Michelle and Jackie Similar?

Actually, I think Obama is pretty good looking. I dislike him intensely, but his body style and looks aren't shabby at all. His wife? Blech.
Thanks for chiming in.

She is dressing better. She has lost probably 30-40 pounds, and toned up what's left.

And you KNOW, as sure as shit stinks, that this same lot has bitched about her wearing designer clothing.

Eleanor Roosevelt knew her stuff.

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't."

I certainly agree with that.

lol--I cannot imagine the women of today wearing pill box hats.

Times change. I try to hang on to that. Fashion and politics. Too deep for me.

At any rate--the Kennedy family tree goes 'way back'.

John F. Kennedy, jr

America's Queen

<Our Forebears was treated by the Major's descendants with the reverence accorded the family Bible, and in 1961 Mary Van Rensselaer Thayer's authorized biography of Jackie as First Lady was still peddling the aristocratic family line. However, it was then that the fake was gently unmasked by an American historian. The truth is that the Bouviers were third-generation French immigrants who had made good but felt it necessary to fantasize about their ancestry, converting shopkeepers into nobles. In the class-conscious America of the Bouvier sisters' youth everyone "in Society" knew exactly where everyone else came from and White Anglo-Saxon Protestant families ruled the roost. Even after the Bouviers' unmasking in the sixties, Jackie's eccentric cousin Edie Beale boasted to writer Gail Sheehy in 1972, "We're all descended from fourteenth-century French kings." When Jackie married John F. Kennedy in 1953, newspaper reports trumpeted the alliance of the wealthy Boston Irish senator with the descendant of a family of French aristocrats. "I don't know how Janet [Jackie's mother] got away with this," Gore Vidal said. "Well, it only worked with the press, I mean they were somehow Plantagenets and Tudors&#8212;it was just nonsense. They were pretty lowly born ..." They were Catholics, but not grand Catholics, of Mediterranean descent in a Protestant WASP world. None of this was to matter outwardly to Jackie, as the classy beauty she grew up to be, but it contributed to an inner sense of apartness; as she told society bandleader Peter Duchin in reference to Newport, many years later, "You and I, Peter, both outsiders." >

So do the Obama's family.

Go way back, that is.

For example, a woman Mrs Obama is descended from was raped by her black owner and had his child. So, our beautiful and elegant and hard working and inspirational first lady is part white.

except she is neither beautiful nor elegant. will leave you "hard working" and "inspirational" - maybe she inspires you and maybe she is hard-working
Actually, I think Obama is pretty good looking. I dislike him intensely, but his body style and looks aren't shabby at all. His wife? Blech.

couldn't agree more. He IS good looking. He also presents well in movement ( not so much with facial expressions - he is no poker face LOL).

And their older daughter is a very interesting girl - that is the impression from the photos.
Actually, I think Obama is pretty good looking. I dislike him intensely, but his body style and looks aren't shabby at all. His wife? Blech.

I'm just not in the mood for politics.

I watched 'The Smoking Gun'--and started thinking about 'stuff'.

I honestly never idolized a first lady or a POTUS. I think that is better for me.

As far as fashion/style goes I think Michelle Obama reflects her generation.

I am of the more boring Laura Bush generation. I like some of the new trends but can't wear them. whatever.

The healthcare issues are a major concern to me. That's about all I can think about.
Perhaps we could compare Honey BooBoo's mom's dress style to...hmm....walmart customers who shop late at night.
Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.
Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

This isn't half as bad as the Palin thread of last week.

It is really quite interesting how both sides will vilify women.
Thanks for chiming in.

She is dressing better. She has lost probably 30-40 pounds, and toned up what's left.

And you KNOW, as sure as shit stinks, that this same lot has bitched about her wearing designer clothing.

Eleanor Roosevelt knew her stuff.

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't."

I certainly agree with that.

lol--I cannot imagine the women of today wearing pill box hats.

Times change. I try to hang on to that. Fashion and politics. Too deep for me.

At any rate--the Kennedy family tree goes 'way back'.

John F. Kennedy, jr

America's Queen

<Our Forebears was treated by the Major's descendants with the reverence accorded the family Bible, and in 1961 Mary Van Rensselaer Thayer's authorized biography of Jackie as First Lady was still peddling the aristocratic family line. However, it was then that the fake was gently unmasked by an American historian. The truth is that the Bouviers were third-generation French immigrants who had made good but felt it necessary to fantasize about their ancestry, converting shopkeepers into nobles. In the class-conscious America of the Bouvier sisters' youth everyone "in Society" knew exactly where everyone else came from and White Anglo-Saxon Protestant families ruled the roost. Even after the Bouviers' unmasking in the sixties, Jackie's eccentric cousin Edie Beale boasted to writer Gail Sheehy in 1972, "We're all descended from fourteenth-century French kings." When Jackie married John F. Kennedy in 1953, newspaper reports trumpeted the alliance of the wealthy Boston Irish senator with the descendant of a family of French aristocrats. "I don't know how Janet [Jackie's mother] got away with this," Gore Vidal said. "Well, it only worked with the press, I mean they were somehow Plantagenets and Tudors&#8212;it was just nonsense. They were pretty lowly born ..." They were Catholics, but not grand Catholics, of Mediterranean descent in a Protestant WASP world. None of this was to matter outwardly to Jackie, as the classy beauty she grew up to be, but it contributed to an inner sense of apartness; as she told society bandleader Peter Duchin in reference to Newport, many years later, "You and I, Peter, both outsiders." >

So do the Obama's family.

Go way back, that is.

For example, a woman Mrs Obama is descended from was raped by her black owner and had his child. So, our beautiful and elegant and hard working and inspirational first lady is part white.

Another lie drummed up by the Obamas to promote black victimhood. Hers and others. That 'white blood' thing gives them status. If you don't have it, make it up. I've worked around enough blacks and heard them brag about it. I've also heard them talk about other blacks and say 'she thinks she's white.'

But Jackie is right, people who do not fall into their assigned roles and behave well ARE outsiders. Always will be.
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I certainly agree with that.

lol--I cannot imagine the women of today wearing pill box hats.

Times change. I try to hang on to that. Fashion and politics. Too deep for me.

At any rate--the Kennedy family tree goes 'way back'.

John F. Kennedy, jr

America's Queen

<Our Forebears was treated by the Major's descendants with the reverence accorded the family Bible, and in 1961 Mary Van Rensselaer Thayer's authorized biography of Jackie as First Lady was still peddling the aristocratic family line. However, it was then that the fake was gently unmasked by an American historian. The truth is that the Bouviers were third-generation French immigrants who had made good but felt it necessary to fantasize about their ancestry, converting shopkeepers into nobles. In the class-conscious America of the Bouvier sisters' youth everyone "in Society" knew exactly where everyone else came from and White Anglo-Saxon Protestant families ruled the roost. Even after the Bouviers' unmasking in the sixties, Jackie's eccentric cousin Edie Beale boasted to writer Gail Sheehy in 1972, "We're all descended from fourteenth-century French kings." When Jackie married John F. Kennedy in 1953, newspaper reports trumpeted the alliance of the wealthy Boston Irish senator with the descendant of a family of French aristocrats. "I don't know how Janet [Jackie's mother] got away with this," Gore Vidal said. "Well, it only worked with the press, I mean they were somehow Plantagenets and Tudors—it was just nonsense. They were pretty lowly born ..." They were Catholics, but not grand Catholics, of Mediterranean descent in a Protestant WASP world. None of this was to matter outwardly to Jackie, as the classy beauty she grew up to be, but it contributed to an inner sense of apartness; as she told society bandleader Peter Duchin in reference to Newport, many years later, "You and I, Peter, both outsiders." >

So do the Obama's family.

Go way back, that is.

For example, a woman Mrs Obama is descended from was raped by her black owner and had his child. So, our beautiful and elegant and hard working and inspirational first lady is part white.

Another lie drummed up by the Obamas to promote black victimhood. Hers and others. That 'white blood' thing gives them status. If you don't have it, make it up. I've worked around enough blacks and heard them brag about it. I've also heard them talk about other blacks and say 'she thinks she's white.'

But Jackie is right, people who do not fall into their assigned roles and behave well ARE outsiders. Always will be.
1. "Black victimhood"? It sounds like you don't believe that female black slaves were raped by their white owners...ever.

2. When I think of First Lady Michelle Obama, I don't think of victimhood. I wonder if you are only seeing what you want to see.
1. "Black victimhood"? It sounds like you don't believe that female black slaves were raped by their white owners...ever.

2. When I think of First Lady Michelle Obama, I don't think of victimhood. I wonder if you are only seeing what you want to see.

Bodecea makes the point that female black slaves being raped by white owners doesn't make their decedents victims.
For the 1 millionth time I am proud of our nation ... As yet another person realizes that what happened in 1860 doesn't make someone a victim now ... Welcome Aboard Bodecea.

So do the Obama's family.

Go way back, that is.

For example, a woman Mrs Obama is descended from was raped by her black owner and had his child. So, our beautiful and elegant and hard working and inspirational first lady is part white.

Another lie drummed up by the Obamas to promote black victimhood. Hers and others. That 'white blood' thing gives them status. If you don't have it, make it up. I've worked around enough blacks and heard them brag about it. I've also heard them talk about other blacks and say 'she thinks she's white.'

But Jackie is right, people who do not fall into their assigned roles and behave well ARE outsiders. Always will be.
1. "Black victimhood"? It sounds like you don't believe that female black slaves were raped by their white owners...ever.

2. When I think of First Lady Michelle Obama, I don't think of victimhood. I wonder if you are only seeing what you want to see.

Whites found blacks disgusting in those days. Southerners thought of them as animals. So no, I don't believe that. When a man had a white woman in his bed, he had no need of getting it on with what he considered an animal. Very few southern white men would have anything to do with a black woman. Certainly none that I know of. If you think they would, you watch too much TV.

And yes, I know the story of Thomas Jefferson. However, his black slave girl was in several situations in which she could have legally gotten free and did not. IMO that liaison was entirely consensual. But then, could Jefferson be considered a true southerner. I never think of him that way. I think if him as an easterner which in and of itself bears a certain stupidity. And northerners owned slaves. A yankee, no doubt would sleep with anything.
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Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

i was not hating on the first lady...

i could care less that she is black

i never said anyone was perfect

stating the truth....is not hate or racist.
Wandered back into this thread to see how it was going and you know ... it really hurts me to see how much hatred some of you guys and gals have for -

The first lady

Blacks in general

Women who are not cookie-cutter perfect

and each other.

I'm out too.

No one hates women that aren't cookie cutter perfect. Mocking women who aren't cookie cutter perfect (and those who think they are) but say they are is very much called for. Big Moo asked for it and so did everyone who denies reality. There are some black women who embody elegance and class. Condi Rice comes to mind. The first ho is just that, and if she puts her ass on the line it should be slapped down.

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