Michael Moore is a Huge Steaming Pile of Shit

There was a time when the majority of the Country felt the same way as Moore. It's trendy for the establishment left to pretend to support the Military these days but they were spitting on Soldiers and Marines when it was trendy forty years ago. At least Moore is a consistent ass-hole. John Kerry was telling lies about atrocities allegedly committed by his former ship-mates and Bill Ayers was blowing up recruiting centers and planning a bomb for a Ft. Dix dance. Now Ayers is a well respected unrepentant domestic terrorist and adviser to the president and Kerry is Secretary/State.
I would disagree with ayers being well respected.
He is well respected enough to be a law professor and a former partner with the current president in the administration (skimming?) of a private funding supposed to improve education in Chicago that never happened. There is no question that Ayers has a big voice in the Chicago area democrat party as well as his law professor wife who did serious prison time for domestic terrorism and is unrepentant but relatively low key. Apparently Ayers is still respected by the majority of the alphabet liberal media and it is alleged that Obama's biography was ghost written by him but the media refuses to address it. How much more respect does he need?
"Murder is how we all do business, always has been" by Liminal...words to not live by....

Do you pay federal income tax like regular working folks? If so then you are a fucking murderer.
I agree I paid Federal Income tax and it makes me an accomplice albeit unwilling to murder but at least I d do not pay homage to murder or mass murder like you do even as the time ready to criticize a desperate pregnant teen who gets an abortion as a murderer.......so yes you are very correct on my being an accomplice but I am not justifying it and calling murder how I do business...disgraceful statement by the way just shameful...

Incredible Bro-mance with Chris Kyle lol incredible ...Groupies for a Killer....pathetic
"Murder is how we all do business, always has been" by Liminal...words to not live by....

Do you pay federal income tax like regular working folks? If so then you are a fucking murderer.
I agree I paid Federal Income tax and it makes me an accomplice albeit unwilling to murder but at least I d do not pay homage to murder or mass murder like you do even as the time ready to criticize a desperate pregnant teen who gets an abortion as a murderer.......so yes you are very correct on my being an accomplice but I am not justifying it and calling murder how I do business...disgraceful statement by the way just shameful...

Incredible Bro-mance with Chris Kyle lol incredible ...Groupies for a Killer....pathetic

I see, so your moral outrage stops at your own inconvenience. You don't sound very committed to your principles.
"Murder is how we all do business, always has been" by Liminal...words to not live by....

Do you pay federal income tax like regular working folks? If so then you are a fucking murderer.
I agree I paid Federal Income tax and it makes me an accomplice albeit unwilling to murder but at least I d do not pay homage to murder or mass murder like you do even as the time ready to criticize a desperate pregnant teen who gets an abortion as a murderer.......so yes you are very correct on my being an accomplice but I am not justifying it and calling murder how I do business...disgraceful statement by the way just shameful...

Incredible Bro-mance with Chris Kyle lol incredible ...Groupies for a Killer....pathetic

I see, so your moral outrage stops at your own inconvenience. You don't sound very committed to your principles.
who the hell are you to pass judgement on me ...pass it on yourself dude...you approve of murder as a way of doing business ...its what is normal according to you...and some one with that low level of any ethical development is going to judge me ...F you

"Murder is how we all do business, always has been" by Liminal...words to not live by....

Do you pay federal income tax like regular working folks? If so then you are a fucking murderer.
I agree I paid Federal Income tax and it makes me an accomplice albeit unwilling to murder but at least I d do not pay homage to murder or mass murder like you do even as the time ready to criticize a desperate pregnant teen who gets an abortion as a murderer.......so yes you are very correct on my being an accomplice but I am not justifying it and calling murder how I do business...disgraceful statement by the way just shameful...

Incredible Bro-mance with Chris Kyle lol incredible ...Groupies for a Killer....pathetic

I see, so your moral outrage stops at your own inconvenience. You don't sound very committed to your principles.
who the hell are you to pass judgement on me ...pass it on yourself dude...you approve of murder as a way of doing business ...its what is normal according to you...and some one with that low level of any ethical development is going to judge me ...F you

I'll pass judgment on you. You are naive....and Mark Twain erred. Chimpanzees attack and kill rival groups of chimps, kill them and take over their territory...just like their human counterparts.

You are full of shit, bro!

Sniping against enemy combatants is not murder. It is surgical warfare. It limits collateral damage. It does not target innocent people.

With all due respect...fuck you!
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.
The irony is a bunch of Hollywood liberal elites made the movie.
It was a great film, and stayed true to the facts. The widow of Chris Kyle agrees. I liked the way the movie switched from war scenes to family scenes. It gave me insight into Chris Kyle, the man.

Most influential liberals are going to see it through a microscope and what they don't find, they will fabricate. That is how badly they view others successes. They have done nothing to help humanity and are envious as real heroes make them notice the inferiority they carry around with them.

Clint Eastwood will doubtfully win Best Director for the best film in years, as he is a conservative and did the Empty Suit thing on television and liberal Hollyweird hates him for that. :lmao: I don't think it will bother Clint in the least. He isn't out for honors. He is out to do his best and that is his reward. Liberals don't typically, have a best, so it goes back to the jealous, envy and greed thing.

Insight into Chris Kyle?

The movie is fiction, as was Kyle's story. Look at some of the links posted in the previous threads about this.
Those are what are known as unsubstantiated claims. Nothing more.
There was a time when the majority of the Country felt the same way as Moore. It's trendy for the establishment left to pretend to support the Military these days but they were spitting on Soldiers and Marines when it was trendy forty years ago. At least Moore is a consistent ass-hole. John Kerry was telling lies about atrocities allegedly committed by his former ship-mates and Bill Ayers was blowing up recruiting centers and planning a bomb for a Ft. Dix dance. Now Ayers is a well respected unrepentant domestic terrorist and adviser to the president and Kerry is Secretary/State.
I would disagree with ayers being well respected.
He is well respected enough to be a law professor and a former partner with the current president in the administration (skimming?) of a private funding supposed to improve education in Chicago that never happened. There is no question that Ayers has a big voice in the Chicago area democrat party as well as his law professor wife who did serious prison time for domestic terrorism and is unrepentant but relatively low key. Apparently Ayers is still respected by the majority of the alphabet liberal media and it is alleged that Obama's biography was ghost written by him but the media refuses to address it. How much more respect does he need?
A jail cell.
4th or 5th thread on this non-event.

Once again, RWs are owned.


I don't know what right winger you could be referring to here or who owns who, but one thing is certainly clear; Michael Moore is superficial, unsubstantial, and not very bright.

You bet he's not very bright.

I heard he tried to get into Gitmo by sea and almost got his ass shot off by a US Marine.

To bad they didn't shoot.

His widow would be one rich bitch because even though Moore tries to let everyone believe he's an average guy he's actually a one percenter worth millions.

Superficial, unsubstantial and rich as hell.

Yup. Just your average guy who hates the rich and successfull. What a load of shit he is.

Not only that, he seems to imply that he knows something about being in combat because of the stories he heard about his uncle. Yes he's obviously an idiot, unfortunately he's an idiot with a platform.
There is NOTHING NOBLE GLORIOUS OR GOOD about combat....the Iraqis did nothing to us we did horrors to them and Chris Kyle was part of it...

It must be wonderfully liberating to have such an uncomplicated view.
The truth is rarely complicated.
I don't know what right winger you could be referring to here or who owns who, but one thing is certainly clear; Michael Moore is superficial, unsubstantial, and not very bright.

You bet he's not very bright.

I heard he tried to get into Gitmo by sea and almost got his ass shot off by a US Marine.

To bad they didn't shoot.

His widow would be one rich bitch because even though Moore tries to let everyone believe he's an average guy he's actually a one percenter worth millions.

Superficial, unsubstantial and rich as hell.

Yup. Just your average guy who hates the rich and successfull. What a load of shit he is.

Not only that, he seems to imply that he knows something about being in combat because of the stories he heard about his uncle. Yes he's obviously an idiot, unfortunately he's an idiot with a platform.
There is NOTHING NOBLE GLORIOUS OR GOOD about combat....the Iraqis did nothing to us we did horrors to them and Chris Kyle was part of it...

It must be wonderfully liberating to have such an uncomplicated view.
"I am free and freedom tastes of REALITY"
Who said that.
I don't know what right winger you could be referring to here or who owns who, but one thing is certainly clear; Michael Moore is superficial, unsubstantial, and not very bright.

You bet he's not very bright.

I heard he tried to get into Gitmo by sea and almost got his ass shot off by a US Marine.

To bad they didn't shoot.

His widow would be one rich bitch because even though Moore tries to let everyone believe he's an average guy he's actually a one percenter worth millions.

Superficial, unsubstantial and rich as hell.

Yup. Just your average guy who hates the rich and successfull. What a load of shit he is.

Not only that, he seems to imply that he knows something about being in combat because of the stories he heard about his uncle. Yes he's obviously an idiot, unfortunately he's an idiot with a platform.
There is NOTHING NOBLE GLORIOUS OR GOOD about combat....the Iraqis did nothing to us we did horrors to them and Chris Kyle was part of it...

It must be wonderfully liberating to have such an uncomplicated view.
The truth is rarely complicated.

I'm sure that makes more sense if you don't think about it.
Clinton did not flee to Canada ...it is a virtuous thing to smoke pot ... I do it all the time ...I am not going to go shoot anyone simply because some asshole like Bush say to do it...

He fled to ENGLAND and demonstrated against the war in a foreign country. Then when he got a high draft number he quit Oxford....never graduated and is therefore NOT a Rhodes scholar.
What did Cheney do, fake Marine?
Murder is how we all do business, always has been. Why does that incite your moral outrage? Is it a surprise? Is it something new? Violence, actual or potential, is part of the foundation of all law and government, it doesn't exist otherwise. Civilization itself depends on the threat of violence to make people behave and follow rules. So what's your threshold for the use of violence? Unless you're Buddhist monk I'll bet you can find your own justification for killing.

If you believe like that then don't get all weepy and crying if someone murders someone you love after all "that is how we do businesses always has been"...by the way I am not included in that "we" I will not kill for the Govvernment or any other reason... Un effing Believable...don't get all Drama about 9 11 ...nothing to do ...its just how its done ...

You're going to cry are you, I didn't mean to upset you or question your black and white, right vs wrong, virtuous against evil, us vs them view of the world.
Welcome to USMB, wingnut.

I look forward to slapping you around like I do the rest of your ilk. Looks like it won't be a challenge.

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