Michele Bachmann States What Republicans Should Do If They Gain Control

And the white trash tea baggers love her duh

Who the fuck are you to be calling people names like white trash? It wasn't long ago the Democrats and the far left were calling the TEA party a bunch of rich White old men.

Does mommy know you go on adult sites?
The tea baggers don't look at all rich to me. More like lower middle class. Did your mommy tell you being poor was a good thing?
I certainly never thought tea baggers were rich. Just look at those pictures....Poor white trash for the most part.
Now I'm a racist again? Hey asswipe, you really don't know me at all, do you? But you go on and believe what you will. After all, most people on here already know you're an idiot.
Hell with the country, hell with fixing problems...payback is all she wants


LOTS of subpoenas!

that's all I heard from her...

"once we get in we're goona turn everything back to the dark ages and immediately subpoena all liberals and democrats......round them up.....deport as many as we can....
a few executions.....just for laughs.....because only when we are free of everything we fear and hate can we be TRUELY free as people"

that's what I heard
You just said your ok with shooting illegals you racist white trash piece of shit.

OK, you want a spanking, you got it.

My wife is of mexican decent. Her family were in Texas during the time of the Alamo. her father used to call his family Texicans. I have in my immediate family (hang on guys I know you've all heard this before):

Puerto Rican

And I am a racist? OK dumbass, what ever you want to believe.

And if you really followed the subject of illegal immigration on here you would find that I am a strong proponent for deportation of all illegals regardless of where they came from. Now don't you feel stupid? You should.
Your a pieceb of shit sarge. Tell your Hispanic family and friends your Klan line about not shooting illegals walking south. A scum piece of shit like you could never make me feel stupid. Clean your doublewide.
Your a pieceb of shit sarge. Tell your Hispanic family and friends your Klan line about not shooting illegals walking south. A scum piece of shit like you could never make me feel stupid. Clean your doublewide.

You are funny. Stupid, but funny. Of course if you really understood anything you would understand humor. But all you want to see is racism. I guess that makes you what? Yep a racist.

See, we can all point fingers and call names. By the way, I haven't lived in a trailer since the Carter years. Reagan made sure the military was paid what they were worth, or at least brought us out of poverty range.

Oh yes and just so you understand ( I really hate doing this) This scum piece of shit spent his life making sure you had the right to call me a scum piece of shit. But then again I also spent my life making sure I had the right to tell you to Fuck Off.
God for you sarg, your a killer and moved out of your trailer. Racist jokes are probably all the rage in your lower middle class bowling gatherings.

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