Michael Cohen's Porn Star Payment Just Left Trump Open to Criminal Charges

As ridiculous as this is, if it is even true, that someone paid a hoe to not go to the fake news (which ended up total fail for those who did) shouldn't all of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie's multimillion dollar speaking engagements in Russia, etc., have been considered "campaign contributions?"
Slick Willie is Bill and he hasn't ran for office since 1994...
and the 25 million for Trump University was upheld in a higher court after being appealed..
The deal the National Enquirer made for the Playmate’s story is similar. They paid $80,000 or thereabouts, and had her sign an exclusivity agreement for a story they never published. Staff call it a “catch and kill”.

Notice that Cohen doesn’t say that Donald Trump didn’t reimburse him for the payment, just that the Trump campaign didn’t reimburse him.

The publisher of the Enquirer is a friend of Trump’s. The Cohen payment is more troublesome for Trump. The Enquirer is in the business of buying salacious gossip and can reasonable argue they purchased the story in the normal course of business. Cohen has no such excuse.

You might want to take a reading comprehension class, from the OP:
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford,” Cohen told the New York Times, “and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.
How can something be troublesome when you're not aware of it?


Where does it say that Donald Trump wasn’t aware of the payment?

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign reimbursed me”.

No mention of Donnie whatsoever. But Trump knew. Cohen wouldn’t have paid this woman off without Trump’s knowledge or consent. At the very least, he’d need to confirm her story with Donnie.

I just find it a total joke that fat Donald is paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex. What a loser!

Oh, ok, you want to play semantics and make assumptions. Riddle me this batman, was Trump the head of the Trump organization at the time the payment was made or not?

and the 25 million for Trump University was upheld in a higher court after being appealed..

Link? Settlements aren't normally appealed because they are agreed to by both parties.

President Donald Trump‘s personal attorney Michael Cohen addressed the payment of $130,000 that went to former pornographic film star Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) in 2016. Cohen said that the payment to Clifford, who had claimed she had an affair with Trump soon after his wife Melania Trump gave birth to their son, came directly from him. In an apparent effort to show that the payment was legal, he made it clear that Trump’s campaign was not involved in the transaction. Ironically, however, Cohen’s very explanation could land Trump in serious trouble, and possibly vulnerable to criminal charges.

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford,” Cohen told the New York Times, “and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.” Cohen would not say what the payment was for, but other outlets have reported it was to prevent Clifford from speaking publicly about the alleged affair.

While Cohen was probably trying to put Trump in the clear by saying he had nothing to do with it, his very explanation paints a picture very similar to that of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards.

Edwards faced charges after it was alleged that he accepted and tried to conceal hundreds of thousands of dollars that came from outside sources that were then used to cover up an affair he was having. Edwards was running for president at the time of the payments, and federal prosecutors claimed that the money should have been reported as campaign contributions. Such contributions also would have been in excess of the maximum amount allowed by individual donors, in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.



UMMM the election is over, You lost,
The NY TIMES lost many many times, caught with egg on their face.... Mudslinging is supposed to stop after elections are over.
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Fake news
This is not fake news all of this happened. This situation is very similar to the Edwards situation. The prosecutors could absolutely use the same reasoning to bring charges. Our court system works on precedence and there is one for this situation. That being said the Edwards case ended up in acquittal, you would think that out come would way on prosecutors minds! Seems like a loser to me, if I were a prosecutor I would not be very interested. This may not be how some feel.
The deal the National Enquirer made for the Playmate’s story is similar. They paid $80,000 or thereabouts, and had her sign an exclusivity agreement for a story they never published. Staff call it a “catch and kill”.

Notice that Cohen doesn’t say that Donald Trump didn’t reimburse him for the payment, just that the Trump campaign didn’t reimburse him.

The publisher of the Enquirer is a friend of Trump’s. The Cohen payment is more troublesome for Trump. The Enquirer is in the business of buying salacious gossip and can reasonable argue they purchased the story in the normal course of business. Cohen has no such excuse.

You might want to take a reading comprehension class, from the OP:
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford,” Cohen told the New York Times, “and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.
How can something be troublesome when you're not aware of it?


Where does it say that Donald Trump wasn’t aware of the payment?

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign reimbursed me”.

No mention of Donnie whatsoever. But Trump knew. Cohen wouldn’t have paid this woman off without Trump’s knowledge or consent. At the very least, he’d need to confirm her story with Donnie.

I just find it a total joke that fat Donald is paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex. What a loser!

Oh, ok, you want to play semantics and make assumptions. Riddle me this batman, was Trump the head of the Trump organization at the time the payment was made or not?


How much time do you spend hanging out with lawyers? Do you understand that you have to listen very carefully to the EXACT wording of what they say? Their statements are very carefully worded. I call it “weasel wording”. Statements which are meant to mislead you.

You’re assuming that his statement about the Trump Organization or the Trump Campsign includes Donald Trump. It doesn’t. It carefully excludes Donald J. Trump, who is neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign.

This isn’t an accident. It’s deliberate and it’s done to make people like you think that Donald J. Trump had nothing to do with the payment. It’s precisely because he failed to mention Trump personally that I’m certain Dumb Donald was involved.
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The deal the National Enquirer made for the Playmate’s story is similar. They paid $80,000 or thereabouts, and had her sign an exclusivity agreement for a story they never published. Staff call it a “catch and kill”.

Notice that Cohen doesn’t say that Donald Trump didn’t reimburse him for the payment, just that the Trump campaign didn’t reimburse him.

The publisher of the Enquirer is a friend of Trump’s. The Cohen payment is more troublesome for Trump. The Enquirer is in the business of buying salacious gossip and can reasonable argue they purchased the story in the normal course of business. Cohen has no such excuse.

You might want to take a reading comprehension class, from the OP:
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford,” Cohen told the New York Times, “and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.
How can something be troublesome when you're not aware of it?


Where does it say that Donald Trump wasn’t aware of the payment?

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign reimbursed me”.

No mention of Donnie whatsoever. But Trump knew. Cohen wouldn’t have paid this woman off without Trump’s knowledge or consent. At the very least, he’d need to confirm her story with Donnie.

I just find it a total joke that fat Donald is paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex. What a loser!

Oh, ok, you want to play semantics and make assumptions. Riddle me this batman, was Trump the head of the Trump organization at the time the payment was made or not?


How much time do you spend hanging out with lawyers? Do you understand that you have to listen very carefully to the EXACT wording of what they say? Their statements are very carefully worded. You cannot make assumptions based on their words.

You’re assuming that his statement about the Trump Organization or the Trump Campsign.

Great deflection, you didn't answer my question. Care to try again?

The deal the National Enquirer made for the Playmate’s story is similar. They paid $80,000 or thereabouts, and had her sign an exclusivity agreement for a story they never published. Staff call it a “catch and kill”.

Notice that Cohen doesn’t say that Donald Trump didn’t reimburse him for the payment, just that the Trump campaign didn’t reimburse him.

The publisher of the Enquirer is a friend of Trump’s. The Cohen payment is more troublesome for Trump. The Enquirer is in the business of buying salacious gossip and can reasonable argue they purchased the story in the normal course of business. Cohen has no such excuse.

You might want to take a reading comprehension class, from the OP:
“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford,” Cohen told the New York Times, “and neither reimbursed me for the payment, either directly or indirectly.
How can something be troublesome when you're not aware of it?


Where does it say that Donald Trump wasn’t aware of the payment?

“Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump Campaign reimbursed me”.

No mention of Donnie whatsoever. But Trump knew. Cohen wouldn’t have paid this woman off without Trump’s knowledge or consent. At the very least, he’d need to confirm her story with Donnie.

I just find it a total joke that fat Donald is paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex. What a loser!

Oh, ok, you want to play semantics and make assumptions. Riddle me this batman, was Trump the head of the Trump organization at the time the payment was made or not?


How much time do you spend hanging out with lawyers? Do you understand that you have to listen very carefully to the EXACT wording of what they say? Their statements are very carefully worded. You cannot make assumptions based on their words.

You’re assuming that his statement about the Trump Organization or the Trump Campsign.

Great deflection, you didn't answer my question. Care to try again?


Yes I did. Very very clearly and very precisely.

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