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Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

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How Ironic - someone who knows absolutely nothing other than the official line approved for parrottng by the high command, and you have the unmittigated gaul ...

I think the word you are looking for is gall.
Unless you intended to refer to an historic region of western Europe
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

Bitch Please... The ILGA didn't stop it's Alliance with NAMBLA until it was busted in 1994... Since the emergence of information at your fingertips leading Gay Organizations like the ILGA figured out that Allying with, Marching with, and Sympathizing with Pedophiles might hurt their Agenda.

You KNOW the History... Don't act like you don't.

You never did answer the question about Gay Pride Marches in the 70's and 80's and if you Attended them, did you?...

I can tell you this for certain, I would be nowhere that a group like NAMBLA was welcome and allowed to March...

But that's just me... Because Pedophiles should be Castrated and Imprisoned.

People like Harvey Milk who @ 33 was taking Advantage of 15 year old boys should have been Castrated and put in Prison... Instead that Deviant Fuck Leader of the Gay Movement is getting his own Stamp or some Irritating shit like that.



I respectfully disagree with the bolded statement above.

Pedophiles should be executed! There is no excuse for what they have done, no mental illness issue, nothing. They knew it was wrong when they did it, and they didn't care. They destroyed a child, and they should die for that!
There is proof. I just gave it. Your numbers are BS. They are based on the ignorant notion that a man who molests a boy must be a homosexual. That is false. Heterosexual men molest boys too.

Can you not read?

Yes, heterosexuals are the assailant in 2/3 of child molestations, and yes, homosexuals are the assailant in 1/3 of child molestations...CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?

Homosexuals make up around 2-3% of the population. Heterosexuals make up around 97-98% of the population.

The numbers should read, homosexuals are the assailant in 3/100 of child molestations. While, heterosexuals are the assailant in 97/100 child molestations. The numbers do not lie, the homosexual brigade is the one doing the lying, and they are protecting child molesters by doing it.

YES! When you lie about the numbers, you are protecting child molesters by pushing your homosexual agenda ahead without stating all the known facts. Why don't all you, so-called, moral homosexual supporters think about that for awhile.

Why are you not even more concerned about the 49% of the population that comments almost all the child molestations?
Can you not read?

Yes, heterosexuals are the assailant in 2/3 of child molestations, and yes, homosexuals are the assailant in 1/3 of child molestations...CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?

Homosexuals make up around 2-3% of the population. Heterosexuals make up around 97-98% of the population.

The numbers should read, homosexuals are the assailant in 3/100 of child molestations. While, heterosexuals are the assailant in 97/100 child molestations. The numbers do not lie, the homosexual brigade is the one doing the lying, and they are protecting child molesters by doing it.

YES! When you lie about the numbers, you are protecting child molesters by pushing your homosexual agenda ahead without stating all the known facts. Why don't all you, so-called, moral homosexual supporters think about that for awhile.

Why are you not even more concerned about the 49% of the population that comments almost all the child molestations?

Because of the OP, if you want to start your own thread, go ahead and I'll inform you of what you want to know.

This is a discussion of homosexuals and heterosexuals, not males vs. females. Now go protect a child molester bodecea, you claim to stand up for women, but you just talk the talk, and you do NOT walk the walk. How many will you allow to fall to push your agenda?
Can you not read?

Yes, heterosexuals are the assailant in 2/3 of child molestations, and yes, homosexuals are the assailant in 1/3 of child molestations...CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?

Homosexuals make up around 2-3% of the population. Heterosexuals make up around 97-98% of the population.

The numbers should read, homosexuals are the assailant in 3/100 of child molestations. While, heterosexuals are the assailant in 97/100 child molestations. The numbers do not lie, the homosexual brigade is the one doing the lying, and they are protecting child molesters by doing it.

YES! When you lie about the numbers, you are protecting child molesters by pushing your homosexual agenda ahead without stating all the known facts. Why don't all you, so-called, moral homosexual supporters think about that for awhile.

Why are you not even more concerned about the 49% of the population that comments almost all the child molestations?

Molestation Rates when you look at Exclusively Man on boy or Woman on girl are much higher for Homosexuals... It's inherently a Homosexual thing.

Then there are Bisexual Molesters and Heterosexual Molesters.

Sandusky was a Homosexual Molester even though once upon his time he fucked a female enough times to have some kids. His Molestation was 100% focused on boys.

For being only 3 to 5% of the Population a Concerning Percentage of Molesting comes out of the Gay Community.

The Catholic Church is further Evidence of that. :thup:

And then you have Gay Heros like Harvey Milk who targeted Underage Boys...

It's part of the Culture... The Gay Community knows better these days than to make it Obvious.


You can hardly expect anybody to take an article from the "Daily Kos" with any level of seriousness can you ? .... Daily Kos publishes news and opinions from a liberal point of view. It functions as a discussion forum and group blog for a variety of netroots activists [Who are not Journalists, but Propagandists] whose efforts are primarily directed toward influencing and strengthening [Big Brother] The Democratic Party. - Daily Kos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that the parenthesized statements are my own commentary.
You have just committed a classic genetic fallacy. The article I linked to contains a compilation of scientific research debunking the idea that a disproportionate number of gay men are pedophiles. But you will refuse to look at it, preferring to cling to your ignorant bias instead.

The article in question referneces Dr.Fred Berlin - a respected researcher who once made the following admission ..

Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to that witnessed at the conference, rather than scientific conclusions that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder: The reason “homosexuality was taken out of DSM is that people didn’t want the government in the bedroom,” he said. • Dr. Berlin appeared to endorse the much maligned clinical practice of “reparative therapy” for homosexuals and pedophiles alike, saying, “If someone, for their own reasons, doesn’t want to live a homosexual lifestyle, I tell them that it’s hard but I’ll try to help them.”

which flies in the face of Gay Activism on a number of Key Points - none of which are entirely relevant to this thread - but does bearout the fact that he is not a Gay Activist or apologist as so many members of the APA are.

Dr. Berlin makes the claim that "pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children."

Key word being Sometimes - buit no percentages are offerred.

Further on in the article it states ...
"If men molest boys aren't they necessarily gay?" The answer is no. Because , for one, sexual orientation isn't about behavior alone. For example, when Governor Jim McGreevy feigned heterosexuality most of his life and formed a heterosexual family, and presumably engaged in heterosexual behavior was he a heterosexual all of that time? Or was he simply a closeted gay man? Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction.

An argument I have also used - "Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction." which stands to prove out that even though many of the case studies of Pedophiles claims an Adult Attraction to the opposite Sex - ie - they're married with children - does not in of itself prove heterosexuality.

The Key Point of the article seems to be , as with all other articles on the topic , an Opinion regarding Pedophillia being a distinct sexual orientation not relative to Homosexuality

Ny primary problems with this are

Why do certain Pedophiles seek out exclusively Male victims and others exclusively female , and sorry but the argument of opportunity doesn't hoild water.
Why doesn't the argument of opportunity hold water?

Why are the instances of Men who molest both Boys and Girls so very extremely rare. If it were strictly a case of opportunity over orientation we would expect to see a mre equal distribution - that is not the case
Why do you assume we would see a more equal distribution? There is no reason to make that assumption.

Furthermore, according to data regarding child sexual abuse, 1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

There is also no data suggesting that pedophiles who prey on boys are attracted to adult men in any way.
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to un... [Arch Sex Behav. 1978] - PubMed - NCBI

Where are you getting your information from?
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You have just committed a classic genetic fallacy. The article I linked to contains a compilation of scientific research debunking the idea that a disproportionate number of gay men are pedophiles. But you will refuse to look at it, preferring to cling to your ignorant bias instead.

The article in question referneces Dr.Fred Berlin - a respected researcher who once made the following admission ..

which flies in the face of Gay Activism on a number of Key Points - none of which are entirely relevant to this thread - but does bearout the fact that he is not a Gay Activist or apologist as so many members of the APA are.

Dr. Berlin makes the claim that "pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children."

Key word being Sometimes - buit no percentages are offerred.

Further on in the article it states ...

An argument I have also used - "Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction." which stands to prove out that even though many of the case studies of Pedophiles claims an Adult Attraction to the opposite Sex - ie - they're married with children - does not in of itself prove heterosexuality.

The Key Point of the article seems to be , as with all other articles on the topic , an Opinion regarding Pedophillia being a distinct sexual orientation not relative to Homosexuality

Ny primary problems with this are

Why do certain Pedophiles seek out exclusively Male victims and others exclusively female , and sorry but the argument of opportunity doesn't hoild water.
Why doesn't the argument of opportunity hold water?

Why are the instances of Men who molest both Boys and Girls so very extremely rare. If it were strictly a case of opportunity over orientation we would expect to see a mre equal distribution - that is not the case
Why do you assume we would see a more equal distribution? There is no reason to make that assumption.

Furthermore, according to data regarding child sexual abuse, 1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

There is also no data suggesting that pedophiles who prey on boys are attracted to adult men in any way.
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to un... [Arch Sex Behav. 1978] - PubMed - NCBI

Where are you getting your information from?

1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.

That's circular logic - re- phrasing a previous assertion and anticipating a different reply - It goes back to per capita and percentages . A male homosexual-pedophile will prey on a boy - not a girl. Heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals around 95 to 1 - so naturally you would see more cases of molestation against females - simply because of the vast numerical superiority of the Hetro Population.

The statistics I quoted - dealt with boys, - Lesbians simply do not molest children , it doesn't happen [ extremely extremely rare] When you further analyze the numbers you see that on a per capita basis homosexual men are responsible for a disproportionate percentage of child abuse directed at boys . The fact that females comprise 1 of every 5 vcitims further bolsters my argument that it is not necc. opportunity vs.orientation - males are the perpetrators - 95% of males are attracted to females - be they Children or Adult which is why so very many more girls suffer this atrocity .
Why doesn't the argument of opportunity hold water?

Why do you assume we would see a more equal distribution? There is no reason to make that assumption.

Furthermore, according to data regarding child sexual abuse, 1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

There is also no data suggesting that pedophiles who prey on boys are attracted to adult men in any way.
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to un... [Arch Sex Behav. 1978] - PubMed - NCBI

Where are you getting your information from?

1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.

That's circular logic - re- phrasing a previous assertion and anticipating a different reply - It goes back to per capita and percentages . A male homosexual-pedophile will prey on a boy - not a girl. Heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals around 95 to 1 - so naturally you would see more cases of molestation against females - simply because of the vast numerical superiority of the Hetro Population.

The statistics I quoted - dealt with boys, - Lesbians simply do not molest children , it doesn't happen [ extremely extremely rare] When you further analyze the numbers you see that on a per capita basis homosexual men are responsible for a disproportionate percentage of child abuse directed at boys . The fact that females comprise 1 of every 5 vcitims further bolsters my argument that it is not necc. opportunity vs.orientation - males are the perpetrators - 95% of males are attracted to females - be they Children or Adult which is why so very many more girls suffer this atrocity .
Did they ever catch the guy who molested you?

The majority of molestations involve family members or friends, not strangers .... what exactly are you insinuating ?
The article in question referneces Dr.Fred Berlin - a respected researcher who once made the following admission ..

which flies in the face of Gay Activism on a number of Key Points - none of which are entirely relevant to this thread - but does bearout the fact that he is not a Gay Activist or apologist as so many members of the APA are.

Dr. Berlin makes the claim that "pedophilia is a distinct sexual orientation marked by persistent, sometimes exclusive, attraction to prepubescent children."

Key word being Sometimes - buit no percentages are offerred.

Further on in the article it states ...

An argument I have also used - "Behavior isn't always consistent with sexual orientation and attraction." which stands to prove out that even though many of the case studies of Pedophiles claims an Adult Attraction to the opposite Sex - ie - they're married with children - does not in of itself prove heterosexuality.

The Key Point of the article seems to be , as with all other articles on the topic , an Opinion regarding Pedophillia being a distinct sexual orientation not relative to Homosexuality

Ny primary problems with this are

Why do certain Pedophiles seek out exclusively Male victims and others exclusively female , and sorry but the argument of opportunity doesn't hoild water.
Why doesn't the argument of opportunity hold water?

Why do you assume we would see a more equal distribution? There is no reason to make that assumption.

Furthermore, according to data regarding child sexual abuse, 1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

There is also no data suggesting that pedophiles who prey on boys are attracted to adult men in any way.
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to un... [Arch Sex Behav. 1978] - PubMed - NCBI

Where are you getting your information from?

1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.

That's circular logic - re- phrasing a previous assertion and anticipating a different reply - It goes back to per capita and percentages . A male homosexual-pedophile will prey on a boy - not a girl. Heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals around 95 to 1 - so naturally you would see more cases of molestation against females - simply because of the vast numerical superiority of the Hetro Population.
What is your evidence that heterosexual male pedophiles do not also prey on boys? What is your evidence the access argument is bunk? Why should we assume that if pedophiles are attracted to children equally that victims will be equally represented by gender?

The statistics I quoted - dealt with boys, - Lesbians simply do not molest children , it doesn't happen [ extremely extremely rare] When you further analyze the numbers you see that on a per capita basis homosexual men are responsible for a disproportionate percentage of child abuse directed at boys . The fact that females comprise 1 of every 5 vcitims further bolsters my argument that it is not necc. opportunity vs.orientation - males are the perpetrators - 95% of males are attracted to females - be they Children or Adult which is why so very many more girls suffer this atrocity .
You misread the data I gave you. It is not true that 1 in 5 victims are females. The data stated that 1 in 5 females are victims. You got it backwards.
Why doesn't the argument of opportunity hold water?

Why do you assume we would see a more equal distribution? There is no reason to make that assumption.

Furthermore, according to data regarding child sexual abuse, 1 in 20 boys is a victim, in contrast to 1 in 5 girls. Not only that, but the majority of molestations involve family members of friends, not strangers.
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics

There is also no data suggesting that pedophiles who prey on boys are attracted to adult men in any way.
Adult sexual orientation and attraction to un... [Arch Sex Behav. 1978] - PubMed - NCBI

Where are you getting your information from?

That's circular logic - re- phrasing a previous assertion and anticipating a different reply - It goes back to per capita and percentages . A male homosexual-pedophile will prey on a boy - not a girl. Heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals around 95 to 1 - so naturally you would see more cases of molestation against females - simply because of the vast numerical superiority of the Hetro Population.
What is your evidence that heterosexual male pedophiles do not also prey on boys? What is your evidence the access argument is bunk? Why should we assume that if pedophiles are attracted to children equally that victims will be equally represented by gender?

The statistics I quoted - dealt with boys, - Lesbians simply do not molest children , it doesn't happen [ extremely extremely rare] When you further analyze the numbers you see that on a per capita basis homosexual men are responsible for a disproportionate percentage of child abuse directed at boys . The fact that females comprise 1 of every 5 vcitims further bolsters my argument that it is not necc. opportunity vs.orientation - males are the perpetrators - 95% of males are attracted to females - be they Children or Adult which is why so very many more girls suffer this atrocity .
You misread the data I gave you. It is not true that 1 in 5 victims are females. The data stated that 1 in 5 females are victims. You got it backwards.

No I didn't get it backwards - just typed it backwards sometimes my fingers go faster than my brain [That's your Cue Billy P - come up with a smart ass comment]

As for the rest of your post - a very basic answer would be "Common Sense" however - I lack the time at the moment to fully address it - ill get back to ya . Ciao
Let me quote from an intelligent member of the Gay Community . [And bear in mind that Intelligence does not neccesarily denote Wisdom or Morality]

National Coalition of Gay Organizations 'Gay Rights Platform" that included the following demand: "Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

"the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children." Gay Community News

In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. which blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

Journal of Homosexuality ,"Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life."
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.

The only ones who seem to have heard of this group are people I would classify from their history of posting as VERY VERY interested in everything having to do with gay sex (male) and the so-called gay lifestyle.....in a negative tone, of course. :eusa_whistle:
In 1972, a homosexual hate group called the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.

LiveLeak.com - Homosexual Pedophiles Working Feverishly to Reduce and Remove Age of Consent laws

So Bean, getting any closer to getting some anal sex? Or just still thinking about it? :D

They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.

Yup - I heard that they added a "Stewie" from the Family Guy to dance around naked and do the Y M C A song. All the Fags are siupposed to put dollars in his G-String.
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They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.

The only ones who seem to have heard of this group are people I would classify from their history of posting as VERY VERY interested in everything having to do with gay sex (male) and the so-called gay lifestyle.....in a negative tone, of course. :eusa_whistle:

NCGO stands for National Coalition of Gay Organizations

Official Minutes, Strategy Planning Session for the National Conventions ... - National Coalition of Gay Organizations (U.S.), Chuck Lamont, Jim Owles - Google Books

The NCGO consisted of 85 member organizations , many of them pedophillia related , but also a mixed bag of generic queer nuts - Fags, Trannys, Dikes etc.... at a meeting organized by the NY Gay ACtivists Alliance and Chicago's Gay Alliance in 1972 - the platform that supported the rights of NAMBLA was adopted , as well as their claim that children had a right and obligation to be boinked by their membership .

Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco, 1950-1994 - Elizabeth A. Armstrong - Google Books
The only ones who seem to have heard of this group are people I would classify from their history of posting as VERY VERY interested in everything having to do with gay sex (male) and the so-called gay lifestyle.....in a negative tone, of course. :eusa_whistle:

NCGO stands for National Coalition of Gay Organizations

Official Minutes, Strategy Planning Session for the National Conventions ... - National Coalition of Gay Organizations (U.S.), Chuck Lamont, Jim Owles - Google Books

The NCGO consisted of 85 member organizations , many of them pedophillia related , but also a mixed bag of generic queer nuts - Fags, Trannys, Dikes etc.... at a meeting organized by the NY Gay ACtivists Alliance and Chicago's Gay Alliance in 1972 - the platform that supported the rights of NAMBLA was adopted , as well as their claim that children had a right and obligation to be boinked by their membership .

Forging Gay Identities: Organizing Sexuality in San Francisco, 1950-1994 - Elizabeth A. Armstrong - Google Books

Beaner, so what's your problem with gays anyways? Someone trick you into anal sex? Where you molested as a child? Is it an attempt to deny your sexuality?

Beanie is one of those folks that is soooooooo "disgusted" with the idea of gays that he talks about them as often as possible.
They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.

The only ones who seem to have heard of this group are people I would classify from their history of posting as VERY VERY interested in everything having to do with gay sex (male) and the so-called gay lifestyle.....in a negative tone, of course. :eusa_whistle:


Bodey still Feels that an Effective way to Silence people from telling about what the Leading Organizations were up to in the Gay Movement as recenly as 1994...

Alliances with NAMBLA... ILGA.

Marching with NAMBLA... Coast to Coast.

Demanding the End of Age of Consent Laws...

Leaders like Harvey Milk who Abused 15 year old boys when he was in his 30s...

Own your own Fuckers. :thup:


They were very wrong in 1972. Where is this group now? Do they still exist? IF so, what is their stand on the issue today?

They're performing off off Broadway in a Village People tribute.

The only ones who seem to have heard of this group are people I would classify from their history of posting as VERY VERY interested in everything having to do with gay sex (male) and the so-called gay lifestyle.....in a negative tone, of course. :eusa_whistle:

Bodey Jamming again, shes a one trick cow
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