Middle aged man attacked by stranger for no reason in Miami


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Doubt it will make any sort of national news. I wonder why.

Any guesses?
Any guesses?
Its a mystery

the old man is hispanic

Race hustlers like obama and the lib news demonize white people

but unless the black guy thinks the old man is a white hispanic motives for the attack are difficult to surmise
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"News" like this is how the fascist leaders keep their authoritarian-follower lackeys hysterical, terrified and obedient. Very obedient.
The question is, where do the “ fascist leaders” find such talented black face makeup artists to make white guys appear to be black?

Ho hum. Another day, another Republican caught with child porn.

If we go by the standards set by Trump cultists here, all Republicans approve of that. I reject those standards, of course, but they are the standards of the Trump cult here.

Ho hum. Another day, another Republican caught with child porn.

If we go by the standards set by Trump cultists here, all Republicans approve of that. I reject those standards, of course, but they are the standards of the Trump cult here.
That kind of thing enhances a democrat’s political future.
What does it have to do with a young black male assaulting an apparent stranger?
That kind of thing enhances a democrat’s political future.

Yet it's always Republicans getting caught with the child porn.

And by your side's logic, since you're a Republican, you support everything any Republican does.

What does it have to do with a young black male assaulting an apparent stranger?

Just pointing out your hypocrisy, as usual.

I'm also pointing out how your side is the target of an organized propaganda campaign to keep the betas hysterical and obedient. There's nothing like it on the left, because propaganda doesn't work on the left.
"News" like this is how the fascist leaders keep their authoritarian-follower lackeys hysterical, terrified and obedient. Very obedient.

I'm not "terrified" or "hysterical" at all, and I appreciate the story.

Tells me to stay aware of approaching African American youths when pedestrianing in major cities.

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