Michelle O now accuses museums of being RACIST

Well, I guess whites value history and the preservation of it. Blacks destroy, whites create and preserve!

Says a lot about the two races. Guess, who is successful and who is the loser.
You should think twice before asking people who they think the loser is.

LOL, Yet, blacks live in poverty and burn their own communities down over how fucked they're. They don't value education, they don't value science, they don't value hard work and they don't value good leadership.

Blacks would burn Museums down just as fast as the corner store. Now that is a loser.
THEY??? All Whites are racists, THEY hate minorities.
there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
Those kids have no clue they would be welcome because they were never told they would be welcome or shown they would be welcome. So she is right about that. However, her saying that is similar to Obama saying "that could be my son". Both of them just stick their feet in their mouths all the time. It causes division. Instead of prancing around on a stage speaking of it...DO SOMETHING like take some time off, woman, get your body guards and secret service agents, grab a couple of buses and go to the nearest black ghetto school and take them!

I can't explain it well or express it like some here can. I see it as division when she says stuff like that. Yes, it can be true, but it still causes the head nods of the angry black folks and draws yet another line when that line could be crossed much more happily if one DID SOMETHING instead of pulling a Sharpton. Yap yap yap. Stop yapping and DO IT. SHOW them.

Did that make sense?
Sure it makes sense and your OP was right on. don't let the fuckwads on the left make you feel guilty for seeing that bitch for what she really is.
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Unfortunately many Black kids are not interested in Eurocentric art, just African art because they think that it is all that they think is relevant to their lives. Unfortunately, many teachers oblige them, which is something I have argued against as an educator.

But imagine one kid out of say....20. Better yet...10. Groups of 10. More one on one. And if ONE of those kids are taken to a museum of art...and stares and stares at a painting and knows he/she can do that too cuz they doodle at home and wants to be a great artist? Or just ONE kid sees the skeleton of a dinosaur and decides he/she is so fascinated with it, they want to go into that field? Or the museum that shows the human body and that kid FEELS a pull to become a doctor or a nurse? Just one. Maybe two! Or more! They won't know until they SEE. And if their parent(s) showed no interest in showing them, that means SOMEONE should. Because that one outting could change a life. Right?
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Unfortunately many Black kids are not interested in Eurocentric art, just African art because they think that it is all that is relevant to their lives. Unfortunately, many teachers oblige them, which is something I have argued against as an educator.

It goes even deeper than that too. Wasn't it recently that black babies were FINALLY allowed to be adopted by non blacks? For so long, it was not allowed because whomever had that rule wanted blacks to know their culture. Well, fine. They can. Even belonging to a white or asian or hispanic family via adoption. But it took forever for it to be allowed to be done.
Sad, that.

My next door neighbors are white. He is a professor at the local college. She is a stay at home mom. They have two black children they adopted. The boy was a crack baby and I think he will eventually kill his parents. Awful kid. Horrible. He screams and rants and threatens to kill them all the time. The girl? Perfection. Sweet. Kind. Gentle. I remember when they brought her home. She was 2 days old. The boy was 6 years old. Now, he is 14, she is 10. She was not a crack baby. Just unwanted. :(
there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
Those kids have no clue they would be welcome because they were never told they would be welcome or shown they would be welcome. So she is right about that. However, her saying that is similar to Obama saying "that could be my son". Both of them just stick their feet in their mouths all the time. It causes division. Instead of prancing around on a stage speaking of it...DO SOMETHING like take some time off, woman, get your body guards and secret service agents, grab a couple of buses and go to the nearest black ghetto school and take them!

I can't explain it well or express it like some here can. I see it as division when she says stuff like that. Yes, it can be true, but it still causes the head nods of the angry black folks and draws yet another line when that line could be crossed much more happily if one DID SOMETHING instead of pulling a Sharpton. Yap yap yap. Stop yapping and DO IT. SHOW them.

Did that make sense?

Not a lot. Again what you've expressed here is what she was doing.

SJ's another of those gadflies bent on polarizing. It's what that whole post is about. He's terrified that there might be understanding and determined to re-stir the shit.
Fuck you, pogo. If you pulled your head out of Obama's ass for a minute you might see the division he and his racist wife are causing in this country. But of course, you would stand there and cheer him on because you're too fucking stupid to realize he would just as soon see you burn as to look at you.
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Unfortunately many Black kids are not interested in Eurocentric art, just African art because they think that it is all that they think is relevant to their lives. Unfortunately, many teachers oblige them, which is something I have argued against as an educator.

But imagine one kid out of say....20. Better yet...10. Groups of 10. More one on one. And if ONE of those kids are taken to a museum of art...and stares and stares at a painting and knows he/she can do that too cuz they doodle at home and wants to be a great artist? Or just ONE kid sees the skeleton of a dinosaur and decides he/she is so fascinated with it, they want to go into that field? Or the museum that shows the human body and that kid FEELS a pull to become a doctor or a nurse? Just one. Maybe two! Or more! They won't know until they SEE. And if their parent(s) showed no interest in showing them, that means SOMEONE should. Because that one outting could change a life. Right?
Unfortunately, and I say this as a Liberal, Bleeding Heart Liberal teachers will cater to the whims of Black students. Not teaching them Eurocentric art, which influences the world around them, is just giving up on them. Teach them African art and how it influenced many artists.
there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
Those kids have no clue they would be welcome because they were never told they would be welcome or shown they would be welcome. So she is right about that. However, her saying that is similar to Obama saying "that could be my son". Both of them just stick their feet in their mouths all the time. It causes division. Instead of prancing around on a stage speaking of it...DO SOMETHING like take some time off, woman, get your body guards and secret service agents, grab a couple of buses and go to the nearest black ghetto school and take them!

I can't explain it well or express it like some here can. I see it as division when she says stuff like that. Yes, it can be true, but it still causes the head nods of the angry black folks and draws yet another line when that line could be crossed much more happily if one DID SOMETHING instead of pulling a Sharpton. Yap yap yap. Stop yapping and DO IT. SHOW them.

Did that make sense?

Not a lot. Again what you've expressed here is what she was doing.

SJ's another of those gadflies bent on polarizing. It's what that whole post is about. He's terrified that there might be understanding and determined to re-stir the shit.

Fuck you, pogo. If you pulled your head out of Obama's ass for a minute you might see the division he and his racist wife are causing in this country. But of course, you would stand there and cheer him on because you're too fucking stupid to realize he would just as soon see you burn as to look at you.

See what I mean?

Les miserables. Never satisfied unless they're spreading negativity and hate.
Then when you call out what they're doing they melt down into hissyfit tantrums exactly like this one above.
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Some people are great at speaking but not at doing. The obamas suck at doing. Just my opinion. He should never state "that could be my son" any more than she should stand on a stage and aim the flashlight on the division this country is experiencing instead of DOING. I guess that is what irked me.
In short...they are like me. Suck at expressing themselves and wind up with 4 feet in their two mouths although the INTENTION was not for that.
She is one racist b-t-h



  • Speaking at the new Whitney museum in New York City’s meat packing district last week, Obama said she grew up thinking that museums were not places “for someone who looks like me.”

    “You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

    “And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

    According to Twitchy, Obama’s remarks went largely unnoticed outside of the event, until a local radio host reported on “Museums as White Spaces.”

    Michelle Obama Museums Are For White People Truth And Action
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?
What do you suppose she meant when she said, "For someone who looks like me?'
She's not talking about herself there bud.
Another of our racist RW idiots posted this and wrote exactly the same lie. She never said anything even close to this lie.

And, she is correct. As a kid, I felt the same way about museums and libraries.

I wonder if our ^^ ignorant ^^ RWs would be better people, decent people, if they had gone to libraries and museums. Would an education taught them to be truthful about other people?

Or would they still be the ^^lying^^ scum they are here?

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