Michelle Obama: GOP is "ALL MEN, ALL WHITE"...Is she racist or stupid?

So many conservative males were in that voting booth with their girlfriends and wives and MADE them vote for Trump....it's crazy.

Election officials aren't supposed to let more than one person in a voting booth at a time.

Who was allowing NEOCON men to be in the booth with their women.....AND FORCING THEM TO VOTE FOR TRUMP?
Are the Democrats really trying to piss all white folks off? It sure seems like it. They've gone so far over-the-top with their hysterical Race-Baiting. I mean, alienating all white folks is probably gonna backfire on em bigtime. I know in their warped Race-Baiter minds, they think this stuff is gonna benefit them. But i think they've gone too far.

They're now down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 states. I guess they don't realize their ship is sinking. Continuing to alienate white folks, isn't gonna help them. Most Americans aren't buying into their Race-Baiting game anymore. Democrats should probably chill out. But i doubt they will. They embarked on this 'Divide & Conquer' strategy long ago. My guess is, they'll never let it go. They're gonna go down with the ship.
I'm afraid it's the Trumpsters (I hesitate to include all Republicans) that are dividing us now, led by their fearless leader in the White House. Calling Democrats the dividers is truly what's stupid. I agree they are becoming totally ridiculous in a lot of areas, but being inclusive is one of the few areas that I still can't fault them on.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...
Are the Democrats really trying to piss all white folks off? It sure seems like it. They've gone so far over-the-top with their hysterical Race-Baiting. I mean, alienating all white folks is probably gonna backfire on em bigtime. I know in their warped Race-Baiter minds, they think this stuff is gonna benefit them. But i think they've gone too far.

They're now down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 states. I guess they don't realize their ship is sinking. Continuing to alienate white folks, isn't gonna help them. Most Americans aren't buying into their Race-Baiting game anymore. Democrats should probably chill out. But i doubt they will. They embarked on this 'Divide & Conquer' strategy long ago. My guess is, they'll never let it go. They're gonna go down with the ship.
I'm afraid it's the Trumpsters (I hesitate to include all Republicans) that are dividing us now, led by their fearless leader in the White House. Calling Democrats the dividers is truly what's stupid. I agree they are becoming totally ridiculous in a lot of areas, but being inclusive is one of the few areas that I still can't fault them on.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

I want you to believe that you all will have influence over white identity in the future.

It will be that much sweeter when you realize just how powerless you are 20 years from now without the boomers protecting you.
Facts don't interest the Dems. They spread false dichotomies all the time.
I'm afraid it's the Trumpsters (I hesitate to include all Republicans) that are dividing us now, led by their fearless leader in the White House. Calling Democrats the dividers is truly what's stupid. I agree they are becoming totally ridiculous in a lot of areas, but being inclusive is one of the few areas that I still can't fault them on.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

I want you to believe that you all will have influence over white identity in the future.

It will be that much sweeter when you realize just how powerless you are 20 years from now without the boomers protecting you.

You have been systematically brought into your natural abilities in this society...why blame Blacks, women, Asiana, Hispanics and other for your innate failings???
I'm afraid it's the Trumpsters (I hesitate to include all Republicans) that are dividing us now, led by their fearless leader in the White House. Calling Democrats the dividers is truly what's stupid. I agree they are becoming totally ridiculous in a lot of areas, but being inclusive is one of the few areas that I still can't fault them on.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

I want you to believe that you all will have influence over white identity in the future.

It will be that much sweeter when you realize just how powerless you are 20 years from now without the boomers protecting you.

You have been systematically brought into your natural abilities in this society...why blame Blacks, women, Asiana, Hispanics and other for your innate failings???

I blame little white cucks in my generation and spoiled brat boomers for my situation.

Which is why everything will change when boomers are dying off in nursing homes and those little white cucks are struggling to maintain the dying institutions that their grandparents built and their parents squandered.

It will be open season on the inferior white leftist millennials.
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.

So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...
Can you idiot boomers just die off already?
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.


Guy...your straight jacket has slipped off...lol...
Her dying off isn't going to help the tiki race wimps gain any power in the country, go back and get a refund from Walmart....
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.

So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...

I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.
Her generation dying off means that the alt-right can easily overpower the pathetic remains of the white left. Not only in America, but in every western country(except possibly Britain, where the boomers are actually fairly cultured).

I could take 10 of you stick figure cucks at the same time by myself.

...and don't think your non-white thugs will come to save you either.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.

So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...

I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.

You do know that you have just outted yourself as one of the most pathetic losers on the internet...don't you???

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.

So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...

I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.

You do know that you have just outted yourself as one of the most pathetic losers on the internet...don't you???

Actually, you have outted yourself.

With a level playing field you would be a homeless nobody.

Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...

America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.

So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...

I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.

You do know that you have just outted yourself as one of the most pathetic losers on the internet...don't you???

Typical anti-Racist mouthing off, such vindictive snots.
Anti white?
And yet, many gays are white. And Hispanics. And Muslims. And Liberals. And Jews. And women. And sick and disabled. And College professors and scientists.

It's not white the Democrats don't like. It's racism and ignorance. Ignorance. You know, ignorance. Like when an ignorant person says Democrats are anti white? That's just ignorant. Something you are so familiar with.

Correct, there are whites that do vote Democrat. But the surrender first whites are changing their tune; at least those who are willing to acknowledge the truth.

And that truth is that the Democrats (As in the politicians) are hell bent on making whites a minority in this country. The smart ones have figured this out, the not so smart ones have not.
Why does it matter to you if whites are a majority or a minority in this country?
Are there any programs in this country that work to combat anti-white racism?

If the answer is "no", then you will know what the answer to your question is.
Please explain...
Without clearly defined ethics along racial lines, white people in America will be treated exactly like white people are treated in South Africa.

Which is far worse than any minority is treated in a western country today.
Thats not answering the question... Why does it matter if whites are a majority or minority in this country?

Are you trying to say that if whites are a minority the racism and oppression that you currently see whites being victims of will increase so you want to keep a majority so we can avoid that from happening?
Time for you to kick the habit...
Set your stupid clock back one hour ...America ain't gonna allow you degenerates to flourish much...
America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.
So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...
I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.
You do know that you have just outted yourself as one of the most pathetic losers on the internet...don't you???
Actually, you have outted yourself.

With a level playing field you would be a homeless nobody.
Actually, the losers like yourself walking around with make believe german torches aka Walmart tiki torches and crying about being replaced are the demonstrable losers...
Like I said, America knows how to keep weeds like you from getting out of hand...
Correct, there are whites that do vote Democrat. But the surrender first whites are changing their tune; at least those who are willing to acknowledge the truth.

And that truth is that the Democrats (As in the politicians) are hell bent on making whites a minority in this country. The smart ones have figured this out, the not so smart ones have not.
Why does it matter to you if whites are a majority or a minority in this country?
Are there any programs in this country that work to combat anti-white racism?

If the answer is "no", then you will know what the answer to your question is.
Please explain...
Without clearly defined ethics along racial lines, white people in America will be treated exactly like white people are treated in South Africa.

Which is far worse than any minority is treated in a western country today.
Thats not answering the question... Why does it matter if whites are a majority or minority in this country?

Are you trying to say that if whites are a minority the racism and oppression that you currently see whites being victims of will increase so you want to keep a majority so we can avoid that from happening?

Why does it matter if Chinese are a minority, or `majority in China their homeland?

Why don't you go support for them to become a minority in their lands too?
America has no problem with degenerates running amok, that is why the boomers were allowed to fuck everything up in the first place.

In the future degenerates will be lined up and shot.
So in essence, you want to kill off your betters in order to artificially elevate yourself into positions and status that you will have failed if based solely on your individual abilities...ok...
I want my inferiors to die off so that I am no longer hampered by a self destructive ideology

If you do not have pride in your culture, your heritage, your people etc, then you are in fact inferior mentally, physically and emotionally.

Inferiors in the media and academia have no business having any kind of power over anyone.
You do know that you have just outted yourself as one of the most pathetic losers on the internet...don't you???
Actually, you have outted yourself.

With a level playing field you would be a homeless nobody.
Actually, the losers like yourself walking around with make believe german torches aka Walmart tiki torches and crying about being replaced are the demonstrable losers...
Like I said, America knows how to keep weeds like you from getting out of hand...
You are mistaken.

I am the one behind the scenes destroying the spirit of our enemies and introducing new angles to the alt-right from which to attack you shitstains.

Boomer America is being crushed by tacticians like myself, while Europe is also being altered at the same time.

You will be replaced, not us.

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