Michelle and Jackie Similar?

i have tried to say that many times.... it is NOT just about the clothes.

it is obvious the Michelle worshipers either pretend not to understand this( as the real partisan and racist hacks would) or they do not get it because they can not.

What some of us don't understand is how you think you're any judge of fashion. :lol:

I don't care what you can or can not understand - people are obviously not equal in their intellectual capabilities and knowledge.

Fashion has nothing to do with class and grace :rolleyes:

but a congenitally blind can not understand the description of a rainbow, so I do not expect you to get a grasp on what class and natural grace are. :D

being kind and graceful ( today) I will repeat for YOU ( you might learn something, even if I doubt it):

class is NOT what the woman is dressed in. Class is the demeanor of the woman. Anytime.
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Someone said they were tired of bare arms. I'm tired of her bare masculine looking arms. She should not wear revealing clothing.

I am tired of bare arms as a fashion statement.

She has 'good arms'--no doubt about that.

She has a healthy, athletic look--and can wear clothes--I cannot deny that.

Someone should go back to 2008 and analyze the shift to bare arms in fashion--CNN would be a good starting place.

The 'marketing' of the Obamas. I think that has occurred. Appeal to the masses? The definitive woman of the 21st century. Our national role models.

And then they will retire to an estate in Hawaii. and live happily ever after.

On our dime. Just another useless, do-nothing welfare family.

Michelle, good guns. She is so in shape.


Jackie, thin but a little flabby. (She wore sleeveless as well).

Jackie, feminine, not flabby.

right..... and a posed shot is not natural elegance or grace.... of which she does not have. So to the op....comparing michelle to jackei..... no even by a long mile....

again...it has nothing to do with her weight....

But she has no natural elegance or grace, so (which obviously, I disagree) your last post was apparently damning her with faint praise, which brings me full circle to that which you knew I was going to say.

in my opinion no... she does not have a natural elegance or grace....which is my point. She aspires to it and it happens at times.... but it is far from natural elegance or grace.
Did you ask me if she EVER has gotten it right where she is displaying taste, class elegance or grace?

and yes....you can say it is damning her with faint praise..... she gets wrong far more then she gets it right..... on rare occasions, she does get it right for the most part, not so much. I think she has a staff of yes men.... "do i look good in this" ....OH YES! you look beautiful!"

i cant remember... anyone?..... how many staff did jackie fave? Did she have hair and dressing people?

Jackie had one staff member and her designer. I'm sure she had someone to do her hair, but I don't know who.
This pic was post #16. You then spent the rest of the thread stating nothing positive about the First Lady.

Although she and Jackie O are not the same type of woman, the US has not had a first lady as young looking, vibrant and attractive as this since Mrs. Kennedy. I honestly think all the criticism comes from two combined sources within her critics: partisanship and racism. Nothing more, nothing less.

they are both democratic wives.... and i could care less that she is black So pleast try again with your choices.

You have to allow them to throw the R word around. If they didn't have that they would wither and die.

If you can't see the difference, you need to get your eyes checked, really.

I can see the difference, Jackie looks like a bad bridesmaid there. The hair is hilarious.

And yet you choose for your avatar most of the time a contemporary of Jackie's who wore her hair in the same bouffant style. Hypocrite. And you are black. So I will add that you are a racist of the highest water.
Someone said they were tired of bare arms. I'm tired of her bare masculine looking arms. She should not wear revealing clothing.

I am tired of bare arms as a fashion statement.

She has 'good arms'--no doubt about that.

She has a healthy, athletic look--and can wear clothes--I cannot deny that.

Someone should go back to 2008 and analyze the shift to bare arms in fashion--CNN would be a good starting place.

The 'marketing' of the Obamas. I think that has occurred. Appeal to the masses? The definitive woman of the 21st century. Our national role models.

And then they will retire to an estate in Hawaii. and live happily ever after.

On our dime. Just another useless, do-nothing welfare family.

The one thing moo has going for her is her law degree. She should dress in tailored clothing for daytime activities and African like I posted earlier for the evenings. Or she could wear African attire all the time. It would look better on her than most anything s he wears. As it is I wouldn't peg her as being a lawyer. Lawyers don't have to have to throw around hostile looks. They can rearrange your life with the stroke of a pen. And WTF anyway? The AAOC demands that lawyers be civil. When she has those feral looks on her face, I find it impossible to believe she is being civil to the object of them.

If you can't see the difference, you need to get your eyes checked, really.

I can see the difference, Jackie looks like a bad bridesmaid there. The hair is hilarious.

I would choose the old fashioned bridesmaid
over the "unflattering prom dress" anytime.

BTW I modelled a cartoon character after a mix of Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O.
Maybe you're not into the "retro" look, but it is a classic. And these women
will be remembered as icons for that look.

Michelle Obama looks good when she wears styles that compliment her.
But I don't see anything that "sets trends" or "marks a period in history" as
Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn and others who stand out.

Maybe what is good about Michelle is that she is okay being normal.
I don't see hype about their daughters like there was over the Bush twins.
So maybe this is good NOT to stand out as some kind of media icon.
There's strength and precedent in that also. Just letting people be themselves for once.
If you can't see the difference, you need to get your eyes checked, really.

I can see the difference, Jackie looks like a bad bridesmaid there. The hair is hilarious.

And yet you choose for your avatar most of the time a contemporary of Jackie's who wore her hair in the same bouffant style. Hypocrite. And you are black. So I will add that you are a racist of the highest water.

There it is again. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you can't see the difference, you need to get your eyes checked, really.

I can see the difference, Jackie looks like a bad bridesmaid there. The hair is hilarious.

I would choose the old fashioned bridesmaid
over the "unflattering prom dress" anytime.

BTW I modelled a cartoon character after a mix of Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O.
Maybe you're not into the "retro" look, but it is a classic. And these women
will be remembered as icons for that look.

Michelle Obama looks good when she wears styles that compliment her.
But I don't see anything that "sets trends" or "marks a period in history" as
Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn and others who stand out.

Maybe what is good about Michelle is that she is okay being normal.
I don't see hype about their daughters like there was over the Bush twins.
So maybe this is good NOT to stand out as some kind of media icon.
There's strength and precedent in that also. Just letting people be themselves for once.

Ah, Audrey Hepburn. Another beautiful Liberal.

She has to be the most timeless beauty of all.
do not look at the dresses...... look at how they are presenting themselves.....look at how they are walking.... two are walking heads tall, shoulders back..... elegant. [/COLOR]
Plus, Michelle needs to ditch the bare shoulders and sleeveless shirt look.

She has big long hulking arms and they need to minimized and covered not exposed and featured. . :cool:

When swinging from tree limbs sleeveless outfits help her perform better.:cool:
She has never been all about her looks as some here are attempting to portray. She does need to put her best foot forward on occasion and I feel she does that very well. She is NOT fat or ugly and the people here saying that are simply hateful and dumb even.

She was photographed coming off the plane in shorts and the people here are complaining that she doesn't look glamerous enough for them. She's not trying to be something she's not. She's the First Lady and sometimes she has to glam it up. I say she looks beautiful, you all think she's somehow not good enough.

Go figure. She can at least be compared to Jackie.

She represents the US in her role as first lady. How she presents herself is VERY important. Jackie knew that. It isn't about glamour. It is about her role. A role that she deliberately sought when she set about to groom Barry for the job of POTUS.

Sad to see that for you...Looks are everything.

And looks are nothing to you , always wearing a giant ass kilt with berkinstocks and socks.
I can see the difference, Jackie looks like a bad bridesmaid there. The hair is hilarious.

I would choose the old fashioned bridesmaid
over the "unflattering prom dress" anytime.

BTW I modelled a cartoon character after a mix of Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O.
Maybe you're not into the "retro" look, but it is a classic. And these women
will be remembered as icons for that look.

Michelle Obama looks good when she wears styles that compliment her.
But I don't see anything that "sets trends" or "marks a period in history" as
Jackie O and Audrey Hepburn and others who stand out.

Maybe what is good about Michelle is that she is okay being normal.
I don't see hype about their daughters like there was over the Bush twins.
So maybe this is good NOT to stand out as some kind of media icon.
There's strength and precedent in that also. Just letting people be themselves for once.

Ah, Audrey Hepburn. Another beautiful Liberal.

She has to be the most timeless beauty of all.

She did. She did.
She represents the US in her role as first lady. How she presents herself is VERY important. Jackie knew that. It isn't about glamour. It is about her role. A role that she deliberately sought when she set about to groom Barry for the job of POTUS.

Sad to see that for you...Looks are everything.

And looks are nothing to you , always wearing a giant ass kilt with berkinstocks and socks.

DAMN! I've got to stop stalking you around the message board like this, Bootlicker.

you are not helping her here zona....

these two pics show exactly what we have been saying about comparing the two.

That dress moo is wearing looks like a chenille bedspread.

Here's what I find fascinating about the fact that you keep calling Michelle Obama "Moo". I did find the picture that you posted of yourself on this board, and while you say that you've lost weight since that picture, you were most definitely at one point an overweight woman. Significantly more overweight than Michelle Obama has ever been. I would think, at the very least, that in spite of any irrational hatred you might have for her that you would sympathize with her on that level. Do you enjoy fat shaming other women because you have apparently lost weight? Do it make you feel powerful now that you are perhaps no longer as fat as you once were?

The one thing moo has going for her is her law degree. She should dress in tailored clothing for daytime activities and African like I posted earlier for the evenings. Or she could wear African attire all the time. It would look better on her than most anything s he wears. As it is I wouldn't peg her as being a lawyer. Lawyers don't have to have to throw around hostile looks. They can rearrange your life with the stroke of a pen. And WTF anyway? The AAOC demands that lawyers be civil. When she has those feral looks on her face, I find it impossible to believe she is being civil to the object of them.

What in the hell? Why should Michelle Obama, an American woman, dress African?
you are not helping her here zona....

these two pics show exactly what we have been saying about comparing the two.

That dress moo is wearing looks like a chenille bedspread.

Here's what I find fascinating about the fact that you keep calling Michelle Obama "Moo". I did find the picture that you posted of yourself on this board, and while you say that you've lost weight since that picture, you were most definitely at one point an overweight woman. Significantly more overweight than Michelle Obama has ever been. I would think, at the very least, that in spite of any irrational hatred you might have for her that you would sympathize with her on that level. Do you enjoy fat shaming other women because you have apparently lost weight? Do it make you feel powerful now that you are perhaps no longer as fat as you once were?

The one thing moo has going for her is her law degree. She should dress in tailored clothing for daytime activities and African like I posted earlier for the evenings. Or she could wear African attire all the time. It would look better on her than most anything s he wears. As it is I wouldn't peg her as being a lawyer. Lawyers don't have to have to throw around hostile looks. They can rearrange your life with the stroke of a pen. And WTF anyway? The AAOC demands that lawyers be civil. When she has those feral looks on her face, I find it impossible to believe she is being civil to the object of them.

What in the hell? Why should Michelle Obama, an American woman, dress African?

I just knew it. :cuckoo:
obamaworshipers apparently do not get that lack of class and grace has absolutely nothing to do with weight.

At all.
obamaworshipers apparently do not get that lack of class and grace has absolutely nothing to do with weight.

At all.

So calling her Moo and Big Moo and Moochelle and talking about her "fat ass" are all references to her apparent lack of class and grace. Right.

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