Michelle Obama bombs at the oscars?!?!

My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.
My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.

No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance
Michelle Obama has nothing whatsoever to do with Hollywood, she isn't a member of the Academy, she isn't an actress, she isn't an entertainer. Is it a huge deal? No. Does it grate on my nerves like apparently it does with some people? Nope. I just found her being involved at all as being quite ... odd and out of place. She seemed like an outsider wanting to play and just because her husband is the president, well they let her. Strange. Didn't Billary trot out at the Golden Globes or some such Hollywood award recently? I found that odd as well. Mums the word when the political party that bitches about the rich hangs all over the people who get really rich pretending for a living. That's different, somehow it just is. :rolleyes:

Jack Nicholson looked liked a freakin' toad. Can't stand him. Baba Streisand ... blech. And what was wrong with her cheeks? Looked like something was there that shouldn't have been. Jane Fonda .... gaaaa, really? Crawl back into your hole (she did look very good, have to admit). Thought Seth MacFarlane was quite funny and overall did a good job. He must have, cause the PC police are up in arms today citing many of his jokes as sexist. :lol: People really need to grow a thicker skin and lighten up. His 'I Saw Your Boobs' was a hoot(er)!
My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.

No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:
My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.

No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Yeah, generally to promote a social program which has their backing. Not to become the next Lady Gaga.
My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.

No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?
Wow....it's clear to see who the REAL embarassment is. And it isn't our Esteemed First Lady.

That really eats at you, doesn't it?

24/7 obama, do we really need it? Aren't we just tired of seeing those faces everywhere? No wonder they aren't wanted anywhere in the world. No one if any importance wants to be seen with them. obama and big moo are the Honey Boo-Boo of politics.

Ah, I get it. Hyperbole to make your point....isn't really making much of a point then.

Once again confirming

....it takes one to know one.
My God, the Obama's are nothing but narcissistic clowns who are more concerned with celebrity than actually governing our nation. Everything they do is classless, tacky, and without any regards to the office their family holds. I think they are either mentally ill, or just don't care -as long as everything is about them. Truly sick people.

No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Pointing out the Obama's classless lack of respect for the office isn't butthurt moron. It's fucking disbelief. You idiot Liberals should be as embarrassed for the Obama's as the rest of us are for our Country. Narcissistic idiots are running our Country, and the entitlement majority is egging them on. Unbelievable.
No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Pointing out the Obama's classless lack of respect for the office isn't butthurt moron. It's fucking disbelief. You idiot Liberals should be as embarrassed for the Obama's as the rest of us are for our Country. Narcissistic idiots are running our Country, and the entitlement majority is egging them on. Unbelievable.

How does naming the Oscar for best picture disrespect the office?
No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?

With more than 47,000 posts, I'd say you were asking her to do what you do best... Stay at home, and punch a keyboard. Get a life.
No First Lady in history has ever made a public appearance

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?

Frankly I think its great that Michelle can do something as relevant as announce an award.

She's now probably qualified to be a New York U.S. Senator.
Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Pointing out the Obama's classless lack of respect for the office isn't butthurt moron. It's fucking disbelief. You idiot Liberals should be as embarrassed for the Obama's as the rest of us are for our Country. Narcissistic idiots are running our Country, and the entitlement majority is egging them on. Unbelievable.

How does naming the Oscar for best picture disrespect the office?

I hope someone explains that one....considering that RWrs worship an Actor President.
Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?

Frankly I think its great that Michelle can do something as relevant as announce an award.

She's now probably qualified to be a New York U.S. Senator.

Didn't Saint Ronnie present an Oscar about the time he was acting with that chimp?
Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?

Frankly I think its great that Michelle can do something as relevant as announce an award.

She's now probably qualified to be a New York U.S. Senator.
Or a CA Governor.
Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Doesn't she know she is supposed to stay in the White House and keep her mouth shut till we get a Republican in there?

Frankly I think its great that Michelle can do something as relevant as announce an award.

She's now probably qualified to be a New York U.S. Senator.

Well basically she is..but not because of the announcement.

She's..um..a lawyer.

Nope...not before Michelle Obama...../sarcasm

The Butthurt from the Right is so thick right now. :lol:

Pointing out the Obama's classless lack of respect for the office isn't butthurt moron. It's fucking disbelief. You idiot Liberals should be as embarrassed for the Obama's as the rest of us are for our Country. Narcissistic idiots are running our Country, and the entitlement majority is egging them on. Unbelievable.

How does naming the Oscar for best picture disrespect the office?

It isn't just that idiot, it's that all the Obama's ever do is campaign themselves, and blame everyone else for the mess this country is in. We get it Michelle, you're First Lady... Now please get off our TV sets, and do something becoming of a First Lady. No class.

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