Michelle and Jackie Similar?

Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

No one hates women that aren't cookie cutter perfect. Mocking women who aren't cookie cutter perfect (and those who think they are) but say they are is very much called for. Big Moo asked for it and so did everyone who denies reality. There are some black women who embody elegance and class. Condi Rice comes to mind. The first ho is just that, and if she puts her ass on the line it should be slapped down.

When did she do that? And where do you get calling the First Lady "first ho"? Has she displayed such behavior?
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Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

i was not hating on the first lady...

i could care less that she is black

i never said anyone was perfect

stating the truth....is not hate or racist.

I have come to the conclusion that the vocabulary of the left includes only about 3 words. I would say one, but generally two words are needed to make a complete sentence. They suck at punctuation, though. Well that and the Obamas! :lol:
Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

i was not hating on the first lady...

i could care less that she is black

i never said anyone was perfect

stating the truth....is not hate or racist.

I have come to the conclusion that the vocabulary of the left includes only about 3 words. I would say one, but generally two words are needed to make a complete sentence. They suck at punctuation, though. Well that and the Obamas! :lol:

What a fascinating conclusion to come to with so much evidence to the contrary around for all to see. :eusa_eh:
Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

i was not hating on the first lady...

i could care less that she is black

i never said anyone was perfect

stating the truth....is not hate or racist.

Um ... where did I single you out for my post?

It's all about you, eh?

The truth??? About her big butt and resembling a chimp? Got it.
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I have come to the conclusion that the vocabulary of the left includes only about 3 words. I would say one, but generally two words are needed to make a complete sentence. They suck at punctuation, though. Well that and the Obamas! :lol:


I have no clue what you just tried to say.

You'll probably neg rep me though ... you know ... for being a "Lib."
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This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

Someone dumbfuck enough to call Jackie, Jaqueline Onassis Kennedy. After JFK's death, the beautiful Jackie married the richest man in the world and became Jackie O.
Who would be failure enough to take the leftover Big Moo? That big ass! The even bigger jaw!

Oh please. It's enough to make Jackie get up out of her grave and haunt the white house. And Jackie will stll be better looking than the Moo.


Where's Jackie? Where's Mooshell?
I don't get it. They are both stylish women wearing designer clothing. So what. That's a website. Not one I ever heard of before, either.

One is a woman, the other...the missing link:

What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'
Michelle has been a burden on the tax payer in terms of expense when it comes to aides, secretaries, helpers, dress designers, make up artists, hair beauticians, and extensive expensive vacations.

She has been caught twice that I know of displaying her own sense of disgust for patriotism. Once, already mentioned on this board and once on the 4th of July, she was caught saying about the event, "All this for a damn flag."

Imagine Jackie Kennedy saying that. You're right. You can't.

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress

Read more: Obamas to renovate White House with own money, turn down $100K from Congress - NY Daily News

Now THAT is a nice pic. And she looks good. No photo chopping either. See her eyes? They are lopsided. No, that is not a diss. It's just a fact. One of my eyes is a tad lower than the other too.

I WAS going to ask who called her a chimp but...never mind. I just saw it a few posts above.

Now THAT is a nice pic. And she looks good. No photo chopping either. See her eyes? They are lopsided. No, that is not a diss. It's just a fact. One of my eyes is a tad lower than the other too.

I WAS going to ask who called her a chimp but...never mind. I just saw it a few posts above.

Yup. Both my daughter and I, one eye slightly larger than the other. Michelle's is noticeably so. And I am glad they didn't photoshop that out, because anybody who knows what she looks like knows that is an issue she has.

I don't have the means to do so, but have you ever seen that experiment where they take one side of a person's face, and mirror it, and then do the same thing with the other side, and they look like two different people? I would like to see that with her face in this picture.

Now THAT is a nice pic. And she looks good. No photo chopping either. See her eyes? They are lopsided. No, that is not a diss. It's just a fact. One of my eyes is a tad lower than the other too.

I WAS going to ask who called her a chimp but...never mind. I just saw it a few posts above.

Yup. Both my daughter and I, one eye slightly larger than the other. Michelle's is noticeably so. And I am glad they didn't photoshop that out, because anybody who knows what she looks like knows that is an issue she has.

I don't have the means to do so, but have you ever seen that experiment where they take one side of a person's face, and mirror it, and then do the same thing with the other side, and they look like two different people? I would like to see that with her face in this picture.

Yes, I have done it with my own pic. Fascinating. And I am extremely ugly, lol.
Now THAT is a nice pic. And she looks good. No photo chopping either. See her eyes? They are lopsided. No, that is not a diss. It's just a fact. One of my eyes is a tad lower than the other too.

I WAS going to ask who called her a chimp but...never mind. I just saw it a few posts above.

Yup. Both my daughter and I, one eye slightly larger than the other. Michelle's is noticeably so. And I am glad they didn't photoshop that out, because anybody who knows what she looks like knows that is an issue she has.

I don't have the means to do so, but have you ever seen that experiment where they take one side of a person's face, and mirror it, and then do the same thing with the other side, and they look like two different people? I would like to see that with her face in this picture.

Yes, I have done it with my own pic. Fascinating. And I am extremely ugly, lol.

Lair!! I have seen your very pretty picture. :)
Now THAT is a nice pic. And she looks good. No photo chopping either. See her eyes? They are lopsided. No, that is not a diss. It's just a fact. One of my eyes is a tad lower than the other too.

I WAS going to ask who called her a chimp but...never mind. I just saw it a few posts above.

Yup. Both my daughter and I, one eye slightly larger than the other. Michelle's is noticeably so. And I am glad they didn't photoshop that out, because anybody who knows what she looks like knows that is an issue she has.

I don't have the means to do so, but have you ever seen that experiment where they take one side of a person's face, and mirror it, and then do the same thing with the other side, and they look like two different people? I would like to see that with her face in this picture.

Yes, I have done it with my own pic. Fascinating. And I am extremely ugly, lol.

My eyes too, one is a bit smaller than the other, or looks smaller. It has more of a vision problem than the other, so may be attributable to a bit of squinting. In any case, not looking perfect is normal for normal women, and Michelle is just a normal woman, not one raised in an environment of great wealth and privilege.
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Yup. Both my daughter and I, one eye slightly larger than the other. Michelle's is noticeably so. And I am glad they didn't photoshop that out, because anybody who knows what she looks like knows that is an issue she has.

I don't have the means to do so, but have you ever seen that experiment where they take one side of a person's face, and mirror it, and then do the same thing with the other side, and they look like two different people? I would like to see that with her face in this picture.

Yes, I have done it with my own pic. Fascinating. And I am extremely ugly, lol.

My eyes too, one is a bit smaller than the other, or looks smaller. It has more of a vision problem than the other, so may be attributable to a bit of squinting. In any case, not looking perfect is normal for normal women, and Michelle is just a normal woman, not one raised in an environment of great wealth and privilige.

When I passed fifty, I started winking at God and country. I've always smiled like Boop anyway, so now my left eye has taken that final step of closing completely.

That's okay. I know I'm harmless. ;)
I don't get it. They are both stylish women wearing designer clothing. So what. That's a website. Not one I ever heard of before, either.

One is a woman, the other...the missing link:

What is that word - dichotomy? When the user name is gallant, but said user is anything but?

Maybe it should be 'gallant cabbie' and 'mad warrior.' Yeah.That makes much more sense.

Oxymoron. Emphasis on 'moron.'

I would call it a misnomer, when the user name is completely inappropriate for the user.
Thanks. :)

I just read this from Jennifer Lawrence, not the first time she's made such a comment.

“It’s just become funny to kind of make fun of each other, and I also don’t like the women slaughtering women, and just all of us are being so mean. We’re so responsible for this younger generation, this media and it’s like what children, what kids are watching, teaching people how to talk to each other and how to relate to each other, I just don’t like it. Why can’t we just be nice? It’s like we grow up and then we get right back into high school.”
She may have said that, but she isn't doing as she is preaching. I don't like Joan Rivers, but she was correct when she said Lawrence tripped going to get her oscar..but it wasn't from the dress....it was tripping over her own ego.
I do not like her. At all.

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