Michelle Obama says we can TRUST her husband.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Michelle's stated: "I love that we can trust Barack to do what he says he's going to do, even when it's hard, especially when it's hard."

We TRUSTED Barack Obama with 878 billion dollars in economic stimulus (our money) that he promised would create millions of jobs in this country--than ended up creating jobs in China and a host of other foreign countries.

A war is emerging between Congress and the White House over high-profile stimulus programs that lawmakers claim aren't serving the American people.

Senate Democrats lashed out at the Obama administration on Wednesday, saying its stimulus wind energy program creates jobs overseas instead of in the U.S., and they're calling for the administration to put a stop to it.

"Today, we are demanding the Obama administration suspend this program immediately," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

The program has already spent $2 billion, funding enough projects to power 2.4 million homes. n investigation by ABC News and the Investigative Reporting Workshop found that 79 percent of the program's money has gone to foreign companies, money that Schumer said was "federal tax dollars, the stimulus, which was sold as jobs in America."
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

We TRUSTED Obama with our taxpayer dollars going into Solyndra and Finland's Fisker--that turned out to be nothing more than a political pay-back of big Obama campaign donors. Costing another 1 billion in taxpayer dollars.

SAN FRANCISCO — At an exclusive re-election fundraiser tonight, President Obama hobnobbed with 60 of his wealthiest supporters, including two figures at the center of the Solyndra loan controversy.

Steve Westly, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist, was one of the first to raise red flags about the administration’s support for a $500 million loan to Solyndra, the solar energy start-up that later went bankrupt. He wrote directly to senior Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett in 2010 to raise concerns about the company’s viability ahead of the president’s high-profile visit that year.

Matt Rogers, a former senior adviser at the Department of Energy, played a key role in approving Solyndra’s loan as part of the stimulus plan.
Both men were spotted by White House print pool reporter Darren Samuelsohn of Politico at the Piedmont, Calif., home of Quinn Delaney and Wayne Jordan, who were hosting the $35,800-a-head event.
Obama Fundraises With Players in Solyndra Scandal - ABC News

With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work.
Vice President Joseph Biden heralded the Energy Department’s $529 million loan to the start-up electric car company called Fisker as a bright new path to thousands of American manufacturing jobs. But two years after the loan was announced, the job of assembling the flashy electric Fisker Karma sports car has been outsourced to Finland. Fisker Automotive, is funded by a venture capital firm whose partners include former Vice President Al Gore.
Obama Administration Gave Half-Billion-Dollar Loan to Al Gore-Connected Electric Car Company Fisker to Build in Finland | TheBlaze.com

How can anyone TRUST a President that does that--with another 4 years?

Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.
Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.

You underestimate the stupidity of the uninformed voter :)
Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.

That's the point exactly. How do you trust a President who spends your money into oblivion--that created jobs in China--Finland and for political paybacks to HIS campaign donors?

Obama had trust--and he's lost it--and he deserves to have lost it. He did it to himself.
She said you can't measure success by how much money you make.

Hilarious that Republicans mock that sentiment but claim to follow "Jesus". Makes you wonder what it is they think they are following, right?

Right wingers will see that as an attack they don't understand. Liberals will say, "I know".
Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.

You underestimate the stupidity of the uninformed voter :)

Amen! You're living proof.
Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.

Hmmm.. let's see.....

4 years ago, we were fighting two costly wars, the economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month, the stock market crashed, Wall Street had to be rescued with a $700 billion bailout, the auto industry was on the verge of collapse, and color-coded terror alerts reminded us of the lingering threat of Osama Bin Laden.

Under President Obama, we've ended the war in Iraq, created 4.5 million new jobs, doubled the Dow Jones Industrial Average, generated record profits for the auto industry, and taken out Osama Bin Laden. And that's to say nothing of health care reform, financial reform, repealing of DADT, signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.......

Seems to me Obama kept his promises.
She said you can't measure success by how much money you make.

Hilarious that Republicans mock that sentiment but claim to follow "Jesus". Makes you wonder what it is they think they are following, right?

Right wingers will see that as an attack they don't understand. Liberals will say, "I know".

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your willingness to share it with the rest of us. There is no wisdom in the quote that you are obviously enamored with.

Success is measured in relationship to the goal desired. If making money is the goal, and one is attaining that goal, then one is successful. If gaining political power is the goal, then one's success is measured by how well one is doing in that regard. If the goal is fixing the American economy, and therefore ensuring jobs, then Obama is an absolute failure.
She said you can't measure success by how much money you make.

Hilarious that Republicans mock that sentiment but claim to follow "Jesus". Makes you wonder what it is they think they are following, right?

Right wingers will see that as an attack they don't understand. Liberals will say, "I know".

No one is suggesting anyone measure success by how much money they make. But on the flip-side you don't ATTACK success in this country because of the measure of someone's wealth either. And that is exactly what the Obama reelection campaign is doing--they are attacking Mitt Romney because of his wealth.

It might interest you to know that Mitt Romney not only donated all of his fathers inheritance to charity--but he also donated the 1.4 million he made during the 3 years he was managing the Utah Winter Olympic games. Now that's what I call SUCCESS.

Romney was chosen by Utah figures looking for someone with expertise in business and law and with connections to the state and the LDS Church.[148] The appointment faced some initial criticism from non-Mormons, and fears from Mormons, that it represented cronyism or gave the Games too Mormon an image.[41] Romney and his wife contributed $1 million to the Olympics, and he donated to charity the $1.4 million in salary and severance payments he received for his three years as president and CEO.[152]

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now compare Romney's success to our community organizer's---:badgrin::badgrin:

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Are these people living in another Reality? She acts like he is the New guy, not the Incumbent with 4 years of Record to Defend. Trust is Earned, I doubt anyone who was not already going to Vote for Obama is going to be won over by her Insisting we can Trust her Husband, despite the last 4 years of Broken Promises and "Evolving" Positions.

You underestimate the stupidity of the uninformed voter :)

Amen! You're living proof.

Well after all of the post--what is it--that you feel you can trust Obama with?

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