Michelin USA Closing Ardmore, OK Tire Plant

Ok. Expand upon your original reply. What is the problem with taxes and regulations?
well I have a cpl times,,,

different companies will have different things that serve no purpose and cost money they shouldnt have to spend,,

do you know what a compliance officer or dept is??
in bigger companies they have whole departments of lawyers dedicated to reading thousands of pages of government regs to make sure they are in compliance all the way down to warning labels on snow blowers saying dont use on a roof,,

so as I said 3 times,, thats for each company to provide lists of things that cost money and serve no purpose,, or cause delays which costs money
well I have a cpl times,,,

different companies will have different things that serve no purpose and cost money they shouldnt have to spend,,

do you know what a compliance officer or dept is??
in bigger companies they have whole departments of lawyers dedicated to reading thousands of pages of government regs to make sure they are in compliance all the way down to warning labels on snow blowers saying dont use on a roof,,

so as I said 3 times,, thats for each company to provide lists of things that cost money and serve no purpose,, or cause delays which costs money

Most of those warning labels are results of lawsuits, more than Government Regulations.

The company Blitz used to make gas cans. I still have a couple. They had the classic straight easy pour spouts. The company was sued. Often. By people who started fires being stupid. They all claimed Blitz should have done something to stop them from being dumb.

And Blitz is hardly alone. An army of lawyers waits to descend after every incident or accident. A plane crash results in hundreds of lawsuits.

So compliance officers are not only seeing about Government Regulations. They take any lawsuit or claim made by “customers” and insure that they put a warning on the item to stop future lawsuits.

That’s why there are pages of warnings. Idiots did something dumb and demanded money for it.

We all know about the McDonalds lawsuit over hot coffee. Winnebago got sued because they didn’t put that the cruise control was not an automatic pilot.

Now hiring those lawyers to research and try and prevent losses to lawsuits may be a waste to you, and Blitz, but for companies who want to stay in business, it isn’t.
Most of those warning labels are results of lawsuits, more than Government Regulations.

The company Blitz used to make gas cans. I still have a couple. They had the classic straight easy pour spouts. The company was sued. Often. By people who started fires being stupid. They all claimed Blitz should have done something to stop them from being dumb.

And Blitz is hardly alone. An army of lawyers waits to descend after every incident or accident. A plane crash results in hundreds of lawsuits.

So compliance officers are not only seeing about Government Regulations. They take any lawsuit or claim made by “customers” and insure that they put a warning on the item to stop future lawsuits.

That’s why there are pages of warnings. Idiots did something dumb and demanded money for it.

We all know about the McDonalds lawsuit over hot coffee. Winnebago got sued because they didn’t put that the cruise control was not an automatic pilot.

Now hiring those lawyers to research and try and prevent losses to lawsuits may be a waste to you, and Blitz, but for companies who want to stay in business, it isn’t.
that brings up a whole other problem with tort reform,, it has caused huge problems in the healthcare industry where insurance for doctors is so high because even if they win a case they still pay millions just for a single case,, a lot of times the ins co just pays out regardless of the claim,, that just feeds the ambulance chasers,,

as I said its for each industry to list not me,,,
that brings up a whole other problem with tort reform,, it has caused huge problems in the healthcare industry where insurance for doctors is so high because even if they win a case they still pay millions just for a single case,, a lot of times the ins co just pays out regardless of the claim,, that just feeds the ambulance chasers,,

as I said its for each industry to list not me,,,

You said taxes and regulations.

So let’s talk about compliance with OSHA. That actually saves money in the long run. You have no idea how much it costs if an employee is injured. You have the aforementioned doctors, lost productivity, and increased insurance costs. If the guy is crippled and can’t work anymore, you are paying him for the rest of his days. His medical care is your problem.

It’s much cheaper to buy everyone a hard hat and safety glasses. Much cheaper to require steel toed shoes and safety vests. You’re still going to have accidents, but fewer and a lot less severe.

And this affects Government agencies too. A Police Department had the policy that high speed pursuits would go no matter what. A number of severe accidents and injuries and deaths. Well the insurance company told the cops to knock it off. The cops said no. The insurance company said fine. Your premiums are going to triple because of your high risk activity.

The cops had a choice. Lay off half their officers, or stop the high speed pursuits in nearly all cases.

Tort reform sounds nice. But if you are the one injured the arbitrary cap on what you can get for a lost life or a lifetime of suffering. Suddenly it doesn’t sound so good.

I’ve heard people demand common sense reform. But we can’t seem to agree on what is common sense.
You said taxes and regulations.

So let’s talk about compliance with OSHA. That actually saves money in the long run. You have no idea how much it costs if an employee is injured. You have the aforementioned doctors, lost productivity, and increased insurance costs. If the guy is crippled and can’t work anymore, you are paying him for the rest of his days. His medical care is your problem.

It’s much cheaper to buy everyone a hard hat and safety glasses. Much cheaper to require steel toed shoes and safety vests. You’re still going to have accidents, but fewer and a lot less severe.

And this affects Government agencies too. A Police Department had the policy that high speed pursuits would go no matter what. A number of severe accidents and injuries and deaths. Well the insurance company told the cops to knock it off. The cops said no. The insurance company said fine. Your premiums are going to triple because of your high risk activity.

The cops had a choice. Lay off half their officers, or stop the high speed pursuits in nearly all cases.

Tort reform sounds nice. But if you are the one injured the arbitrary cap on what you can get for a lost life or a lifetime of suffering. Suddenly it doesn’t sound so good.

I’ve heard people demand common sense reform. But we can’t seem to agree on what is common sense.
as I said,, thats for each industry to list,,,

wearing a hard hat to put flooring in seems kinda useless..

I want to buy a car without airbags and seatbelts and save the money for a cheaper car,,

do you know why there are no small trucks like their used to be?? because of regulations its cheaper to make only large trucks,,

Back 40 and 50 years ago I recall industry closing plants up North and heading to the more attractive labor situation down South. The last 20 years or so they've been packing up from both North and South and heading out of the country. No doubt I won't live to see the day when they exit Earth and head off to other parts of the solar system.

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