Michelin USA Closing Ardmore, OK Tire Plant

After 50+ years, Michelin will quit producing passenger car tires in Ardmore. The company says they can't compete with tires made in Thailand, Mexico, and Turkey.
This closure means the loss of 1400 jobs.

Huh, it’s almost as if we need tariffs to protect our industries.

But of course when someone tried that, you all screamed “trade war”.
I guess since youre changing the subject youve surrender on the topic at hand,,,

God no. I’m trying to get a handle on the hypocrisy that is plainly evident.

So let me see if I understand. The regulations and laws you want gotten rid of are the extreme examples. According to you. But aren’t those regulations set in law because of our American History? The Environmental Protections were passed when the pollution and its effects became undeniable. I mean. A river was on fire in Cleveland a dozen times before the outrage finally required politicians to take action. Leaded gasoline was banned because it caused all sorts of problems.

But these regulations are bad for business. So you want to roll them back. Get rid of them.

Corporate Taxes are linked with Corporate Personhood. The idea that a corporation is a person by law allows companies to make campaign donations. Sell stocks in themselves. Because the company is more than a single person. It allows them to file lawsuits and answer lawsuits. It allows them to take out Patents and keep corporate secrets.

A corporation earns money and pays money out just like a person who works there does. The expenses are deducted, and profit is taxed. The company pays property taxes to maintain services they enjoy. Roads, bridges, and even schools for the workers families.

The term status quo means the mess we are in now. So explain to me how companies can make money producing things in the United States with all these awful regulations but this one company shutting down one plant is proof we need to end all this.

Volkswagen is building cars in America. Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, BMW, and the list goes on. All building cars and trucks in America. Despite the taxes and regulations, doing so profitably.

So tell me. What regulations should we get rid of to make this one tire plant profitable again? What changes to all those profitable company’s should we make for one factory in Ohio?
God no. I’m trying to get a handle on the hypocrisy that is plainly evident.

So let me see if I understand. The regulations and laws you want gotten rid of are the extreme examples. According to you. But aren’t those regulations set in law because of our American History? The Environmental Protections were passed when the pollution and its effects became undeniable. I mean. A river was on fire in Cleveland a dozen times before the outrage finally required politicians to take action. Leaded gasoline was banned because it caused all sorts of problems.

But these regulations are bad for business. So you want to roll them back. Get rid of them.

Corporate Taxes are linked with Corporate Personhood. The idea that a corporation is a person by law allows companies to make campaign donations. Sell stocks in themselves. Because the company is more than a single person. It allows them to file lawsuits and answer lawsuits. It allows them to take out Patents and keep corporate secrets.

A corporation earns money and pays money out just like a person who works there does. The expenses are deducted, and profit is taxed. The company pays property taxes to maintain services they enjoy. Roads, bridges, and even schools for the workers families.

The term status quo means the mess we are in now. So explain to me how companies can make money producing things in the United States with all these awful regulations but this one company shutting down one plant is proof we need to end all this.

Volkswagen is building cars in America. Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, BMW, and the list goes on. All building cars and trucks in America. Despite the taxes and regulations, doing so profitably.

So tell me. What regulations should we get rid of to make this one tire plant profitable again? What changes to all those profitable company’s should we make for one factory in Ohio?
I posted no regulations I want gotten rid of,,,

so everything your are saying is the incohernet rants of a moron
well then give us some since you say that is the answer.
I would go to the comanies and ask them what is their biggest problems and let them decide,,

and then evaluate from there,,

what we have now ios politicians sitting in an office that have never been involved making the decisions,,
I would go to the comanies and ask them what is their biggest problems and let them decide,,

and then evaluate from there,,

Is that how we got into all the problems we had in the 60s and 70s with rivers so full a crap they could catch on fire and air so bad that the rain was doing damage when it fell?
After 50+ years, Michelin will quit producing passenger car tires in Ardmore. The company says they can't compete with tires made in Thailand, Mexico, and Turkey.
This closure means the loss of 1400 jobs.

Welcome to xiden’s america
One more thing he totally failed at.
Joe is selling out the nation. It is obvious now that we are used as the military and financial tit of the world. We could make most things here again. That would mean paying a real price for the products and also use sense with regulations. Trump was trying to do so. You just do not say like Joe does in all his speeches that he is going to get manufacturing to return while he greases the palms of foreign manufacturers like China which is the opposite. Joe has been around 50 years in politics for most of the deindustrialization of this nation. He gives the great union leader speeches while in reality is a tool for the worst corporate interests.
well since you dont care we might as well forget the whole thing,,

who really cares about another 1500 americans out of a job,,

maybe they can learn
Seems legit me the company would rather depend on places that don't pay their workers. All the more reason not to buy their tires.
Seems legit me the company would rather depend on places that don't pay their workers. All the more reason not to buy their tires.
since when did the world revolve around what you think,,

more likely they ran the numbers and couldnt figure out how to keep the doors open with the way things are,,
I posted no regulations I want gotten rid of,,,

so everything your are saying is the incohernet rants of a moron


or just reduce the taxs and regulations that caused the problem,,,

I asked you which regulations were a problem. I listed the usual complaint subjects in what I admit was a preemptive response. So which taxes and regulations do you want eliminated for this company?

I asked you which regulations were a problem. I listed the usual complaint subjects in what I admit was a preemptive response. So which taxes and regulations do you want eliminated for this company?
thats the companies decision not mine,, so go ask them,,

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