Michael Cohen's Former Legal Advisor Slammed him as a Liar in Front of Grand Jury

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Costello to reporters:

"Michael Cohen told us that he was approached by Stormy Daniels' lawyers who said that she had negative information that she wanted to put in a lawsuit against Trump. So Michael Cohen decided on his own . . . that's what he told us, to see if he could take care of this. So he sat with the lawyer for Stormy Daniels. They negotiated a non-disclosure agreement, for $130,000.

"So I said 'Michael, where did you get the $130,000? Is that Trump's money?'

'No, it's not . . . I took out a HELOC loan for $130,000.'

"I said, 'why would you do that?'

So, if that's what Costello told the Grand Jury, then of course they arent' going to indict Trump for what his lawyer did. How can Democrats be that dense?

The prosecutor knew all of that fully well. He went through hunjdreds of emails that Costello provided and cherry picked 6 to talk to the GJ about. The U.S. Attorney for the area saw all the emails and realized there was no case.

Democrats belief that Trump is guilty relies entirely on assuming that every accuser is always telling the truth, even if they are a convicted perjeror.
If Mike Cohen lied to the grand jury, why isn't Mr. Bragg prosecuting him and sending him up state, so he can "Make Attica Great Again"?

Cohen is a repeat offender after all, a hardened fucking criminal
A story that I used to only tell my closest friends for a laugh had turned into the biggest news in the world. I’ll never forget the day The Wall Street Journal called. I was asked about my involvement with Trump and Stormy in Tahoe, and if I could confirm the news about a payoff or an NDA. Before I knew it, details of my involvement spread from news agencies to social media outlets. I was watching news anchors read conversations between me and my friends, and was being portrayed in ways I was uncomfortable with: like a dumb blonde. It was time to make another choice. Stay quiet and hope for it to all go away, or share my story and the truth about what really happened. For months, while Stormy was under lockdown due to a restrictive NDA attached to the payoff, Michael Cohen said Trump “vehemently denies” it happened. The next thing you know, Cohen puts out a statement claiming that Stormy was also denying the allegations. (Trump later confessed to authorizing the payment via Cohen.) At this moment, I was the only person standing strong to our truth. Not only was Trump denying it, but it seemed so was my friend. Confusion became clarity as I realized what was happening: It was obvious Stormy was unable to discuss it. This is when our friendship changed, but not how you would expect.
This is all a distraction. Cohen's credibility is not really an issue here. Nobody would ever conclude that Cohen paid the slut out of his own resources, ultimately. Why would he do that. Obviously, he expected to be reimbursed by some person or entity controlled by his boss.

But so what?

There is nothing illegal about paying someone to keep quiet about an embarrassing fact, just as their is nothing illegal about TAKING MONEY to keep your mouth shut.

The issue in this case is whether such an expenditure must be treated as a political campaign contribution, and this legal theory has been emphatically debunked in the past...which means, there IS NO CASE against the former President. If this theory were upheld, a candidate getting a dog, or buying a Harley Davidson, or getting a professional hair styling could all be deemed political campaign contributions, because all of them could be characterized as trying to influence voters.

It is all nonsense.

And the same applies to the documents scandal at Mar a Lago, and the phone-call-in-question matter in Georgia. They are all attempts to weaponize the Justice System to harm a political candidate.

Ironically, all of this is working to Trump's benefit politically.
Cohen still blames Trump for the taste of convict cock that he can't get out of his mouth. I suggest he rinse with Liquid Plumber and maybe that will help.

That jailbird bitch makes Josef Stolen look truthful and that stuttering fuck hasn't uttered anything truthful since the 80's when he told us how much he hates blacks because they're predators.

Cohen still blames Trump for the taste of convict cock that he can't get out of his mouth. I suggest he rinse with Liquid Plumber and maybe that will help.

That jailbird bitch makes Josef Stolen look truthful and that stuttering fuck hasn't uttered anything truthful since the 80's when he told us how much he hates blacks because they're predators.

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Mikey the Snitch should be pissed at the prosecutors who sold him a bill of goods.

They convinced him to lie like a rug against his President, and he STILL got sent up the river.

Not only that, President Trump skated completely, the persecutors were too chicken shit even to file charges
This is all a distraction. Cohen's credibility is not really an issue here. Nobody would ever conclude that Cohen paid the slut out of his own resources, ultimately. Why would he do that. Obviously, he expected to be reimbursed by some person or entity controlled by his boss.
Why not, if he could just bill Trump for "legal services?" He might have told Trump "I scared the shit out of that slut. You won't see her no more," in that wannabe wise guy accent of his. Not gonna lie, Trump would have liked that.

But, yes, he absolutely expected to be reimbursed for it, and soon, if he took out a HELOC without telling his wife. Maybe he did tell Trump exactly what it was for, but if the only way we know that is that Cohen said so, we don't know it at all. You can't know anything from what Cohen says except that Cohen said it.

It is a fantasy that the entry that "was made" was made by Trump. Trump doesn't sit around balancing his checkbook, he has people to do that. Which is why this silly case was rejected by every federal prosecutor, no matter how anti Trump.
But so what?

There is nothing illegal about paying someone to keep quiet about an embarrassing fact, just as their is nothing illegal about TAKING MONEY to keep your mouth shut.

The issue in this case is whether such an expenditure must be treated as a political campaign contribution, and this legal theory has been emphatically debunked in the past...which means, there IS NO CASE against the former President. If this theory were upheld, a candidate getting a dog, or buying a Harley Davidson, or getting a professional hair styling could all be deemed political campaign contributions, because all of them could be characterized as trying to influence voters.
I didn't know the theory was that weak. The way they talk about it, made me think it had come from some campaign fund. You're right, using his own money to give what to him is a token payoff to a bimbo isn't any kind of campaign contribution.
It is all nonsense.

And the same applies to the documents scandal at Mar a Lago, and the phone-call-in-question matter in Georgia. They are all attempts to weaponize the Justice System to harm a political candidate.

Ironically, all of this is working to Trump's benefit politically.
I'm starting to wonder if the Dems are not deliberately propping him up, in order to keep him active. Not the Dems on this board, they would be the targets of such a scam. The strongest Democratic voters are college-age, who were late teens playing video games and vaping thc when Trump came on the scene. Hating Trump is all they know politically. Same reason Big Brother pretended that he could never catch or kill Goldstein.

Costello to reporters:

"Michael Cohen told us that he was approached by Stormy Daniels' lawyers who said that she had negative information that she wanted to put in a lawsuit against Trump. So Michael Cohen decided on his own . . . that's what he told us, to see if he could take care of this. So he sat with the lawyer for Stormy Daniels. They negotiated a non-disclosure agreement, for $130,000.

"So I said 'Michael, where did you get the $130,000? Is that Trump's money?'

'No, it's not . . . I took out a HELOC loan for $130,000.'

"I said, 'why would you do that?'

So, if that's what Costello told the Grand Jury, then of course they arent' going to indict Trump for what his lawyer did. How can Democrats be that dense?

The prosecutor knew all of that fully well. He went through hunjdreds of emails that Costello provided and cherry picked 6 to talk to the GJ about. The U.S. Attorney for the area saw all the emails and realized there was no case.

Democrats belief that Trump is guilty relies entirely on assuming that every accuser is always telling the truth, even if they are a convicted perjeror.

Fake News aka lying aka misinformation.

Trump lies all the time....Trump lies to his lawyers all of them .....

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