Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey

The point is the media and Hollywood shape the opinions of a lot of people. Now I’m not upset that these women are beloved figures, but I am upset that their being sold to us as spectacular, when research will tell you they’re pretty ordinary. I think their portrayal by the media and Hollywood is racist and patronizing. That’s what I’m whining about.
Much better - you did not have to go on and on as in the opening post.
Ms. Winfrey has talent to empathize with her audience, and that is how she got her start (read the Wikipedia biography), but she is getting old and new talent is poised to replace her. All T.V. talent gets old. Ms. Winfrey was probably courted by the Democrats in the 90's, but she realized that she did not have the talent and skills for campaigning.

Mrs. Obama seems to have a descent talent for gabbing, but it seems to be very limited, because she is telling stories about "mild depression," menopause, and that self-help books do not work. She does not seem to have the speaking skills of a litigation lawyer or politician. She was probably a good speller and followed directions and that got her into law school. She is probably a good secretary, although she claims to have been "an executive professional." I doubt it, because then she would be a decent politician.

Mrs. Obama did a tough interview with Ms. Winfrey upon the final days in the White House. during the interview, the subject got to whether or not the DNC had been courting her. Mrs. Obama, when answering the questioned seemed to be oblivious to Ms. Winfrey's popularity in the nineties - Mrs Obama probably was not following politics in the nineties, nor Ms. Winfrey's popularity with the DNC. And then at the end of the interview, Mrs. Obama was answering a question and said something to the effect that she was losing hope, because of Trump; and Mr. Obama walks in and scares the hell out of her saying just the opposite.

How do people NOT see that Michelle is a RuPaul contestant???
Hi. Danielle, a 'black female conservative', laments HATEFUL Michelle Obama admiring liberals threatening VIOLENCE toward #AmericanCitizens peacefully sharing their concerns Re: #SocialIssues affecting American citizens of African Descent:

Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.

I mean maybe Oprah appeals to a broad audience. I can’t take that away from her, but I’m hesitant to say her success is a product of her skill and hard work. Not saying she doesn’t have a talent or that she didn’t bust her ass, but I think there’s other people that helped brand her that has ultimately made it possible for her to cash in. Hilary, while I hate her, and it’s hard for me to give her credit, at least has been challenged before. Michelle Obama has literally never had the media do anything but kiss her ass.
Oh no doubt there were powerful people that got behind Oprah, but she did DO something to get her wealth and status. Mooch just hit the lottery by marriage. As you said she hasn't done a damn thing except make stupid speeches and nasty school lunches that kids wouldn't eat.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.

I mean maybe Oprah appeals to a broad audience. I can’t take that away from her, but I’m hesitant to say her success is a product of her skill and hard work. Not saying she doesn’t have a talent or that she didn’t bust her ass, but I think there’s other people that helped brand her that has ultimately made it possible for her to cash in. Hilary, while I hate her, and it’s hard for me to give her credit, at least has been challenged before. Michelle Obama has literally never had the media do anything but kiss her ass.
Yes, most of Oprah's audience are broads.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America.
By who ?

I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy
She is not wealthy. There is not one wealthy black person in the USA. There is rich ones. Not wealthy,
You ignorant deplorable racists have to do and say whatever you can to make your side look like a victim.
Grow a set, faggot
You ignorant deplorable racists have to do and say whatever you can to make your side look like a victim.
Grow a set, faggot
Black people are victims and as has been shown we will fight till hell freezes over and then we'll fight on that ice.
You ignorant deplorable racists have to do and say whatever you can to make your side look like a victim.
Grow a set, faggot
Black people are victims and as has been shown we will fight till hell freezes over and then we'll fight on that ice.

Why do you refuse to take my advise and put yourself on ignore?

The non stop 24/7/365 wahhhhhh racism is Boooooooooooooring. You and IM2 are the most Booooooooooooooring posters on USMB
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Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.

Oprah is a good businesswoman. That takes some talent and vision. I don't think she's ever had to declare bankruptcy and has built a durable "brand".

Michelle Obama is intelligent and accomplished enough. She came from a modest background, graduated from Princeton and Harvard, worked as a lawyer. She opted to give up her career while Barak was president.

As for how they look - what the heck does that have to do with anything? Are female candidates required to be good looking? Men sure aren't.

They are as qualified as any of a number of candidates we've had...and praised. The bar is now tremendously low. But they have no interest in running. Can't blame them.
The non stop 24/7/365 wahhhhhh racism is Boooooooooooooring. You and IM2 are the most Booooooooooooooring posters on USMB
Racism grows and feeds off a culture of silence. The point of calling out racism is to break down that silence.

It does not matter if you persuade anyone, it does not matter if you “win the argument”. What matters is that you were heard and planted that seed in people’s minds of, “Hey, maybe this is not right.”

Elizabeth Eckford was one of the first black students to go to School in the American South. That school was a racist hell for herm because the 90% who were not giving her hell would not stand up to the 10% who were.


Calling out racism matters more when it comes from whites.

That is because white people (And even many non whites) think whites are way more objective and neutral about racism than blacks.

Black people calling out racism ? White Americans discount what blacks say, it is part of your conditioning, but they still hear it. They hear what we say and, just as important, what we do not say. If something racist goes down and blacks say nothing ? Whites will assume that it is “okay” or “not so bad”. Especially since many whites assume blacks are “oversensitive”.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.

I mean maybe Oprah appeals to a broad audience. I can’t take that away from her, but I’m hesitant to say her success is a product of her skill and hard work. Not saying she doesn’t have a talent or that she didn’t bust her ass, but I think there’s other people that helped brand her that has ultimately made it possible for her to cash in. Hilary, while I hate her, and it’s hard for me to give her credit, at least has been challenged before. Michelle Obama has literally never had the media do anything but kiss her ass.
Yes, most of Oprah's audience are broads.
Oprah's audience might be all broads.
Specifically, who is creating obstacles impeding African American citizens from enjoying wealth?View attachment 379830View attachment 379831
The white supremacists,

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction.

We don't want no hand picked blk ppl like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White supremacists may hate us because we are black but they are able to victimise us because we are poor and as long as we remain poor we remain easy victims.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states. Japan was given a Marshall plan with clear goals to rebuild it to become an industrial player. The same needs to be done for black business development because white and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation
Specifically, who is creating obstacles impeding African American citizens from enjoying wealth?View attachment 379830View attachment 379831
The white supremacists,

Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction.

We don't want no hand picked blk ppl like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White supremacists may hate us because we are black but they are able to victimise us because we are poor and as long as we remain poor we remain easy victims.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states. Japan was given a Marshall plan with clear goals to rebuild it to become an industrial player. The same needs to be done for black business development because white and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation


Hello Paul. Sadly there are plenty of American neighborhoods populated by traumatized, abused, neglected or maltreated children depending on their non-black neighbors for their survival.
View attachment 380122
View attachment 380121

Hello Paul. Sadly there are plenty of American neighborhoods populated by traumatized, abused, neglected or maltreated children depending on their non-black neighbors for their survival.

I've seen first hand if you are black man are you known to mess with kids, you will get run of run of the block and beaten to within an inch of your life

The sexual abuse of kids is a white thing, White people are the sickos. White people are the freaks, White people are the disgusting bastards who mainly do this sh*t.

Don't EVER confuse that.

Black people are not on the dark web exchanging fked up pics of kids. White guys are,

Black people are not travelling the world looking for "safe" places they can to abuse kid. White guys.
Are probably the two most respected and well liked women in America. People were even calling for both of them to run for President. I heard Oprah say really stupid things. I know she’s tremendously wealthy and she has to have done a few things right to be as successful as she is, but let’s call a spade a spade, she’s not incredibly talented or intelligent. Her handlers in large part made her who she is. Michelle Obama has never had a tough interview in her life. If you disagree and believe she has please post it. Her claim to fame is who she married for God sakes. All she does is recite speeches people write for her and media acts like she’s a God. They also tell us she’s attractive. Huh? She’s not attractive. I’m not saying that because she’s black, I’m saying that because she’s not attractive. So the reason why they are glorified by the media is they’re black women. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. It’s incredibly insulting to everyone’s intelligence to pretend these women are exceptional. The reason we are told how great they are is they are black women. That’s soft racism right there.
Oprah was born with verbal abilities which made her a natural for TV talk shows. She built an empire by yacking it up and getting millions of women fans and advertisers. So I give her credit for that but Mooch didn't earn anything. She did even less than Hillary but they both rode their hubbies' coattails to success. They had nothing to do with it.

I mean maybe Oprah appeals to a broad audience. I can’t take that away from her, but I’m hesitant to say her success is a product of her skill and hard work. Not saying she doesn’t have a talent or that she didn’t bust her ass, but I think there’s other people that helped brand her that has ultimately made it possible for her to cash in. Hilary, while I hate her, and it’s hard for me to give her credit, at least has been challenged before. Michelle Obama has literally never had the media do anything but kiss her ass.
Yes, most of Oprah's audience are broads.
Donahue and Oprah infected many women with their TV programs from the 1960's until she went off the air.
The "wealth" thing described above is proven wrong (to some extent) by the constant flow of immigrants into the U.S., and their relatively quick economic success, largely through entrepreneurship. Most are "dirt poor" when they arrive, but can see a level of opportunity that native-born Americans cannot. They generally insist that their children born here assimilate as quickly as possible, and maximize their education, while the immigrants themselves start new businesses...landscaping, painting, light construction, and so on - business that require a lot of hard work but not so much capital. The children often pursue the "learned professions" of law and medicine, so that within two generations they are solidly ensconced in the Middle Class of the U.S.

And these patterns hold true even for immigrants with "black" skin, and those who are physically "different," such as Asians, Indians, and from the Islands.

Furthermore, most working-class "whites" get little help from their parents, let alone are given estates when they reach adulthood, as the perception seems to be. It does happen, but only to a small percentage of "whites."

It is not helpful to anyone or any thing to say that, "I haven't succeeded because I didn't get [X] from my parents, like white people do."

Own your life. It's the only one you will get. People more wretched than yourself have been successful by every measure.

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