Michigan School Shooter's parents James and Jennifer Crumbley get 10-15 year sentences

Not really. Not when you consider this:

The United States has used reparations—targeted initiatives intended to concretely repair a harm against a person or persons resulting from the collective action of others—as a means of acknowledging and atoning for its role in other atrocities, including the internment of Japanese Americans and the forced removal and destruction of six indigenous communities: the Ottawas of Michigan, the Chippewas of Wisconsin, the Seminoles of Florida, the Sioux of South Dakota, the Klamaths of Oregon, and the Alaska Natives.*

These are just a few reparations that have been paid out during your lifetime.

1970: Richard Nixon signed into law House Resolution 471 restoring Blue Lake and surrounding area to the Taos Pueblo (New Mexico). The land had been taken by presidential order in 1906. (A History of the Indians in the United States by Angie Debo (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984, p. 422); see also "Taos Pueblo celebrates 40th anniversary of Blue Lake's return" by Matthew van Buren, Santa Fe New Mexican, September 18, 2010.)

The payments from 1971-1988 are taken from the booklet Black Reparations Now! 40 Acres, $50 Dollars, and a Mule, + Interest by Dorothy Benton-Lewis; and borrowed from N’COBRA (National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America).

1971: Around $1 billion + 44 million acres of land: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

1974: A $10 million out-of-court settlement was reached between the U.S. government and Tuskegee victims, black men who had been unwitting subjects of a study of untreated syphilis, and who did not receive available treatments. (“The Tuskegee Timeline”, CDC, updated March 2, 2020.)

1980: $81 million: Klamaths of Oregon. ("Spending Spree" by Dylan Darling, Herald and News (Klamath Falls, OR), June 21, 2005.)

1980: $105 million: Sioux of South Dakota for seizure of their land. (United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980).)

1985: $12.3 million: Seminoles of Florida. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

1985: $31 million: Chippewas of Wisconsin. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

1986: $32 million per 1836 Treaty: Ottawas of Michigan. (see Racial Justice in America: A Reference Handbook by David B. Mustard, 2002, ABC-CLIO, p. 81.)

2016: The U.S. government reached a settlement of $492 million with 17 Native American tribes to resolve lawsuits alleging the federal government mismanaged tribal land, resources, and money. (“U.S. Government To Pay $492 Million To 17 American Indian Tribes” by Rebecca Hersher, NPR, September 27, 2016.)

2018: The Supreme Court, in a 4-4 deadlock, let stand a lower court's order to the state of Washington to make billions of dollars worth of repairs to roads, where the state had built culverts below road channels and structures in a way that prevented salmon from swimming through and reaching their spawning grounds, that had damaged the state’s salmon habitats and contributed to population loss. The case involved the Stevens Treaties, a series of agreements in 1854-55, in which tribes in Washington State gave up millions of acres of land in exchange for "the right to take fish." Implicit in the treaties, courts would later rule, was a guarantee that there would be enough fish for the tribes to harvest. Destroying the habitat reduces the population and thus violates these treaties. This decision directly affects the Swinomish Tribe. ("A Victory For A Tribe That’s Lost Its Salmon" by John Eligon, The New York Times, June 12, 2018.)

When you don't know about a topic do not offer your opinion until you do the research so that you know that your opinon is valid. Yours is ignorant and it is based on lack of knoweldge to go along with your racist hatred.
Long commentary lists are unimpressive and indicative of lack of original thought.
When black parents buy their kid a gun for a holiday present and that kid uses it to murder a bunch of people then I will demand that those parents be put in prison. So you just need to shut up with these false equivalences and trying to make this about blacks.

Because you don't see any black Kyle Rittenhouses.
The loaded gun they provide is family abandonment
That's a fact! Something is severely wrong with the way parents are bringing up their children. My own parents divorced when I was young and even though I have access to as many guns and much ammunition as I wanted, I never ever thought about shooting anyone, or shooting at anything that shouldn't be shot at. My Dad reloaded his own ammunition and had 10 kids from two marriages. Not a single one of his kids ever got into any kind of trouble that involved a firearm. Hell, I was even purchasing my own guns through mail order catalogs at the age of 16.
Cool humble brag story that has zilch to do with Mom and Dad going down for 10-15, for getting a gun for their kid. You probably don't see the long term implications of this trial, but I do.

Hey kids, get a job and buy your own gun. Ma 'n Pa would, but they're scared to do it now.
But no problem if single Mothers know about it, guns stored in the APT. Boyfriends involved in it...whatever? It's ok in that case? 4000/yr shot in CHI city limits and it ain't by suburb whites using parental purchased guns. Of that I can assure you.
I’d say the boyfriend could join the Crumbleys in prison. But it’s not up to me.
It is obvious that many on here are not at all concerned about providing consequences for neglecting one’s child, but only providing consequences for firearm purchases.

This is very similar to Democrats who claim they want to punish employers, as a way to stop illegal immigration. They don’t want to stop legal immigration, they just see punishing employers, as a way to punish the rich.
And don’t let your kids become psychopaths who shoot up their school.

Like these?

You are spot on however... If a parent gave the car keys to a kid who is obviously drunk and he kills someone those parents would be prosecuted... at least here in AZ....
Parenting has never been worse off... some are very good at it but others suck at it and probably should have never had a baby in the first place....
Blaming the Individual and Not the Collectivization
This is an attempt to intimidate parents into fearing to buy their children a gun. People who love their 2nd amendment insist that children should own their own guns at six years of age, but be supervised when using their guns until the child is at least 8 years old. Child size ARs are made for exactly that purpose!

Sometimes 2Aguy and 14Shooter just get it right!
Once Again, Your Satire Sat Tired
Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements
Let me guess, this will only apply to white parents.

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