Midterm results don't really bother me much

Make up your mind first you teabaggers attacked me for being rude and making sexual insults, and now you claim you intended it all along. It must be hard for a teabagger having to change their claims every few minutes.

I didn't "attack" you at all -- I corrected your erroneous statement in bold above.
You're welcome.

Your silly little article about how the teabaggers started and what they claim to be committed to forgot to mention that their big April 15 rally was organized and funded by the AFP, if you aren't clear on who they are, they were started by the Koch's and have been funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. They bought a rag tag group that probably was committed to those "core values" and turned them into a propaganda machine for the Koch's. The right wing doesn't even know what ethics are, much less have any.

Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.
I didn't "attack" you at all -- I corrected your erroneous statement in bold above.
You're welcome.

Your silly little article about how the teabaggers started and what they claim to be committed to forgot to mention that their big April 15 rally was organized and funded by the AFP, if you aren't clear on who they are, they were started by the Koch's and have been funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. They bought a rag tag group that probably was committed to those "core values" and turned them into a propaganda machine for the Koch's. The right wing doesn't even know what ethics are, much less have any.

Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
Make up your mind first you teabaggers attacked me for being rude and making sexual insults, and now you claim you intended it all along. It must be hard for a teabagger having to change their claims every few minutes.

I didn't "attack" you at all -- I corrected your erroneous statement in bold above.
You're welcome.

Your silly little article about how the teabaggers started and what they claim to be committed to forgot to mention that their big April 15 rally was organized and funded by the AFP, if you aren't clear on who they are, they were started by the Koch's and have been funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. They bought a rag tag group that probably was committed to those "core values" and turned them into a propaganda machine for the Koch's. The right wing doesn't even know what ethics are, much less have any.

Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?

this must be the teabaggers he's talking about
Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally
Uploaded on Jan 13, 2011
The funeral - memorial service for Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone turns into a Democrat political rally.
Your silly little article about how the teabaggers started and what they claim to be committed to forgot to mention that their big April 15 rally was organized and funded by the AFP, if you aren't clear on who they are, they were started by the Koch's and have been funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. They bought a rag tag group that probably was committed to those "core values" and turned them into a propaganda machine for the Koch's. The right wing doesn't even know what ethics are, much less have any.

Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.
Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.

Are you homophobic? I thought gay was okay, and stuff.
No, actually the name was the tea party or tea party patriots. It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us. The funny part is your party is so stupid that calling us the tea baggers, mean that our opponents are the ones that get tea bagged. Lol, and actually it shows that you really don't care about morality, because you know kids will eventually ask the question. What does it mean to be teabagged?

Check the headline on this tea party prop from March 30, 2009.

Or this tea party sign from a month earlier (2/27):


--- or this article from no less a Conservative voice than National Review:

>>> According to the website of the Tea Party Patriots, the movement is committed to three “core values”: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. <<
The revisionist history dog don't hunt.

Make up your mind first you teabaggers attacked me for being rude and making sexual insults, and now you claim you intended it all along. It must be hard for a teabagger having to change their claims every few minutes.
So... I see we have another flaming progtard here that's fixated with having a ball sack dropped in his mouth.

I haven't seen this much childish crap since the playground in the 5th grade. That's only part of the reason everybody says teabaggers are really dumb.
No, you say teabagger because you love your boyfriend to drop his big, saggy, sweaty nut sack in your fag cock sucking hole on your face, because you see the "everybody" you refer to is all you homo loving progtards, and all your twisted, sick adoration and support of a disgusting, perverted, mentally ill, sexually deviant life style.

You won't get any breaks here, jerk off. You're just another common, garden variety, run of the mill leftist that's somehow found your way here, to whine and cry and bitch because America just kicked you and all your progtard buddies and your radical boi king's agenda to the curb. Better get used to it, because after the kenyan gets done fucking things up with his megalomaniac narcissism for the next two years, you filthy teabagging loving faggots won't see power for another 50 years.

What ever you say teabagger.
You mean like they did when the right wing was on the news every night for months talking about oral sex?
Was fox on the air back then? It was liberal president that lied under oath about a simple blow job that made it a world wide sensation. If Clinton would've just told the truth, it wouldn't been as big as it became. Also I remember liberals telling everyone including kids a blow job, isn't really sex. Which with kids a Lewinsky became popular. Thanks again for proving liberals don't have a moral bone in your bodies.

Whoa, hold up.
Are you saying blowjobs are immoral?

If I remember correctly Gingrich was heading the right wing outrage while screwing around on his wife who was in the hospital with cancer. Sure. That's really the moral high ground, isn't it?

And John Edwards took a page out of his book.
Lets not forget ole Jesse was cheating himself while consoling Clinton. A democrat reverend.

The point wasn't whether any of them were cheating. The point was that cheating while condemning another for the same thing you are doing is hypocritical. and dishonest. The right is so good at both those things.
Check the headline on this tea party prop from March 30, 2009.

Or this tea party sign from a month earlier (2/27):


--- or this article from no less a Conservative voice than National Review:

>>> According to the website of the Tea Party Patriots, the movement is committed to three “core values”: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. <<
The revisionist history dog don't hunt.

Make up your mind first you teabaggers attacked me for being rude and making sexual insults, and now you claim you intended it all along. It must be hard for a teabagger having to change their claims every few minutes.
So... I see we have another flaming progtard here that's fixated with having a ball sack dropped in his mouth.

I haven't seen this much childish crap since the playground in the 5th grade. That's only part of the reason everybody says teabaggers are really dumb.
No, you say teabagger because you love your boyfriend to drop his big, saggy, sweaty nut sack in your fag cock sucking hole on your face, because you see the "everybody" you refer to is all you homo loving progtards, and all your twisted, sick adoration and support of a disgusting, perverted, mentally ill, sexually deviant life style.

You won't get any breaks here, jerk off. You're just another common, garden variety, run of the mill leftist that's somehow found your way here, to whine and cry and bitch because America just kicked you and all your progtard buddies and your radical boi king's agenda to the curb. Better get used to it, because after the kenyan gets done fucking things up with his megalomaniac narcissism for the next two years, you filthy teabagging loving faggots won't see power for another 50 years.

What ever you say teabagger.
Get your boyfriend's balls out of your mouth so I can understand you, fag.
I didn't "attack" you at all -- I corrected your erroneous statement in bold above.
You're welcome.

Your silly little article about how the teabaggers started and what they claim to be committed to forgot to mention that their big April 15 rally was organized and funded by the AFP, if you aren't clear on who they are, they were started by the Koch's and have been funded with hundreds of millions of dollars. They bought a rag tag group that probably was committed to those "core values" and turned them into a propaganda machine for the Koch's. The right wing doesn't even know what ethics are, much less have any.

Yeah I know all about that, and the Dick Armey, and have posted on them for years.

Your statement was, and I quote, "It was the democrats that came up with tea baggers, trying to demean us". And that's bullshit, and I proved it.

If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?

this must be the teabaggers he's talking about
Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally
Uploaded on Jan 13, 2011
The funeral - memorial service for Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone turns into a Democrat political rally.

"Our politics are our deepest form of expression: they mirror our past experiences and reflect our dreams and aspirations for the future." Paul Wellstone
Funerals are intended to celebrate and remember the lives of the deceased. It was right and proper for his funeral to represent a call to what he dedicated his life to. If his family didn't feel it was a proper funeral, it would have been conducted in a different way. The funeral was not hijacked as you seem to imply, but was planed and conducted in a manner that his loved ones thought was most suited to honor him. You really think it's the place of a bunch of disgruntled teabaggers to criticize the choices of a grieving family and friends as they say a final good by? Typical right winger hypocrite.
If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.

Are you homophobic? I thought gay was okay, and stuff.

No, but obviously you are. You don't have to be gay to support equal rights for everyone though. This isn't about whether or not I'm gay. This is about you trying to shed the name of teabagger. Call me what ever you want, because that is no different than you always do. Make unfounded and demeaning claims. That is completely expected as well. Nothing will remove the fact that you are a teabagger, with all the crazy hateful mental problems that implies. As always, when you wonder why you are looked upon as really dumb, go back and read some of your posts.......That's why.
Make up your mind first you teabaggers attacked me for being rude and making sexual insults, and now you claim you intended it all along. It must be hard for a teabagger having to change their claims every few minutes.
So... I see we have another flaming progtard here that's fixated with having a ball sack dropped in his mouth.

I haven't seen this much childish crap since the playground in the 5th grade. That's only part of the reason everybody says teabaggers are really dumb.
No, you say teabagger because you love your boyfriend to drop his big, saggy, sweaty nut sack in your fag cock sucking hole on your face, because you see the "everybody" you refer to is all you homo loving progtards, and all your twisted, sick adoration and support of a disgusting, perverted, mentally ill, sexually deviant life style.

You won't get any breaks here, jerk off. You're just another common, garden variety, run of the mill leftist that's somehow found your way here, to whine and cry and bitch because America just kicked you and all your progtard buddies and your radical boi king's agenda to the curb. Better get used to it, because after the kenyan gets done fucking things up with his megalomaniac narcissism for the next two years, you filthy teabagging loving faggots won't see power for another 50 years.

What ever you say teabagger.
Get your boyfriend's balls out of your mouth so I can understand you, fag.

I'll bet you thought that would be a great zinger, didn't you. Well, I guess it was, considering the teabagger who made it. Nobody expects much in the way of intellectual ability from your little group anyway, so good for you.
If I actually typed that, it was obviously a typo. I have always and continue to contend teabaggers claimed that name, and were very proud of it until somebody told them what it meant. It has always been hilarious, and since they have become embarrassed by that name it's convenient to mention in response to the endless demeaning things the right wing says about the left on a continuous basis. I would be interested to know exactly where you think you found the quote you attribute to me. I doubt I actually accidentally wrote that, but I'm sure you can point out which post it was in.

The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.

Are you homophobic? I thought gay was okay, and stuff.
Don't really care, just don't want it shoved in my face.
The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.

Are you homophobic? I thought gay was okay, and stuff.
Don't really care, just don't want it shoved in my face.

I'm sure having things shoved in your face is a constant concern for many teabaggers.
I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)


Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

The link is after each and every one of those comments, i.e. (Source: Congressional Quarterly)

The term 'Voted With' is accepted by all but the brain dead as meaning bills that Obama also proposed and/or supported.
Which are all moderate-conservative bills and positions. Obama is no Liberal, no matter what your boyfriend Sean says.

There wasn't a BILL mentioned in my response. If you are saying that 96% of the bills Obama proposed or backed were moderate-conservative, you have finally lost it.
Kagen can't vote on bills that are only 'proposed or backed'. Only the ones that McConnell agrees to let come to the floor.

How many of those were Liberal?
I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)


Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

The link is after each and every one of those comments, i.e. (Source: Congressional Quarterly)

The term 'Voted With' is accepted by all but the brain dead as meaning bills that Obama also proposed and/or supported.
Which are all moderate-conservative bills and positions. Obama is no Liberal, no matter what your boyfriend Sean says.

There wasn't a BILL mentioned in my response. If you are saying that 96% of the bills Obama proposed or backed were moderate-conservative, you have finally lost it.
The talking point here is "Obama is a centrist." I suppose compared to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders he might be.
Well, duh. Of course.

Just like Rob Portman is a centrist compared to Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
I just checked that first one and here is what I found. If Hagan is a 'blue dog' Democrat, I will eat my computer.

"Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2013.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2012

Hagan Voted With Obama 90% Of The Time In 2011.

Hagan Voted With Obama 95% Of The Time In 2010.

Hagan Voted With Obama 96% Of The Time In 2009."

(Source: Congressional Quarterly)


“The president is always welcome to come to North Carolina and campaign with me.” -Kay Hagan (Associated Press, 3/21/14)

“I continue to work with the president and meet with him regularly.” -Kay Hagan (The Chronicle, 3/26/14)

“Harry Reid is our leader, and I certainly do support Harry. And I have a huge race going on right now, and I will be victorious. And I will be back next year. And we can talk all about that then.” -Kay Hagan (Politico, 4/3/2014)


Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

The link is after each and every one of those comments, i.e. (Source: Congressional Quarterly)

The term 'Voted With' is accepted by all but the brain dead as meaning bills that Obama also proposed and/or supported.
Which are all moderate-conservative bills and positions. Obama is no Liberal, no matter what your boyfriend Sean says.

There wasn't a BILL mentioned in my response. If you are saying that 96% of the bills Obama proposed or backed were moderate-conservative, you have finally lost it.
Kagen can't vote on bills that are only 'proposed or backed'. Only the ones that McConnell agrees to let come to the floor.

How many of those were Liberal?

You got me there. Hagan voted for every bill that was voted on in the Senate that Obama proposed or backed. How many of those were conservative? LOL
The Teabaggers, weren't they the floor show at the last DNC convention?
No, it would probably more like the people that support your party.View attachment 33982

My party? Aren't we supposed to be like, you know, all stuffy stuffed shirts, and stuff?
No, the queer party, and the sexual misfits.

Are you homophobic? I thought gay was okay, and stuff.

No, but obviously you are. You don't have to be gay to support equal rights for everyone though. This isn't about whether or not I'm gay. This is about you trying to shed the name of teabagger. Call me what ever you want, because that is no different than you always do. Make unfounded and demeaning claims. That is completely expected as well. Nothing will remove the fact that you are a teabagger, with all the crazy hateful mental problems that implies. As always, when you wonder why you are looked upon as really dumb, go back and read some of your posts.......That's why.

I don't belong to a TEA Party, nor do I fear homosexuality, but don't let that get in the way of a good rant. It's fun to watch.

Obama doesn't vote, so I don't know what they are using to measure that.

The link is after each and every one of those comments, i.e. (Source: Congressional Quarterly)

The term 'Voted With' is accepted by all but the brain dead as meaning bills that Obama also proposed and/or supported.
Which are all moderate-conservative bills and positions. Obama is no Liberal, no matter what your boyfriend Sean says.

There wasn't a BILL mentioned in my response. If you are saying that 96% of the bills Obama proposed or backed were moderate-conservative, you have finally lost it.
Kagen can't vote on bills that are only 'proposed or backed'. Only the ones that McConnell agrees to let come to the floor.

How many of those were Liberal?

You got me there. Hagan voted for every bill that was voted on in the Senate that Obama proposed or backed. How many of those were conservative? LOL
Why would a Democratic president propose or back a conservative bill? Did you criticize Bush for not proposing Liberal bills? Of course not.

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