Michael Cohen - Why Am I Supposed To Care?

We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Dumbass Hillary puckered ass voter!
Damn son, why are you such a whiny little bitch? You should just lay back and try to enjoy the end pf the trump presidency.
AOC is Up!!!!!!
Lets see if we can get some comedy gold!!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.

It's all about the worrying that Trump was going to roll back alot of the so called gains against the Christian's in this country.
Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Dumbass Hillary puckered ass voter!
Damn son, why are you such a whiny little bitch? You should just lay back and try to enjoy the end pf the trump presidency.
Dumbass puckered Hillary voter!
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.
Nope,and you are doing it again. The entire world knows that he is a mentally lil child, unfit for office. Even the 30 million trump cultists like you. So, for you even to think the word "most", much less say it, show how far gone you freaks are.
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.
Nope,and you are doing it again. The entire world knows that he is a mentally lil child, unfit for office. Even the 30 million trump cultists like you. So, for you even to think the word "most", much less say it, show how far gone you freaks are.
^^^ puckered ass!
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.

It's all about the worrying that Trump was going to roll back alot of the so called gains against the Christian's in this country.
Trump becoming president is founded by criminal misconduct while paying off porn stars with hush money that was not reported on a financial disclosure, cheating me out of a free and fair election. I want justice for my vote not counting, and in time, it will happen.
Those are illegal?
who makes up the difference of the 50% who pay zero federal taxes?
The ones that pay property taxes you god damn idiot when the schools raise the millage.

Can you send in the fake dave?
He's bound to be smarter.

Look dumbass,

If you cheat on property taxes, then the taxing body will need to up their tax rate to get their desired income.

So who will make up the difference? Property owners.

It has little to do with those not paying any taxes.

You people are dumber than shit.
It has a lot to do with not paying taxes! The tax rates are higher on the rest of us because 50% of you don’t pay federal taxes! Dumbass!
The subject was property taxes dumbass.

But hey, In guess you are so fucking stupid that you think there are no Republicans that don't pay federal income tax.

So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
Just because you're a mental midget doesn't mean the rest of us are....or you live in a shack.
So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
And so there you have it, straight from the mind of a brilliant legal expert! There is no such thing as property tax fraud. Just different opinions.
So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
And so there you have it, straight from the mind of a brilliant legal expert! There is no such thing as property tax fraud. Just different opinions.

Then I guess Trump is in the clear.
Spot on!. You should tell him so! He really needs one more sycophant, completely ignorant of the law, to keep his mood elevated.
So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
And so there you have it, straight from the mind of a brilliant legal expert! There is no such thing as property tax fraud. Just different opinions.

Then I guess Trump is in the clear.
Spot on!. You should tell him so! He really needs one more sycophant, completely ignorant of the law, to keep his mood elevated.

It's legal to contest your property taxes.
We do it every year. Only dumbasses just hand over large sums of money without question.
Unless of course you dont pay property taxes....or you rely on OPM.
It's legal to contest your property taxes.
Neato! When I run into someone who says it is not legal, I will pass on this expert legal advice!

You should probably say it 60 or 70 more times, for good measure.

Now... intentionally undervaluing property, to evade taxes? Oh, now that is quite illegal. It can even be a felony.
We got a whole bunch of witness referrals. She did a hell of a job in the name of good investigative digging.

Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
Jesus Fuck!. Where the Hell were you during the Obama administration????? Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & look around. The Republicans investigated Obama & Hillary all the time. The Republicans in the Senate violated the US Constitution when they ignored Obama's USSC pick,.

Now here you are whining like a little girl.

I have news, there are more people that want reasonable gun control than you gun nutjobs who can't walk out of the house without your gun.
Investigating the Obama administration on something credible regarding the Iran deal and transfer of funds, Hillary's server etc or Benghazi was better than investigating the Trump administration on fake news Russian collusion. How many millions now ?

The FBI & CIA said that the Russians interfered. I guess they were not supposed to investigate.

Republicans did not give rat's ass about Benghazi outside of trying to blame Hillary. Just like with the e-mails.
It's legal to contest your property taxes.
Neato! When I run into someone who says it is not legal, I will pass on this expert legal advice!

You should probably say it 60 or 70 more times, for good measure.

Now... intentionally undervaluing property, to evade taxes? Oh, now that is quite illegal. It can even be a felony.

Prove it.
How exactly does someone fraudulently deflate the value of a property?
We have to fight tooth and nail and come prepared with valid documents to get our taxes reduced.

Ya think they just take Trumps word for it when we're talking millions?
Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.

It's all about the worrying that Trump was going to roll back alot of the so called gains against the Christian's in this country.
Trump becoming president is founded by criminal misconduct while paying off porn stars with hush money that was not reported on a financial disclosure, cheating me out of a free and fair election. I want justice for my vote not counting, and in time, it will happen.
Paying off a porn star cheated you on your election eh ?? Now that is something the American voters best put at the forefront of their election problems in this country. LOL
Considering they "practiced" before hand I'd say she did a crappy job.
We learned nothing new.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
Jesus Fuck!. Where the Hell were you during the Obama administration????? Pull your head out of your ass once in a while & look around. The Republicans investigated Obama & Hillary all the time. The Republicans in the Senate violated the US Constitution when they ignored Obama's USSC pick,.

Now here you are whining like a little girl.

I have news, there are more people that want reasonable gun control than you gun nutjobs who can't walk out of the house without your gun.
Investigating the Obama administration on something credible regarding the Iran deal and transfer of funds, Hillary's server etc or Benghazi was better than investigating the Trump administration on fake news Russian collusion. How many millions now ?

The FBI & CIA said that the Russians interfered. I guess they were not supposed to investigate.

Republicans did not give rat's ass about Benghazi outside of trying to blame Hillary. Just like with the e-mails.

They also said Iraq had chemical weapons.
Did they or didnt they?
So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
And so there you have it, straight from the mind of a brilliant legal expert! There is no such thing as property tax fraud. Just different opinions.

Then I guess Trump is in the clear.
Spot on!. You should tell him so! He really needs one more sycophant, completely ignorant of the law, to keep his mood elevated.

It's legal to contest your property taxes.
We do it every year. Only dumbasses just hand over large sums of money without question.
Unless of course you dont pay property taxes....or you rely on OPM.[/QUOT more bullshit.
So you dont contest your property taxes every year?
I damn sure do,and 90% of the time they get reduced.
And so there you have it, straight from the mind of a brilliant legal expert! There is no such thing as property tax fraud. Just different opinions.

Then I guess Trump is in the clear.
Spot on!. You should tell him so! He really needs one more sycophant, completely ignorant of the law, to keep his mood elevated.

It's legal to contest your property taxes.
We do it every year. Only dumbasses just hand over large sums of money without question.
Unless of course you dont pay property taxes....or you rely on OPM.[/QUOT more bullshit.

Learn how to quote.
We have copies of checks and referrals to witnesses for bank, tax, and insurance fraud. Seeing that we now know that Trump did not report the hush money payments on disclosures, we have a mountain of new things we just found out.
I thought it was all about collusion with the Russians, and when that didn't work it was on to something else eh ???

So what the people ought to know about the Democrats wanting power, and wanting it for nefarious reasons, is that they will stop at nothing to get it. Well what goes around comes around, and just because the Democrats have attempted to normalize alot of bullcrap in order to insulate themselves from scrutiny, it doesn't mean the majority of the nation is in agreement/tolerant with them on alot of their bullcrap any longer or do they want them in power over them any longer as well.

So don't think that the nation is willing to put anyone in power just because it is thought by Democrats that maybe extreme gun control measures for just one example, might be yet another thing to be normalized in our society going forward, and this being found in the thinking of the crats who are wanting to try anything they might think that they can pull on society going forward without resistance on once attempt to be in power again.
That, of course, is all a bunch of contrived bullshit meant too obfuscate what has really happened.

What has really happened? I'm glad you asked. What has actually happened is that all you fools threw your support behind a guy because he annoyed liberals and made you feel smart and normal by comparison. And now that the entire world knows that he is an abnormal, mentally ill child president who is unfit for the office, you are too proud and too stubborn to admit that you made a huge mistake, and now have to come up with all of this flowery bullshit like your last post. In essence, all of that flowery bullshit is meant actually just to soothe yourself, and is not really for the benefit of anyone else.
Take it anyway you want, but the people know what has happened with the fake outrage over Trump becoming the President.

It's all about the worrying that Trump was going to roll back alot of the so called gains against the Christian's in this country.
Trump becoming president is founded by criminal misconduct while paying off porn stars with hush money that was not reported on a financial disclosure, cheating me out of a free and fair election. I want justice for my vote not counting, and in time, it will happen.
Paying off a porn star cheated you on your election eh ?? Now that is something the American voters best put at the forefront of their election problems in this country. LOL
I thought you assfucks were all about the law??? Violating campaign finance laws is OK now?

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