Michelle O now accuses museums of being RACIST

Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
The historians and curators in the US should be transferring exhibits out of the country and into a free country right now if they expect any of it to survive.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.

Ultimately, like so much else, it's about class. Of which racism is a prominent subset.

That's what all this intentional fabrication's about. Brahmins being Brahmins.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.
Mrs. Obama regularly brings up race in her public appearances. She loves to cite her upbringing in the all black south side of Chicago. If a white person of means were to publicly mention race as much as Mrs. Obama, you would call them a Nazi or Klansman.

You must learn to evaluate a person based on the entirety their statements and actions, to fully appreciate their intentions.

She doesn't have to bring up race because the racist RWs will lie and say she did. If you want to see an example of these constant lies, read the RW LIES here.
She wants free tickets to cultural events set aside for black kids. Sending these gang members to a performance of Madam Butterfly would be a guarantee of another riot.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.

Yep. As mentioned above, I felt the same way when I was young. I felt completely intimidated because such places were not a part of my world.

I wonder if it would have done any good to educate the idiot RW slime in this thread and on this board. Would they be decent, honest human beings if they had had access to museums and libraries and actually availed themselves of them?

When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.

Ultimately, like so much else, it's about class. Of which racism is a prominent subset.

That's what all this intentional fabrication's about. Brahmins being Brahmins.

Yes it is about class and the feeling of superiority that some in the upper class project onto poorer people. I know, when I was in law school, many of my classmates could not understand the struggles of poorer Americans. Tribalism is the biggest thing that is holding humans back.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.

Yep. As mentioned above, I felt the same way when I was young. I felt completely intimidated because such places were not a part of my world.

I wonder if it would have done any good to educate the idiot RW slime in this thread and on this board. Would they be decent, honest human beings if they had had access to museums and libraries and actually availed themselves of them?

It appears they need it more, being mired in the slums of their own classist bullshit rhetoric.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.

When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.
Frank's a lost cause.

When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.

Class? You mean we have a caste system based on race?

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.

Class? You mean we have a caste system based on race?



Did you just get to this planet?

Your English is really good for an alien...
Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.

Class? You mean we have a caste system based on race?



Did you just get to this planet?

Your English is really good for an alien...

Are you running from your dodge?

You said she wasn't talking about race, but about "Class". How do you identify class in America?
Make up your "mind".

You said she was talking about transgenders but now you say it was about race?

What is "clear" is that you ignored what she really said in favor of the various lies you racist, anti-American RWs constantly spew.

What did she "really" say, when she said museums weren't "for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood."

The problem is -- she didn't say that.

Fer Chrissake Frank it's right in the OP. Here lemme highlight the key words for ya:

there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Class distinctions. Cannot be clearer.

Class? You mean we have a caste system based on race?



Did you just get to this planet?

Your English is really good for an alien...

Are you running from your dodge?

You said she wasn't talking about race, but about "Class". How do you identify class in America?
Michelle is referring to the class of poor black people, just like her and Opra Winfrey.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.
Mrs. Obama regularly brings up race in her public appearances. She loves to cite her upbringing in the all black south side of Chicago. If a white person of means were to publicly mention race as much as Mrs. Obama, you would call them a Nazi or Klansman.

You must learn to evaluate a person based on the entirety their statements and actions, to fully appreciate their intentions.

She doesn't have to bring up race because the racist RWs will lie and say she did. If you want to see an example of these constant lies, read the RW LIES here.
You claim to be the smartest poster on USMB and yet you refuse to recognize the constant reference to race by Mrs. BO and then resort to claiming RWers are racist. We are debating Mrs. BO and not RWers. Why the straw-man?
If she really feels this way. why doesn't she take some of their millions of dollars and go OPEN a few up. she can start in Baltimore and Detroit

she's just a hatful nasty woman, who I bet the majority of the people would wish she'd shut her nasty mouth..... the same they do he nasty husband

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