Michigan School Shooter's parents James and Jennifer Crumbley get 10-15 year sentences

Just as others should be held accountable for providing guns to young kids, or making straw purchases for them. And not all young criminals purchase or steal their guns. At least 15% of them obtained them from a family member.

"In 1993 and 1994, the ATF conducted more than 3,800 traces of firearms recovered from juveniles. In most cases, juveniles were charged with weapons offenses, such as illegal possession of a firearm.20 Of the total firearms recovered, 2,700 were involved in incidents that resulted in charges of weapons violations.21 The ATF also found that 205 of these weapons were used in assaults, 199 in homicides, 156 in incidents involving narcotics, 98 in robberies, 46 in burglaries, and 13 in sexual assaults.22

In 712 followup trace investigations conducted from November 1993 through June 1994 to determine the source of firearms recovered from juveniles, the ATF found that 27 percent of the juveniles had been given firearms by individuals other than parents or guardians and 22 percent had obtained firearms in burglaries or other thefts.23 The investigations also found that 16 percent of the juveniles had purchased their firearms on the street and 15 percent had taken firearms from their homes.24 The ATF was unable to determine how juveniles secured firearms in the remaining 20 percent of the traces.

Juveniles who commit violent crimes involving firearms frequently use stolen guns. The ATF found that 32 percent of firearms used by juveniles in committing violent crimes were taken in burglaries and other thefts, 25 percent were obtained by juveniles from persons other than parents or guardians, and 21 percent were purchased on the street.25"

Juveniles and Firearms: A Closer Look
I worked with juveniles for over 20 years. So like I said, if the parents buy the guns, then they should be held accountable. You and the other racusts just want to see wholesale harrassment and imprisonment of blacks and that's just not something thats going to be allowed to happen. Don't buy your kids guns for chritsmas or for their birthdays..
Since that is not really what's happening, I'll let you wallow in your little white racist delusion.

Apparently you don't spend much time in your old neighborhoods, homie. :laughing0301:

I guess the longer one lives in quiet, gated, suburban communities, the more they become out of touch with their own roots.
Apparently you don't spend much time in your old neighborhoods, homie. :laughing0301:

I guess the longer one lives in quiet, gated, suburban communities, the more they become out of touch with their own roots.
You're wrong white ---. Seems that the longer you live in white gated communities watching fox news all day, the more delusional you get.
OK, this story was about white parents who irresponsibly purchased guns for a white child who then shot up a bunch of people in a school. So for all you who preach to others about taking responsibility for behavior, STFU about blacks and take responsibility for the behavior of those white parents.
Denouncement via wish is just more denial and avoidance of the realities of responsibility. You abide by neither
How many women have you impregnated that you never married and don’t live with?
Over/under says 3
OK, this story was about white parents who irresponsibly purchased guns for a white child who then shot up a bunch of people in a school. So for all you who preach to others about taking responsibility for behavior, STFU about blacks and take responsibility for the behavior of those white parents.
Tantrum ignored
80% family abandonment rate by impregnating black males. No need to get up in arms and deny because you all just Love the wandering nomad spreading his seeds. You all are So Clueless to the responsibility of raising non mayhem children
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Tantrum ignored
80% family abandonment rate by impregnating black males. No need to get up in arms and deny because you all just Love the wandering nomad spreading his seeds. You are So Clueless to the responsibility of raising non mayhem children
The tantrum is from you racists tryiing to shift the topic. There is no 80 percent family abandonment rate and that has nothing to do with these white parents irresponsibly buying their children guns. Nor does it have anything to with the 40,000 suicides whites commit each year, many of those occuring with handguns.
When 40,000 whites are killing themselves each year, I don't think a white man should be asking me whether black lives matter.
The old forgotten inconvenient fact reality that whites comprise 7X blacks in population. . Always trying to fudge fact numbers and always fumbling that into wishes and feelings
The tantrum is from you racists tryiing to shift the topic. There is no 80 percent family abandonment rate and that has nothing to do with these white parents irresponsibly buying their children guns. Nor does it have anything to with the 40,000 suicides whites commit each year, many of those occuring with handguns.
80% no dad children and a frazzled multiple mates woman. Wish thought and responsibility did not suck so bad for you. Society would benefit greatly
The tantrum is from you racists tryiing to shift the topic. There is no 80 percent family abandonment rate and that has nothing to do with these white parents irresponsibly buying their children guns. Nor does it have anything to with the 40,000 suicides whites commit each year, many of those occuring with handguns.

Geez dude, why so angry? No black people were even harmed in the making of that shooting.

The old forgotten inconvenient fact reality that whites comprise 7X blacks in population. . Always trying to fudge fact numbers and always fumbling that into wishes and feelings
Thats not an old inconvenient fact, it is a bs excuse. Whites committed @10 times the number of suicides blacks did. Furthermore if the numbers were the same a lot of problems we have would no longer exist.
Geez dude, why so angry? No black people were even harmed in the making of that shooting.

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Then start talking about the irresponsble white parents who bought a child a gun for a holiday present instead of this whining. And don't be the white --- angry about ---- he made up asking a black person with legit reasons to be anrgy about why we are angry.
Geez dude, why so angry? No black people were even harmed in the making of that shooting.

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This guy is enraged that so many thinkers can make it in this world and are happy about it
Most liberalism is anti uplifting of people and instead want to bring the achievers down to the failing level of most lib loons. All in the name of fairness and virtue

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