Michelle Obama bombs at the oscars?!?!

Outraged isn't quite the word. I know that liberals have a very limited vocabulary so they can get some excuse. A more proper and specific word might be disgusted or even embarrassed.

When Prince William married Kate, conservatives joked that the reason why the obamas were not invited to the wedding was because the couple was afraid that the obama crew would jump in front of the camera taking wedding photos. Then it was a joke. Today it could be considered something they would really do.


What was disgusting?

What was embarassing?

Because it was inappropriate. This is an award ceremony belonging to the entertainment industry. Is Big Moo an entertainer? Is she a member of the Academy? Or any Guild? She inserted herself, where she didn't belong, for the sole purpose of getting her face in front of the camera one more time. It's all about MEEEEEE and if it isn't about MEEEEEE I will by damn MAKE it about MEEEEEEE. How disgusting that someone could be that much of a media hog that they can't even let a movie award go off without putting an ugly mug in front of the camera. How embarassing that we have political figures that can't let anything pass without their direct participation. The only thing missing was Kanye West saying that the award should have been given to obama for the best performance of a first lady.
Outraged isn't quite the word. I know that liberals have a very limited vocabulary so they can get some excuse. A more proper and specific word might be disgusted or even embarrassed.

When Prince William married Kate, conservatives joked that the reason why the obamas were not invited to the wedding was because the couple was afraid that the obama crew would jump in front of the camera taking wedding photos. Then it was a joke. Today it could be considered something they would really do.


What was disgusting?

What was embarassing?

Because it was inappropriate. This is an award ceremony belonging to the entertainment industry. Is Big Moo an entertainer? Is she a member of the Academy? Or any Guild? She inserted herself, where she didn't belong, for the sole purpose of getting her face in front of the camera one more time. It's all about MEEEEEE and if it isn't about MEEEEEE I will by damn MAKE it about MEEEEEEE. How disgusting that someone could be that much of a media hog that they can't even let a movie award go off without putting an ugly mug in front of the camera. How embarassing that we have political figures that can't let anything pass without their direct participation. The only thing missing was Kanye West saying that the award should have been given to obama for the best performance of a first lady.

What was inappropriate about it? She gave a positive message and opened an envelope. She was on....how long? Out of how long a show?

Seems to me, people like you want our First Family hidden away. This is 2013, my friend. Welcome to the 21st century.
Why was Michelle Obama at the Oscars?

It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.
Why was Michelle Obama at the Oscars?

It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird.

You guys crack me up....complaining about the First Lady opening and reading an envelope.
Actually, as soon as I saw Michelle, I could hear the Right Wing gnashing of teeth.

I thought the host....who the heck is this MacFarlane guy anyways?....was much worse.

Michelle would make a better host than Seth MacFarlane

She did a great job up there and made all real Americans proud
Next year, the Westminster Dog Show!

There really is no end to what the Big Moo can inject herself. There are 4-H awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, and yes, she can ride on the Rose Parade float with the Queen.

Is it any wonder why the obama clan isn't invited to any events anywhere in the world. They are low-class meddlers who think nothing of picking their noses at the dinner table.
Next year, the Westminster Dog Show!

There really is no end to what the Big Moo can inject herself. There are 4-H awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, and yes, she can ride on the Rose Parade float with the Queen.

Is it any wonder why the obama clan isn't invited to any events anywhere in the world. They are low-class meddlers who think nothing of picking their noses at the dinner table.

Feel the Butt Hurt!
Next year, the Westminster Dog Show!

There really is no end to what the Big Moo can inject herself. There are 4-H awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, and yes, she can ride on the Rose Parade float with the Queen.

Is it any wonder why the obama clan isn't invited to any events anywhere in the world. They are low-class meddlers who think nothing of picking their noses at the dinner table.

This really really bothers you, doesn't it? The question is.......why?
"It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird."

Washington Post

Well unlike Republican presidents and their first ladies, America wants to see Barack and Michelle.
It's about the money.

I don't even try to imagine how heavily the film industry donated to Obama in the past election.

One message I received was --'Bought and paid for'.

ok--It seems like this began during the Clinton administration and it is the 'way it is'.

Take it to the limits and beyond.
"It is not enough that President Obama pops up at every sporting event in the nation. Now the first lady feels entitled, with military personnel as props, to intrude on other forms of entertaining (this time for the benefit of the Hollywood glitterati who so lavishly paid for her husband’s election). I’m sure the left will holler that once again conservatives are being grouchy and have it in for the Obamas. Seriously, if they really had their president’s interests at heart, they’d steer away from encouraging these celebrity appearances. It makes both the president and the first lady seem small and grasping. In this case, it was just downright weird."

Washington Post

Well unlike Republican presidents and their first ladies, America wants to see Barack and Michelle.

I think Laura would have been great up there too...especially if the Nominees were based on books....(hint: Life of Pi should have won). Maybe next year it can be Michelle AND Laura.
Laura has too much integrity to demand the spotlight from others.

Big Moo has no integrity at all. She is an embarrassment to the nation. Maybe next year she'll WIN the Best in Show.
Laura has too much integrity to demand the spotlight from others.

Big Moo has no integrity at all. She is an embarrassment to the nation. Maybe next year she'll WIN the Best in Show.

Wow....it's clear to see who the REAL embarassment is. And it isn't our Esteemed First Lady.

That really eats at you, doesn't it?
Laura has too much integrity to demand the spotlight from others.

Big Moo has no integrity at all. She is an embarrassment to the nation. Maybe next year she'll WIN the Best in Show.

Wow....it's clear to see who the REAL embarassment is. And it isn't our Esteemed First Lady.

That really eats at you, doesn't it?

24/7 obama, do we really need it? Aren't we just tired of seeing those faces everywhere? No wonder they aren't wanted anywhere in the world. No one if any importance wants to be seen with them. obama and big moo are the Honey Boo-Boo of politics.
The first lady was lovely up there and inspired all those who love this country

It was an honor to all who watched
Laura has too much integrity to demand the spotlight from others.

Big Moo has no integrity at all. She is an embarrassment to the nation. Maybe next year she'll WIN the Best in Show.

Wow....it's clear to see who the REAL embarassment is. And it isn't our Esteemed First Lady.

That really eats at you, doesn't it?

24/7 obama, do we really need it? Aren't we just tired of seeing those faces everywhere? No wonder they aren't wanted anywhere in the world. No one if any importance wants to be seen with them. obama and big moo are the Honey Boo-Boo of politics.

Ah, I get it. Hyperbole to make your point....isn't really making much of a point then.
The embarassment and spectable was not the first lady. It was seeing Hanoi Jane prance out there.
Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually
"It began as a seemingly awkward Jack Nicholson introduction of the very long list of nominees, but the Best Picture denouement*at a very long Oscars ceremony on Sunday turned into a surprise appearance by Michelle Obama, via satellite from the Governors' Ball in Washington, D.C.—where earlier she had sat next to Chris Christie—to introduce and announce the winner,*Argo.*

"These nine movies took us back in time and all around the world. They made us laugh, they made us weep, and they made us grip our armrests just a little tighter," Obama said. "They taught us that love can endure against all odds and transform our lives in the most surprising ways, and they reminded us that we can overcome any obstacle if we can dig deep enough and fight hard enough and find the courage to believe in ourselves."*

After telling Nicholson to hang on a second, the First Lady was handed an envelope to announce the winner:"

Michelle Obama's Oscars Moment Was Pretty Controversial, Actually - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire
And what's the problem? Presidents and first ladies have always participated in national events, from the World Series to graduate commencements, to award ceremonies.

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