Michelle Obama: GOP is "ALL MEN, ALL WHITE"...Is she racist or stupid?

If you aren't talking about "rights", then you aren't talking about "civil RIGHTS activists" either.

Try again.
Keep trying dude, I can barely hear you anymore :dig:
I know the idiots who you do listen to are just as inferior to me as you are.

Don't worry.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
Last edited:
The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.
There are far more racist blacks that are actually empowered to be racists.

You have been held back by literally dozens of black racists in your life, and you are too stupid to even realize it.
I'm not too worried about it. In general they have a much harder time in life than white people and face many more obstacles. Its shocking that you can't see that.
It is shocking how you don't see how mainstream anti-white racism actually is.

20 years from now some Francis Cress Welsing clone will get the Nobel Peace prize.
Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you?

Yes, I do deny it.

Some Whites experience prejudices in the U.S.

I've been prejudiced upon for being of a Polish heritage.

Apart from hearing routine dumb Polak jokes.

I've had more aggressive forms of it.

Like in my old gym, a guy shouted dumb Polak at me randomly, for wearing a Poland belt-buckle.

Like in the local Polish bar, where they bullied a Polish guy as being an illegal, and being "Too Polish to know better"

Like a German American friend I had, who I took to the local Polish bar, went on a tirade, saying how unfair it was his German family had to leave Polish territories post WW2, before telling me how could Polish run a bar, aren't they too Polish.
Keep trying dude, I can barely hear you anymore :dig:
I know the idiots who you do listen to are just as inferior to me as you are.

Don't worry.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you?

Yes, I do deny it.

Some Whites experience prejudices in the U.S.

I've been prejudiced upon for being of a Polish heritage.

Apart from hearing routine dumb Polak jokes.

I've had more aggressive forms of it.

Like in my old gym, a guy shouted dumb Polak at me randomly, for wearing a Poland belt-buckle.

Like in the local Polish bar, where they bullied a Polish guy as being an illegal, and being "Too Polish to know better"

Like a German American friend I had, who I took to the local Polish bar, went on a tirade, saying how unfair it was his German family had to leave Polish territories post WW2, before telling me how could Polish run a bar, aren't they too Polish.
wow man, i had no idea that the Polacks had it so rough, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. You should be able to wear whatever belt buckle you want, and I mean that!
The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you?

Yes, I do deny it.

Some Whites experience prejudices in the U.S.

I've been prejudiced upon for being of a Polish heritage.

Apart from hearing routine dumb Polak jokes.

I've had more aggressive forms of it.

Like in my old gym, a guy shouted dumb Polak at me randomly, for wearing a Poland belt-buckle.

Like in the local Polish bar, where they bullied a Polish guy as being an illegal, and being "Too Polish to know better"

Like a German American friend I had, who I took to the local Polish bar, went on a tirade, saying how unfair it was his German family had to leave Polish territories post WW2, before telling me how could Polish run a bar, aren't they too Polish.
wow man, i had no idea that the Polacks had it so rough, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. You should be able to wear whatever belt buckle you want, and I mean that!

Not any different than personal insults.
Calling someone stupid big nose, is about as offensive as dumb Polak.
I know the idiots who you do listen to are just as inferior to me as you are.

Don't worry.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).

Probably true that intelligence genes are diminishing, at least we know this is true for Iceland, I don't think it would be much different across much of the West.

There's simply nothing being done to stop stupid people from being propped up by Welfare to have as many kids as they like.

Is eugenics necessary? Icelandic study would suggest that.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).

Probably true that intelligence genes are diminishing, at least we know this is true for Iceland, I don't think it would be much different across much of the West.

There's simply nothing being done to stop stupid people from being propped up by Welfare to have as many kids as they like.

Is eugenics necessary? Icelandic study would suggest that.
That isn't really what I was referring to.

Regression to the mean is when your average or below average parents have a kid that is respectably intelligent, and then that kid has kids that are as dumb as the parents were.

In my case, my parents, uncles and grandparents were and are all very intelligent people, so even I and my cousins and siblings are still above average intelligence at the very least.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).
Ok so we figured out you are only superior to the people of todays society who have retarded great-grandparents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm gonna go do something more productive now like bang my head on a wall :banghead:
I thought we weren't supposed to see skin color, so which is it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).
Ok so we figured out you are only superior to the people of todays society who have retarded great-grandparents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm gonna go do something more productive now like bang my head on a wall :banghead:
I am willing to bet good money that your great-grandparents were retarded....

I am also willing to bet good money that Michelle's parents were retarded as well.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).
Ok so we figured out you are only superior to the people of todays society who have retarded great-grandparents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm gonna go do something more productive now like bang my head on a wall :banghead:
I am willing to bet good money that your great-grandparents were retarded....

I am also willing to bet good money that Michelle's parents were retarded as well.
My great grandfather was a Colonel doctor in the US Army during WW1. Thanks for playing though
You prove yet again that your mind is not capable of even basic logic.

If you were capable of basic logic you would realize that I am claiming that I am superior to society TODAY, while also clearly accepting that yesterday's society would chew me up and spit me out.

So many great philosophers and scientists that I couldn't hold a candle to if my life depended on it, and yet I stand tall among the media drones who can't even find their own country or state on a globe or an American map respectively.
ohh TODAY. You are only superior to TODAY's society but you have never claimed to be a superior being relative to history... OK got it. How stupid of me :cuckoo:
It is pretty simple actually. Regression to the mean means that guys like myself(who are already regressed to a much greater mean) come out on top over those who had retarded great-grandparents(which is an ever greater proportion of society).
Ok so we figured out you are only superior to the people of todays society who have retarded great-grandparents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm gonna go do something more productive now like bang my head on a wall :banghead:
I am willing to bet good money that your great-grandparents were retarded....

I am also willing to bet good money that Michelle's parents were retarded as well.
My great grandfather was a Colonel doctor in the US Army during WW1. Thanks for playing though
But your great-grandfathers(yes, you have 4 of them in total)on the other sides were worthless bums, and your great-grandmothers were no prizes either, right?

My grandfather on my mother's side just by himself was greater than most historical figures in the post 1900s society(despite losing his mother in an oven fire and becoming basically an orphan as a baby) . My step-grandfather on my dad's side was arguably equal to him. Every single person in my family line and family tree is remarkable or above average in a significant fashion. There is literally no way for anyone in my family to be dumb or uninfluential.
Isn't it important to have the most qualified do the job? How come the NBA & NFL "discriminate" against white people? Blacks make up 13% of the population, yet 74% of the NBA is black and 70% of the NFL is black.
Yes, best for the job is a fair requirement. Do you agree that it is important to support diversity in this country?

I fully support diversity to the most extent. I just don't make a liberal issue of it. I see beyond color. That said, I'm POSITIVE multi-culturism has contributed to A BUNCH OF PROBLEMS for the USA, and yes, including murder, mass-shootings etc. But somehow it's the gun's fault.
Isn't it important to have the most qualified do the job? How come the NBA & NFL "discriminate" against white people? Blacks make up 13% of the population, yet 74% of the NBA is black and 70% of the NFL is black.
Yes, best for the job is a fair requirement. Do you agree that it is important to support diversity in this country?

I fully support diversity to the most extent. I just don't make a liberal issue of it. I see beyond color. That said, I'm POSITIVE multi-culturism has contributed to A BUNCH OF PROBLEMS for the USA, and yes, including murder, mass-shootings etc. But somehow it's the gun's fault.
I agree that multiculturalism has lead to many problems but it has also lead to many incredible things that our country is uniquely known for. The problems arise from the ugly part of our society that feed discrimination, racism, bigotry, and demonization. But the other side of the coin is what many people appreciate about America.
Michelle Obama is right

GOP is the Christian white mans party

Given the fact that over 90% of blacks vote Democrat, is the Democrat party the black mans party?
Sorry dude, there is no room in the GOP for the KKK, the Aryan Nation, the Alt White and Black Americans. They know they aren't wanted. Along with gays and Muslims and scientists and, well, here is the list:

Gays are actually number 1 on the GOP "hate" list. This is the list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Oh, and don't forget the Nazi's. They are part of the core of the GOP. Along with the Alt White and their friends.

You can make that phony claim if you want, but there is some truth to it if you dig deep enough.

What you listed is why Whites are slowly understanding the Democrat party is the anti-white party.
Anti white?
And yet, many gays are white. And Hispanics. And Muslims. And Liberals. And Jews. And women. And sick and disabled. And College professors and scientists.

It's not white the Democrats don't like. It's racism and ignorance. Ignorance. You know, ignorance. Like when an ignorant person says Democrats are anti white? That's just ignorant. Something you are so familiar with.

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