Michelle and Jackie Similar?

oh, the vulgar freudism as the last resort of a leftard :lol:

stop hurting so badly, your idol does not deserve so much pain on your part :D

You're so out of the REAL conversation now, I'm really worried that maybe you do have some health issues keeping you from concentrating. You poor thing. :(

there was never any conversation with YOU, are you insane?

I don't have conversations with people who are clearly in a kneeling awe of their failed goddess.
Get off your worshiping mode, then there could be a conversation.

^ even more delusional than the last post. Girl...get help now! Call 911...don't drive yourself!
You're so out of the REAL conversation now, I'm really worried that maybe you do have some health issues keeping you from concentrating. You poor thing. :(

there was never any conversation with YOU, are you insane?

I don't have conversations with people who are clearly in a kneeling awe of their failed goddess.
Get off your worshiping mode, then there could be a conversation.

^ even more delusional than the last post. Girl...get help now! Call 911...don't drive yourself!

did you take that aspirin yet? you are getting more and more incoherent because of your hurt feelings :D
Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

One must certainly touch the Queen if the monarch offers her hand (though you should return this not with a firm handshake but just a touch). On Wednesday, Michelle Obama put her hand on the Queen only after the Queen had placed her own hand on the First Lady's back as part of their conversation. So there is room for theological argument as to whether the American reciprocity of touch was allowable given the social dynamics of the situation. (Less explicable was when President George W. Bush winked at the Queen.) Still, the sight of anyone apparently touching the Queen with anything more than a limp handshake is enough to send the British (or traditionalists in the old Commonwealth) twittering. (See pictures of the Obamas' travels in Europe.)

Another defense for Michelle Obama, of course, is that she is not a subject of the Queen. (Australians, despite referendums attempting to turn themselves into a republic, still recognize the Queen as their head of state.) The First Lady of the United States is not required to curtsey before her or any other crowned head. In any case, the touch lasted just a second or two, and the Queen did not seem particularly perturbed — though she appeared slightly surprised as she drew away.

Read more: The Queen and Mrs. Obama: Did the First Lady Break Protocol? - TIME The Queen and Mrs. Obama: Did the First Lady Break Protocol? - TIME

Protocol is protocol. If you go to foreign countries you are expected to follow their protocol. I have been to Egypt and was advised to dress modestly. I did dress VERY modestly, and the Egyptian guides appreciated it and made no bones about what trash the scantily clad women the thought to be from Russia were.

Michelle was briefed on how to behave. She blew it because she is ignorant and doesn't give a shit about this country. They should have arrested her for touching the queen. Any other commoner would have been arrested.

This kind of stuff is absolutely hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You would get arrested if you touched the queen. But then people on welfare, like you, don't travel much.
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Oh brother.

You racists are just plain evil. You love the lies because it feeds your hate.

Piss off.
Sorry, shit for brains, you leftards wore out the *RACIST* comment a couple years BACK. It's completely lost it's zeal. So you'll have to see if you can find some new buzz word. No one gives a shit about being called racist by the likes of you obamabot bubble heads anymore.

Go pound your pud you fucking zipper head.

Wish that were true. Then the slimey anti-America racists would finally shut up.

The most telling thing about this thread is that while the dingy rw's are obsessing about Mrs Obama's fanny and/or her upper arms, they're ignoring the outright theft of the US by the R party.

Did any one you notice the Rs shutting down the government for NO reason?

Yeah, sure, they lied about "repealing/defunding/replacing" the ACA and yes, the idiot rw's fell for it again. And, you made excuses for them. You actually made excuses for them. And some of you would actually vote for an asshole who has only one apparent talent - he can read Dr. Seuss.

But, given the fact that you all knew the Rs were lying, they shut down the government for not reason.

But, that's not important, right? Let's go back to bitching about the dress our FLOTUS wore. Let's lie about how much money they've spent.

You s'pose that lying book includes that $200MILLION DOLLARS A DAY vacation?
And here you are... shit for brains...

Sorry, shit for brains, you leftards wore out the *RACIST* comment a couple years BACK. It's completely lost it's zeal. So you'll have to see if you can find some new buzz word. No one gives a shit about being called racist by the likes of you obamabot bubble heads anymore.

Go pound your pud you fucking zipper head.

Wish that were true. Then the slimey anti-America racists would finally shut up.

The most telling thing about this thread is that while the dingy rw's are obsessing about Mrs Obama's fanny and/or her upper arms, they're ignoring the outright theft of the US by the R party.

Did any one you notice the Rs shutting down the government for NO reason?

Yeah, sure, they lied about "repealing/defunding/replacing" the ACA and yes, the idiot rw's fell for it again. And, you made excuses for them. You actually made excuses for them. And some of you would actually vote for an asshole who has only one apparent talent - he can read Dr. Seuss.

But, given the fact that you all knew the Rs were lying, they shut down the government for not reason.

But, that's not important, right? Let's go back to bitching about the dress our FLOTUS wore. Let's lie about how much money they've spent.

You s'pose that lying book includes that $200MILLION DOLLARS A DAY vacation?
And here you are... shit for brains...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't handle the topic of the thread so Pole Rider goes for the deflection!
The first sow's bad posture is really something of a paradox. She, herself, is an attorney. I noticed in law school that anyone who made it to the last year developed an erect posture and a swagger. Her JD, like hubby's, is probably also mail order. She doesn't even carry herself like a lawyer.
Protocol is protocol. If you go to foreign countries you are expected to follow their protocol. I have been to Egypt and was advised to dress modestly. I did dress VERY modestly, and the Egyptian guides appreciated it and made no bones about what trash the scantily clad women the thought to be from Russia were.

Michelle was briefed on how to behave. She blew it because she is ignorant and doesn't give a shit about this country. They should have arrested her for touching the queen. Any other commoner would have been arrested.

This kind of stuff is absolutely hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You would get arrested if you touched the queen. But then people on welfare, like you, don't travel much.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This is getting funnier and funnier. Are you on the same pain-killers as Vox?
They're both so good looking. Not sure what you guys are talking about.


Look at those guns, she shouldn't wear sleeveless? You're nuts.

Yes, she's a beautiful woman. So was Jackie.

Not bothering to read several pages of brainless hate but answering the op instead.

Jackie was born to wealth and privilege. She went to the best schools and never wondered about repaying her student loans.

Our current First Lady grew up in a one bedroom apartment and slept on the couch in the living room. Nonetheless, she worked to educate herself (at the best schools) and be successful. That's the same thing she and the president both talk to young people about now - work hard to get the life you want.

Because she's black, the lying scum rw's will never forgive her for her hard work and success.

Funny, Jackie blew off a lot of money to refurbish the WH. She said it should be the best. No one questioned that.

Nancy just had to have that beauty salon and the rw's loved it. (I don't disagree necessarily. Besides, she was our first female prez and needed to look good.)

Michelle plants gardens and works to improve the plight of the poor and our vets/families and the rw's hate her for it and lie about it.

gdubya never had to work for anything. He went to the best schools and failed at everything he did. Including potus. The idiot rw's love him for being a failure, for killing hundreds of thousands, for putting us deep in debt and for laughing at us while he screwed us over.

The right should be correctly classified as a hate group.

More mindless chatter, no facts just mindless opinion.

Sarah and Luddly are like the two blondes who decided to go to Disney World. They were almost there when they saw the sign that said, 'Disney left.' They both tuned up and cried, then turned around and went home.
The first sow's bad posture is really something of a paradox. She, herself, is an attorney. I noticed in law school that anyone who made it to the last year developed an erect posture and a swagger. Her JD, like hubby's, is probably also mail order. She doesn't even carry herself like a lawyer.

Sunshine is sooooo classy. :clap:
You would get arrested if you touched the queen. But then people on welfare, like you, don't travel much.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This is getting funnier and funnier. Are you on the same pain-killers as Vox?

more projection on a part of hurt in her best feelings worshiping bodecea :lol:

got the aspirin yet?

Poor Vox. I sure hope this isn't the onset of permanent dementia for you. But, from looking at your posts today, I'm not hopeful. :(
British Magazine Crowns Michelle Obama Queen | TheBlaze.com

The Sunday Times Style Magazine has ranked the first lady at the top of its best-dressed people in the world list, and created a mock first-class postage stamp — a space traditionally reserved for the Queen of England — to promote the issue.
It is only the anti-Obama right wingers in the US who find fault with Mrs. Obama's looks and style.
The first sow's bad posture is really something of a paradox. She, herself, is an attorney. I noticed in law school that anyone who made it to the last year developed an erect posture and a swagger. Her JD, like hubby's, is probably also mail order. She doesn't even carry herself like a lawyer.

This is pretty pathetic on your part.
This kind of stuff is absolutely hilarious! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You would get arrested if you touched the queen. But then people on welfare, like you, don't travel much.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This is getting funnier and funnier. Are you on the same pain-killers as Vox?

The queen like our president always has a contingent of security around her. And like the president, there is a perimeter that one cannot cross without getting taken in hand by security personnel. If you tried to walk up and touch the queen you would have to breach that perimeter and you would get arrested. And you would be hauled in by the SS if the president of the US was not in hand shaking mode when you decided to touch him. When he is in handshaking mode you have to have both hands visible and empty.

I have been a few places you have not been.
Last edited:
So I actually did happen to find that picture thread. It has been enlightening, to say the least. Those using the term "first sow" might be in a "pot-kettle" situation here.
British Magazine Crowns Michelle Obama Queen | TheBlaze.com

The Sunday Times Style Magazine has ranked the first lady at the top of its best-dressed people in the world list, and created a mock first-class postage stamp — a space traditionally reserved for the Queen of England — to promote the issue.
It is only the anti-Obama right wingers in the US who find fault with Mrs. Obama's looks and style.

But...but...but...she should have been ARRESTED!!!!!!!!! :blowup:
The first sow's bad posture is really something of a paradox. She, herself, is an attorney. I noticed in law school that anyone who made it to the last year developed an erect posture and a swagger. Her JD, like hubby's, is probably also mail order. She doesn't even carry herself like a lawyer.

This is pretty pathetic on your part.

I thought of it as pretty standard stuff for Sunshine.
You would get arrested if you touched the queen. But then people on welfare, like you, don't travel much.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

This is getting funnier and funnier. Are you on the same pain-killers as Vox?

The queen like our president always has a contingent of security around her. And like the president, there is a perimeter that one cannot cross without getting taken in hand by security personnel. If you tried to walk up and touch the queen you would have to breach that perimeter and you would get arrested. And you would be hauled in by the SS if the president of the US was not in hand shaking mode when you decided to touch him. When he is in handshaking mode you have to have both hands visible and empty.

I have been a few places you have not been.

Oh, I'm sure that is quite true. :eusa_whistle:

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