Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I'd post the #DetroitLeaks Youtube but it's just gong to disappear, so why bother. If you want here is an MP4 you can watch. This kicks it up a notch. Intimidation of witnesses. Judges really REALLY don't like that because now you are effing with THEM.

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

In an egregious attempt to silence a reporter and witness for the Trump legal team, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sent a letter to a reporter threatening “criminal prosecution” if he did not remove an audio of a poll worker training session, in which the instructor tells workers to interfere with mail-in ballot watchers’ legal prerogatives to challenge mail-in ballots. The audio evidence, if authenticated, directly supports allegations being made in Trump’s Michigan lawsuits, of election interference.
Intimidation or attempted intimidation of a witness in a federal case is a felony. The audio has come to be known as the #DetroitLeaks.

Mail-in ballot processes and procedures have taken center stage in this election, as Trump was leading in almost all key swing states until mail-in ballots began to be counted, and in some states huge batches came out a mathematically impossible 100% for Biden..

The Trump campaign has charged, in multiple lawsuits including one filed today, that mail-in ballot challengers in Michigan were not allowed to do their jobs, by being told to stand six feet away from poll workers and ballots so that they could not discern the markings.

The Trump legal team is now asking the court to block certification of the results,

On the first lawsuit filed last Wednesday, and since dismissed, MLive reported:

“The lawsuit…alleges some election trainers have explicitly told workers they should keep challengers 6 feet away and to call 911 if they don’t oblige.”​
In the #DetroitLeaks audio, asked by trainees what to do if any of the observers challenge the rules or process, the instructor says more than once to call police at 911 and have them removed.

As can be heard in the audio and as reported in Big League Politics, the instructor says:

“9-1-1. They got standards. They got conduct standards. They make a scene, get them up out of there. Call the police on them,”​
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away, even if they are wearing masks. From that distance, it would be impossible for anyone except those with the keenest eyesight to discern the ballots, which is the prerogative of ballot challengers.

As reported in Big League Politics, and as can be heard in the audio:

“In a response to a question, the instructor said that the Trump supporters are coming to primarily challenge absentee ballots during election day.”​
“They’re coming. I don’t know if they’re coming to every precinct, but they’re coming to many of them in the city, yes. We have already gotten word. The state has already said they’re coming,” the trainer said.”​

The Michigan AG, through a letter signed by an Assistant Attorney General, Danielle Hagman-Clark, demanded the reporter pull the audio down from the Internet or face criminal prosecution, image below. The letter has been authenticated by Reason Magazine.


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The SCOTUS probably doesn't want to have to make the call, but it's looking more and more like they are going to have to intervene. The justice systems in several states have clearly gone off the rails in this election.
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away,
You Trump Nazis need to get your lies straight. In another thread Trump Nazis claimed they had to be 100 feet away.
Interesting, why wasn't whatever law was supposedly broken actually cited in the letter? They don't even bother to justify their censorship.
All this sore loser butthurt will never amount to anything lol. Biden will be inaugurated and nothing can stop it. Clearly, you people have been the snowflakes all along.
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away,
You Trump Nazis need to get your lies straight. In another thread Trump Nazis claimed they had to be 100 feet away.
You’re are the real Nazis and pol pots of the world
You censor the news
You block the first amendment
You are the gods of propaganda
You’re the enemies of humanity!!!
All this sore loser butthurt will never amount to anything lol. Biden will be inaugurated and nothing can stop it. Clearly, you people have been the snowflakes all along.
Blue gin called you butthead billy..

LMFAO you can never live it down..
I'd post the #DetroitLeaks Youtube but it's just gong to disappear, so why bother. If you want here is an MP4 you can watch. This kicks it up a notch. Intimidation of witnesses. Judges really REALLY don't like that because now you are effing with THEM.

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

In an egregious attempt to silence a reporter and witness for the Trump legal team, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sent a letter to a reporter threatening “criminal prosecution” if he did not remove an audio of a poll worker training session, in which the instructor tells workers to interfere with mail-in ballot watchers’ legal prerogatives to challenge mail-in ballots. The audio evidence, if authenticated, directly supports allegations being made in Trump’s Michigan lawsuits, of election interference.
Intimidation or attempted intimidation of a witness in a federal case is a felony. The audio has come to be known as the #DetroitLeaks.

Mail-in ballot processes and procedures have taken center stage in this election, as Trump was leading in almost all key swing states until mail-in ballots began to be counted, and in some states huge batches came out a mathematically impossible 100% for Biden..

The Trump campaign has charged, in multiple lawsuits including one filed today, that mail-in ballot challengers in Michigan were not allowed to do their jobs, by being told to stand six feet away from poll workers and ballots so that they could not discern the markings.

The Trump legal team is now asking the court to block certification of the results,

On the first lawsuit filed last Wednesday, and since dismissed, MLive reported:

“The lawsuit…alleges some election trainers have explicitly told workers they should keep challengers 6 feet away and to call 911 if they don’t oblige.”​
In the #DetroitLeaks audio, asked by trainees what to do if any of the observers challenge the rules or process, the instructor says more than once to call police at 911 and have them removed.

As can be heard in the audio and as reported in Big League Politics, the instructor says:

“9-1-1. They got standards. They got conduct standards. They make a scene, get them up out of there. Call the police on them,”​
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away, even if they are wearing masks. From that distance, it would be impossible for anyone except those with the keenest eyesight to discern the ballots, which is the prerogative of ballot challengers.

As reported in Big League Politics, and as can be heard in the audio:

“In a response to a question, the instructor said that the Trump supporters are coming to primarily challenge absentee ballots during election day.”​
“They’re coming. I don’t know if they’re coming to every precinct, but they’re coming to many of them in the city, yes. We have already gotten word. The state has already said they’re coming,” the trainer said.”​

The Michigan AG, through a letter signed by an Assistant Attorney General, Danielle Hagman-Clark, demanded the reporter pull the audio down from the Internet or face criminal prosecution, image below. The letter has been authenticated by Reason Magazine.


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What are ya gonna believe? Your lying ears
I thought it was already banned from YouTube

Spread it far and wide

I'd post the #DetroitLeaks Youtube but it's just gong to disappear, so why bother. If you want here is an MP4 you can watch. This kicks it up a notch. Intimidation of witnesses. Judges really REALLY don't like that because now you are effing with THEM.

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

In an egregious attempt to silence a reporter and witness for the Trump legal team, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sent a letter to a reporter threatening “criminal prosecution” if he did not remove an audio of a poll worker training session, in which the instructor tells workers to interfere with mail-in ballot watchers’ legal prerogatives to challenge mail-in ballots. The audio evidence, if authenticated, directly supports allegations being made in Trump’s Michigan lawsuits, of election interference.
Intimidation or attempted intimidation of a witness in a federal case is a felony. The audio has come to be known as the #DetroitLeaks.

Mail-in ballot processes and procedures have taken center stage in this election, as Trump was leading in almost all key swing states until mail-in ballots began to be counted, and in some states huge batches came out a mathematically impossible 100% for Biden..

The Trump campaign has charged, in multiple lawsuits including one filed today, that mail-in ballot challengers in Michigan were not allowed to do their jobs, by being told to stand six feet away from poll workers and ballots so that they could not discern the markings.

The Trump legal team is now asking the court to block certification of the results,

On the first lawsuit filed last Wednesday, and since dismissed, MLive reported:

“The lawsuit…alleges some election trainers have explicitly told workers they should keep challengers 6 feet away and to call 911 if they don’t oblige.”​
In the #DetroitLeaks audio, asked by trainees what to do if any of the observers challenge the rules or process, the instructor says more than once to call police at 911 and have them removed.

As can be heard in the audio and as reported in Big League Politics, the instructor says:

“9-1-1. They got standards. They got conduct standards. They make a scene, get them up out of there. Call the police on them,”​
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away, even if they are wearing masks. From that distance, it would be impossible for anyone except those with the keenest eyesight to discern the ballots, which is the prerogative of ballot challengers.

As reported in Big League Politics, and as can be heard in the audio:

“In a response to a question, the instructor said that the Trump supporters are coming to primarily challenge absentee ballots during election day.”​
“They’re coming. I don’t know if they’re coming to every precinct, but they’re coming to many of them in the city, yes. We have already gotten word. The state has already said they’re coming,” the trainer said.”​

The Michigan AG, through a letter signed by an Assistant Attorney General, Danielle Hagman-Clark, demanded the reporter pull the audio down from the Internet or face criminal prosecution, image below. The letter has been authenticated by Reason Magazine.


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The AG needs to be charged with Felony Intimidation.

OH: Yikes! State Department Precedent Qualifies This 2020 Election as ‘Rigged.’

State Department’s website we can see for ourselves that the Ukrainian elections were rife with suspicious activity including illegal use of absentee ballots, poll watchers being ejected, unrealistic voter turnouts, and more:

  • Illegal Use of Absentee Ballots: According to the respected NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” (CVU), massive electoral fraud was committed through the illegal use of absentee voter certificates. For example, people were caught in Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy oblasts with their pockets stuffed with blank absentee ballots that they were using to vote at multiple polling stations.​
  • Opposition Observers Ejected: Observers from Our Ukraine and other opposition groups were expelled from most polling stations in eastern Ukraine on Election Day. For example, in Territorial Election Commission (TEC) district number 42 in Donetsk oblast, Our Ukraine observers were kicked out of all but a few polling stations.​
  • North Korean-Style Turnout in the East: Turnout in the pro-Yanukovych eastern oblasts was unnaturally high. In several electoral districts, turnout for the run-off round increased by 30 to 40 percent over the first round. In Luhansk oblast, the reported turnout rate hit nearly 96 percent — a number that, to quote the OSCE, even Stalinist North Korea would envy. A similar turnout rate was reported in Donetsk oblast, where 98 percent of the votes went to hometown candidate Prime Minister Yanukovych.​
  • Mobile Ballot Box Fraud: In the second round of the election, the number of voters who supposedly cast ballots at home using mobile ballot boxes was double that of the first round. Much of this voting occurred without observers being present and was massively fraudulent. In Mykolayiv oblast, for example, nearly 35 percent of the oblast’s voters purportedly cast their ballots “at home.”​
  • Computer Data Allegedly Altered To Favor Yanukovych: There were credible reports showing that that Yanukovych supporters gained illegal access to the Central Election Commission’s computer system and illegally altered vote tabulation data being transmitted by TECs to the CEC.​
  • Reports of Opposition Fraud: Yanykovych’s supporters allege that Yushchenko’s supporters stuffed ballot boxes in western Ukraine. But the reports and evidence of pro-Yanukovych fraud greatly outweighed those indicated for Yushchenko.​
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away,
You Trump Nazis need to get your lies straight. In another thread Trump Nazis claimed they had to be 100 feet away.
You’re are the real Nazis and pol pots of the world
You censor the news
You block the first amendment
You are the gods of propaganda
You’re the enemies of humanity!!!
I'd post the #DetroitLeaks Youtube but it's just gong to disappear, so why bother. If you want here is an MP4 you can watch. This kicks it up a notch. Intimidation of witnesses. Judges really REALLY don't like that because now you are effing with THEM.

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

Michigan AG Attempts Felony Intimidation of #DetroitLeaks Witness in Trump Federal Lawsuit on Mail-In Ballot Challengers

In an egregious attempt to silence a reporter and witness for the Trump legal team, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has sent a letter to a reporter threatening “criminal prosecution” if he did not remove an audio of a poll worker training session, in which the instructor tells workers to interfere with mail-in ballot watchers’ legal prerogatives to challenge mail-in ballots. The audio evidence, if authenticated, directly supports allegations being made in Trump’s Michigan lawsuits, of election interference.
Intimidation or attempted intimidation of a witness in a federal case is a felony. The audio has come to be known as the #DetroitLeaks.

Mail-in ballot processes and procedures have taken center stage in this election, as Trump was leading in almost all key swing states until mail-in ballots began to be counted, and in some states huge batches came out a mathematically impossible 100% for Biden..

The Trump campaign has charged, in multiple lawsuits including one filed today, that mail-in ballot challengers in Michigan were not allowed to do their jobs, by being told to stand six feet away from poll workers and ballots so that they could not discern the markings.

The Trump legal team is now asking the court to block certification of the results,

On the first lawsuit filed last Wednesday, and since dismissed, MLive reported:

“The lawsuit…alleges some election trainers have explicitly told workers they should keep challengers 6 feet away and to call 911 if they don’t oblige.”​
In the #DetroitLeaks audio, asked by trainees what to do if any of the observers challenge the rules or process, the instructor says more than once to call police at 911 and have them removed.

As can be heard in the audio and as reported in Big League Politics, the instructor says:

“9-1-1. They got standards. They got conduct standards. They make a scene, get them up out of there. Call the police on them,”​
In the training session audio which Attorney General Nessel seeks to squelch, the trainer can be heard warning the trainees of conservative legal challengers to mail-in ballots, and telling the trainees to keep them six feet away, even if they are wearing masks. From that distance, it would be impossible for anyone except those with the keenest eyesight to discern the ballots, which is the prerogative of ballot challengers.

As reported in Big League Politics, and as can be heard in the audio:

“In a response to a question, the instructor said that the Trump supporters are coming to primarily challenge absentee ballots during election day.”​
“They’re coming. I don’t know if they’re coming to every precinct, but they’re coming to many of them in the city, yes. We have already gotten word. The state has already said they’re coming,” the trainer said.”​

The Michigan AG, through a letter signed by an Assistant Attorney General, Danielle Hagman-Clark, demanded the reporter pull the audio down from the Internet or face criminal prosecution, image below. The letter has been authenticated by Reason Magazine.


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What are ya gonna believe? Your lying ears
I thought it was already banned from YouTube

Spread it far and wide

Assuming recording is true---this "instructor" needs to be publically flogged and hanged.

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