Michael Moore is a Huge Steaming Pile of Shit

I do not see Chris Kyle as admirable. I would not want my son or grandson to turn out like that guy. I would prefer they be like Michael Moore.
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Wow, what an intelligent rebuttal nut job.
"Yep, you are a bonafide idiot."
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.

Insight into Chris Kyle?

The movie is fiction as was Kyle's story. Look at some of the links posted in the previous threads about this.

I listened to the widow of Chris Kyle. That is all I need to know, other than he was a dedicated Patriot and lived and died because of his convictions. That really should make you very happy.
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.

Insight into Chris Kyle?

The movie is fiction as was Kyle's story. Look at some of the links posted in the previous threads about this.

I listened to the widow of Chris Kyle. That is all I need to know, other than he was a dedicated Patriot and lived and died because of his convictions. That really should make you very happy.
I do not see anything Patriotic about mindlessly killing people in Iraq who did nothing to us just because a cheap lying ass politician like Bush said so...I fail to see what is admirable about lying that you gunned down two men who tried to rob you and bragging of this non event ...
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.

Insight into Chris Kyle?

The movie is fiction as was Kyle's story. Look at some of the links posted in the previous threads about this.

I listened to the widow of Chris Kyle. That is all I need to know, other than he was a dedicated Patriot and lived and died because of his convictions. That really should make you very happy.
I do not see anything Patriotic about mindlessly killing people in Iraq who did nothing to us just because a cheap lying ass politician like Bush said so...I fail to see what is admirable about lying that you gunned down two men who tried to rob you and bragging of this non event ...

Living in a world of black and white must make your choices in life much easier.
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.

Insight into Chris Kyle?

The movie is fiction as was Kyle's story. Look at some of the links posted in the previous threads about this.

I listened to the widow of Chris Kyle. That is all I need to know, other than he was a dedicated Patriot and lived and died because of his convictions. That really should make you very happy.
I do not see anything Patriotic about mindlessly killing people in Iraq who did nothing to us just because a cheap lying ass politician like Bush said so...I fail to see what is admirable about lying that you gunned down two men who tried to rob you and bragging of this non event ...
He must have been a liberal IF he lied.
Chris Kyle's service record from Wiki. Two Silver Stars...(the award directly below the Congressional Medal of Honor) and 5 bronze stars. Anyone who trashes this man is a piece of shit.

Rank Chief Petty Officer[3]
United States Navy SEALs

  • SEAL Team 3, sniper element, Charlie Company (later called Cadillac Company)
Iraq War

Awards Silver Star Medal (2)
Bronze Star Medal (Valor; 5)
Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1)
Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2)[3][4]
I can't believe they still bring him up to ask his opinion on anything. he's so yesterday. yawn
So yesterday? Ya fucking right. He just turned out one of the best movies in decades.
That's what drives LIB 'never-wasers' nuts.
Have a nice empty LIB day.
When you are Eastwoods age all you'll be producing is shity Depends.
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4th or 5th thread on this non-event.

Once again, RWs are owned.


I don't know what right winger you could be referring to here or who owns who, but one thing is certainly clear; Michael Moore is superficial, unsubstantial, and not very bright.

You bet he's not very bright.

I heard he tried to get into Gitmo by sea and almost got his ass shot off by a US Marine.

To bad they didn't shoot.

His widow would be one rich bitch because even though Moore tries to let everyone believe he's an average guy he's actually a one percenter worth millions.

Superficial, unsubstantial and rich as hell.

Yup. Just your average guy who hates the rich and successfull. What a load of shit he is.
See......I think you cant get Mike Moore in front of a camera often enough!!! If you are conservative, you want hiom being seen by the American people every single day!!!:banana:
That's why Moore should become President, he is someone even more detested by a lot of Republicans than Obama. Finally they would have someone who really is a socialist (and against American foreign policy) in the White House. Of course he would make a mess of things, but that's the price you pay for good comedy.
with all the money he has soaked into his one way pockets from silly liberals, I thank him. If that money went into political causes, I shudder to think what could have done with elections. Thankfully, it has been absorbed into lawyers fees from his divorce and his own ego.

I can agree with this part of the above post; "with all the money he has soaked into his one way pockets from silly liberals"
However, both sides of the aisle have their own Michael Moore's who soak all kinds of money into their one way pockets, be it a movie producer, a radio/TV host, an author; ect, by playing their ideological follower's emotions.

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