Michael Moore: Know who you give your money to...

Go study economics mr. marbles. Study what monopolistic situations do to any market. When government takes something over, it effectively becomes a monopoly, then all the effects monopolies have on a market come into play.

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Go study economics mr. marbles. Study what monopolistic situations do to any market. When government takes something over, it effectively becomes a monopoly, then all the effects monopolies have on a market come into play.


Ding ding

Monopolies of any sort are bad. We try to control market monoploies by placing sanctions on those corporations that have no competition. Allowing Government to take over is basically handing a monopoly to someone.
When a gov't runs a 'monoploy' if you will, at least it's for the people, and not for money. Money vs people, money always wins, it's sad really.
Aint wrong. Monopoly is for the money, period. Government controls the product, controls the materials, controls the quality on everything that it costs to make the good or service. So how is that different whether they have the people in mind or the money in mind? Have you seen the people in power today? Do you think they give a damn about the people?
Originally posted by insein
Aint wrong. Monopoly is for the money, period. Government controls the product, controls the materials, controls the quality on everything that it costs to make the good or service. So how is that different whether they have the people in mind or the money in mind? Have you seen the people in power today? Do you think they give a damn about the people?

Thats why they are in power (well in theory). Why else be in power, if not to help people? And if they are not, why keep them there?
Originally posted by insein
Ding ding. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats forever.

I just want everyone a chance to learn how to fish. Right now, millions of people in yours, and my country don't, why not teach them?
Originally posted by MrMarbles
I just want everyone a chance to learn how to fish. Right now, millions of people in yours, and my country don't, why not teach them?

Perhaps they are not willing to learn. If a man is given a fish every day why does he need to fish? When people are on welfare for so long, why do they need to do anything for themselves? An education is handed to these people and they throw it away because you cant appreciate what you didnt earn.

A vicous cycle that needs to be broken threw personal responsibilty. Cut the embilical cord that the government feeds these people through and they will need to learn it in order to survive. They either find a better paying job, go to school or die in the gutter. Not everyone can be saved. That is problem one that people need to understand in order to help people.
Originally posted by insein
Perhaps they are not willing to learn. If a man is given a fish every day why does he need to fish? When people are on welfare for so long, why do they need to do anything for themselves? An education is handed to these people and they throw it away because you cant appreciate what you didnt earn.

A vicous cycle that needs to be broken threw personal responsibilty. Cut the embilical cord that the government feeds these people through and they will need to learn it in order to survive. They either find a better paying job, go to school or die in the gutter. Not everyone can be saved. That is problem one that people need to understand in order to help people.

There are people out there like that, and I agree with you, but there are way more whop are willing to work and learn. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. Most people will work they just need the chance.
Originally posted by MrMarbles
There are people out there like that, and I agree with you, but there are way more whop are willing to work and learn. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. Most people will work they just need the chance.

Exactly what dillo said. Even people of the most poverty stricken neighborhood have a chance. Albeit there's might be slimmer than another persons but thats life. You make the best of what is given to you.

There isn't any person in either America or Canada that doesn't have a chance to succeed. You want to see a no win situation, goto Africa. Yet those people have more hope and faith than most Americans do.

Kids are forced to goto school. They have the opportunities handed to them. They choose not to take it. They blame their failings on others instead when ultimately, its their own fault.

I went to college for a few years. I dicked around and didn't do much with it. Ultimately its my fault that i didnt graduate on time. Now i work a regular job in order to pay off those loans that i had the opportunity to receive but never capitalized on. I still have plenty of opportunity though. I can still goto school. I could work. I could do pretty much whatever i want as long as i rely on me.

For the world to truly to be peaceful, people need to stop "asking what their country can do for them. Instead ask what they can do for their country." -JFKennedy a Democrat
Originally posted by insein
Exactly what dillo said. Even people of the most poverty stricken neighborhood have a chance. Albeit there's might be slimmer than another persons but thats life. You make the best of what is given to you.

There isn't any person in either America or Canada that doesn't have a chance to succeed. You want to see a no win situation, goto Africa. Yet those people have more hope and faith than most Americans do.

Kids are forced to goto school. They have the opportunities handed to them. They choose not to take it. They blame their failings on others instead when ultimately, its their own fault.

I went to college for a few years. I dicked around and didn't do much with it. Ultimately its my fault that i didnt graduate on time. Now i work a regular job in order to pay off those loans that i had the opportunity to receive but never capitalized on. I still have plenty of opportunity though. I can still goto school. I could work. I could do pretty much whatever i want as long as i rely on me.

For the world to truly to be peaceful, people need to stop "asking what their country can do for them. Instead ask what they can do for their country." -JFKennedy a Democrat

There is a big difference between Harlem and Beverly Hills. Don't kids in Harlem deserve the chance that Beverly Hils kids get?
Sure if they lived in Beverly hills. You have to take into account, Why do said kids live in Harlem and why do other said kids live in Beverly Hills?

At some point in time, their parents or grandparents made the decisions that got them to where they were currently. Some people choose opportunity and end up living in beverly hills. Others are content with living in Harlem or failed to grasp the opportunity given to them.

Everyone has opportunity. Not everyone's is equal. Life is not fair. The sooner people realize this the better off they'll be. Instead of moping about how good rich people have it, they can be going out and working hard to make themselves or at least their childrens lives better. Some people have to work harder.

Not everyone is created equal because humans have lived for tens of thousands of years. At some point in time equality was shared for about 1 minute or so. Then when the first cave man decided to create a fire while others stayed outside and froze to death, that was when humans started to evolve into an opportunistic race. Over those thousands of years, humanity has become ultra diverse unlike many other species on the planet. Do people in Africa act the same as the people in america? Hell do the people in Philly act the same as the people in Bucks county (suburb of philly)? No. Opportunity has to be seized by the individual.

A window of opportunity opens every minute. Its up to the INDIVIDUAL to make sure they grasp it.
Originally posted by MrMarbles
There is a big difference between Harlem and Beverly Hills. Don't kids in Harlem deserve the chance that Beverly Hils kids get?

Complete and mandatory "share the wealth" Socialism punishes the productive while subsidizing those who won't work. Complete Capitalism would provide no sure safety net for those who can't be self-reliant (due do some severe handicap). I think that the USA has struck a good balance between free-market Capitalism and Socialism. While it rewards productivity it also provides several safety features for those who need a hand up (Unemployment Insurance, food stamps, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)
A window of opportunity opens every minute. Its up to the INDIVIDUAL to make sure they grasp it.

I just want everyone to have that oppourtunity, they don't get it. Life is unfair, yep. But why not help those in need. Help them get the oppourtunity, and be able to use.
Originally posted by MrMarbles
I just want everyone to have that oppourtunity, they don't get it. Life is unfair, yep. But why not help those in need. Help them get the oppourtunity, and be able to use.

Because you can't help everyone. There is always someone who didnt get help. Its up to the INDIVIDUAL to help themselves. Even in the darkest ghetto of the inner city, a person has the opportunity to get out and make it. Sure its about 10 times as hard as say someone from a rich suburban neightborhood, but thats the hand that was dealt them.

Does a poker player say to the dealer give me a few more aces because the guy next to him drew 3 kings and its not fair that he is at a disadvantage? No he plays the hand that he was dealt to the best of his ability.

Look at sports. Does a third string quarterback tell the coach to let the 1st string give him some of his talent in order for the 3rd string to have the same opportunity to succeed? No. He is at a disadvantage and has strive that much harder than the 1st string guy in order to gain the same level.

Life is unfair as i have said. We can't make it fair no matter how hard we try. Therefore its up to the individual to make it even at least for themselves and their children.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Complete and mandatory "share the wealth" Socialism punishes the productive while subsidizing those who won't work. Complete Capitalism would provide no sure safety net for those who can't be self-reliant (due do some severe handicap). I think that the USA has struck a good balance between free-market Capitalism and Socialism. While it rewards productivity it also provides several safety features for those who need a hand up (Unemployment Insurance, food stamps, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)

Untrue about socialism vs capitalism.

TRUE capitalism also lets churches do their thing without government intervention. This way private charity is allowed to occur without dependency on socialism.

A good book for you is:


Notice the title:

Untrue about socialism vs capitalism.

TRUE capitalism also lets churches do their thing without government intervention. This way private charity is allowed to occur without dependency on socialism.

I said that complete Capitalism would provide no sure safety net for those who can't be self-reliant (due do some severe handicap).

The safety net provided by private charity is based on the whim of private charity. There is no guarantee that the evaluations of the needy made by private charity would be any more accurate than was the evaluations of Enron made by Arthur Anderson. I have not even mentioned the history of scandals and unethical conduct done by several private charities.

Capitalism is not perfect. Socialism is not perfect. They each have good points and bad points. In my opinion, America provides an adequate balance.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Untrue about socialism vs capitalism.

TRUE capitalism also lets churches do their thing without government intervention. This way private charity is allowed to occur without dependency on socialism.

I said that complete Capitalism would provide no sure safety net for those who can't be self-reliant (due do some severe handicap).

The safety net provided by private charity is based on the whim of private charity. There is no guarantee that the evaluations of the needy made by private charity would be any more accurate than was the evaluations of Enron made by Arthur Anderson. I have not even mentioned the history of scandals and unethical conduct done by several private charities.

Capitalism is not perfect. Socialism is not perfect. They each have good points and bad points. In my opinion, America provides an adequate balance.

Because you don't understand the topic of compassionate capitalism at all.

That is why I provided you with the link.

The whole system IS a safety net. We could explore it but you refuse to acknowledge the potential.

You will never be promised pure air without traces of poisonous particles that may kill you upon inhilation.

By the same token you will never be promised pure economic safety.

When depending on the money of another, it comes through that good will by others -with financial incentive to DO GOOD, produces a better safety net than any socialist program.

Maybe you ought to look for solutions instead of making excuses for the problem.

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