Michael Moore is a Huge Steaming Pile of Shit

I do not see Chris Kyle as admirable. I would not want my son or grandson to turn out like that guy. I would prefer they be like Michael Moore.
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
You mischaracterize right wingers like most libtards do.
even though Moore tries to let everyone believe he's an average guy he's actually a one percenter worth millions.
^^^ Class warfare.

Nope. Just stating a fact.
Libtards hate facts.
The white people's Glorification of Guns and killings with guns is quite a phenomena ...
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
You mischaracterize right wingers like most libtards do.
I have seen their ways too often for my liking...

The thought of Right to Life; culture of Life Christians cheering every kill by Chris Kyle is inspiring in the same way syrup of Ipecac is inspiring to the digestive system...
I do not see Chris Kyle as admirable. I would not want my son or grandson to turn out like that guy. I would prefer they be like Michael Moore.
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
you are clueless about what it means to serve your country, commie pig.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
You mischaracterize right wingers like most libtards do.
I have seen their ways too often for my liking...

The thought of Right to Life; culture of Life Christians cheering every kill by Chris Kyle is inspiring in the same way syrup of Ipecac is inspiring to the digestive system...
You are the end result of that syrup.
There was a time when the majority of the Country felt the same way as Moore. It's trendy for the establishment left to pretend to support the Military these days but they were spitting on Soldiers and Marines when it was trendy forty years ago. At least Moore is a consistent ass-hole. John Kerry was telling lies about atrocities allegedly committed by his former ship-mates and Bill Ayers was blowing up recruiting centers and planning a bomb for a Ft. Dix dance. Now Ayers is a well respected unrepentant domestic terrorist and adviser to the president and Kerry is Secretary/State.
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
you are clueless about what it means to serve your country, commie pig.
Cheney said he had other priorities and got five deferments...serving my country is opposing Right wing delusions that have led to much misery and much atrocity...
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..
you are clueless about what it means to serve your country, commie pig.
Cheney said he had other priorities and got five deferments...serving my country is opposing Right wing delusions that have led to much misery and much atrocity...
Clinton fled like a sissy to Canada smoking pot like a pussy. You ain't srving your country, your serving your master.
There was a time when the majority of the Country felt the same way as Moore. It's trendy for the establishment left to pretend to support the Military these days but they were spitting on Soldiers and Marines when it was trendy forty years ago. At least Moore is a consistent ass-hole. John Kerry was telling lies about atrocities allegedly committed by his former ship-mates and Bill Ayers was blowing up recruiting centers and planning a bomb for a Ft. Dix dance. Now Ayers is a well respected unrepentant domestic terrorist and adviser to the president and Kerry is Secretary/State.
I would disagree with ayers being well respected.
Clinton fled like a sissy to Canada smoking pot like a pussy. You ain't srving your country, your serving your master.
Clinton did not flee to Canada ...it is a virtuous thing to smoke pot ... I do it all the time ...I am not going to go shoot anyone simply because some asshole like Bush say to do it...
One of Fat Mikey's homes:



PETER SCHWEIZER: Well, Michael Moore has said at least half-a-dozen times, I don`t own a single share of stock, because he considers investing in the stock market to be dirty money.

Well, I guess he is technically correct. He doesn`t own a single share of stock. He owns tens of thousands of shares of stock.

After all, in 2005, Peter Schweizer in his book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy" included a copy of Moore's schedule D from one of his tax filings showing that the schlockumentarian at one point owned almost 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 shares of Sonoco, more than 4,000 shares of Best Foods, more than 3,000 shares of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 shares of Bank One, and more than 2,000 shares of Halliburton and has an estimated net worth of over $50M.
I do not see Chris Kyle as admirable. I would not want my son or grandson to turn out like that guy. I would prefer they be like Michael Moore.
Yep, you are a bonafide idiot.
Man took the words right out of my mouth.

I stand by my statement... I do not admire Chris Kyle and I never will no matter your intense passion for that person...
He is far better than Michael Moore or Obutthurt, and most libtards I know.
That is a value Judgement I certainly do not share in any way shape or form...the totality of my sneering and smirking I dedicate to Right wing posers...who think killing a human with a gun is glorious...its not...its murder..

Murder is how we all do business, always has been. Why does that incite your moral outrage? Is it a surprise? Is it something new? Violence, actual or potential, is part of the foundation of all law and government, it doesn't exist otherwise. Civilization itself depends on the threat of violence to make people behave and follow rules. So what's your threshold for the use of violence? Unless you're a Buddhist monk I'll bet you can find your own justification for killing.
Clinton did not flee to Canada ...it is a virtuous thing to smoke pot ... I do it all the time ...I am not going to go shoot anyone simply because some asshole like Bush say to do it...

He fled to ENGLAND and demonstrated against the war in a foreign country. Then when he got a high draft number he quit Oxford....never graduated and is therefore NOT a Rhodes scholar.
Murder is how we all do business, always has been. Why does that incite your moral outrage? Is it a surprise? Is it something new? Violence, actual or potential, is part of the foundation of all law and government, it doesn't exist otherwise. Civilization itself depends on the threat of violence to make people behave and follow rules. So what's your threshold for the use of violence? Unless you're Buddhist monk I'll bet you can find your own justification for killing.

If you believe like that then don't get all weepy and crying if someone murders someone you love after all "that is how we do businesses always has been"...by the way I am not included in that "we" I will not kill for the Govvernment or any other reason... Un effing Believable...don't get all Drama about 9 11 ...nothing to do ...its just how its done ...
Clinton did not flee to Canada ...it is a virtuous thing to smoke pot ... I do it all the time ...I am not going to go shoot anyone simply because some asshole like Bush say to do it...

He fled to ENGLAND and demonstrated against the war in a foreign country. Then when he got a high draft number he quit Oxford....never graduated and is therefore NOT a Rhodes scholar.
Link link link.... He became President and Bush's daddy went to suck eggs somewhere
Murder is how we all do business, always has been. Why does that incite your moral outrage? Is it a surprise? Is it something new? Violence, actual or potential, is part of the foundation of all law and government, it doesn't exist otherwise. Civilization itself depends on the threat of violence to make people behave and follow rules. So what's your threshold for the use of violence? Unless you're Buddhist monk I'll bet you can find your own justification for killing.

If you believe like that then don't get all weepy and crying if someone murders someone you love after all "that is how we do businesses always has been"...by the way I am not included in that "we" I will not kill for the Govvernment or any other reason... Un effing Believable...don't get all Drama about 9 11 ...nothing to do ...its just how its done ...

You're going to cry are you, I didn't mean to upset you or question your black and white, right vs wrong, virtuous against evil, us vs them view of the world.

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