Michelle Obama: GOP is "ALL MEN, ALL WHITE"...Is she racist or stupid?

I'd love to look at those numbers, can you provide them for me so I can see what you are talking about? Real numbers not an editorial article.
As Nieli puts it, “Being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white … equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1,600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310-point SAT advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points.”

“To have the same chance of gaining admission as a black student with a SAT score of 1100, a Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have 1230, a white student a 1410 and an Asian student a 1550.”

Read more at Bias and bigotry in academia
I ask for numbers and not an editorial so you post an editorial... :oops-28::wtf::trolls:

Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?
As Nieli puts it, “Being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white … equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1,600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310-point SAT advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points.”

“To have the same chance of gaining admission as a black student with a SAT score of 1100, a Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have 1230, a white student a 1410 and an Asian student a 1550.”

Read more at Bias and bigotry in academia
I ask for numbers and not an editorial so you post an editorial... :oops-28::wtf::trolls:

Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
Haha. Are you really trying to make the point that because we had a black president there is no need for civil rights activists to represent the black community? All the racial problems are solved? And then the icing on your stupidity, "whats are being oppressed"? Dude, get a clue. You are a joke
You can't name ONE right that blacks don't have in regards to every other group.

I can name several Constitutional amendments that are nearly nullified when it comes to their application when dealing with white citizens of this country.

The fact that you think "racial problems" are always about blacks and other non-whites, while at the same time you actually think I am a "joke" for even trying to steer that conversation towards white people just proves how right I am. Black people are privileged beyond your little imagination.
Im not talking about Rights. For you to suggest that shows that you aren't paying attention. Keep rolling with the Black privilege narrative and i'll keep laughing with the rest of America. Silly little boy.

It's better not to type and just let us "think" you're an idiot than to actually prove it by posting. If one is speaking about a "Civil Rights" activist by extension one is automatically speaking about "Rights".
Good lord.
You two Yahoos need some serious help.

Michelle Obama: Education Is Today’s Important Civil-Rights Issue

So you ARE talking about "Rights". Good, glad we got that settled.
Sure, whatever makes you happy
You can't name ONE right that blacks don't have in regards to every other group.

I can name several Constitutional amendments that are nearly nullified when it comes to their application when dealing with white citizens of this country.

The fact that you think "racial problems" are always about blacks and other non-whites, while at the same time you actually think I am a "joke" for even trying to steer that conversation towards white people just proves how right I am. Black people are privileged beyond your little imagination.
Im not talking about Rights. For you to suggest that shows that you aren't paying attention. Keep rolling with the Black privilege narrative and i'll keep laughing with the rest of America. Silly little boy.

It's better not to type and just let us "think" you're an idiot than to actually prove it by posting. If one is speaking about a "Civil Rights" activist by extension one is automatically speaking about "Rights".
Good lord.
You two Yahoos need some serious help.

Michelle Obama: Education Is Today’s Important Civil-Rights Issue

So you ARE talking about "Rights". Good, glad we got that settled.
Sure, whatever makes you happy

I can go on beating you about the head and shoulders (metaphorically of course) all night kid.
You can't name ONE right that blacks don't have in regards to every other group.

I can name several Constitutional amendments that are nearly nullified when it comes to their application when dealing with white citizens of this country.

The fact that you think "racial problems" are always about blacks and other non-whites, while at the same time you actually think I am a "joke" for even trying to steer that conversation towards white people just proves how right I am. Black people are privileged beyond your little imagination.
Im not talking about Rights. For you to suggest that shows that you aren't paying attention. Keep rolling with the Black privilege narrative and i'll keep laughing with the rest of America. Silly little boy.
If you aren't talking about "rights", then you aren't talking about "civil RIGHTS activists" either.

Try again.
Keep trying dude, I can barely hear you anymore :dig:
I know the idiots who you do listen to are just as inferior to me as you are.

Don't worry.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
I ask for numbers and not an editorial so you post an editorial... :oops-28::wtf::trolls:

Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.
Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.

That's worth less than an editorial like I posted, you've posted no such facts, this is merely your opinion.
Im not talking about Rights. For you to suggest that shows that you aren't paying attention. Keep rolling with the Black privilege narrative and i'll keep laughing with the rest of America. Silly little boy.

It's better not to type and just let us "think" you're an idiot than to actually prove it by posting. If one is speaking about a "Civil Rights" activist by extension one is automatically speaking about "Rights".
Good lord.
You two Yahoos need some serious help.

Michelle Obama: Education Is Today’s Important Civil-Rights Issue

So you ARE talking about "Rights". Good, glad we got that settled.
Sure, whatever makes you happy

I can go on beating you about the head and shoulders (metaphorically of course) all night kid.
If thats really what you think you are doing then your delusions are worse than I thought. But again, whatever makes you happy, I don't really give a shit how superior you fool yourself into thinking you are.
She was talking about elected Congressmen and Senators. And it's true. The Republican side of the house is almost all men and all white. There is far more diversity among Democrats.
Maybe because Democrats have established an anti-white coalition?
Or maybe because the GOP hates darkies?
Who are you to make such demands?

The article clearly does give such numbers, but it's not good enough for you princess?
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.
There are far more racist blacks that are actually empowered to be racists.

You have been held back by literally dozens of black racists in your life, and you are too stupid to even realize it.
Im not talking about Rights. For you to suggest that shows that you aren't paying attention. Keep rolling with the Black privilege narrative and i'll keep laughing with the rest of America. Silly little boy.
If you aren't talking about "rights", then you aren't talking about "civil RIGHTS activists" either.

Try again.
Keep trying dude, I can barely hear you anymore :dig:
I know the idiots who you do listen to are just as inferior to me as you are.

Don't worry.
Spoken like somebody who has a true superiority complex. Wish you could see how dumb you look from this side of the mirror.
On the contrary, I have never claimed I am a superior being. I frequently decry my mediocrity.

The problem is that society in general is becoming inferior to mediocrity on a grand scale.

I thrash morons like you because you are in fact a moron, not because I am a genius in any way, shape or form.
you not being a genius is very obvious. you show that in this last statement when you say that you've never claimed superiority, its just that society in general being inferior...

haha. Essentially you are saying the equivalent to this statement. I've never claimed to be the tallest person in the room, i'm just saying that everybody is shorter than me.

Fascinating how your mind works... really
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.

That's worth less than an editorial like I posted, you've posted no such facts, this is merely your opinion.
Which parts of my statement do you refute?
It's better not to type and just let us "think" you're an idiot than to actually prove it by posting. If one is speaking about a "Civil Rights" activist by extension one is automatically speaking about "Rights".
Good lord.
You two Yahoos need some serious help.

Michelle Obama: Education Is Today’s Important Civil-Rights Issue

So you ARE talking about "Rights". Good, glad we got that settled.
Sure, whatever makes you happy

I can go on beating you about the head and shoulders (metaphorically of course) all night kid.
If thats really what you think you are doing then your delusions are worse than I thought. But again, whatever makes you happy, I don't really give a shit how superior you fool yourself into thinking you are.

Kid, you're low hanging fruit. I never claimed to be "superior" to anyone. But you are clearly not suited for this discussion.
She was talking about elected Congressmen and Senators. And it's true. The Republican side of the house is almost all men and all white. There is far more diversity among Democrats.
Maybe because Democrats have established an anti-white coalition?
Or maybe because the GOP hates darkies?
You mean the only party that actually insists on color-blind policies?

Try again, moron.
Who am I? I'm a guy questioning your claims and asking for you to back them up with facts and not opinions. I can make up some numbers and put them on here or I can give verifiable stats to back up my claims. It all depends on how serious I want people to take me. You obviously don't want to be taken seriously.

I'm not saying you are wrong, you may very well be right... i'm just saying show some real stats that I can look at to see whats happening. Reading biased editorials is not going to get us anywhere. Is that were you get all your news from?

The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.
There are far more racist blacks that are actually empowered to be racists.

You have been held back by literally dozens of black racists in your life, and you are too stupid to even realize it.
I'm not too worried about it. In general they have a much harder time in life than white people and face many more obstacles. Its shocking that you can't see that.
The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.

That's worth less than an editorial like I posted, you've posted no such facts, this is merely your opinion.
Which parts of my statement do you refute?

Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence.

Your claim being that Blacks are oppressed.
But, thus far you have no evidence, no?
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.

That's worth less than an editorial like I posted, you've posted no such facts, this is merely your opinion.
Which parts of my statement do you refute?

Extraordinary claims take Extraordinary evidence.

Your claim being that Blacks are oppressed.
Do I need to copy and paste my last statement that started... "I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed..." or can you scroll up and re-read it?
The La Times says similar.

They must be lying too, though.
Paranoid much?

For Asian Americans, a changing landscape on college admissions
Not paranoid at all... just want to look at numbers. Have you not seen them?

What numbers do you have confirming anti-Black oppression?
I'd like to see a non-editorial proving it?

Unless you're just making up crap?
I don't think Blacks are necessarily oppressed. I think there are still factions of disgusting racists in this country, like yourself, thats something that they have to deal with that us white folks do not... you don't deny that do you? But other than that they are disproportionately burdened with a much larger rate of poverty, crime, and poor education, that other groups. They were oppress through the laws within our system until the 1960's which wasn't that long ago and there is still plenty of work to be done to right the ship.
There are far more racist blacks that are actually empowered to be racists.

You have been held back by literally dozens of black racists in your life, and you are too stupid to even realize it.
I'm not too worried about it. In general they have a much harder time in life than white people and face many more obstacles. Its shocking that you can't see that.

The book the Bell Curve would suggest that people with lower IQ's in general have a harder time in life.

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