Michelle O now accuses museums of being RACIST

You are missing the point, naysayers.
The POINT is, she is causing even more of a divide by saying such bullshit. Any black kid can go into any museum if they so choose. Problem is, they don't. Why don't they? Their parents never introduced them to those wonderful places. And why didn't their parents introduce them to those wonderful places? Because they were not shown either...or worse, were taught that such places are for "white people only".

I find that extremely sad. Taught to see division where there is none. So go right ahead and pat Michelle on the back for causing more of a division between white and black. G'wan. Do it. And know I find that sad, too.

Now call me what you want, if it makes you feel better with all that sand in yer eyes and ears from burying head on what she is doing.

Uhhmmm.... she's actually doing the opposite Gracie. You should read your own link. Past the headline I mean.
Well, I guess whites value history and the preservation of it. Blacks destroy, whites create and preserve!

Says a lot about the two races. Guess, who is successful and who is the loser.

Sure does. Here's what's left of the Greenwood neighborhood (Tulsa) after rioting whites "preserved" it by burning it down and firebombing it from the air...

What the sam hell does that have to do with Michelle saying what she said? Little kids in school may be watching her on tv and they are told that museums and art galleries are for WHITES ONLY????


Michelle wants to divide us and says that knowledge is for whites only. She is a black nationalist and she stupidly believes that being cave people = the way forward. Stupid fucking idiot!
Well...if that is what she really said...I feel stupid.


You gotta keep in mind headlines like this especially from questionable sources are out to deceive. They have an agenda. I'm always immediately suspicious of this crap -- when something seems to outrageous to be true, it usually is.

But yes, those are her actual words, verbatim. I had posted those in an earlier thread that ShitSpitters posted, speaking of gadflies with agendas.
The American History Museum in DC used be a good place to go but now they've put a lot of exhibits back into storage and gone to a more "hands on" and "play acting" approach. An example was a 50's Segregated Diner stage with some asshole actor telling us how he could only sit in one section, if he could get in at all. Waaah! Fuck off!

And yeah, Michelle Obama IS a Stupid Ass, Ugly Wookie Lookin' Bitch. Just look up her College Thesis "Being Black at Princeton" and you'll see what a fuckin' retard she is.

Unless you're a tard yerself.
Well, I guess whites value history and the preservation of it. Blacks destroy, whites create and preserve!

Says a lot about the two races. Guess, who is successful and who is the loser.

Sure does. Here's what's left of the Greenwood neighborhood (Tulsa) after rioting whites "preserved" it by burning it down and firebombing it from the air...

What the sam hell does that have to do with Michelle saying what she said? Little kids in school may be watching her on tv and they are told that museums and art galleries are for WHITES ONLY????


Michelle wants to divide us and says that knowledge is for whites only. She is a black nationalist and she stupidly believes that being cave people = the way forward. Stupid fucking idiot!

Another gadfly running on preconceptions. She didn't say that at all.
But it does make it clear who the "dividers' are.
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Damn..I've missed it!
Where did she mention race again?
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Damn..I've missed it!
Where did she mention race again?
All right all right!! I fucked up! Find a rope, a tall tree and .....oh. Wait. I'll just get on my broom and fly away and you won't catch me.

Lesson learned. Read, check facts before posting, put ice on red face. But I still don't like her. Still...I made a mistake so I admit it.
The American History Museum in DC used be a good place to go but now they've put a lot of exhibits back into storage and gone to a more "hands on" and "play acting" approach. An example was a 50's Segregated Diner stage with some asshole actor telling us how he could only sit in one section, if he could get in at all.

Got a link showing that is what is happening? (See? I am not completely hopeless, Pogo :lol:).

Anywho..yeah. I am tired of the constant "reminders" of what was. This is now, not then. Time to move on. Schools need to take kids to museums and art galleries. Little kids need to see that stuff. If they are "hood" kids, then someone in the "hood"...maybe a church pastor or deacon, can do a field trip and take them. Pretty sure someone would offer up a free bus ride for such an outting. All they gotta do is ask. Or do a GoFundMe. Maybe if these inner city kids could see whats out there, they will be more motivated to NOT be like their parents and get out of there when they are of age instead of hanging around being all pissed off about the past.
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Damn..I've missed it!
Where did she mention race again?
All right all right!! I fucked up! Find a rope, a tall tree and .....oh. Wait. I'll just get on my broom and fly away and you won't catch me.

Lesson learned. Read, check facts before posting, put ice on red face. But I still don't like her. Still...I made a mistake so I admit it.

Love ya Gracie.

These -- sources like the one cited, and ShitSpitters' earlier today -- are the entities that work to divide us. There are a lot of 'em out there vying for your attention. It's a shame it has to be like this but -- don't trust anything you read. Not without profuse confirmation.
The American History Museum in DC used be a good place to go but now they've put a lot of exhibits back into storage and gone to a more "hands on" and "play acting" approach. An example was a 50's Segregated Diner stage with some asshole actor telling us how he could only sit in one section, if he could get in at all.

Anywho..yeah. I am tired of the constant "reminders" of what was. This is now, not then. Time to move on. Schools need to take kids to museums and art galleries. Little kids need to see that stuff. If they are "hood" kids, then someone in the "hood"...maybe a church pastor or deacon, can do a field trip and take them. Pretty sure someone would offer up a free bus ride for such an outting. All they gotta do is ask. Or do a GoFundMe. Maybe if these inner city kids could see whats out there, they will be more motivated to NOT be like their parents and get out of there when they are of age instead of hanging around being all pissed off about the past.

And that was exactly her point. Without that kind of inspiration they're left to become residents of Ferguson.

Got a link showing that is what is happening? (See? I am not completely hopeless, Pogo :lol:).

I always knew you have a good heart Gracie. :)
'Michelle Obama: Museums Are “White Spaces”'

Yet another lie from the right, as if anyone would believe such nonsense in the first place.
Kinda hard to NOT think it true when she and her husband were so close to Rev Wright. Or was all that a lie too? And having Sharpton practically living in the WH with them and being so buddy buddy with him. Sharpton..the asshole.
'Michelle Obama: Museums Are “White Spaces”'

Yet another lie from the right, as if anyone would believe such nonsense in the first place.
Kinda hard to NOT think it true when she and her husband were so close to Rev Wright. Or was all that a lie too?

Much of it might have been, depending on the sources. Especially when they fall into weasel words for implications without saying something directly.
This kind of devious journalism is a main reason I rail so much against TV.

So Gracie you did the right and honorable thing falling on your sword ;) but the same cannot be said for those who clicked "Agree" on your original post. One of whom was Matthew. He simply ran away.

Kinda shows us who has the guts to woman up and who doesn't. Just an observation.
Maybe my dislike of her colored my perception when I saw that report. I do dislike her very much. More than Obama himself. Don't ask why. Women's intuition I guess. ;)
Hold on, Gracie, not so fast.

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

“And growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I was one of those kids myself. So I know that feeling of not belonging in a place like this. And today, as first lady, I know how that feeling limits the horizons of far too many of our young people.

Obama used that same expression many times during the 2008 campaign. "Someone who looks like me" means "Someone who is black". Your assessment is accurate, Michelle is a racist bitch and division between the races is exactly what she is aiming at with that statement. Don't apologize, you didn't fuck up at all.
there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
Those kids have no clue they would be welcome because they were never told they would be welcome or shown they would be welcome. So she is right about that. However, her saying that is similar to Obama saying "that could be my son". Both of them just stick their feet in their mouths all the time. It causes division. Instead of prancing around on a stage speaking of it...DO SOMETHING like take some time off, woman, get your body guards and secret service agents, grab a couple of buses and go to the nearest black ghetto school and take them!

I can't explain it well or express it like some here can. I see it as division when she says stuff like that. Yes, it can be true, but it still causes the head nods of the angry black folks and draws yet another line when that line could be crossed much more happily if one DID SOMETHING instead of pulling a Sharpton. Yap yap yap. Stop yapping and DO IT. SHOW them.

Did that make sense?
Michelle Obama Museums Are White Spaces Dc Gazette

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.

Way to go! Divide us even more! Stupid bitch.
Unfortunately many Black kids are not interested in Eurocentric art, just African art because they think that it is all that is relevant to their lives. Unfortunately, many teachers oblige them, which is something I have argued against as an educator.
there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.
Those kids have no clue they would be welcome because they were never told they would be welcome or shown they would be welcome. So she is right about that. However, her saying that is similar to Obama saying "that could be my son". Both of them just stick their feet in their mouths all the time. It causes division. Instead of prancing around on a stage speaking of it...DO SOMETHING like take some time off, woman, get your body guards and secret service agents, grab a couple of buses and go to the nearest black ghetto school and take them!

I can't explain it well or express it like some here can. I see it as division when she says stuff like that. Yes, it can be true, but it still causes the head nods of the angry black folks and draws yet another line when that line could be crossed much more happily if one DID SOMETHING instead of pulling a Sharpton. Yap yap yap. Stop yapping and DO IT. SHOW them.

Did that make sense?

Not a lot. Again what you've expressed here is what she was doing.

SJ's another of those gadflies bent on polarizing. It's what that whole post is about. He's terrified that there might be understanding and determined to re-stir the shit.

And he's about to re-confirm all this with his next post.

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