Michigan School Shooter's parents James and Jennifer Crumbley get 10-15 year sentences

That's a fact! Something is severely wrong with the way parents are bringing up their children. My own parents divorces when I was young and even though I have access to as many guns and much ammunition as I wanted, I never ever thought about shooting anyone, or shooting at anything that shouldn't be shot at. My Dad reloaded his own ammunition and had 10 kids from two marriages. Not a single one of his kids ever got into any kind of trouble that involved a firearm.

A "Right" family!

Thanks for sharing this uplifting story.

Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements
America 2.0

So Joe Biden should be charged in conjunction with Hunters gun felony, right?
This is an attempt to intimidate parents into fearing to buy their children a gun. People who love their 2nd. amendment insist that children should own their own guns at six years of age. But be supervised when using their guns until the child is at lleast 8 years old. Child size AR's are made for exactly that purpose!

Sometimes 2Aguy and 14Shooter just get it right!

Hand guns were used, what law allows a child to own a handgun?

You're in over your head, sit down
Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements
If the young violent criminals parents buy them the guns, then yes, they should be held to account.

Time to track down the father of every teenage gang wannabe who kills other teens in an attempt to be part of a male-headed quasi-family because dad was not around to teach him how to be a man without shooting people up.

10 - 15 sounds right since this a crime of negligence rather than malice or greed.

If dad cannot be found because mom lost track of her fuckbuddies, then she can serve the time for her own negligence in who she invited to knock her up.
Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements
No, not all parents

Just these particular shitbags
If the young violent criminals parents buy them the guns, then yes, they should be held to account.
So, having babies with multiple men, letting them run the streets, often starting at preteen and neglecting them to the point that they seek “family“ life elsewhere even at the price of murdering other young people in their neighborhood is fine with you?

As long as they never stop at Academy and buy a handgun?
If the young violent criminals parents buy them the guns, then yes, they should be held to account.

Just as others should be held accountable for providing guns to young kids, or making straw purchases for them. And not all young criminals purchase or steal their guns. At least 15% of them obtained them from a family member.

"In 1993 and 1994, the ATF conducted more than 3,800 traces of firearms recovered from juveniles. In most cases, juveniles were charged with weapons offenses, such as illegal possession of a firearm.20 Of the total firearms recovered, 2,700 were involved in incidents that resulted in charges of weapons violations.21 The ATF also found that 205 of these weapons were used in assaults, 199 in homicides, 156 in incidents involving narcotics, 98 in robberies, 46 in burglaries, and 13 in sexual assaults.22

In 712 followup trace investigations conducted from November 1993 through June 1994 to determine the source of firearms recovered from juveniles, the ATF found that 27 percent of the juveniles had been given firearms by individuals other than parents or guardians and 22 percent had obtained firearms in burglaries or other thefts.23 The investigations also found that 16 percent of the juveniles had purchased their firearms on the street and 15 percent had taken firearms from their homes.24 The ATF was unable to determine how juveniles secured firearms in the remaining 20 percent of the traces.

Juveniles who commit violent crimes involving firearms frequently use stolen guns. The ATF found that 32 percent of firearms used by juveniles in committing violent crimes were taken in burglaries and other thefts, 25 percent were obtained by juveniles from persons other than parents or guardians, and 21 percent were purchased on the street.25"

Juveniles and Firearms: A Closer Look
So, having babies with multiple men, letting them run the streets, often starting at preteen and neglecting them to the point that they seek “family“ life elsewhere even at the price of murdering other young people in their neighborhood is fine with you?

As long as they never stop at Academy and buy a handgun?
It’s generally a litter of kittens mode of operation
80% impregnated male not married to woman and not living at same address.
Half of those cannot determine who the dad is and thus the child never knows either. Then do it several more times.
So, having babies with multiple men, letting them run the streets, often starting at preteen and neglecting them to the point that they seek “family“ life elsewhere even at the price of murdering other young people in their neighborhood is fine with you?

As long as they never stop at Academy and buy a handgun?
Since that is not really what's happening, I'll let you wallow in your little white racist delusion.

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