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Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

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If that is true, and I highly doubt it, that still means that 2/3 of child molesters are hetero. But I put out top dollar that your claim is absolute bullshit.

Color me surprised

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Yes, 2/3 or child molesters are heterosexual. Heterosexuals make up 97-98% of the population, homosexuals make up 2-3% of the population.

If you are to blind to see that there is a huge disproportionate number of homosexual child molesters, I can't help you.

The thing is though, when the homosexual numbers rise to 5% of the population, they will make up 2/3 of child molesters, it that trend continues.

And 90+% of child molesters are male...while males only make up about 49% of the population....why are people not up at arms about that?
There is no proof there, just speculation. Numbers are proof. 1 in 3 child molesters are homosexual.

I know you hate it, but the numbers don't lie.

So gays are molesting those 1 in 4 girls.....interesting that you think so.

Where did I say that? Please, learn to comprehend what is written, and not make it up as you go.

1 in 3 molestations are by homosexuals. I never mentioned gender, you did! :D
There is no proof there, just speculation. Numbers are proof. 1 in 3 child molesters are homosexual.

I know you hate it, but the numbers don't lie.

So gays are molesting those 1 in 4 girls.....interesting that you think so.

Yes I get what your simple little mind is TRYING to convey - but it defies logioc that you think that it would in somehow bolster your stance. No asshole, Gays are not molesting those girls, heterosexuals are. Gays are doing the rest - untill you demonstrate that you comprehend basic mathematics such as simple statistics and the concept of per capita - I think you should STFU .... I think there should be a vote...
Where did I say that? Please, learn to comprehend what is written, and not make it up as you go.

1 in 3 molestations are by homosexuals. I never mentioned gender, you did! :D

Again....so gays are molesting those 1 in 4 girls....and not a peep from you guys about the girls?

You are Deflecting - The OP: "Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually "

Your desire is that the World ignore the fact that Homosexuals prey on Children by yelling and stomping your feet and screaming Hey Look Heteros Molest Too - Leave the Gays alone go after them ... Sorry Fagmeister - that won't work - The OP is Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually
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Again....so gays are molesting those 1 in 4 girls....and not a peep from you guys about the girls?

You are Deflecting - The OP: "Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually "

Your desire is that the World ignore the fact that Homosexuals prey on Children by yelling and stomping your feet and screaming Hey Look Heteros Molest Too - Leave the Gays alone go after them ... Sorry Fagmeister - that won't work - The OP is Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

The OP suffers an epic fail because the gay community wants no such thing.

Beaner, getting any yet?:D
As a member of the gay community I don't want anyone to prey on little children so obviously GB'S point is moot.
As a member of the gay community I don't want anyone to prey on little children so obviously GB'S point is moot.

The Gay Community is loaded with many extremely intelligent people. Like any Community it also has those who are bottom feeders and wallow in the muck at the low end of the bell curve in relation to intelligence. You Howey Boy are not a very important member, in fact a bottom feeder would probably be looking down on you as he wallows in the muck and mire of queerdom. You speak for no one, and are an embarassment even to your fellow fags . Billy P - I speak to you also - as you Howey seem to be joined at the ....uh ..... yeah right .... lets just say, joined at the "Hip" and leave it at that ... .
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Again....so gays are molesting those 1 in 4 girls....and not a peep from you guys about the girls?

You are Deflecting - The OP: "Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually "

Your desire is that the World ignore the fact that Homosexuals prey on Children by yelling and stomping your feet and screaming Hey Look Heteros Molest Too - Leave the Gays alone go after them ... Sorry Fagmeister - that won't work - The OP is Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

The OP suffers an epic fail because the gay community wants no such thing.

Beaner, getting any yet?:D

Let me quote from an intelligent member of the Gay Community . [And bear in mind that Intelligence does not neccesarily denote Wisdom or Morality]

I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box.Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? / Queerty

National Coalition of Gay Organizations 'Gay Rights Platform" that included the following demand: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

"the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children." Gay Community News

In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. which blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

Journal of Homosexuality ,"Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life."
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What the hell planet are these people hatched on?

Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN) said this week that the gay community wants to repeal age of consent laws "so that adults would be able to freely prey on little children sexually," reports Brian Tashman of Right Wing Watch.

Bachmann, who is not running for re-election to her House seat, made the comments Wednesday on a conservative talk radio show, Faith & Liberty. The former presidential candidate argued that while the gay community's "big push" is currently on transgender issues, they'd soon expand to a push for "multiple marriages," and then "to do away with statutory rape laws."

Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually" - Vox

She's becoming a female Ted Nugent.

Unable to get anyone to pay attention unless she says something offensive and outrageous.
You are Deflecting - The OP: "Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually "

Your desire is that the World ignore the fact that Homosexuals prey on Children by yelling and stomping your feet and screaming Hey Look Heteros Molest Too - Leave the Gays alone go after them ... Sorry Fagmeister - that won't work - The OP is Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

The OP suffers an epic fail because the gay community wants no such thing.

Beaner, getting any yet?:D

Let me quote from an intelligent member of the Gay Community . [And bear in mind that Intelligence does not neccesarily denote Wisdom or Morality]

I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box.Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? / Queerty

National Coalition of Gay Organizations 'Gay Rights Platform" that included the following demand: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

"the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children." Gay Community News

In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. which blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

Journal of Homosexuality ,"Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life."
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D
It is actually well documented that pedophiles are first and foremost attracted to children--regardless of the child's sex.

This article has a good compilation of evidence to prove my point:
Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof.

People need to stop conflating homosexual acts with homosexuality.

There is no proof there, just speculation. Numbers are proof. 1 in 3 child molesters are homosexual.

I know you hate it, but the numbers don't lie.
There is proof. I just gave it. Your numbers are BS. They are based on the ignorant notion that a man who molests a boy must be a homosexual. That is false. Heterosexual men molest boys too.
Tired worn out old argument that didn't hold water when it was first presented and has only grown weaker as time progresses. It would have a smidgen of validity to it -if there were cases of men who molest children of both genders - there is not a single such case - in thousands of case studies .... I'm sure somewhere in the world someone could perhaps dig up an instance where that was the situation ... perhaps you could find that one in a million case where a bisexual molested both male and female children - good luck trying ! . Are you actually trying to claim that in the millions of cases over many decades that not a single man who molested male children ever had the opportunity to molest female children - ever ?!! Get Real Dude - you're fading away.
Here is one case that took me 2 seconds to find of a guy who molested and raped both boys and girls. Your statement is completely false and you once again prove your ignorance.
Teenage Missionary Accused of Raping Young Children at African Orphanage | KTLA

Nope. You are conflating molesting boys with homosexuality. If a man molests boys that does not make him automatically gay. Again, do us all a favor and read about the subject before pretending to know the first thing about it. You are embarrassing yourself.

How Ironic - someone who knows absolutely nothing other than the official line approved for parrottng by the high command, and you have the unmittigated gaul , the hypocritical and pompous audacity to make such a statement. My normal reaction should be to label you an imbecile and move on - but having read some of your other posts - it's plain to see that you are not as stupid as your knowledge on this particular topic makes you appear.
Ad hominem in response to a link utterly disproving your nonsensical claim. You further embarrass yourself.

That's half the argument - I have read almost any and all literature available on the topic , and I am able to sort the wheat from the chaff and the science from the propaganda - you unfortunately , although you are probably an intelligent person - are "shackled" intellectually, and unable to think outside the box , or see past the end of your nose when it comes to what Big Brother tells you is true.
More ad hominem...you have yet to respond to my refutation of your lie.

The truth is not allways pleasant and science does not allways follow the path of least resistance. My loathing of Gays is not a hate based rant - in fact you'll never see me on a thread arguing against Gay Marriage - because I don't disapprove of what I feel is their constitutional right to marry whomever they choose - regardless of dementia - they are for the most part [responsible] Adults able to make their own mistakes and choices in life , just as we heterosexuals are.
Great. But the truth is not on your side. You have:
1. Ignored the evidence contrary to your position, calling it propaganda simply because it goes against your ill-informed biases, and
2. Failed to understand that molesting a boy does not make a man necessarily homosexual.

Are all Homosexuals Child Molestors ? - No of Course Not - Most, I believe, are decent honest and otherwise Moral people who are just as apalled by Child Molestation as any decent honest and Moral Heterosexual. However - a disproportionately high percentage of Gay Men display disturbing pedophilliac tendencies .

The Big Brother argument is that Men who molest Boys are attracted to the Child - not the Gender. If that were the case - why are there are no known instances of Pedophiles who molest both boys and girls - NONE that I have ever encountered . And I worked in the Mental Health Field for a large chunk of my adult life, and have also been unable to locate a single case on Google . Perhaps there is one somewhere - I mean there are 7 Billion people on this planet - somewhere - there must be a pervert pedophile who is bisexual ?

It is not statistically feasible that not a single pedophile that has assaulted Boys has neverhad the opportunity to get at girls - that shit simply doesn't fly .
I just gave you an example of a man who molested both boys and girls. Are you so biased that you ignore reality when it smacks you right in the face?

Yes - it does .

Let me remind you that "Gay" includes LGBT that's Lesbian , Gay, BiSexual and Transgender as per their own definition. The argument that Pedophiles are attracted to females in their Adult Orientation is not neccesarily true . In the instances where they are I would remind you that there are millionms of instances of homosexuals getting married to women and "going" through the motions in an effort to have some sort of normal life . Let me also e\remind that gay includes bi-sexual as well.
No it doesn't, and here lies the root of your ignorance. Homosexual acts do not make people homosexual, nor do heterosexual acts make people heterosexual. A man who is gay may very well only have hetersexual sex, refusing to accept himself for what he really is. Likewise, women or men may experiment with the same-sex, despite being completely heterosexual themselves. Even child molesters who molest boys rarely report an attraction to adult men.

You have rejected arguments about access (which are well researched and supported by actual science) for no reason other than your own bias, and have ignored additional research concluding that pedophiles tend to be attracted to children in general, not just one gender. Your position is completely unjustified.

Okay so you spent alot of time on Google and came up with an extremely rare case of a bisexual Pedophile - what search terms did you use - because your claim that it took you "2 seconds" to find it doesn't cut it - others on this board have been googling for days and have been unable to come up with anything - the search terms you used would be duplicateable to all Google Users - so think hard .
I spent very little time. It is easy to debunk your claims because they are so blatantly ignorant.
The OP suffers an epic fail because the gay community wants no such thing.

Beaner, getting any yet?:D

Let me quote from an intelligent member of the Gay Community . [And bear in mind that Intelligence does not neccesarily denote Wisdom or Morality]

I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start fucking men. I want lots of young ladies to develop into young women who voraciously munch box.Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? / Queerty

National Coalition of Gay Organizations 'Gay Rights Platform" that included the following demand: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

"the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children." Gay Community News

In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. which blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

Journal of Homosexuality ,"Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life."
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?
It is actually well documented that pedophiles are first and foremost attracted to children--regardless of the child's sex.

This article has a good compilation of evidence to prove my point:
Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof.

People need to stop conflating homosexual acts with homosexuality.

You can hardly expect anybody to take an article from the "Daily Kos" with any level of seriousness can you ? .... Daily Kos publishes news and opinions from a liberal point of view. It functions as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists [Who are not Journalists, but Propagandists] whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening [Big Brother] The Democratic Party. - Daily Kos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that the parenthesized statements are my own commentary.
You have just committed a classic genetic fallacy. The article I linked to contains a compilation of scientific research debunking the idea that a disproportionate number of gay men are pedophiles. But you will refuse to look at it, preferring to cling to your ignorant bias instead.
It is actually well documented that pedophiles are first and foremost attracted to children--regardless of the child's sex.

This article has a good compilation of evidence to prove my point:
Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof.

People need to stop conflating homosexual acts with homosexuality.

You can hardly expect anybody to take an article from the "Daily Kos" with any level of seriousness can you ? .... Daily Kos publishes news and opinions from a liberal point of view. It functions as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists [Who are not Journalists, but Propagandists] whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening [Big Brother] The Democratic Party. - Daily Kos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that the parenthesized statements are my own commentary.
You have just committed a classic genetic fallacy. The article I linked to contains a compilation of scientific research debunking the idea that a disproportionate number of gay men are pedophiles. But you will refuse to look at it, preferring to cling to your ignorant bias instead.

I believe the concept that you are attempting to convey is a "fallacy of irrelevance" you are attempting to claim that I dismissed your article based solely on it's origin rather than its merit or context. Which I will concede is partially true and I will also concede I myself find this practice somewhat annoying when dim witted liberals and gay activist wannabes do it to to me - so I'll issue this conditional apology - as I have the article open in another tab right now and am re analyzing it. My apologies for misstaking you for one of you of the feeble minded faggots you align yourself with - [guilt by association] . I also just noticed you are a Libertarian, although I don't agree with the principles - your association with them tends to bear out the prospect that you are an independent thinker - not shackled by the mandates of "Big Brother"
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Let me quote from an intelligent member of the Gay Community . [And bear in mind that Intelligence does not neccesarily denote Wisdom or Morality]

National Coalition of Gay Organizations 'Gay Rights Platform" that included the following demand: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

"the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children." Gay Community News

In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. which blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

Journal of Homosexuality ,"Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life."
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

Bitch Please... The ILGA didn't stop it's Alliance with NAMBLA until it was busted in 1994... Since the emergence of information at your fingertips leading Gay Organizations like the ILGA figured out that Allying with, Marching with, and Sympathizing with Pedophiles might hurt their Agenda.

You KNOW the History... Don't act like you don't.

You never did answer the question about Gay Pride Marches in the 70's and 80's and if you Attended them, did you?...

I can tell you this for certain, I would be nowhere that a group like NAMBLA was welcome and allowed to March...

But that's just me... Because Pedophiles should be Castrated and Imprisoned.

People like Harvey Milk who @ 33 was taking Advantage of 15 year old boys should have been Castrated and put in Prison... Instead that Deviant Fuck Leader of the Gay Movement is getting his own Stamp or some Irritating shit like that.


It is actually well documented that pedophiles are first and foremost attracted to children--regardless of the child's sex.

This article has a good compilation of evidence to prove my point:
Gays are pedophiles? No. Here's the proof.

People need to stop conflating homosexual acts with homosexuality.

You can hardly expect anybody to take an article from the "Daily Kos" with any level of seriousness can you ? .... Daily Kos publishes news and opinions from a liberal point of view. It functions as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists [Who are not Journalists, but Propagandists] whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening [Big Brother] The Democratic Party. - Daily Kos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that the parenthesized statements are my own commentary.
You have just committed a classic genetic fallacy. The article I linked to contains a compilation of scientific research debunking the idea that a disproportionate number of gay men are pedophiles. But you will refuse to look at it, preferring to cling to your ignorant bias instead.

The article in question referneces Dr.Fred Berlin - a respected researcher who once made the following admission ..

Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to that witnessed at the conference, rather than scientific conclusions that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder: The reason “homosexuality was taken out of DSM is that people didn’t want the government in the bedroom,” he said. • Dr. Berlin appeared to endorse the much maligned clinical practice of “reparative therapy” for homosexuals and pedophiles alike, saying, “If someone, for their own reasons, doesn’t want to live a homosexual lifestyle, I tell them that it’s hard but I’ll try to help them.”

which flies in the face of Gay Activism on a number of Key Points - none of which are entirely relevant to this thread - but does bearout the fact that he is not a Gay Activist or apologist as so many members of the APA are.

Dr. Berlin makes the claim that "pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children."

Key word being Sometimes - buit no percentages are offerred.

Further on in the article it states ...
"If men molest boys aren't they necessarily gay?" The answer is no. Because , for one, sexual orientation isn't about behavior alone. For example, when Governor Jim McGreevy feigned heterosexuality most of his life and formed a heterosexual family, and presumably engaged in heterosexual behavior was he a heterosexual all of that time? Or was he simply a closeted gay man? Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction.

An argument I have also used - "Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction." which stands to prove out that even though many of the case studies of Pedophiles claims an Adult Attraction to the opposite Sex - ie - they're married with children - does not in of itself prove heterosexuality.

The Key Point of the article seems to be , as with all other articles on the topic , an Opinion regarding Pedophillia being a distinct sexual orientation not relative to Homosexuality

Ny primary problems with this are

Why do certain Pedophiles seek out exclusively Male victims and others exclusively female , and sorry but the argument of opportunity doesn't hoild water.

Why are the instances of Men who molest both Boys and Girls so very extremely rare. If it were strictly a case of opportunity over orientation we would expect to see a mre equal distribution - that is not the case
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There is no proof there, just speculation. Numbers are proof. 1 in 3 child molesters are homosexual.

I know you hate it, but the numbers don't lie.
There is proof. I just gave it. Your numbers are BS. They are based on the ignorant notion that a man who molests a boy must be a homosexual. That is false. Heterosexual men molest boys too.

Can you not read?

Yes, heterosexuals are the assailant in 2/3 of child molestations, and yes, homosexuals are the assailant in 1/3 of child molestations...CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?

Homosexuals make up around 2-3% of the population. Heterosexuals make up around 97-98% of the population.

The numbers should read, homosexuals are the assailant in 3/100 of child molestations. While, heterosexuals are the assailant in 97/100 child molestations. The numbers do not lie, the homosexual brigade is the one doing the lying, and they are protecting child molesters by doing it.

YES! When you lie about the numbers, you are protecting child molesters by pushing your homosexual agenda ahead without stating all the known facts. Why don't all you, so-called, moral homosexual supporters think about that for awhile.
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