Michelle and Jackie Similar?

again.... a posed photo shoot.

posed is OK. she looks good on that one. her love of cheap glitter is still showing :lol:

Honey, if you think that that dress looks cheap then I'm thinking maybe you should stop commenting on women's fashion altogether, since you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

sweetheart, there are different types of fashion. glittering gypsy-style circus-carnival one is not the very high end by default, but some seem to love it :lol:
Michelle has been a burden on the tax payer in terms of expense when it comes to aides, secretaries, helpers, dress designers, make up artists, hair beauticians, and extensive expensive vacations.

She has been caught twice that I know of displaying her own sense of disgust for patriotism. Once, already mentioned on this board and once on the 4th of July, she was caught saying about the event, "All this for a damn flag."

Imagine Jackie Kennedy saying that. You're right. You can't.

1. My bf who cant stand the attitude of the Obamas said she did NOT say that about the flag.
What she did say that says it all was this was the first time in her adult life she was proud of America or to be an American. She did say that, and Obama did struggle to overcome his self hatred for being half white.
I find they have succeeded in alienating both white and black followings who feel sold out for politics.

2. As for the dress and image of these First Ladies, the media has changed so much to be totally fabricated these days.

I blame the popular media for spinning things unnaturally for political gain and ratings.

If Michelle had been running around in Jackies day who knows how she would have been portrayed.
Same if Jackie were followed around by todays cameras, if they would make her out to be a fashionista or a faux pas.
I look at the class these ladies portray, and I'd have to go
With the Laura Bush's and Jackie O's. And blame the media for whatever messes were made of Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama (even Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and Ann Coulter) that are played for political positioning. Tired of these games.
If all the women stood together and delegated out the work among our strongest women leaders, we might lead the men in setting better examples of how to use our countries greatest resources and strengths to solve problems instead of fighting over who looks good on camera
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Michelle has been a burden on the tax payer in terms of expense when it comes to aides, secretaries, helpers, dress designers, make up artists, hair beauticians, and extensive expensive vacations.

She has been caught twice that I know of displaying her own sense of disgust for patriotism. Once, already mentioned on this board and once on the 4th of July, she was caught saying about the event, "All this for a damn flag."

Imagine Jackie Kennedy saying that. You're right. You can't.

1. My bf who cant stand the attitude of the Obamas said she did NOT say that about the flag.
What she did say that says it all was this was the first time in her adult life she was proud of America or to be an American. She did say that, and Obama did struggle to overcome his self hatred for being half white.
I find they have succeeded in alienating both white and black followings who feel sold out for politics.

2. As for the dress and image of these First Ladies, the media has changed so much to be totally fabricated these days.

I blame the popular media for spinning things unnaturally for political gain and ratings.

If Michelle had been running around in Jackies day who knows how she would have been portrayed.
Same if Jackie were followed around by todays cameras, if they would make her out to be a fashionista or a faux pas.

I look at the class these ladies portray, and I'd have to go
With the Laura Bush's and Jackie O's. And blame the media
For whatever messes were made of Hillary and Michelle
Even Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and Ann Coulter
That are played for political positioning. Tired of these games.
If all the women stood together and delegated out the work
Among our strongest women leaders, we might lead the men in setting
Better examples of how to use our countries greatest resources
And strengths instead of fighting over who looks good on camera.

The "all this for a damn flag" was a bit of bad lip-reading.
And? So? It's still her.

She's been working out for quite some time now. I see her posture as improved because of that. She weighs less, and she's standing tall these days.

So basically ...

You are saying if Honey Boo Boo works hard, loses a few pounds and improves her posture...
Grows up and marries a politician with a better photographer ...
Then has some children and loves them dearly ...

She will be the next Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

Michelle has been a burden on the tax payer in terms of expense when it comes to aides, secretaries, helpers, dress designers, make up artists, hair beauticians, and extensive expensive vacations.

She has been caught twice that I know of displaying her own sense of disgust for patriotism. Once, already mentioned on this board and once on the 4th of July, she was caught saying about the event, "All this for a damn flag."

Imagine Jackie Kennedy saying that. You're right. You can't.

1. My bf who cant stand the attitude of the Obamas said she did NOT say that about the flag.
What she did say that says it all was this was the first time in her adult life she was proud of America or to be an American. She did say that, and Obama did struggle to overcome his self hatred for being half white.
I find they have succeeded in alienating both white and black followings who feel sold out for politics.

2. As for the dress and image of these First Ladies, the media has changed so much to be totally fabricated these days.

I blame the popular media for spinning things unnaturally for political gain and ratings.

If Michelle had been running around in Jackies day who knows how she would have been portrayed.
Same if Jackie were followed around by todays cameras, if they would make her out to be a fashionista or a faux pas.

I look at the class these ladies portray, and I'd have to go
With the Laura Bush's and Jackie O's. And blame the media forr whatever messes were made of Hillary and Michelle (een Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann and Ann Coulter) that are played for political positioning. Tired of these games.
If all the women stood together and delegated out the work among our strongest women leaders, we might lead the men in setting better examples of how to use our countries greatest resources and strengths to solve problems instead of fighting over who looks good on camera.

I agree with all of your comments, particularly those in bold.

I am under the impression that 'relating to the youth'--18-40 somethings is a big issue.

I am in the 'Laura Bush generation'--lol--could never afford to dress like her. She always looked nice--as well as I can recall--she wasn't a fashion icon.

Michelle clearly is. The media hype has been intense. and it is not likely that there will be another such first lady for years to come--as far as style goes. and race--we always have to mention that it seems. I really liked the dress and coat she wore to the first inauguration, and have liked a number of her other choices.

I think the Obamas are good people--but I do not understand their political agenda. Reflecting over the past 50 years as best I could--all I could come up with is that this is a logical milestone, I suppose. I can't process all the political issues that well.

Cold war, Viet Nam, Space Program and civil rights--the 60's seemed difficult. The issues facing the US today seem xxxxx times worse.

TV was in its infancy in the early 60's and I can't recall seeing Jackie Kennedy--ever. Until the fateful day in Dallas. I was a teenager and whatever the first lady might have been wearing was light years away from my kind of fashion. Aline skirts and oxford cloth shirts. Suits were worn to church. fwiw.
posed is OK. she looks good on that one. her love of cheap glitter is still showing :lol:

The pose is a little forced looking, though. It does camouflage those buffalo-butt hips of hers. And she seems to be missing her trade mark boobie belt.

it does, but she still looks well, especially compared to many other photos.

Compared to many other photos, you are correct.
One is a woman, the other...the missing link:

What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

Ignore it is.

again.... a posed photo shoot.

And? So? It's still her.

She's been working out for quite some time now. I see her posture as improved because of that. She weighs less, and she's standing tall these days.

right..... and a posed shot is not natural elegance or grace.... of which she does not have. So to the op....comparing michelle to jackei..... no even by a long mile....

again...it has nothing to do with her weight....
The first sow's bad posture is really something of a paradox. She, herself, is an attorney. I noticed in law school that anyone who made it to the last year developed an erect posture and a swagger. Her JD, like hubby's, is probably also mail order. She doesn't even carry herself like a lawyer.

This is pretty pathetic on your part.

I thought of it as pretty standard stuff for Sunshine.

Quick! Someone get that girl a tissue!

Hi, you have received -3713 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

That is a disagreeable post.


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One is a woman, the other...the missing link:

What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

I loved Jackie Kennedy, but she was not a saint.

And although we've all thought, "Poor Jackie" upon considering Jack's cheating dog behavior, she was no innocent flower herself! In an attempt to get back at her husband, she had affairs with actor William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli.

Dirty Little Secrets: Did Jackie O Cheat To Get Back At JFK?
What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

I loved Jackie Kennedy, but she was not a saint.

And although we've all thought, "Poor Jackie" upon considering Jack's cheating dog behavior, she was no innocent flower herself! In an attempt to get back at her husband, she had affairs with actor William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli.

Dirty Little Secrets: Did Jackie O Cheat To Get Back At JFK?

This is pretty pathetic on your part.

I thought of it as pretty standard stuff for Sunshine.

Quick! Someone get that girl a tissue!

Hi, you have received -3713 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

That is a disagreeable post.


Note: This is an automated message.

you mixed the forums. it is not that whiney thread where you constantly complain to be negged :lol:
What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

I loved Jackie Kennedy, but she was not a saint.

And although we've all thought, "Poor Jackie" upon considering Jack's cheating dog behavior, she was no innocent flower herself! In an attempt to get back at her husband, she had affairs with actor William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli.

Dirty Little Secrets: Did Jackie O Cheat To Get Back At JFK?

OK, so Jackie wasn't a saint. I didn't say she was. But the OP is about comparing Jackie and Michelle. Apples and oranges. No comparison.
What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

I loved Jackie Kennedy, but she was not a saint.

And although we've all thought, "Poor Jackie" upon considering Jack's cheating dog behavior, she was no innocent flower herself! In an attempt to get back at her husband, she had affairs with actor William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli.

Dirty Little Secrets: Did Jackie O Cheat To Get Back At JFK?

I would assume she went through a full spectrum of emotions.

another quote--maybe near the end of their marriage--after the loss of the infant, Patrick.

'I think Jack could have a productive ? happy life without me in it but I couldn't live without him in my life...'

after the death of Patrick--? August of '63--he was said not to have had further affairs. They were closer. She seemed to have been more realistic or pragmatic than Princess Diana--was not unaware that he was 'compelled to womanize'--it couldn't have been easy.

I don't think I heard about his affairs until the late 70's and I was very surprised. Her father was said to have had issues, too--alcohol and gambling--maybe other women.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful
No disrespect for either first lady, but this is pretty dumb. They both had young families in the Whitehouse and that's really where the similarity ends.

Michelle is from a working class black family in South Chicago and was raised as a Methodist. She graduated in law and worked in a law firm where she met and married a young lawyer from a relatively poor family

Jackie was born into a wealthy white family in the South Hamptons and was raised as a Catholic. She majored in French literature and traveled extensive. She worked briefly as a book editor and married into one wealthiest and most influential families in America.
Just because you prefer your women to be butt-ugly, classless (except in their own mind), tasteless, elitist bitches does not mean that the rest of us do, too. And no matter how much they trowel on the goop, or groom the mop, or hype the press, your Mooshell will never, ever have the beauty, grace, and timeless classiness that Jackie had. Never. Get over it.

I loved Jackie Kennedy, but she was not a saint.

And although we've all thought, "Poor Jackie" upon considering Jack's cheating dog behavior, she was no innocent flower herself! In an attempt to get back at her husband, she had affairs with actor William Holden and Fiat founder Gianni Agnelli.

Dirty Little Secrets: Did Jackie O Cheat To Get Back At JFK?

OK, so Jackie wasn't a saint. I didn't say she was. But the OP is about comparing Jackie and Michelle. Apples and oranges. No comparison.

IMO, they are both beautiful first ladies.

Historical Text Archive: Electronic History Resources, online since 1990

< Jane Mersky Leder pricks the notion that men and women of the "Greatest Generation" were all God-fearing true to my wife/sweetheart/husband heterosexual down home innocents. Many were adulterers. Of the some eighty percent of the military personnel away from home for two or more years who admitted to regular sexual intercourse, nearly a third had wives. Then there were those at home. Prostitution, some of it government sanctioned, increased. The military took the wise precaution of providing sex and hygiene education and distributing fifty million free condoms a month. After D-Day, the U.S. Army created two mobile VD treatment centers on trucks to follow the troops as they marched across western Europe.
Men and women did marry, at home and abroad, and more frequently than before. Marriage rates rose to 20% above pre-war levels. In 1946, the first non-war year and after most of them men had returned home, the marriage rate jumped by almost 50%, 118 per 1,000 women fifteen years and older. GIs married women abroad, some one million brides and soon-to-be brides. We do know that well over a million and a quarter wives followed their military husbands around the country even though they could not always spend much time with their husbands. Marriage was important to Americans; WWII taught many men, regardless of how they behaved when they were away from home, that they wanted a wife and children.
Lots of children were born. The Baby Boom generation meant about 50 million children born between 1946 and 1961. The rate of births out of wedlock soared; the illegitimate birthrate averaged 8.3 per million from 1942-45. They also produced children while abroad; we can never know how many, except children born of women married to US military personnel. We know, for example, that there were 2,000 children, more or less, born of British mothers and African-American soldier fathers.
Even though Christianity forbids divorce and most Americans saw themselves as Christian, divorces increased immediately after the war and continue to rise until the present day. Hasty wartime marriages were one reason. Another was that millions of couples were separated for three to four years, a factor that encouraged the development of different interests and goals. The government took 16 million men into the military whether they wanted they wanted to or not, thus creating vacancies in the domestic work force. Women and workers imported from Mexico filled the gap. Women have always worked and one in five American women worked outside the home by 1900. During two years of the Second World War, that percentage rose to 50%.>
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