Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
Yep! Look up the statute.
Show me!
I'm not your teacher. Stop being a sorry ass Trump stooge and learn things for yourself. Can you think for yourself beyond the Trump cultist regime?
So you can’t tell me? Got it!
This is how and why the Republican party has transformed itself into a cultist organization. The willful idiocy to promote ignorance, that excuses them from any relevant information that threatens the cult philosophy. Your group is in big trouble.
Those are illegal?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
Yep! Look up the statute.
Show me!
I'm not your teacher. Stop being a sorry ass Trump stooge and learn things for yourself. Can you think for yourself beyond the Trump cultist regime?
So you can’t tell me? Got it!
This is how and why the Republican party has transformed itself into a cultist organization. The willful idiocy to promote ignorance, that excuses them from any relevant information that threatens the cult philosophy. Your group is in big trouble.
Still can’t tell me! Got it!
Yep! Look up the statute.
Show me!
I'm not your teacher. Stop being a sorry ass Trump stooge and learn things for yourself. Can you think for yourself beyond the Trump cultist regime?
So you can’t tell me? Got it!
This is how and why the Republican party has transformed itself into a cultist organization. The willful idiocy to promote ignorance, that excuses them from any relevant information that threatens the cult philosophy. Your group is in big trouble.
Still can’t tell me! Got it!
And your counter argument is; Trump Said Campaign Finance Violations Aren't a Crime. Experts Say That's 'Nonsensical'
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:


So, why would Trump hire such a person?

Are you saying Trtump is so fucking stupid he did not know?
Or did he need a sleazy, lying lawyer to do Trump's dirty work.

Let me know which it is.
Trump hires people that will be usefully to him and keeps them only as long as they are loyal to him. He has no interest in their character. This is why a half dozen of his people are facing jail time and 4 of his cabinet members have had to resign over ethics issues. Trump seems to have drained the swamp into the White House.
Every employer hires ONLY people who will be useful to the business so that it can pay their salary, pay the bills of the business, and make a profit. If you hire people who have no respect for boundaries, they will steal merchandise, remove any money that passes their way that reduces a business to bankruptcy, lawsuits from creditors, etc. It's not that Trump doesn't care about his employees, sometimes an employer's firing the employ with a justifiable reason, that employee will benefit by learning a lesson from that business of having to return what he stole, face the unemployment office, and trying to get by at a different job. Loose lips sink ships, and employers don't tolerate loose lip big mouth singers. Bad employees can make an employer sick and disable him from doing his job of feeding the other mouths in the business who are doing their job, who are bring public favor to the business.

Nobody likes to fire people, Flopper, and least of all a President from a strong business background of dealing with thousands of employees over a lifetime. You have to get rid of not only the unproductive ones who do little to justify paying their salary, but you cannot keep someone who gives up valuable information about how somebody else can outsell, steal from, and capitalize from that employee's boss's hard work of organizing and maintaining a viable business. That is backstabbing madness and nobody has to put up with that. Nobody. It takes money out the door and puts it on someone else's doorstep.

How can you say that? Trump did what he could to satisfy an angry person he had already paid but demanded more. It's smarter to settle these kinds of complaints out of court. If the "offended" person is merely milking an already bad situation, you can bet your bottom dollar the employer will never do business with that rat's patoot again. You expect people who hire employees to run a profitable business NOT to expect them to make money for the business by doing the work that goes into doing just that?

Or if he was paying for a service with an agreed upon price, and later she comes back and threatens to blackmail him and he reaches an agreement to pay more, just to keep his life private everybody should take the blackmailer's side? It just doesn't work like that.

Oh, and by the way, employers are not allowed to give too many details about the person they fire other than the day that person went to work and the day that left. Most everything else is confidential. Most people don't know that, but political hacks do, and they can say anything they want to on account of a law that was passed saying that famous people have to take it. That's so wrong.

A lot of criminals have children. But the issue isn't about their beautiful kids. Findings in court are about getting a criminal's attention that he cannot do what he was doing any more, and the judge usually recommends the minimum amount of time he thinks it will take to get that behavior extinguished for good so that when the man or woman goes free, recidivism will not occur. Hopefully that young woman's other parent will be her guide while her father receives rehabilitation.

Bullshit. A good business person hires for the long term & hires people of integrity.

A fucking low life Crook hires people to do their dirty work scamming & cheating people.
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
Jesus Fuck!. Where the Hell were you during the Obama administration????? Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & look around. The Republicans investigated Obama & Hillary all the time. The Republicans in the Senate violated the US Constitution when they ignored Obama's USSC pick,.

Now here you are whining like a little girl.

I have news, there are more people that want reasonable gun control than you gun nutjobs who can't walk out of the house without your gun.
Come to think of it, it makes sense that a 9 time felon guilty of lying to congress and tax evasion would be the gentleman of the democratic party and someone they hold in the highest regard.

A man who cheated on his wife with a college intern at the white house while president is their idol.

Oh look, Cohen already has an inmate number:

Inmate Locator


At least he's got a hot daughter:


So, why would Trump hire such a person?

Are you saying Trtump is so fucking stupid he did not know?
Or did he need a sleazy, lying lawyer to do Trump's dirty work.

Let me know which it is.
Trump hires people that will be usefully to him and keeps them only as long as they are loyal to him. He has no interest in their character. This is why a half dozen of his people are facing jail time and 4 of his cabinet members have had to resign over ethics issues. Trump seems to have drained the swamp into the White House.
Every employer hires ONLY people who will be useful to the business so that it can pay their salary, pay the bills of the business, and make a profit. If you hire people who have no respect for boundaries, they will steal merchandise, remove any money that passes their way that reduces a business to bankruptcy, lawsuits from creditors, etc. It's not that Trump doesn't care about his employees, sometimes an employer's firing the employ with a justifiable reason, that employee will benefit by learning a lesson from that business of having to return what he stole, face the unemployment office, and trying to get by at a different job. Loose lips sink ships, and employers don't tolerate loose lip big mouth singers. Bad employees can make an employer sick and disable him from doing his job of feeding the other mouths in the business who are doing their job, who are bring public favor to the business.

Nobody likes to fire people, Flopper, and least of all a President from a strong business background of dealing with thousands of employees over a lifetime. You have to get rid of not only the unproductive ones who do little to justify paying their salary, but you cannot keep someone who gives up valuable information about how somebody else can outsell, steal from, and capitalize from that employee's boss's hard work of organizing and maintaining a viable business. That is backstabbing madness and nobody has to put up with that. Nobody. It takes money out the door and puts it on someone else's doorstep.

How can you say that? Trump did what he could to satisfy an angry person he had already paid but demanded more. It's smarter to settle these kinds of complaints out of court. If the "offended" person is merely milking an already bad situation, you can bet your bottom dollar the employer will never do business with that rat's patoot again. You expect people who hire employees to run a profitable business NOT to expect them to make money for the business by doing the work that goes into doing just that?

Or if he was paying for a service with an agreed upon price, and later she comes back and threatens to blackmail him and he reaches an agreement to pay more, just to keep his life private everybody should take the blackmailer's side? It just doesn't work like that.

Oh, and by the way, employers are not allowed to give too many details about the person they fire other than the day that person went to work and the day that left. Most everything else is confidential. Most people don't know that, but political hacks do, and they can say anything they want to on account of a law that was passed saying that famous people have to take it. That's so wrong.

A lot of criminals have children. But the issue isn't about their beautiful kids. Findings in court are about getting a criminal's attention that he cannot do what he was doing any more, and the judge usually recommends the minimum amount of time he thinks it will take to get that behavior extinguished for good so that when the man or woman goes free, recidivism will not occur. Hopefully that young woman's other parent will be her guide while her father receives rehabilitation.
Went to a McDonald's in another town traveled to yesterday evening, and the place was filthy, the restrooms were filthy, and the staff looked like a bunch of riff raff that were just as unclean looking as the place looked.


I got my family member who is in her 80's the heck out of that place fast. I apologized to her for deciding on that place to eat. She said she was glad to get out of there.

Corporations under government control in which suggest to them that they can't run their business in the most professional way possible, is a great attrocity being committed in this country.

If we want to see this trend continue, then keep voting the Demon-crat's into power.

So government controls McDonalds. Can you possibly get any dumber.
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?

Your a complete dumbfuck if you dont.
All you're doing is compiling a list of comparable homes in your area and what they sold for.
You are lying. You want us to believe that you get your property reassessed every year. Yea right.

In our county, what properties sell for is irrelevant.
I'm only following this on the periphery, so I'd like to know too.

I'd phrase the question this way: What actionable information has been provided, either as a criminal matter or solid reason for impeachment?

The copy of the check proves illegal campaign finance contributions, cheating me out of a free and fair election. How many people would have changed their vote, had they known about Trump paying off Stormy and McDougal? We don't know, and that's the point.
What check? Please explain!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.
I'm only following this on the periphery, so I'd like to know too.

I'd phrase the question this way: What actionable information has been provided, either as a criminal matter or solid reason for impeachment?

The copy of the check proves illegal campaign finance contributions, cheating me out of a free and fair election. How many people would have changed their vote, had they known about Trump paying off Stormy and McDougal? We don't know, and that's the point.
What check? Please explain!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.
The copy of the check proves illegal campaign finance contributions, cheating me out of a free and fair election. How many people would have changed their vote, had they known about Trump paying off Stormy and McDougal? We don't know, and that's the point.
What check? Please explain!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.
What check? Please explain!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.

Who cheated on their property tax?
What check? Please explain!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
AOC is a fuken idiot!!!
She's complaining about Trump legally trying to deflate the value of a property to avoid paying more in taxes.
The Wife and I do that every year when we get our tax bill on the value of our home.
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.
It has a lot to do with not paying taxes! The tax rates are higher on the rest of us because 50% of you don’t pay federal taxes! Dumbass!
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant to obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
Jesus Fuck!. Where the Hell were you during the Obama administration????? Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & look around. The Republicans investigated Obama & Hillary all the time. The Republicans in the Senate violated the US Constitution when they ignored Obama's USSC pick,.

Now here you are whining like a little girl.

I have news, there are more people that want reasonable gun control than you gun nutjobs who can't walk out of the house without your gun.
Investigating the Obama administration on something credible regarding the Iran deal and transfer of funds, Hillary's server etc or Benghazi was better than investigating the Trump administration on fake news Russian collusion. How many millions now ?
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Dumbass Hillary puckered ass voter!
The reimbursement check and checks by Trump to Cohen from the illegal hush money payments to Stormy.
Those are illegal?
Then, you are cheating me the tax payer, as is Trump. Who makes up the difference when you cheat on your taxes?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.
It has a lot to do with not paying taxes! The tax rates are higher on the rest of us because 50% of you don’t pay federal taxes! Dumbass!
The subject was property taxes dumbass.

But hey, In guess you are so fucking stupid that you think there are no Republicans that don't pay federal income tax.
Those are illegal?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.
It has a lot to do with not paying taxes! The tax rates are higher on the rest of us because 50% of you don’t pay federal taxes! Dumbass!
The subject was property taxes dumbass.

But hey, In guess you are so fucking stupid that you think there are no Republicans that don't pay federal income tax.
Taxes are taxes dumbass! If it’s true of property taxes it’s true of income taxes. Dumbass!

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