Michelle O now accuses museums of being RACIST

Obviously she felt denied, otherwise she would not have made the comments she did, pogo. You can deny it all you want, doesn't change it.
This is one of your usual ploys, deny inference to try to lessen the logical inferred impact, which you feel needs to be swept under the rug.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.

Nor is there anything about being "denied" in her remarks.

Are y'all just like new to the English language? Or don't you bother to read?
Obviously she felt denied, otherwise she would not have made the comments she did, pogo. You can deny it all you want, doesn't change it.
This is one of your usual ploys, deny inference to try to lessen the logical inferred impact, which you feel needs to be swept under the rug.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.

Nor is there anything about being "denied" in her remarks.

Are y'all just like new to the English language? Or don't you bother to read?

We already did this repeatedly but, special service for the blind, we do it again -- crucial words you're ignoring will be highlighted:

There are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood.”
It does not say, "they think to themselves, well I'll be denied access".
It does not say, "they think to themselves, I can't afford that".

It says, "people like me are not welcome there".

See the difference?

Or are you still wearing the blinders the puppetmasters stick on ya?
It's all about classism. And breaking it down.
Now if you don't like classism being broken down --- tough. It's going. Whatever it takes.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
The Whitney is one of the most respected art museums in America. They are making a sea change in how they present their art. They and their board of directors decided to become pro active in outreach programs that targeted members of the public who did not usually have great access to contemporary and fine art. The popular museums for children and the less affluent have been museums where dinosaurs, stuffed animals and knights in armor are the main attractions. The Whitney began their outreach endeavors without any input from the first lady. The complaints and criticisms of the first lady by the rw hater dupes are misdirected. The first lady was merely complimenting and thanking them in a gracious way for creating the policies they created that will make the museum more accessible to more people. The rw hater dupes should be directing their hate towards the privately funded non profit board of directors who championed the policies being thanked by the first lady.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
The Whitney is one of the most respected art museums in America. They are making a sea change in how they present their art. They and their board of directors decided to become pro active in outreach programs that targeted members of the public who did not usually have great access to contemporary and fine art. The popular museums for children and the less affluent have been museums where dinosaurs, stuffed animals and knights in armor are the main attractions. The Whitney began their outreach endeavors without any input from the first lady. The complaints and criticisms of the first lady by the rw hater dupes are misdirected. The first lady was merely complimenting and thanking them in a gracious way for creating the policies they created that will make the museum more accessible to more people. The rw hater dupes should be directing their hate towards the privately funded non profit board of directors who championed the policies being thanked by the first lady.

Actually I think they should be directing disdain to the gadfly bloggers who twisted this insignificant speech into a gross distortion of what it was. I don't get why such people would willingly embarrass themselves at the hands of political puppetmasters.

Reading comprehension is a lost art.
Notice how she never once mentions skin color, but her quote somehow becomes "museums are for white people." Fair and balaced reporting from the right, right?


When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.

Since I'm not fitted with an Obama Context Filter, it's clear her remarks were about her race

It is about race, but not as you Republicans have framed it. She never said "Museums are for Whites only", all she said was when you live in certain communities and you are a minority, you don't feel like you belong or can do certain activities like go to the museums. Now, that has changed but back in her time, it was right after the Civil Rights era where tensions were still high. So its important to change that perception that people may have about these museums and other cultural events.

But all you idiots see is WHITE GENOCIDE!!!
It does not apply to only minorities. There are plenty of white kids in those neighborhoods that feel disenfranchised too.

Yep......Obama is an equal opportunity disenfranchiser.

When she said museum weren't for people that looked like her she was referring to being transgender.

Its downright shocking that you are THIS stupid. I'm always amazed at the crap you just sick up.

To be fair however, there are others on this board who are just as stupid as you are but its still shocking when I see it.

If you want to educate yourself (yeah, I know, fat chance you will ever want THAT), read this.
Mrs. Obama regularly brings up race in her public appearances. She loves to cite her upbringing in the all black south side of Chicago. If a white person of means were to publicly mention race as much as Mrs. Obama, you would call them a Nazi or Klansman.

You must learn to evaluate a person based on the entirety their statements and actions, to fully appreciate their intentions.

She doesn't have to bring up race because the racist RWs will lie and say she did. If you want to see an example of these constant lies, read the RW LIES here.
You claim to be the smartest poster on USMB and yet you refuse to recognize the constant reference to race by Mrs. BO and then resort to claiming RWers are racist. We are debating Mrs. BO and not RWers. Why the straw-man?
Geez, I thought the thread was just a circle jerk for rw hater dupes with poor reading comprehension. Just another typical misinformation rw "Hey, look at what scum bags we are" type thread.
Guess you were wrong on both counts.
Museums don't cater to people who look like me, either.

And by "look like me," I mean "really handsome."

really? now we only have your word on that..lol
I don't know where she gets off making these kinds of statements. I find them disgusting and hateful myself
Museums don't cater to people who look like me, either.

And by "look like me," I mean "really handsome."

really? now we only have your word on that..lol
I don't know where she gets off making these kinds of statements. I find them disgusting and hateful myself

Sure were. Let's take a look:

“If you run a museum, make sure that you’re reaching out to kids in struggling communities. Invite them in to see those exhibits. Maybe you could inspire a young person to rise above the circumstances of their life and reach for something better.”

Disgusting. Hateful. Why the very idea that the lower classes might get inspired by culture -- that's so uppity.

You want them kept down on the Ferguson Farm so when the shit hits the fan you can blame "Democrats" -- right Steph?


Classholes ---- SMFH
Well, where I grew up, the Dallas Museum of Art has always been free to school classes and has mostly been free to the general public all but a very few years in its history. The Kimbell Art Museum as well. The Norton Museum of Art here in Palm Beach also offers free tours. Each of these have had outreach programs through the years, realizing a well rounded person needs exposure to the arts.

Are you telling me other areas have not done so or had the same philosophy?

I commend the Whitney, and Mrs. Obama's praise , but don't see it as unusual, and also feel it is not strictly the museums responsibility to reach out, but also the parents desire to expose their children to culturally valuable art in all forms.

it must also be remembered that it was her own words, when her husband was elected that make many of us recognize her disdain.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
The Whitney is one of the most respected art museums in America. They are making a sea change in how they present their art. They and their board of directors decided to become pro active in outreach programs that targeted members of the public who did not usually have great access to contemporary and fine art. The popular museums for children and the less affluent have been museums where dinosaurs, stuffed animals and knights in armor are the main attractions. The Whitney began their outreach endeavors without any input from the first lady. The complaints and criticisms of the first lady by the rw hater dupes are misdirected. The first lady was merely complimenting and thanking them in a gracious way for creating the policies they created that will make the museum more accessible to more people. The rw hater dupes should be directing their hate towards the privately funded non profit board of directors who championed the policies being thanked by the first lady.
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Well, where I grew up, the Dallas Museum of Art has always been free to school classes and has mostly been free to the general public all but a very few years in its history. The Kimbell Art Museum as well. The Norton Museum of Art here in Palm Beach also offers free tours. Each of these have had outreach programs through the years, realizing a well rounded person needs exposure to the arts.

Are you telling me other areas have not done so or had the same philosophy?

I commend the Whitney, and Mrs. Obama's praise , but don't see it as unusual, and also feel it is not strictly the museums responsibility to reach out, but also the parents desire to expose their children to culturally valuable art in all forms.

it must also be remembered that it was her own words, when her husband was elected that make many of us recognize her disdain.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
The Whitney is one of the most respected art museums in America. They are making a sea change in how they present their art. They and their board of directors decided to become pro active in outreach programs that targeted members of the public who did not usually have great access to contemporary and fine art. The popular museums for children and the less affluent have been museums where dinosaurs, stuffed animals and knights in armor are the main attractions. The Whitney began their outreach endeavors without any input from the first lady. The complaints and criticisms of the first lady by the rw hater dupes are misdirected. The first lady was merely complimenting and thanking them in a gracious way for creating the policies they created that will make the museum more accessible to more people. The rw hater dupes should be directing their hate towards the privately funded non profit board of directors who championed the policies being thanked by the first lady.
No, I'm suggesting that the Whitney has greatly expanded outreach standards and that because of the status of the Whitney, other museums, such as those you have mentioned, will also expand their programs.

If she really feels this way. why doesn't she take some of their millions of dollars and go OPEN a few up. she can start in Baltimore and Detroit

she's just a hatful nasty woman, who I bet the majority of the people would wish she'd shut her nasty mouth..... the same they do he nasty husband
See what I mean, dumb as a rock rw'er like this one. Doesn't comprehend that the First Lady was complimenting and thanking the museum for reaching out to folks who were not reached out to when she was a child.

I grew up in the Bronx, the poor section, and our public school took class trips to both Natural History and Metropolitan Museums. I don't recall having to go through the Poor folks enterance

Mine did too. and I went to a little school outside of Springfield Illinois. We went to the Science and Industry museum in Chicago. Michelle is just full of shit. that's all she has to offer.

She's a fucking liar, a race baiter and a fucking moron for talking about NYC Museums that way. She's a fucking dishonest twat because NYC has been offering it's museums to any and all since I can remember.

Worse are the Obama Fluffers who are attempting to convince us "what she really said was...." It's frightening that adults can be so brainwashed and trained to leap to the defense of their leaders, no matter how wrong they are

Yep, she's as horrible as her nasty ass hubby.
I'm starting to think Obama banged you at some point in the past and left you high and dry. No wrath like a woman scorned.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
That would be holding parents responsible for raising their kids. That's a big no no in lib circles. We make excuses for parents instead.
Obviously she felt denied, otherwise she would not have made the comments she did, pogo. You can deny it all you want, doesn't change it.
This is one of your usual ploys, deny inference to try to lessen the logical inferred impact, which you feel needs to be swept under the rug.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.

Nor is there anything about being "denied" in her remarks.

Are y'all just like new to the English language? Or don't you bother to read?

We already did this repeatedly but, special service for the blind, we do it again -- crucial words you're ignoring will be highlighted:

There are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood.”
It does not say, "they think to themselves, well I'll be denied access".
It does not say, "they think to themselves, I can't afford that".

It says, "people like me are not welcome there".

See the difference?

Or are you still wearing the blinders the puppetmasters stick on ya?
It's all about classism. And breaking it down.
Now if you don't like classism being broken down --- tough. It's going. Whatever it takes.
These fools have a hard time understanding english and I guarantee its their first if not only language.
I've been giving this some thought. Why doesn't she ask the question to her parents of why they never took her to a musem? Why didn't they expose her to anything of cultural value, which gave her the false impression only minorities, the poor are denied such things.
They probably did expose her to things of cultural value. She did become someone important. White cultural was probably very low on their list of priorities. What makes you think you can only find culture in a white museum?
Damn, the most racist thing people ever saw is... Michelle's lunches (and i'm not talking about other her fails!) She should better blame her husband and herself, not works of art!
As usual, the OP is lying.

Our First Lady is right. I remember feeling very intimidated by museums and libraries. If they're part of your experience, its pretty easy to feel like you don't belong.

you were intimidated by museums and libraries?????????????? WTF ?
If blacks stopped complaining and started making a future for themselves perhaps they would have something to put into a museum. As of right now 98% of Blacks are lazy and only concerned with getting their next fix of crack. The other 2% are rich and productive citizens.
If blacks stopped complaining and started making a future for themselves perhaps they would have something to put into a museum. As of right now 98% of Blacks are lazy and only concerned with getting their next fix of crack. The other 2% are rich and productive citizens.

I think its more like 60/40. lazy/productive.

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