Michelle Obama bombs at the oscars?!?!


:eek: No, no, NO! That's just wrong on so many levels.

More proof that the WH should stay out of Hollywood.
HAHAHHAAHAHHA fucking retard this OP is fucking cock ass drunk on the right wing cool aid

I quoted two articles from the media. So the media itself thinks that the Michelle announcing an Oscar win is inappropriate.

Especially since Affleck took major dramatic liberties in his portrayal of what really happened, a common liberal re writing of history type thing.

Your response is so immature and vapid I can't help but wonder if you are the one who is drunk.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Hq-URl9F17Y]Evolution Of Mom Dancing (w/ Jimmy Fallon & Michelle Obama) - YouTube[/ame]

Any ODS susfferers have an elephant over this, too?

What was disgusting?

What was embarassing?

Because it was inappropriate. This is an award ceremony belonging to the entertainment industry. Is Big Moo an entertainer? Is she a member of the Academy? Or any Guild? She inserted herself, where she didn't belong, for the sole purpose of getting her face in front of the camera one more time. It's all about MEEEEEE and if it isn't about MEEEEEE I will by damn MAKE it about MEEEEEEE. How disgusting that someone could be that much of a media hog that they can't even let a movie award go off without putting an ugly mug in front of the camera. How embarassing that we have political figures that can't let anything pass without their direct participation. The only thing missing was Kanye West saying that the award should have been given to obama for the best performance of a first lady.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZLI1Sd3DPLQ]Ronald Reagan James Bond - YouTube[/ame]


Reagan's ultra conservative kitchen cabinet must have loved that photo-op. :badgrin:
You're missing the irony. They thought Lincoln was going to win best picture that's why they had Michelle there. The libs are trying to claim Lincoln because he freed the slaves.

But Oopsy. Argo won. A completely over dramatized fake re enactment of the Iran hostage crisis.

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