Michelle and Jackie Similar?

again.... a posed photo shoot.

And? So? It's still her.

She's been working out for quite some time now. I see her posture as improved because of that. She weighs less, and she's standing tall these days.

right..... and a posed shot is not natural elegance or grace.... of which she does not have. So to the op....comparing michelle to jackei..... no even by a long mile....

again...it has nothing to do with her weight....

But she has no natural elegance or grace, so (which obviously, I disagree) your last post was apparently damning her with faint praise, which brings me full circle to that which you knew I was going to say.
Big what?

This pic was post #16. You then spent the rest of the thread stating nothing positive about the First Lady.

Although she and Jackie O are not the same type of woman, the US has not had a first lady as young looking, vibrant and attractive as this since Mrs. Kennedy. I honestly think all the criticism comes from two combined sources within her critics: partisanship and racism. Nothing more, nothing less.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

Meh, I see no resemblence


fashion trivia--


Michelle Obamchose red black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez electinight 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's

Michelle Obama chose a a red and black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez on election night in 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's wedding dress in 1996. | GETTY IMAGES

there was discussion on the internet about the 'meaning' of this dress--some sort of political statement--very negative--guess it's good that I have forgotten.

eta: ah, yes--'black widow spider' dress--and so much more.

google provides this reference--I suppose many online posters read things like this. I was certainly baffled at the time. I remember that.

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Yes, because Lela Rose dresses just scream "glittering gypsy-style circus-carnival".

who cares what name is on the label?

this particular one is glittering gypsy-style circus-carnival and it not the only one dress that shimmers and glitters and therefore reveals Michelle's poor taste. If that would be the only one - meh, happens. But earlier on the thread she had the combination of a glittering cardigan which was in total conflict with her shimmering dupioni skirt - and that was just a most ridiculous combination possible.

The woman does not have a taste and does not know how to dress - and that is exactly what is being pointed out from the very first page. No class, no grace and no taste.


class is NOT what the woman is dressed in. Class is the demeanor of the woman. Anytime.
Jackie could have been in a potato sack ans she still was classy, Michelle can be dressed by the best designers of the world ( and sometimes she is nicely dressed) - but she still does not have any class. Because class is not a dress only.

Obviously the obama worshipers don't understand that , but one can not explain the colors to the congenitally blind :lol:
you are not helping her here zona....

these two pics show exactly what we have been saying about comparing the two.

he does not understand.
he can't.

you can not explain the rainbow to congenitally blind.
fashion trivia--


Michelle Obamchose red black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez electinight 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's

Michelle Obama chose a a red and black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez on election night in 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's wedding dress in 1996. | GETTY IMAGES
Michelle Obama's election night dress upsets America's fashion crowd - Telegraph

there was discussion on the internet about the 'meaning' of this dress--some sort of political statement--very negative--guess it's good that I have forgotten.

eta: ah, yes--'black widow spider' dress--and so much more.

google provides this reference--I suppose many online posters read things like this. I was certainly baffled at the time. I remember that.

Presidential Fashion - Michelle Obama's Black Widow Dress

Red and black are power colors. Beyond that, I thought it was an extremely ugly dress.
Someone said they were tired of bare arms. I'm tired of her bare masculine looking arms. She should not wear revealing clothing.
fashion trivia--


Michelle Obamchose red black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez electinight 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's

Michelle Obama chose a a red and black scoop-neck dress by Narciso Rodriguez on election night in 2008. The designer is also known for designing Carolyn Bessette's wedding dress in 1996. | GETTY IMAGES
Michelle Obama's election night dress upsets America's fashion crowd - Telegraph

there was discussion on the internet about the 'meaning' of this dress--some sort of political statement--very negative--guess it's good that I have forgotten.

eta: ah, yes--'black widow spider' dress--and so much more.

google provides this reference--I suppose many online posters read things like this. I was certainly baffled at the time. I remember that.

Presidential Fashion - Michelle Obama's Black Widow Dress

Red and black are power colors. Beyond that, I thought it was an extremely ugly dress.

I agree, it was extremely ugly.

Being designed by a famous designer does not automatically make a dress beautiful and/or classy.
There are tons of designers whose dresses are never classy, they still sell and make millions and are famous
Someone said they were tired of bare arms. I'm tired of her bare masculine looking arms. She should not wear revealing clothing.

she should not. she looks better with the sleeves and with a lot of fabric in the lower tier not in the upper one.
the example of "class" :lol:

one has to be totally out of their minds to consider this woman beautiful and classy. She is not even nice :rolleyes:

the example of "class" :lol:

one has to be totally out of their minds to consider this woman beautiful and classy. She is not even nice :rolleyes:


You can take a still photo of ANYONE at such a moment...but you knew that.

no, you can not.

If one is not a vile human being one won't have such a moment.

But you knew that :D
the example of "class" :lol:

one has to be totally out of their minds to consider this woman beautiful and classy. She is not even nice :rolleyes:


You can take a still photo of ANYONE at such a moment...but you knew that.

no, you can not.

If one is not a vile human being one won't have such a moment.

But you knew that :D

Most politicians and their families know how to temper their expressions when they are in the public eye. Either she does not know how, or she doesn't care to. I just don't see her as a very nice person. I feel really sorry for any woman who works with Obama. An earlier article says if she gets suspicious she will have the woman 'watched.' Seriously. If you can't trust your husband have HIM watched. There is no reason to have women who have done nothing to you stalked. That says a LOT about her self confidence, her marriage, her temperament, and her in general.

Anyone who doesn't understand Jackie and her tolerance of JFK's affairs should watch The Family that Preys. There is a message in there for you about the wealthy. Moneyed people have different personal values than middle class people. They are willing to do and endure many things in order to maintain their wealth and status, or to even elevate it. Insane jealousy is generally not part of that crowd's repertoire. It is self defeating in their arena. They cope. Michelle is self defeating. In many, many ways.
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