Middle Class Taxpayers Will Abandon Our Once Fine Cities...


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
… Because they won't be able to afford the tax increases that are inevitable. Defunding the police won't solve what decades of Democrat governance have wrought.


Just say no to federal funding for rebuilding cities where rioting, looting, burning, and murder, have recently run rampant this was not a natural disaster.


Businesses are going to leave too, if and when it becomes feasible. And not only that, but new businesses won't be starting up either, they'll be going elsewhere, to smaller towns and cities. It's going to take some very smart people with some very good ideas to pull our big cities out of the hole they have dug for themselves, and it ain't going to happen that fast. I think tough times are acomin'.
... It's going to take some very smart people with some very good ideas to pull our big cities out of the hole they have dug for themselves, and it ain't going to happen that fast. I think tough times are acomin'.
Yeah, at least for our Dem governed cities & states (and that was my point).
… Because they won't be able to afford the tax increases that are inevitable. Defunding the police won't solve what decades of Democrat governance have wrought.

Doesnt matter. This is why leftists dont like Federalism and push for Federal control of everything. You can flee to wherever you like but they will still levy backbreaking taxes on you to buy votes in these Democrat shitholes.

If those middle class that are contemplating leaving are progressive liberals they should stay where they're at and fix their mess.

We don't want them.


"When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe."

Thomas Jefferson

Jefferson was on to something here.

And yes, if you want a plague ridden pile of kindling ready to go up in flames like New York City, you are an advocate of these mega cities.

All major cities are cesspools of Progressive corruption.
… Because they won't be able to afford the tax increases that are inevitable. Defunding the police won't solve what decades of Democrat governance have wrought.

Tough to say, these clowns will give their "tighten you belts and everyone pull together" speeches. The ignorant always eat that up.
High taxes, filth, overcrowdedness, dangerous streets and high costs of living are just a few of the bad things about these liberally run cities. Why the hell would anyone want to put up with that shit?
High taxes, filth, overcrowdedness, dangerous streets and high costs of living are just a few of the bad things about these liberally run cities. Why the hell would anyone want to put up with that shit?
The monumentally STUPID Dem lemmings not only put up with it, they vote for it!! In fact, in the words of Princess Pelosi, they are so STUPID they would vote for a glass of water as long as it has a big "D" on it.
In many cities there may be homes that are less then the burbs. But the costs after are, or can be more. If people at least in adjoining neighborhoods to where riots took place are not thinking, then they are fools. This is becoming habitual. And it is a Prog tactic as they love chaos to make new rules and laws up.

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