Michelle and Jackie Similar?

The obama's PERIOD, the entire family is a bunch of filthy LEACHES that are SUCKING off the American tax payers as if to collect their REPARATIONS for being BLACK. They're sickening, and truly deserve to be KICKED TO THE CURB like any other FREE LOADING TRASH...

Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller

Oh brother.

You racists are just plain evil. You love the lies because it feeds your hate.

Piss off.
Sorry, shit for brains, you leftards wore out the *RACIST* comment a couple years BACK. It's completely lost it's zeal. So you'll have to see if you can find some new buzz word. No one gives a shit about being called racist by the likes of you obamabot bubble heads anymore.

Go pound your pud you fucking zipper head.

Another meltdown, Pole Rider? :eusa_eh:
Our current First Lady grew up in a one bedroom apartment and slept on the couch in the living room. Nonetheless, she worked to educate herself (at the best schools) and be successful. That's the same thing she and the president both talk to young people about now - work hard to get the life you want.
Both of the Obama's were recipients of Affirmative Action and basically had their degrees handed to them on a platter. . :doubt:
Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

there is no "unofficial French" :lol:

it is just the example in linguistics of the same laziness leading to failures as Michelle's failed etiquette ways :D
Since you are very much like her, no wonder you don't see her failures. You simply can't because of class or lack therof :lol:

*Thereof* - if you butcher this one that badly, you weren't paying attention.

(Thumbs up)

That's all you got was a typo? Reaching dude!

a typo is not a spelling mistake :lol:

no other arguments left?

I thought so.

Go kneel in front of the Obama couple :D

Now that you cleared that up, how about get back on topic?

No other arguments? About the first lady being a class act?

Class has everything to do with HOW YOU ACT. If one commits rotten, dishonest acts, but present a front to the world that includes "good posture," how can one say that they have class?
there is no "unofficial French" :lol:

it is just the example in linguistics of the same laziness leading to failures as Michelle's failed etiquette ways :D
Since you are very much like her, no wonder you don't see her failures. You simply can't because of class or lack therof :lol:

*Thereof* - if you butcher this one that badly, you weren't paying attention.

(Thumbs up)

That's all you got was a typo? Reaching dude!

Ah, the cavalry rides!!!

That's all you got?

Your thoughts on the thread?
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The obama's PERIOD, the entire family is a bunch of filthy LEACHES that are SUCKING off the American tax payers as if to collect their REPARATIONS for being BLACK. They're sickening, and truly deserve to be KICKED TO THE CURB like any other FREE LOADING TRASH...

Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller

Oh brother.

You racists are just plain evil. You love the lies because it feeds your hate.

Piss off.
Sorry, shit for brains, you leftards wore out the *RACIST* comment a couple years BACK. It's completely lost it's zeal. So you'll have to see if you can find some new buzz word. No one gives a shit about being called racist by the likes of you obamabot bubble heads anymore.

Go pound your pud you fucking zipper head.

Wish that were true. Then the slimey anti-America racists would finally shut up.

The most telling thing about this thread is that while the dingy rw's are obsessing about Mrs Obama's fanny and/or her upper arms, they're ignoring the outright theft of the US by the R party.

Did any one you notice the Rs shutting down the government for NO reason?

Yeah, sure, they lied about "repealing/defunding/replacing" the ACA and yes, the idiot rw's fell for it again. And, you made excuses for them. You actually made excuses for them. And some of you would actually vote for an asshole who has only one apparent talent - he can read Dr. Seuss.

But, given the fact that you all knew the Rs were lying, they shut down the government for not reason.

But, that's not important, right? Let's go back to bitching about the dress our FLOTUS wore. Let's lie about how much money they've spent.

You s'pose that lying book includes that $200MILLION DOLLARS A DAY vacation?

a typo is not a spelling mistake :lol:

no other arguments left?

I thought so.

Go kneel in front of the Obama couple :D

Now that you cleared that up, how about get back on topic?

No other arguments? About the first lady being a class act?

Class has everything to do with HOW YOU ACT. If one commits rotten, dishonest acts, but present a front to the world that includes "good posture," how can one say that they have class?

what's cleared up? that you are lazy like your goddess? that's well known fact :lol:

and she and her husband lack any class.
This pisses me off. Not sure exactly why, but it does. Michelle is NOTHING like Jackie. Who is this dumbfuck that wrote this crap?

White House Style: Michelle O vs. Jackie O | HelloBeautiful

Someone dumbfuck enough to call Jackie, Jaqueline Onassis Kennedy. After JFK's death, the beautiful Jackie married the richest man in the world and became Jackie O.
Who would be failure enough to take the leftover Big Moo? That big ass! The even bigger jaw!

Oh please. It's enough to make Jackie get up out of her grave and haunt the white house. And Jackie will stll be better looking than the Moo.

you oldsters/Republican fossils really are upset that a young women w/ a nice stable family who is concerned about this great nation's youth AND has done something to address it is in the whitehouse. :crybaby:

Two-terms as well. :thewave: :boohoo: :rofl: Repubs and their hate threads :(
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truth hurts? :lol:

You must be in a lot of pain then. I'm so sorry. Aspirin?

truth hurts YOU, which is obvious. Your goddess is a failed FLOTUS.

and yes, you can take aspirin to lessen your pain, bodey

Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?
You must be in a lot of pain then. I'm so sorry. Aspirin?

truth hurts YOU, which is obvious. Your goddess is a failed FLOTUS.

and yes, you can take aspirin to lessen your pain, bodey

Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?

sorry, it is you who are crying and wringing in pain over your failed FLOTUS and obviously can't stand the deserved mocking of your goddess. a person not in pain over their idol won't so obviously display the signs of distress as you do - even reaching to the failed "racist" label :D

take the aspirin and feel better
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You must be in a lot of pain then. I'm so sorry. Aspirin?

truth hurts YOU, which is obvious. Your goddess is a failed FLOTUS.

and yes, you can take aspirin to lessen your pain, bodey

Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?

rw'ers attacking the First Lady. :rolleyes: This is all they have left it would appear. Well, it is true that winning Presidential & Senatorial elections don't seem to be their forte' so they're lashing-out in the only way they know- attacking a woman who has done nothing wrong other than not being a rw'er (not being white as well because 90%+ of repub voters are white [Murica's modern day confederacy- Republicans] :clap2: :(
"The river of sludge will go on and on. It isn’t about me." ~ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

truth hurts YOU, which is obvious. Your goddess is a failed FLOTUS.

and yes, you can take aspirin to lessen your pain, bodey

Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?

rw'ers attacking the First Lady. :rolleyes: This is all they have left it would appear. Well, it is true that winning Presidential & Senatorial elections don't seem to be their forte' so they're lashing-out in the only way they know- attacking a woman who has done nothing wrong other than not being a rw'er (not being white as well because 90%+ of repub voters are white [Murica's modern day confederacy- Republicans] :clap2: :(

Sort of like left wingers attacking Palin, it is all so demeaning yet you, a lot of left wingers and right wingers love to demean women. What a great hobby you guys have.
Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?

rw'ers attacking the First Lady. :rolleyes: This is all they have left it would appear. Well, it is true that winning Presidential & Senatorial elections don't seem to be their forte' so they're lashing-out in the only way they know- attacking a woman who has done nothing wrong other than not being a rw'er (not being white as well because 90%+ of repub voters are white [Murica's modern day confederacy- Republicans] :clap2: :(

Sort of like left wingers attacking Palin, it is all so demeaning yet you, a lot of left wingers and right wingers love to demean women. What a great hobby you guys have.

Except stating the obvious that current FLOTUS does not have class, grace and elegance which are all the job requirements and can be learned ( at least to some degree) does not equate with vile attacks on Palin and her children, which our leftards so loooove to do.
Plus Palin is a private citizen and not a representation of our country, and they still can't let go.
Including exactly those here who feel so hurt in their feelings that their failed idol is being mocked and deserves to be.
truth hurts YOU, which is obvious. Your goddess is a failed FLOTUS.

and yes, you can take aspirin to lessen your pain, bodey

Sorry...but you are obviously the one in pain....great pain from the looks of your kooky posts. Maybe aspirin isn't strong enough for you. Have you thought about stronger drugs? Or are we already seeing the result of you taking such...by the "quality" of your posts?

sorry, it is you who are crying and wringing in pain over your failed FLOTUS and obviously can't stand the deserved mocking of your goddess. a person not in pain over their idol won't so obviously display the signs of distress as you do - even reaching to the failed "racist" label :D

take the aspirin and feel better

Oh? and when have I been doing that? By simply making the comment that both Jackie and Michelle were and are beautiful?

Oh...perhaps the pain you are experiencing has caused you to set up straw men arguments. You really should go see a doctor about that....it's bordering on dementia.

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