Michelle and Jackie Similar?

She has never been all about her looks as some here are attempting to portray. She does need to put her best foot forward on occasion and I feel she does that very well. She is NOT fat or ugly and the people here saying that are simply hateful and dumb even.

She was photographed coming off the plane in shorts and the people here are complaining that she doesn't look glamerous enough for them. She's not trying to be something she's not. She's the First Lady and sometimes she has to glam it up. I say she looks beautiful, you all think she's somehow not good enough.

Go figure. She can at least be compared to Jackie.

You are right and Michelle can be compared to Jackie ... Has been Compared to Jackie ... And it has proven to be a crappy comparison.

Where some people think it is about looks and presentation alone ... I think you got closer to the truth of the matter than you think.
You said ... "... you all think she's somehow not good enough." ... When for all intents and purposes it was Michelle that said she wasn't proud of this country and that we had not been good enough for her.

She lost any respect for her position when she took a dump on the country the first chance she got ... And Jackie would never have done that ... Period!

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So half of 'em say Michelle isn't glam enough, and half say she's too glam and wasting everyone's money.

In other words, she can't win.

Oh, if Michelle actually wore any of that African attire, the whole Republican party would go entirely insane with conspiracy rants.

Anyways, no other first lady has ever gotten this kind of rage. I mean, Laura Bush was a bad dresser, and we poked fun at her for it, but nobody was ever screaming she was low-class trash. I'll leave it to the audience to conclude as to why Michelle is singled out for bizarre criticism.
So half of 'em say Michelle isn't glam enough, and half say she's too glam and wasting everyone's money.

In other words, she can't win.

Oh, if Michelle actually wore any of that African attire, the whole Republican party would go entirely insane with conspiracy rants.

Anyways, no other first lady has ever gotten this kind of rage. I mean, Laura Bush was a bad dresser, and we poked fun at her for it, but nobody was ever screaming she was low-class trash. I'll leave it to the audience to conclude as to why Michelle is singled out for bizarre criticism.

Who is half of 'em?
Just once in one of these threads I would love to see all the people calling Michelle Obama fat and ugly post pictures of themselves and their spouses. I strongly suspect that she is objectively quite a bit more attractive and stylish than most of the people anonymously calling her names on this board.

What about those that attack Palin? feel the same?

To those who attack Palin for her looks and say that she is physically ugly, absolutely. I don't like the woman, but she is quite physically attractive and anyone who would go out of their way to say otherwise, I would say is being stupid.

I have already posted a pic of myself. Finding it is your baby. If the moo sow now has a small ass, then she had liposuction. But my guess is she asked the press not to photograph her from behind or from the side.

Yeah...that will not be my "baby". Though if someone here who is more familiar with the boards wanted to link me to or PM me the link to the apparent photo thread that exists, I'd probably find it fascinating.

She is definitely ghetto. I shudder to think what shape that White House will be in when they move out. I hope there is something in the media about it, but we all know there won't be.

Careful darling, your racism is showing.
They're both so good looking. Not sure what you guys are talking about.


Look at those guns, she shouldn't wear sleeveless? You're nuts.

Yes, she's a beautiful woman. So was Jackie.

Not bothering to read several pages of brainless hate but answering the op instead.

Jackie was born to wealth and privilege. She went to the best schools and never wondered about repaying her student loans.

Our current First Lady grew up in a one bedroom apartment and slept on the couch in the living room. Nonetheless, she worked to educate herself (at the best schools) and be successful. That's the same thing she and the president both talk to young people about now - work hard to get the life you want.

Because she's black, the lying scum rw's will never forgive her for her hard work and success.

Funny, Jackie blew off a lot of money to refurbish the WH. She said it should be the best. No one questioned that.

Nancy just had to have that beauty salon and the rw's loved it. (I don't disagree necessarily. Besides, she was our first female prez and needed to look good.)

Michelle plants gardens and works to improve the plight of the poor and our vets/families and the rw's hate her for it and lie about it.

gdubya never had to work for anything. He went to the best schools and failed at everything he did. Including potus. The idiot rw's love him for being a failure, for killing hundreds of thousands, for putting us deep in debt and for laughing at us while he screwed us over.

The right should be correctly classified as a hate group.

you dont need to be rich or beautiful to have ....class or elegance..

the problem is michelle is trying to be something she is not.....she needs to work to her strengths and in my opinion she does not.

She has never been all about her looks as some here are attempting to portray. She does need to put her best foot forward on occasion and I feel she does that very well. She is NOT fat or ugly and the people here saying that are simply hateful and dumb even.

She was photographed coming off the plane in shorts and the people here are complaining that she doesn't look glamerous enough for them. She's not trying to be something she's not. She's the First Lady and sometimes she has to glam it up. I say she looks beautiful, you all think she's somehow not good enough.

Go figure. She can at least be compared to Jackie.

She represents the US in her role as first lady. How she presents herself is VERY important. Jackie knew that. It isn't about glamour. It is about her role. A role that she deliberately sought when she set about to groom Barry for the job of POTUS.

Sad to see that for you...Looks are everything.
She has never been all about her looks as some here are attempting to portray. She does need to put her best foot forward on occasion and I feel she does that very well. She is NOT fat or ugly and the people here saying that are simply hateful and dumb even.

She was photographed coming off the plane in shorts and the people here are complaining that she doesn't look glamerous enough for them. She's not trying to be something she's not. She's the First Lady and sometimes she has to glam it up. I say she looks beautiful, you all think she's somehow not good enough.

Go figure. She can at least be compared to Jackie.

She represents the US in her role as first lady. How she presents herself is VERY important. Jackie knew that. It isn't about glamour. It is about her role. A role that she deliberately sought when she set about to groom Barry for the job of POTUS.

Her roll is to shut up and look pretty? How nice.

That says so much more about the person who said it...don't you think? :eusa_eh:
you can't even copy the words correctly :lol:

that's why you can't understand why Michelle is a failed FLOTUS.

There are different degrees of the faux pas and hugging the Queen is an unforgivable one.

Looking like you just came out from the barn is the other :D

Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

One must certainly touch the Queen if the monarch offers her hand (though you should return this not with a firm handshake but just a touch). On Wednesday, Michelle Obama put her hand on the Queen only after the Queen had placed her own hand on the First Lady's back as part of their conversation. So there is room for theological argument as to whether the American reciprocity of touch was allowable given the social dynamics of the situation. (Less explicable was when President George W. Bush winked at the Queen.) Still, the sight of anyone apparently touching the Queen with anything more than a limp handshake is enough to send the British (or traditionalists in the old Commonwealth) twittering. (See pictures of the Obamas' travels in Europe.)

Another defense for Michelle Obama, of course, is that she is not a subject of the Queen. (Australians, despite referendums attempting to turn themselves into a republic, still recognize the Queen as their head of state.) The First Lady of the United States is not required to curtsey before her or any other crowned head. In any case, the touch lasted just a second or two, and the Queen did not seem particularly perturbed — though she appeared slightly surprised as she drew away.

Read more: The Queen and Mrs. Obama: Did the First Lady Break Protocol? - TIME http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1888962,00.html#ixzz2la7m2V23
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She represents the US in her role as first lady. How she presents herself is VERY important. Jackie knew that. It isn't about glamour. It is about her role. A role that she deliberately sought when she set about to groom Barry for the job of POTUS.

Her roll is to shut up and look pretty? How nice.

That says so much more about the person who said it...don't you think? :eusa_eh:

Goes against everything I was ever taught. Disgraceful that people would think this.

I like Michelle Obama just like I liked Laura Bush.
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The obama's PERIOD, the entire family is a bunch of filthy LEACHES that are SUCKING off the American tax payers as if to collect their REPARATIONS for being BLACK. They're sickening, and truly deserve to be KICKED TO THE CURB like any other FREE LOADING TRASH...

Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller

Oh brother.

You racists are just plain evil. You love the lies because it feeds your hate.

Piss off.
Sorry, shit for brains, you leftards wore out the *RACIST* comment a couple years BACK. It's completely lost it's zeal. So you'll have to see if you can find some new buzz word. No one gives a shit about being called racist by the likes of you obamabot bubble heads anymore.

Go pound your pud you fucking zipper head.
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you can't even copy the words correctly :lol:

that's why you can't understand why Michelle is a failed FLOTUS.

There are different degrees of the faux pas and hugging the Queen is an unforgivable one.

Looking like you just came out from the barn is the other :D

Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

there is no "unofficial French" :lol:

it is just the example in linguistics of the same laziness leading to failures as Michelle's failed etiquette ways :D
Since you are very much like her, no wonder you don't see her failures. You simply can't because of class or lack therof :lol:
They're both so good looking. Not sure what you guys are talking about.


Look at those guns, she shouldn't wear sleeveless? You're nuts.

Yes, she's a beautiful woman. So was Jackie.

Not bothering to read several pages of brainless hate but answering the op instead.

Jackie was born to wealth and privilege. She went to the best schools and never wondered about repaying her student loans.

Our current First Lady grew up in a one bedroom apartment and slept on the couch in the living room. Nonetheless, she worked to educate herself (at the best schools) and be successful. That's the same thing she and the president both talk to young people about now - work hard to get the life you want.

Because she's black, the lying scum rw's will never forgive her for her hard work and success.

Funny, Jackie blew off a lot of money to refurbish the WH. She said it should be the best. No one questioned that.

Nancy just had to have that beauty salon and the rw's loved it. (I don't disagree necessarily. Besides, she was our first female prez and needed to look good.)

Michelle plants gardens and works to improve the plight of the poor and our vets/families and the rw's hate her for it and lie about it.

gdubya never had to work for anything. He went to the best schools and failed at everything he did. Including potus. The idiot rw's love him for being a failure, for killing hundreds of thousands, for putting us deep in debt and for laughing at us while he screwed us over.

The right should be correctly classified as a hate group.

More mindless chatter, no facts just mindless opinion.

Pole Rider is a prime example of the RW today. This is some of his finest work.

Isn't it odd that Pole Rider doesn't want to stand PROUDLY behind his own posts? I mean...why would one neg for pointing out something he wrote and saying it was a prime example?

Hi, you have received -4999 reputation points from 007.
Reputation was given for this post.

Aaaawww... poor little retarded twat licker... tissue?


Note: This is an automated message.

Maybe he's really conflicted. Hmmmm.

Even odder....Sunshine the Fashionista is conflicted also:

Hi, you have received -3667 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

Disagreeable post.


Note: This is an automated message.

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No, she isn't.

She is a failed FLOTUS as her husband is a failure of a POTUS.

And yes, she dresses HORRIBLY.
She can do better if she would want to.
And she presents herself AWFUL. She can't even WALK :rolleyes:
Which is also her laziness.

Comparing her to Jackie is ludicrous.

You aren't really giving very good reasons here and what exactly does she have to do with Obama's failures? I seriously just don't get the Michelle Obama hate.

She embarrasses the country. She does not look like a First Lady, just like a First Ghetto Mom.
And she has all the resources ( including physical) to look and act like the First Lady.

Vox is another fine example of today's RW.
you can't even copy the words correctly :lol:

that's why you can't understand why Michelle is a failed FLOTUS.

There are different degrees of the faux pas and hugging the Queen is an unforgivable one.

Looking like you just came out from the barn is the other :D

Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

there is no "unofficial French" :lol:

it is just the example in linguistics of the same laziness leading to failures as Michelle's failed etiquette ways :D
Since you are very much like her, no wonder you don't see her failures. You simply can't because of class or lack therof :lol:

*Thereof* - if you butcher this one that badly, you weren't paying attention.

(Thumbs up)
You aren't really giving very good reasons here and what exactly does she have to do with Obama's failures? I seriously just don't get the Michelle Obama hate.

She embarrasses the country. She does not look like a First Lady, just like a First Ghetto Mom.
And she has all the resources ( including physical) to look and act like the First Lady.

Vox is another fine example of today's RW.

truth hurts? :lol:
Using an unofficial French to English spelling, Mr Webster.

there is no "unofficial French" :lol:

it is just the example in linguistics of the same laziness leading to failures as Michelle's failed etiquette ways :D
Since you are very much like her, no wonder you don't see her failures. You simply can't because of class or lack therof :lol:

*Thereof* - if you butcher this one that badly, you weren't paying attention.

(Thumbs up)


a typo is not a spelling mistake :lol:

no other arguments left?

I thought so.

Go kneel in front of the Obama couple :D

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