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Michele Bachmann: Gay community wants to let adults "prey on little children sexually

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You're confused, cocksucker. Your ilk are the ones assaulting my constitutional rights.

Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

You are the trash who demand we accept your perverse lifestyle as normal when it never has been accepted by American society as normal.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?
Why does the age of consent NEED to be lowered?

It does not...it should be 18 across the states....

So if an 18 year old and a 17 year old have sex, which happens all the time, the 18 year olds should all go to jail, labeled sex offenders, and have their entire lives ruined, yes?
Can still protect kids while also lowering the aoc. Simply make stat rape null and void when it's two kids consenting to sex together while keeping in place all the protections about depicting kids sexually as in movies and print medias. I've not read any suggestion from anyone serious about a complete removal of the aoc, and I certainly don't support that. But decades of scientific study has shown societies which repress sexual expression have correspondingly higher incidences of violence, whereas those that permit it and celebrate it have fewer.

Article: Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

"If we strive to increase the pleasure in our lives this will also affect the ways we express aggression and hostility. The reciprocal relationship between pleasure and violence is such that one inhibits the other; when physical pleasure is high, physical violence is low. When violence is high, pleasure is low. This basic premise of the somatosensory pleasure deprivation theory provides us with the tools necessary to fashion a world of peaceful, affectionate, cooperative individuals."

In other words, when you're free to induldge your sexual desires you do that and don't act out violently. Whereas if forced to suppress them the outlet to express violent aggressive feelings is wide open. Thus there's a very real and serious reason to consider adjustments to our sex laws if we're concerned with violence in schools and society in general.
Then eliminate the laws that have been in place in many states that allow equal access....you know, the SAME laws that have been around for a while that prevent said wedding cake baker from refusing service to an interracial couple.

Racial discrimination isn't a Christian doctrine. Christian doctrine teaches homosexuality is wrong.

It was...for the longest time. The American Baptist Church even split in two over the issue and is still not back together again.

They don't speak for Christians. Biblical christianity doesn't teach racism.
You're confused, cocksucker. Your ilk are the ones assaulting my constitutional rights.

Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

You are the trash who demand we accept your perverse lifestyle as normal when it never has been accepted by American society as normal.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?

Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?
Racial discrimination isn't a Christian doctrine. Christian doctrine teaches homosexuality is wrong.

It was...for the longest time. The American Baptist Church even split in two over the issue and is still not back together again.

They don't speak for Christians. Biblical christianity doesn't teach racism.

Ah...the "No True Scotsman" argument.

BTW...love your "christian" wish that a Secret Service agent "go postal" on the President. Nice.
You're confused, cocksucker. Your ilk are the ones assaulting my constitutional rights.

Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

You are the trash who demand we accept your perverse lifestyle as normal when it never has been accepted by American society as normal.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?

Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

Are our civil marriages to all be based on your religious doctrine?
You're confused, cocksucker. Your ilk are the ones assaulting my constitutional rights.

Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

You are the trash who demand we accept your perverse lifestyle as normal when it never has been accepted by American society as normal.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?

Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

Jesus Christ also had long hair, wore dresses, never married, and hung around guys with names like Matthew and Luke who also had long hair, wore dresses, and never married.

Your point is?
It was...for the longest time. The American Baptist Church even split in two over the issue and is still not back together again.

They don't speak for Christians. Biblical christianity doesn't teach racism.

Ah...the "No True Scotsman" argument.

BTW...love your "christian" wish that a Secret Service agent "go postal" on the President. Nice.

Oh, save the guilt bullshit for some weak punk.
Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?

Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

Are our civil marriages to all be based on your religious doctrine?

You didn't answer my question. Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus Christ ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?
Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

Are our civil marriages to all be based on your religious doctrine?

You didn't answer my question. Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus Christ ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

I did.

Again, who is assaulting your rights? We have consistently stated you have the right to be ignorant, ill informed, and stupid. I fail to see the conflict here.

I am in a heterosexual marriage and have a child. What perverse lifestyle are you referring to?

Jesus Christ said marriage is a man and woman. Was Jesus ignorant, ill informed, and stupid?

Jesus Christ also had long hair, wore dresses, never married, and hung around guys with names like Matthew and Luke who also had long hair, wore dresses, and never married.

Your point is?
You have a right to be ignorant AND uninformed, too, what a triumph for democracy! Meanwhile back at the ranch, all those well informed and well paid layers these homosexuals , aka "gays" hire, like to dictate to the majority WHAT and HOW to think. Please. I am not digging on that. Homosexuals are a small percentage of the population, and it's not clear that they aren't just mentally ill sexually with bags full of money propagandizing for their cause. Other groups with agendas, like Halliburton, oil industry or the NRA capitalize on PACS. Gays have a lot of influence now far beyond their numbers or relevance. Ca-CHING! Money talks, democracy takes a back seat here. Mentally ill sexual perverts can buy respect. Good job, America!
Of course you are. Christian haters love the filthy trash and queers. Whatever it takes to keep good decent people from exercising their rights.

Ok thumper i'll bite

What rights as a Christian have been taken away from you?

The Ten Commandments will not be standing outside the Courthouse in the seat of the 8th Judicial Circuit here in Florida. They remain outside the Courthouse, on property not owned by the county, in the small town I grew up in; guess who paid for, & fought for the placement? Hint: it was NOT a local synagogue. Those individuals felt their rights as Christians were infringed because they could not post them INSIDE the Courthouse.

The very words of the ten commandments clearly tells us that the commandments were for the Jewish people ONLY not christians

God never brought goyim ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."

The Lord has not given goyim the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"

Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring non-Jews to keep it (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)

the ten commandments were the prelude to the body of laws Moses brought down from Mount Sinai for the jewish people. If you read through the laws given, from Exodus 20:22 to 23:33, you will find that these laws are expansions on the Ten Commandments -- they expressed in detail what God meant by each of the commandments, 613 commandments or mizvot
Ok thumper i'll bite

What rights as a Christian have been taken away from you?

The Ten Commandments will not be standing outside the Courthouse in the seat of the 8th Judicial Circuit here in Florida. They remain outside the Courthouse, on property not owned by the county, in the small town I grew up in; guess who paid for, & fought for the placement? Hint: it was NOT a local synagogue. Those individuals felt their rights as Christians were infringed because they could not post them INSIDE the Courthouse.

The very words of the ten commandments clearly tells us that the commandments were for the Jewish people ONLY not christians

God never brought goyim ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."

The Lord has not given goyim the promised land of Canaan! Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"

Since the Sabbath is a sign between God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring non-Jews to keep it (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)

the ten commandments were the prelude to the body of laws Moses brought down from Mount Sinai for the jewish people. If you read through the laws given, from Exodus 20:22 to 23:33, you will find that these laws are expansions on the Ten Commandments -- they expressed in detail what God meant by each of the commandments, 613 commandments or mizvot

The Ten Commandments were given to the nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai after they left Egyptian slavery (Deuteronomy 4:13; 9:9-10). Moses said: “Jehovah our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. Jehovah made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day” (Deuteronomy 5:2-3). This was a new law God had given. It had not been given to their ancestors. It was given only to the children of Israel

There are 613 commandments, not 10
• The "Ten Commandments" are categories
• The 10 are divided into duties to G-d and duties to people

These were given to the Jews NOT gentiles

The Gentiles only have to follow the 7 Noahide Laws

The Jewish idea is that the Torah of Moses is a truth for all humanity, whether Jewish or not. The Torah (as explained in the Talmud - Sanhedrin 58b) presents seven mitzvot for non-Jews to observe. These seven laws are the pillars of human civilization, and are named the "Seven Laws of Noah," since all humans are descended from Noah. They are:
Do not murder.
Do not steal.
Do not worship false gods.
Do not be sexually immoral.
Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal.
Do not curse God.
Set up courts and bring offenders to justice.
Maimonides explains that any human being who faithfully observes these laws earns a proper place in the world to come.
Of course you are. Christian haters love the filthy trash and queers. Whatever it takes to keep good decent people from exercising their rights.

Ok thumper i'll bite

What rights as a Christian have been taken away from you?

The Ten Commandments will not be standing outside the Courthouse in the seat of the 8th Judicial Circuit here in Florida. They remain outside the Courthouse, on property not owned by the county, in the small town I grew up in; guess who paid for, & fought for the placement? Hint: it was NOT a local synagogue. Those individuals felt their rights as Christians were infringed because they could not post them INSIDE the Courthouse.

The christian version of the ten commandments are a bastardization of the Jewish Ten Commandments


Notice how they deal with the first commandment
Michelle Bachmanm is a disgusting ****. It's embarrassing that certain people in this country put her into a position of influence.

when it comes to disgusting *****, i can name quite a few, starting in the White Hose and working my way down to your local street walker. :up:
Bachmann isn't crazy.....gay activists have already pushed to lower the age of consent for anal sex in Canada...

Gay Activists Ask Canada to Lower Age of Consent for Anal Sex, National Post Agrees | News | LifeSite

sex is sex, and the laws of consent should just be one standard.

No... sex is not just sex.....that same faulty reasoning was addressed in the article.....anal sex is a dangerous practice for either sex....and even more so for CHILDREN....

Laurie Arron, the director of advocacy for EGALE remarked to the Ottawa Citizen, “There’s no reason to treat anal sex differently than other sexual acts except to stigmatize gay and bisexual men.”

However, that statement is categorically false, speaking strictly from a medical standpoint. Even those who support homosexual sex acts warn nonetheless that anal sex is a dangerous activity, regardless of genders involved. The sex info site of the University of California at Santa Barbara, which can in no way be described as opposed to homosexual activity, nonetheless points out that anal sex is a dangerous practice.

Experts on sexual behaviour, or “sexperts” at the site refers to them, warn that anal sex is the most dangerous behaviour for transmission of HIV/AIDS and all other STDs since the anus is not designed for sexual activity as is the vagina. Moreover, the ‘sexperts’ warn that the practice also leads to fecal incontinence - loss of normal control of the sphincter muscles which leads to stool leaking from the rectum at unexpected times.

As the website puts it: “Even when people use lots of lubrication during anal sex, there can be tearing of the tissue inside the anus . . . For this reason, anal sex is the riskiest form of sexual activity when it comes to the transmission of HIV/AIDS.

“Tiny tears in the anal tissue are like giant superhighways for the HIV viruses, allowing them to get inside the body and enter the blood system. Anal tears provide an opening for all the other STDs as well.

“It may be possible for repetitive anal sex to lead to weakening of the anal sphincter, which is the muscle that tightens after we defecate. Once weakened, feces can escape the anus against our will.”
(see the website Home | SexInfo Online WARNING: graphic sketches used to illustrate)

Nevertheless, the National Post backed the EGALE request in an unsigned editorial Saturday February 11. The editorial titled, “Equalize the age of consent” said “Section 159 of the Criminal Code specifically bans anal intercourse between unmarried people under 18. This is plainly discriminatory, a prohibition intended to stigmatize homosexual or bisexual teenagers, suggesting that the nature of their sexual relationship requires special added protection. This is nonsense.” (see the editorial - paid subscription required - Equalize the age of consent consent )

In response to the editorial, Jessica White West Vancouver, B.C. wrote a letter to the editor of the National Post. The published letter stated, “If both vaginal and anal intercourse were in accordance with natural law and did not discriminate in terms of consequences, this would be true. However, this is not the case with homosexual sex, as two people of the same sex do not have the required body parts to interact sexually and their intercourse can never be fruitful.”

White continued, “Furthermore, their sexual practices result in both physical and emotional damage, as is evidenced in numerous studies. More than 80% of AIDS cases in Canada are among homosexual or bisexual males; other diseases suffered either exclusively, or in larger percentages by the homosexual population, include: anal cancer, chlamydia trachomatis, cryptosporidium, giardia lamblia, herpes simplex virus, HPV, gonorrhea, viral hepatitis B and C, and syphilis.”

Hasn't seemed to bother george dubya bush none. He's traded body fluids with many male partners. Saudi princes, jeff gannon, victor "victoria" ashe.

George Bush GayGate
I had a talk with Jesus last week. he told me that he does not recognize anything that the Right is ranting about regarding Biblical New testament teachings. He told me that his message was basically one of love, acceptance, and to reframe from judging. He told me that he is pretty sure that the right is confusing him with somebody else.
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