Michelle Bachman: Pants on Fire Again


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
PolitiFact | Michele Bachmann says Barack Obama can use executive order to give voting rights to illegal immigrants legalized under Senate bill

"The president … by executive order" could grant voting rights to illegal immigrants who are newly legalized under pending legislation.

Michele Bachmann on Sunday, July 14th, 2013 in an interview with World Net Daily

How many times are republicans going to be lied to without batting an eye?

Our ruling

Bachmann said "the president … by executive order" could grant voting rights to illegal immigrants newly legalized under pending legislation. That’s not true -- the states, not the president, have the power to determine who can vote. It’s right there in the Constitution. We rate Bachmann’s claim Pants on Fire.

That's gotta be some sort of record and it's only July
Et Tu, Captioni???


McAuliffe said the ethics report said Cuccinelli "should have been prosecuted, but Virginia laws are insufficient."

There is nothing in the report that remotely supports McAuliffe’s claim. To the contrary, the report concludes Cuccinelli did not violate any laws.

McAuliffe’s hyperbolic statement is not only wrong, it defies any reasonable reading of the report. We rate his comment Pants on Fire.
here is some REAL frikken liar liar pants ON fire for you
link with it at site

Obama Shamelessly Lies: Economy Is “Back To Where We Were”…

Even though the real unemployment rate is 14.3%?

Via Washington Examiner:

President Obama explained that the U.S. economy was back, during an address to his former campaign operation turned into a non-profit – Organizing for Action.

Obama reminded them that when he took office “the bottom had fallen out” of the national economy – citing rising inequality and middle class struggles.

“Now, the good news is over the last five years, we fought alongside people like Nancy Pelosi. But most importantly, because of the grit and resilience and determination of the American people, we’ve been able to clear away the rubble and get back to where we were,” Obama explained.

Obama added that the economy was the most important item on his agenda – even though he noted that climate change, women’s rights, civil rights, and gun violence were still important.

ALL of it here if you can stomach the LIC:
Obama Shamelessly Lies: Economy Is ?Back To Where We Were?? | Weasel Zippers
Et Tu, Captioni???

PolitiFact Virginia | McAuliffe says ethics investigation concluded Cuccinelli "should have been prosecuted"

McAuliffe said the ethics report said Cuccinelli "should have been prosecuted, but Virginia laws are insufficient."

There is nothing in the report that remotely supports McAuliffe’s claim. To the contrary, the report concludes Cuccinelli did not violate any laws.

McAuliffe’s hyperbolic statement is not only wrong, it defies any reasonable reading of the report. We rate his comment Pants on Fire.

Dam....lol. That dude just lies. Look at his record, it nowhere near the leader of the Tea Party Caucus' record tho.

Can you still say someone lied if they are a republican?
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her they must be too stupid to be.
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her, they must be too stupid to be.

Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her, they must be too stupid to be.

Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..

Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann. The GOP still thinks it can win by lies, bigotry, hypocrisy, and appealing to the lowest common denominator.
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I'm not a Michelle Bachman fan.. I think she's pretty much a dingbat but honest to God..leftists whining about leaders lying?? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The HYPOCRISY meter is thru the roof.. Hell see the bailout of DEE-troit (Hussein Obama) if you want to see LIES exposed..not to mention BENGHAZI Odumbo and his flying video or propaganda- IRS, Fast N Furious, NSA, Gitmo.. etc etc..
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her, they must be too stupid to be.

Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..

Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann.

Says the walking Posterchild of STOOPID who demanded the filmmaker be put to death, who had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks. You're irrelevant to any conversation. Hell, I'd be willing to wager you were one of the bozo's on DeeeeeeTroits city council?? LMAO
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her, they must be too stupid to be.

Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..

Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann.

damn, I actually agree with you..:eek:
still, Buschmann isn't ever one the worse in the house of idiots called, Congress
The GOP needs to stop lowering the bar, and start raising it again. They need to start holding their own accountable. When one of them cheats on his wife, the party needs to run him out of town. When one of them takes bribes from Wall Street, the party needs to take out the trash. When one of them lies, the party needs to take them to the woodshed. When one of them starts preaching hate toward blacks, immigrants, gays, Muslims, and women, the party needs to shun them.

Instead of attacking the other guy's lame ideas, they need to bring solutions to the table.

We can do far, far, far better than Michele Bachmann. We need conservatives with double-digit IQs.
Michelle Bachmann is an airhead. It's amazing to think she was the best the Republicans in her district could come up with to represent them. You would think they would be embarassed, but since they picked her, they must be too stupid to be.

Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..

Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann. The GOP still thinks it can win by lies, bigotry, hypocrisy, and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Uh...excuse me....

A jury of peers found Zimmerman not guilty.

Yet the media, the left and the activists consider him guilty.

This has nothing to do with Zimmerman. It has to do with the fact that Martin was black.

One does not need to be intelligent these days to get elected by the left. All they need to be is...dare I say.....black.
Please, she's a genius compared to some of the Democrats...and speaking of stupid people, Obama was elected..

Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann. The GOP still thinks it can win by lies, bigotry, hypocrisy, and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Uh...excuse me....

A jury of peers found Zimmerman not guilty.

Yet the media, the left and the activists consider him guilty.

This has nothing to do with Zimmerman. It has to do with the fact that Martin was black.

One does not need to be intelligent these days to get elected by the left. All they need to be is...dare I say.....black.

I LOVE IT! Another Right winger blaming their election loss on the voters!!!!!!! You can't beat that for winning hearts and minds!
Et Tu, Captioni???

PolitiFact Virginia | McAuliffe says ethics investigation concluded Cuccinelli "should have been prosecuted"

McAuliffe said the ethics report said Cuccinelli "should have been prosecuted, but Virginia laws are insufficient."

There is nothing in the report that remotely supports McAuliffe’s claim. To the contrary, the report concludes Cuccinelli did not violate any laws.

McAuliffe’s hyperbolic statement is not only wrong, it defies any reasonable reading of the report. We rate his comment Pants on Fire.

Dam....lol. That dude just lies. Look at his record, it nowhere near the leader of the Tea Party Caucus' record tho.

Can you still say someone lied if they are a republican?

It's pretty much the democrats response to everything so yeah I think so.
Obama's election is proof of just how unbelievably inept the GOP has become. When you can't even beat Obama, you are in profoundly bad shape.

Obama is an incompetent moron who had the incredible good fortune of having even bigger idiots opposing him.

That explains Michele Bachmann. The GOP still thinks it can win by lies, bigotry, hypocrisy, and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Uh...excuse me....

A jury of peers found Zimmerman not guilty.

Yet the media, the left and the activists consider him guilty.

This has nothing to do with Zimmerman. It has to do with the fact that Martin was black.

One does not need to be intelligent these days to get elected by the left. All they need to be is...dare I say.....black.

I LOVE IT! Another Right winger blaming their election loss on the voters!!!!!!! You can't beat that for winning hearts and minds!

blaming election loss on voters?
Of course I blame the voters. I don't blame the media and I don't blame the candidates. I blame the voters.

They vote with their hearts....not their heads.

And sometimes it works.

It worked with Kennedy. He should never have won, but thank God he did. And he won it with charisma alone. It worked with Reagan. He was an actor. He won due to popularity. And it turned out well for us. It failed with Bush for his second term and it failed with Obama.

I am not trying to win anyone's hearts and minds. I simply speak the truth and don't give a crap if people hate me for it.

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