be concerned about

I can only speak for myself...
I’m way beyond concerned
that train came and left, never to return

Concerned was back when
Soros placed help wanted ads,
hiring and paying people to protest,
riot, cause chaos and mayhem

More concerning was
that he was able to do, what he was doing
without any consequences or condemnation

Heightened concern was when
neither, Obama nor Hillary,...

the man who was our President
and, the woman who wanted us to choose her for President

....said a damn thing!

Their failure to act, was approval to act out

The only period of a moments peace,
since Trump was elected President
was during the time around the recent elections...

The Democrats needed voters
to buy what they were selling,
but, had been peddling all along...

The chaos in Washington
are the consequences for removing us...

The only way civility will be restored
and things will calm down and return to normal
is by voting Democrat

They were the cause of their solution

And, here we are now

This shit is SO beyond ridiculous,
because it is SO f*cking obvious!
You like it when people lie to you. You like it when laws are broken.
No, I don’t

But, it has gone beyond lying....
We are dealing with fabrications
manipulation and propaganda
that insults my intelligence

Like...with a cloth?
I didn’t know C was for classified

Yes we can, hope and change=
transparency, fiscal responsibility
and changing business as usual in Washington....

not a bailout, reinvestment
shovel ready jobs, putting people back to work

Russia interfered = divisive ads on Facebook
Trump tried buying dirt on Hillary = the dossier
2 yr investigation, report ready for release= ?
You like an amoral, liar & cheat to run our country.
Yes I do, it’s better then the liars and cheats,
who have been running our country into the ground!
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:


So, why would Trump hire such a person?

Are you saying Trtump is so fucking stupid he did not know?
Or did he need a sleazy, lying lawyer to do Trump's dirty work.

Let me know which it is.
Trump hires people that will be usefully to him and keeps them only as long as they are loyal to him. He has no interest in their character. This is why a half dozen of his people are facing jail time and 4 of his cabinet members have had to resign over ethics issues. Trump seems to have drained the swamp into the White House.
Every employer hires ONLY people who will be useful to the business so that it can pay their salary, pay the bills of the business, and make a profit. If you hire people who have no respect for boundaries, they will steal merchandise, remove any money that passes their way that reduces a business to bankruptcy, lawsuits from creditors, etc. It's not that Trump doesn't care about his employees, sometimes an employer's firing the employ with a justifiable reason, that employee will benefit by learning a lesson from that business of having to return what he stole, face the unemployment office, and trying to get by at a different job. Loose lips sink ships, and employers don't tolerate loose lip big mouth singers. Bad employees can make an employer sick and disable him from doing his job of feeding the other mouths in the business who are doing their job, who are bring public favor to the business.

Nobody likes to fire people, Flopper, and least of all a President from a strong business background of dealing with thousands of employees over a lifetime. You have to get rid of not only the unproductive ones who do little to justify paying their salary, but you cannot keep someone who gives up valuable information about how somebody else can outsell, steal from, and capitalize from that employee's boss's hard work of organizing and maintaining a viable business. That is backstabbing madness and nobody has to put up with that. Nobody. It takes money out the door and puts it on someone else's doorstep.

How can you say that? Trump did what he could to satisfy an angry person he had already paid but demanded more. It's smarter to settle these kinds of complaints out of court. If the "offended" person is merely milking an already bad situation, you can bet your bottom dollar the employer will never do business with that rat's patoot again. You expect people who hire employees to run a profitable business NOT to expect them to make money for the business by doing the work that goes into doing just that?

Or if he was paying for a service with an agreed upon price, and later she comes back and threatens to blackmail him and he reaches an agreement to pay more, just to keep his life private everybody should take the blackmailer's side? It just doesn't work like that.

Oh, and by the way, employers are not allowed to give too many details about the person they fire other than the day that person went to work and the day that left. Most everything else is confidential. Most people don't know that, but political hacks do, and they can say anything they want to on account of a law that was passed saying that famous people have to take it. That's so wrong.

A lot of criminals have children. But the issue isn't about their beautiful kids. Findings in court are about getting a criminal's attention that he cannot do what he was doing any more, and the judge usually recommends the minimum amount of time he thinks it will take to get that behavior extinguished for good so that when the man or woman goes free, recidivism will not occur. Hopefully that young woman's other parent will be her guide while her father receives rehabilitation.
I'm really not interest in Trump's hiring and firing in his businesses which was not his responsibility. We're talking about his staff in the White House.

Trump would not stand for any of his mangers in his businesses to have the turnover rate he has in the white house. The average tenure of a Trump Chief of Staff is about 8 months. In the Obama administration it was 19 months and in the Bush's administration it was 4 years, and 2 years in the Clinton administration. Are you telling me Trump's chiefs of staff are out living their usefulness in 8 months. It would take longer that to just learn to the job. The reasonable explanation is Trump does not understand the White House, his job, or the job's of his staff.

His turnover rate is to be expected since he has no experience at all in managing a large staff of people. Over the last 30 years, his staff has consisted of 6 people, 2 being family members, a lawyer, a CFO, and a CEO. As president he has 53 people who directly report to him. His new Chief of Staff is a legislator who has practically no experience in management of people and was probably selected because the president felt he could trust him, just another case of the blind leading the blind in the White House.
The numbers game eh ?? Look we all know that this is no normal presidency, and when you come into a company with so many problems, then it is clean house time.


If the new staff or employee's come in carrying alot of baggage or problems with them, then they have to go too.
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:


So, why would Trump hire such a person?

Are you saying Trtump is so fucking stupid he did not know?
Or did he need a sleazy, lying lawyer to do Trump's dirty work.

Let me know which it is.
Trump hires people that will be usefully to him and keeps them only as long as they are loyal to him. He has no interest in their character. This is why a half dozen of his people are facing jail time and 4 of his cabinet members have had to resign over ethics issues. Trump seems to have drained the swamp into the White House.
Every employer hires ONLY people who will be useful to the business so that it can pay their salary, pay the bills of the business, and make a profit. If you hire people who have no respect for boundaries, they will steal merchandise, remove any money that passes their way that reduces a business to bankruptcy, lawsuits from creditors, etc. It's not that Trump doesn't care about his employees, sometimes an employer's firing the employ with a justifiable reason, that employee will benefit by learning a lesson from that business of having to return what he stole, face the unemployment office, and trying to get by at a different job. Loose lips sink ships, and employers don't tolerate loose lip big mouth singers. Bad employees can make an employer sick and disable him from doing his job of feeding the other mouths in the business who are doing their job, who are bring public favor to the business.

Nobody likes to fire people, Flopper, and least of all a President from a strong business background of dealing with thousands of employees over a lifetime. You have to get rid of not only the unproductive ones who do little to justify paying their salary, but you cannot keep someone who gives up valuable information about how somebody else can outsell, steal from, and capitalize from that employee's boss's hard work of organizing and maintaining a viable business. That is backstabbing madness and nobody has to put up with that. Nobody. It takes money out the door and puts it on someone else's doorstep.

How can you say that? Trump did what he could to satisfy an angry person he had already paid but demanded more. It's smarter to settle these kinds of complaints out of court. If the "offended" person is merely milking an already bad situation, you can bet your bottom dollar the employer will never do business with that rat's patoot again. You expect people who hire employees to run a profitable business NOT to expect them to make money for the business by doing the work that goes into doing just that?

Or if he was paying for a service with an agreed upon price, and later she comes back and threatens to blackmail him and he reaches an agreement to pay more, just to keep his life private everybody should take the blackmailer's side? It just doesn't work like that.

Oh, and by the way, employers are not allowed to give too many details about the person they fire other than the day that person went to work and the day that left. Most everything else is confidential. Most people don't know that, but political hacks do, and they can say anything they want to on account of a law that was passed saying that famous people have to take it. That's so wrong.

A lot of criminals have children. But the issue isn't about their beautiful kids. Findings in court are about getting a criminal's attention that he cannot do what he was doing any more, and the judge usually recommends the minimum amount of time he thinks it will take to get that behavior extinguished for good so that when the man or woman goes free, recidivism will not occur. Hopefully that young woman's other parent will be her guide while her father receives rehabilitation.
I'm really not interest in Trump's hiring and firing in his businesses which was not his responsibility. We're talking about his staff in the White House.

Trump would not stand for any of his mangers in his businesses to have the turnover rate he has in the white house. The average tenure of a Trump Chief of Staff is about 8 months. In the Obama administration it was 19 months and in the Bush's administration it was 4 years, and 2 years in the Clinton administration. Are you telling me Trump's chiefs of staff are out living their usefulness in 8 months. It would take longer that to just learn to the job. The reasonable explanation is Trump does not understand the White House, his job, or the job's of his staff.

His turnover rate is to be expected since he has no experience at all in managing a large staff of people. Over the last 30 years, his staff has consisted of 6 people, 2 being family members, a lawyer, a CFO, and a CEO. As president he has 53 people who directly report to him. His new Chief of Staff is a legislator who has practically no experience in management of people and was probably selected because the president felt he could trust him, just another case of the blind leading the blind in the White House.
The numbers game eh ?? Look we all know that this is no normal presidency, and when you come into a company with so many problems, then it is clean house time.


If the new staff or employee's come in carrying alot of baggage or problems with them, then they have to go too.
What do you mean clean house? These people we're talking about were picked by Trump. For about 15 years my job included hiring and firing. If I had to fire people, I hand picked for the job at the rate Trump has, I would have been out of a job in no time at all. In every place I have worked, managers are judge on now successful they are at hiring and keeping the right people.

Since Trump doesn't understand the jobs in the White House and the required skills for those jobs, he has to rely on the experience and knowledge of others. And as we all know he rarely takes any advice. It seems his main criteria is loyalty so you might want to apply for Chief of Staff. I'm sure there will be an opening soon.

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