Michelle Obama closes Mt. Rushmore for her own personal amusement

The implication being that I'm completely off? It's been months (maybe even about a year since that vacation). Go ahead and google search it and you'll find the waste if you want to find it. Would you be appalled if you found such waste? If your answer is yes then maybe I'll spend the time searching myself.

It isn't our job to prove something YOU said, dipshit. Either prove the tax payers paid for an entire hotel and beach, or be proven a liar. Your call.

I could care less what you think is proven (and by the way the lack of proof does not make me a liar. You want to prove me a liar; document your own facts).

I just shown that you have an agenda. I asked you point blank if you'd be appalled by such waste and instead of answering the question you went into meaningless insults.

That was my point. I don't mind showing something to a person that's going to be reasonable. But if you're going to argue like a mindless idiot then I'm not going to waste my time looking up sheeot for you.

Now you go ahead and document the Spain facts if it's so important to you. I went off memory and that is more than good enough for me. If you got something to refute than f'ing refute it. But I aint playing your games.

I ask again,

Would you be appalled if Michelle Obama rented an entire hotel and beach in Spain for a week and had a couple hundred secret service agents with her? Would that waste appall you?

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Michelle Takes a Day Trip to Mt. Rushmore | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Queen Obama had Mt. Rushmore closed while she visited the landmark.
God forbid she be seen mingling with the peasants.

This was a semi official visit.
They were showing here where her husbands image was gonna be.
It will be decided when the work will be started,they are just waiting for election day results.
Then the following Spring work will begin.An early setback has happened though.
They don't know if they have enough mountain to accommodate Obama's huge friggin ears.

Alright the ear part I made up.
The rest of it is true.
Oh maybe the secret service needed to close the park
so they could pull over so she could use the rest room...

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